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Spiderman 2 news (PICS)


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Yotsuba & Benjamin!
10:42 / 01.07.04
O. M. F. G.

That was such a god damned exhilarating movie. Better than the first one by leaps and bounds, stylistically extravagant and an awesome villain with no lame ass costume in sight.

But the coup de grace, the moment I knew I was in oh so capable hands was









When Raimi rocked that amazing freeze frame in the "My Life As Peter Parker Is So Great Now" montage? My friend and I looked at each other dumb struck, guffawing our asses off. I seriously cannot believe anyone had the balls to do something that goofily hilarious in a Summer Action Blockbuster.

Also, Chappelle's Show's Donnell "Ashy Larry" Alexander is always an excellent choice for a walk on cameo. I only wish he'd gone "WhhoooOOOO!" as Spider-Man flew by.
Also, that elevator sequence.
Also, that whole opening sequence.

Damn it that was such a great film.
11:09 / 01.07.04
Weirdly attracted to Molina now...

Me too! Aieeee. I wish he'd stayed in that white undershirt for the whole film ... I might've ended up in a grinning heap on the floor.


Saw this last night and SWEET JEBUS it was fantastic. So exciting! Doc Ock and Peter both so tragic, chock full of angst. Except for Doc's little "Khaaaan!" wake-up moment in the hospital there, which was a bit cheese for me. For some reason I would've been much happier if he'd just started crying like a little girl.

Mary Jane kissing AstroJameson Junior upside down - my first thought was that she'd developed some kind of kink, like Mina Murray asking to be bitten during sex in *LOEG Vol 2*. :: snicker ... nobody else in the theater is laughing, uh-oh ... ceases to snicker ::

The Happy Peter freeze-frame - brilliant!

I'm not as up on my SpideyLore as I'd like to be - is Henry Jackson from across the street anyone in the comics?
11:14 / 01.07.04
Also what rocked: the fact that the background music in the "Doc Ock and Mrs. Ock happy happy love talk" scene was Schubert's *The Trout*, because I've been listening to it recently and got all squealy when I recognized it in the movie. Yeeee! Go, spotting stuff!
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
11:28 / 01.07.04
A couple of my friends were also wondering about Mr. Jackson. I don't think he is anyone (which makes it weird that they focused so strongly on him). They're probably setting him up to be Venom or something in Spider-Man 5 when John Jameson comes back from space with the black costume instead of being a werewolf like in the comics.

Yes, I have a Palantir and can see into the future.
Foust is SO authentic
13:35 / 01.07.04
I guess we can just assume this is a spoiler thread now?

Yeah, it was a fun action movie. Lots of laughs. The elevator scene was class.

The three little soliliquays were just annoying, though. They seemed lazy. Harry's "I have nothing left... must kill Spiderman" and Parker's... shoot, I forget Parkers.

I was really disapointed with Doc Ock, post evil surgury awakening. When it was clear he wasn't crazy just yet, I expected him to try and kill himself, or something, and the tenticles would repeatedly stop him, as they worked their way into his mind, corrupting him.

It was also annoying the way Spidey and Doc Ock's bodies repeatedly walked away from poundings that by rights should have killed or crippled either one of them.

I think this one was basically much more comic booky than the last. Less realistic, for the above and other reasons.

The fight scenes were cool, and like I said, it was a hilarious movie.

My favourite scene was the anorexic girl with the chocolate cake.
16:48 / 01.07.04

Absolutely loved the Evil Dead 4/Doc Ock Awakens scene. Classic Raimi. Where's Ash when you need him? Oh yes, guarding the theater door.

Spidey saving the people on the train was the best comics movie sequence ever filmed. I cried at the shot of all the hands grabbing him and pulling him in. Cried.

Freeze-frame happy Pete almost made me shoot my wad.

Doc Ock at the end was great.

Aunt May rocked!!! She kept her cool quite nicely up there. Loved how once she had her quiet realization when she heard Spidey yell, she decided to hit Doc Ock upside the head.

James Franco was created in a lab, right? How can anyone be so sickeningly beautiful?

And the elevator. It just doesn't get any better.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
17:16 / 01.07.04
I wasn't feeling the whole carrying maskless Spider-Man until I "got it" when the one guy says he's no older than his own son. That's when I pert near lost it. I can't really think of any other sequence, maybe even in the comics, that so wordlessly captured what "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility" really means, and how much Peter really sacrifices for us shlubs.

I also loved how the movie relentlessly undercut the tropes it so trickily promised to cash in on:
- When the train passengers stand up to Doc Ock and summarily and literally pushed aside.
- When Mary Jane is going to take matters into her own hands and is summarily stripped of weaponry and tossed into a corner.
The movie was so conscious of itself and, thus, so fucking enjoyable.

Also, big ups to the tentacle design. I don't know or care who did what but that was freakin' SEAMLESS. And they sold it with little things; Cigar, Hat, Scotch; so when they do big things, you are FREAKED.
18:14 / 01.07.04
This movie was PERFECT. And it was stupid things like the elevator and Pete walking down the street enjoying his "new" life and then tripping. It was that little kid saying, "we won't tell no body." it was Aunt May, and it was Mary Jane saying, "Go get'em, Tiger."

I love how nothing ever went right for Peter Parker and yet EVERYONE's got his back when shit get's really tough.

This movie should've been called Amazing...
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:31 / 01.07.04
Totally. Especially because it'll really suck to have to see "Spider-Man 5" down the road when we could have been enjoying Amazing, Spectacular, Web Of, Peter Parker, etc. They're just cooler titles.

Like it matters, though.
Spyder Todd 2008
19:00 / 01.07.04
This movie was PERFECT.
Exactly. This freaking was the comic book. All the campy fun mixed with depressing life screw ups... it was Spider-Man. And it didn't have to take fight scenes straight out of the comic to be cool (as much fun as it was, we didn't really need to see Amazing 122 again during the first one) The Spider-Man: No More elements were great, but it was much more subdued than the Brooklyn Bridge fighting.

Oh. And Doc Ock being scarry and cool. And continuosly beating the shit out of Spider-Man. That's right. You know you like it.
20:17 / 01.07.04
Saw it three times. I need to stop. It get's better each time though, in that "I really like these characters/I want to see more" kinda way.
Question. Time to start dissecting the movie a bit. The scene with the Landlord's daughter eating cake with Peter. I like the scene alot, I just like it because it's simple and it just shows people interacting --- However, there is some sort of subtext there --- So what is it? It's obvious she has a crush on Peter, but the scene is meant to display something, all I have is my own speculation. What about you guys. what do you think.
20:20 / 01.07.04
Saw this last night and I have to agree I dug it a lot. That's how you make a sequel. Take the characters in a logical, sequential fashion. Not rocket science, Hollywood.

There were some goofy 'thought bubble' monologues Peter and Harry kept doing to no one in particular that bothered me but skipping that, the train rescue and the conclusion between MJ and Peter's blues song life was very well done. "Go get 'em, tiger" indeed.

And Aunt May. Rosemary Harris deserves a medal along with Molina for bringing some serious acting muscle to the film. Her whole speech about heroes could very well have been cliched filler crap. But damn if she didn't pluck heartstrings for me when she pulled it off.

So on to fanboy speculation...









What do you think Harry's look will end up as? Hopefully they won't completely clone Greenie's Power Rangers costume for the next flick.
20:23 / 01.07.04
So what is it? It's obvious she has a crush on Peter, but the scene is meant to display something, all I have is my own speculation.

Yeah. I find that a bit odd too. There was also some subtext with Peter and Betty Brant when she's talking to him about the advance. Does the landlord's daughter have any comics history connection?
22:11 / 01.07.04
I think, and I'm just guessing here, the landlord's daughter is supposed to be a nod to Gwen.

And God, I hope they don't bring back the Power Rangers look for Harry. And did anyone notice that Alex Ross completely ignored the Goblin in costume in his opening?
23:52 / 01.07.04
It's a cute scene regardless. But I know there is a reason for showing it.
10:13 / 02.07.04
Not seen it yet (still waiting in the UK) but am MUCHLY looking forward to it.

Is it just me, or is there something wonderful about the fact that Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi, both famed for low-budget horror movies (and, in my deluded moviegoer's romantic world, People Like Us), are now raking it in? It kind of negates EVERY TIME someone's looked at me like I'm a moron when I say Evil Dead is one of the greatest movies of all time.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
10:44 / 02.07.04
The scene with the girl is really nothing more than that scene at the end of Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix with that girl no one likes. She's just a stand in for Joe and/or Jane Average, as Peter rarely has anyone in his life he doesn't have intense feelings of guilt, love, or loathing towards. He needed to have cake with someone who was just sweet and kind that he could relax around.

Or she's Black Cat.
12:27 / 02.07.04
Okay. I was figuring that was what it may have been. I just wanted someone else's opinion. It's a nice scene however.
17:24 / 02.07.04
I thought it was silly, shallow, boring, emotionally cheap, predictable, unengaging. Its plot was Power Rangers level drivel. They're not fucking even *trying*.

The only good thing was Molina, both pre and post accident. He was really charming and life-like. Very nice touch of having the big physicist genius saying he could not understand T. S. Eliot. I got really pissed that he had to die in the end.

Somehow I get the sense I would have enjoyed this film more if it was only Otto Octavius, Rosie and Parker, having tea and talking; Octavius would give occasional guidance on various aspects of Parker's love life etc. It would have been magic, I tell you.
17:56 / 02.07.04
It would've sucked!
Mr Tricks
18:38 / 02.07.04
Doc Oc should've tied Peter up and spent 20 minutes just whipping him with is tenticles . . . okay maybe not.

I sort of liked how all these beautiful young women where devoting all sorts of attention to this geek Parker... yet he couldn't quite see it; blinded by the burden of being spiderman.

I did enjoy how the movie included so many Doc Oc moments, visually & plot wise. I also liked the broad charactor arc of Mary Jane though she played Damsel in distress a bit much.

What do you think Harry's look will end up as? Hopefully they won't completely clone Greenie's Power Rangers costume for the next flick.

In my dream pt 3 Harry hires Dr. Conner to modify the performance enhancer. This results first in THE LIZARD (harry, loosing it tests it on Dr. Conner) then a revised version gives us a semi-reptilian HOBGOBLIN... Ya hear me SAMMI!!!?
Foust is SO authentic
15:04 / 03.07.04
What was there to like about Mary Jane? Her character arc was pretty dumb. The whole "other guy" plotline was utterly fake. She clearly had no interest in the guy, but agreed to marry him, and waited until the wedding day to change her mind. She's clearly a fairly unbalanced and deceitful individual.
D Terminator XXXIII
15:15 / 03.07.04
What a dull, dumb movie.

12:31 / 04.07.04
"What was there to like about Mary Jane? Her character arc was pretty dumb. The whole "other guy" plotline was utterly fake. She clearly had no interest in the guy, but agreed to marry him, and waited until the wedding day to change her mind. She's clearly a fairly unbalanced and deceitful individual"

You obviously have never dated a girl who had a boyfriend but liked you more. It's a chick thing. In their mind it's not deceitful, they just don't want to hurt anybody.
22:52 / 04.07.04
I just would like to add that I think that any father or mother - specifically any father or mother who's never touched a comic book (the marojity, *those ones*, those who don't give a tiny ferret's wiggling ass about comic books) but had the time to watch en passant a, say, five minutes long clip of a Power Rangers episode while changing the diapers of their small children - who watched this film and saw the amount of praise it is receiving could reasonably think: "fuck... occasionally, this country eats shit up."
03:22 / 05.07.04
I'm assuming you mean, eat shit up in a bad way. But I'm glad people are taking to it. It's very anti-summer blockbuster in it's storytelling methods. Good times. And the fact Farneheit 9 11 was the #1 movie the previous week, kinda says something about how our country does entertainment. Everybody needs a little escapist fun with their social issues.
wicker woman
06:15 / 05.07.04
I thought it was silly, shallow, boring, emotionally cheap, predictable, unengaging. Its plot was Power Rangers level drivel. They're not fucking even *trying*.

Care to elaborate before I dismiss your comments as being contrary for the sake of it? Because see, if it was that unengaging for you, I'm wondering how you also picked up on it being "silly, shallow, boring, and emotionally cheap"... obviously, it was engaging you on some level if you picked up on all that.
08:46 / 05.07.04
I'm not liking that the villains are fucking dying at the end of each film. This isn't Batman for God's sake. One of the things comics learned fast was keeping the villain alive in some fashion so they could come back and have more story to tell. I'm telling you, Harrygoblin better survive Spider-man 3...
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
09:03 / 05.07.04
anyone else hear they CAN'T use venom?

Another studio has the rights. Artisan, I believe.
Lord Morgue
11:18 / 05.07.04
Woah, no Venom? Huh, that's a bit like Charles Band trying to grab Dr. Doom off the Fantastic Four movie for his Iron Man film. Thankfully, that was never made, considering the dog's breakfast he made of Dr. Strange(Ahem)- I mean Dr. Mordrid. "Without my amulet I can't do anything. But I can still cast spells."


Hmm, so, who's nabbed Venom and for what? Are they trying a solo project with no Spidey in the origin? Oh, surely now that Sam is God, he can just smite them down with heavenly force.
12:35 / 05.07.04
MC 900ft Bjork:

No, no, please feel free to disagree with me. That was my basal reaction to a piece of work that didn't do it for me in any level whatsoever - I don't have to "prove" anything - unless you really wanted it, but please, let's not do this. You liked it, cool...
14:34 / 05.07.04
Someone's nabbed Venom for a Venom film a while back that never got maybe... but I'm sure Marvel's got it's lawyers out trying to rescue Venom just in time for his cinematic début after the Harry/Goblin and Lizard (which would be what... Spiderman 5?)

And I don't know that Doc Ock is dead... the arms could have easily retaken control after an unconscious Otto hit ocean bottom and quickly crawled out of there saving his life.
15:15 / 05.07.04
Blech...I for one don't want to see Venom in the films. There's so many great Spidey villains to choose from, and a crappy early-90s alien monster isn't one of them.
18:28 / 05.07.04
OK, I finally saw this. And really loved it.

Let me chime in on many things people are discussing here.

1) >> Loved how once [Aunt May] had her quiet realization when she heard Spidey yell, she decided to hit Doc Ock upside the head.

Anyone else get the sense that May recognized Peter's voice when he saved her and knows he's Spidey? I felt a subtext in her 'we need heroes' speech -- I saw a glint in her eye that she knows, or has a strong suspicion, and isn't telling.

2) I too found my eyes welling up with tears for most of the movie - partly at the touching scenes, partly cause of the thing when you cry cause you're just so happy that something you're watching is so good!

3) The cute but too-thin blonde next door and her cake scene: I don't think this is intended to be Gwen at all (but I can see why people think she might be a nod to her), but I think her and the cake scene is (as an earlier poster mentioned) about someone appreciating Peter, just 'getting' him and being there to support him. A nice simple, normal moment amidst the chaos of his life, with someone who likes him and appreciates him.

And I think she was also there - along with the cute giggling girls on the street checking Peter out during the 'happy Peter/Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' sequence - to show that women dig Peter despite his geekiness, and he's sort of oblivious to that (as a previous poster also already mentioned). I think it was also to show that although MJ is the one for him, there are others who see something special in him in some small way.

3) Is the "Mr. Jackson across the street" you're mentioning the Hungarian or whatever angry landlord who's always demanding rent? I didn't get a sense that he was supposed to be someone from the comics.

4) I thought Jameson's sudden change of heart that Spidey is a hero and he did a bad thing by driving him away -- but then back to angry Spidey-hating Jameson when Spidey snatched his costume back moments later-- was a bit campy and silly. But still ok, I guess, though I feel it could have been played/directly SLIGHTLY more sincerely.

Anyone else feel like the shots showing Spidey's costume tacked up on the wall looked kind of....odd? Like the bare wall and the way the shot was framed just seemed like it stucked out somehow from the other shots in that office? And it also seemed a little campy/silly that Spidey's web snatches the costume away in like a SPLIT-SECOND and the people in the room don't even seem to see the web? again, a little much, but still ok, I guess.

5) I loved all the stuff with the tentacles, especially how they were so serpent-like. The final shot of dead Doc Ock in the water and the tentacles' lights slowly going out was really beautiful.

6) >> - When the train passengers stand up to Doc Ock and summarily and literally pushed aside.

Although this was cool, part of me felt like "they did this bit where NYers say 'We'll stand up for Spidey and fight the villain' in the first one. But this time, they had a lot more reason to protect Spidey - he just saved all their lives. I just wish the moment wasn't played so similarly to the first movie when a big Italian/Brooklyn looking guy says "You'll have to go through me". I would've much preferred shell-shocked passengers saying "That guy just saved our lives... we won't let you have him" with frazzled determination, rather than doing the whole tired "You pick on one NYer, you pick on ALL of us" thing the first movie did. I nitpick, I know, but this is something I thought of.

7) I did feel there were a few moments where things weren't as clear or sharp as they could be. Amidst a really nice scene, we have a clunker line like Peter's "Punch me and I bleed!!", which just came off odd to me. I know the reference and all that, but I just felt a better line could have taken its place.

8) Anyone else feel like Peter's confession to Aunt May that he let the burglar go who killed Uncle Ben (which is a BRILLIANT IDEA, by the way - I don't think this has ever been done in the comics, even with JMS' recent "Aunt May knows he's Spidey" move) was a little weird or vague? But we...and Aunt it. Anyone else also want Aunt May to say a *tiny* bit more about why Peter shouldn't blame himself for Ben's death, especially considering the bomb Peter dropped earlier?

9) Also nit-picky, I know, but I loved the " more!" voice-over as we see the mask in the trailers so much that I wanted to see the same thing in the movie: the voice-over as we see Peter walking away in the alley, mask in trash in the foreground. Maybe cause it felt like in the trailer, you're looking at a living Amazing Spider-Man comic book cover.

10) >> There were some goofy 'thought bubble' monologues Peter and Harry kept doing to no one in particular that bothered me

Although I love James Franco (in FREAKS & GEEKS and the Spidey films), part of me felt that his "I'm ruined... it's Spider-Man's fault" speech as they come out of the blown-up lab wasn't up to the usual acting greatness he gives us. It felt a little over-the-top. I LOVED Willem DaFoe's cameo - he shows us that you can be a maniac and still be so committed as an actor that it doesn't come off campy - in fact, he comes off fucking scary.

Oh, and how cool is it how Harry/Franco calls Spidey (with utter venom and contempt) "the bug"? I don't recall ever hearing this epithet used for Spidey in the comics.

11) Loved the Alex Ross opening "Previously in Spider-Man..." sequence. So cool that they used him, after they rejected his costume designs for the first movie (and they of course picked the right costume - Ross' tried to movie-fy his costume, instead they just did his costume as it is in the comics; a bold move considering movies usually modify the costumes quite a bit).

12) Elevator scene was classic Spidey. It reminded me of a comics scene where Spidey runs out of web fluid and has to take a cab from NYC back into Queens. Or a scene where he's in Queens and there are no buildings above 3 stories for him to swing on, so he's gotta take a cab. (Or maybe those are both the same scene I'm mis-remembering)

13) I agree, Doc Ock's speech about not understanding T.S. Elliot was brilliant. Molina played Octavius so well, never going too over-the-top. His scene with Peter as he reasserts control over the arms and agrees to defuse the reaction is really class.

(although Peter seemed to be unmasking/getting unmasked left and right in this movie, every time was for a good reason. With Ock, Peter takes his mask off because he knows he'll have a better chance of reaching the real Dr. Octavius' good side if he shows his face, since Ock feels all paternal towards him and really likes him. I also loved how in that scene, you're so caught up in Ock & Peter's exchange that you almost forget MJ is there - and suddenly we see MJ's reaction and you're like "Oh shit, that's right!! She's there and sees him!! Awesome!"

14) >> I wasn't feeling the whole carrying maskless Spider-Man until I "got it" when the one guy says he's no older than his own son. That's when I pert near lost it. I can't really think of any other sequence, maybe even in the comics, that so wordlessly captured what "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility" really means, and how much Peter really sacrifices for us shlubs.


15) Anyone else want MJ to say "Face it, tiger, you just hit the jackpot" in their final scene together? Although maybe they rejected it cause it would have made MJ sound too egotistical (i.e. "I'm hot stuff, you're lucky you have me")...

Really nice that the shot of Spidey swinging away off into the sunset in the direction of the rescue copters is undercut by a shot back to worried MJ....leaves us with an ominous feeling (she's the wife waiting for the cop husband to come home, worried for his safety), and not the 'happy hero swings off into the sunset as we dazzle you with yet more improved CGI' final shot we all expected.

16) I just gotta say I love how it uses the bit from Spidey comics that whenever Spidey is going up against a crazed villain, he almost always pulls some huge electrical wires outta the walls (which are always there in some lab thingie) and fries the villain with 'em. Or that Spidey pulls the plug on various wires through grunting strength.

Anyone else think Peter holding up the wall to save MJ at the end was a nod to the famous (and now homaged by JMS twice in his Spidey run with John Romita Jr.) "Spidey holds up tons of machinery about to fall on him with furious effort & willpower to save those he loves" scene from the comics?

>> Is it just me, or is there something wonderful about the fact that Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi, both famed for low-budget horror movies (and, in my deluded moviegoer's romantic world, People Like Us), are now raking it in? It kind of negates EVERY TIME someone's looked at me like I'm a moron when I say Evil Dead is one of the greatest movies of all time.

Again, YES to this!!

>> I'm not liking that the villains are fucking dying at the end of each film. This isn't Batman for God's sake.


OK, as for Harry: Sam Raimi has said that although they do seem to be setting that up [that Harry goes Hobgoblin], he said something like 'we don't want to go exactly where the audience thinks we're going with this.' (in a recent interview carried by Comics Continuum from the press junkets for Spidey 2).

So that means he doesn't want to be too predictable, and to me that means [I hereby make my official prediction, check in 2 years] that Harry will become the Hobgoblin, but 1/3 of the way into the movie, he will get easily defeated by Peter, leaving the rest of the movie to whoever the main villain is (kinda sucks if they can't use Venom, but there are certainly other great villains - Kraven, anyone?).

Think of it - Harry is a fuck-up and can never live up to his dad's expectations. So how appropriate would it be if he gets taken down by Spidey (or, even more humiliating, the regular police) his first time outta the gate in costume (which had damn well better be orange and silver/grey)?? This will make Harry even more fucked up and tortured. And although I love Franco, I don't really picture him having the presence to the MAIN villain for an entire movie. And this way they give us what we wanted but not really, and they also manage to have 2 villains in one movie without that formula sucking ass as it always has.

I really wonder how they'll handle the fact that Harry knows now, regardless of what they do with Harry's character.

And anyone else think it was interesting that Peter doesn't deny that he killed Harry's father, and Peter doesn't even try to defend himself (nothing like "Your dad had lost it, he tried to kill me, I was just defending myself") -- he just focuses on the task at hand, saving MJ, and leaves that discussion for later. Nice.

This could be the longest post I ever did on Barbelith. Sorry.
18:32 / 05.07.04
Oh, and how funny was it that they mentioned Dr. Strange, of all Marvel people?

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