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Late Shift Sixteen: Look, a bunny!


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06:51 / 30.05.03
Fan fiction wot deals with same sex romantic relationships/feelings.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:56 / 30.05.03
so do you follow any of the Harry potter ships?
—| x |—
07:02 / 30.05.03
Hey Coyote! What are Harry Potter "ships"?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:09 / 30.05.03
fanfiction that concentrates on grown up potterites hand who they are haveing relationships with. Harry/Hermione or harry/I can't remember cause its one am and I havent had my second wind yet.
—| x |—
07:14 / 30.05.03
What--no second wind!? Ya' gettin' old or something there sonny?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:27 / 30.05.03
Not old just haven't slept in two days. The second wind will kick in around two and I will be a genious until 5 or 6.
—| x |—
07:29 / 30.05.03
Are ya' still takin' time to relax or did ya' get back to work / find a different job?

What you been doing to keep awake?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:36 / 30.05.03
What you been doing to keep awake?

Well the technique used last night was trying to sleep.

I'm relaxing (read looking for a job) because school ended and so did my seasonal job.
—| x |—
07:41 / 30.05.03
Well the technique used last night was trying to sleep.

Ooo, that's not so great, my friend. Anything up, I mean, that was keeping you awake?

I wanted to write 'beside yourself' after 'Anything up' because I thought it'd make a little joke, but then I realized that, well, you were up and you were keepin' you up, so it sorta' answers the question. Anyway...
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:44 / 30.05.03
well I tried to join cholister's slash fiction board but the authentication process keeps timing out. And I'm on this really cool buletin board/blogsite/personals/pornsite.
—| x |—
07:47 / 30.05.03
Porn, eh? Ah yes, there's plenty o' that booty to be found. Slash, eh? Never knew you were interested...I've never checked out myself--I don't know if it'd be my kinda' thing or not.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:49 / 30.05.03
Slash, i don't know how interested I am but I will read almost anything, especially when I can't sleep. Believe it or not I am not on the other site for the sake of the porn, its a community.
—| x |—
07:54 / 30.05.03
Yeah I got that, but it's been my experience that communities with porn and personals are typically all about the sex, even if they've a board. But I can't say that I don't think it's possible!

And, believe it or not, internet porn's OK.

What else ya' been readin' as far as books go?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:59 / 30.05.03
Just finished William S. Burroughs's Last Trilogy. Cities of the Red Night, The Place of Dead Roads, The Western Lands. REALLY GOOD. Hard to find a book to follow that up. Thinking of reading Crying of Lot 49 next.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:01 / 30.05.03
I think internet porn is just great, that just not why I am on the site RIGHT NOW.
—| x |—
08:11 / 30.05.03
Burroughs, ya' good stuff. His name has been poppin' up all over the site today. Is it close to the anniversary of his death or something?

And, Coyote, you're so funny.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:15 / 30.05.03
just a sec I'll check.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:18 / 30.05.03
Died on August 2nd. so no. I found the first of the three in a bargain bin. Read it. Moped because I didn't have the sequel. Happened upon the second in a used bookstore. and then bought the final one a full price from chapters.
—| x |—
08:18 / 30.05.03

So. Hmm. Pretty much the same old with me: thesis, Litherland, watchin' NBA play offs, shootin' hoops and gettin' inta' some game, readin', and so on.

Oh, I started playin' some guitar again, that's new.
—| x |—
08:20 / 30.05.03
A bit off yet. Simply a Burroughs day here, I guess. Good score on the first two! Gotta' pay the price for the third, though--ya' Junkie!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:22 / 30.05.03
No I havent bought junky yet.
—| x |—
08:35 / 30.05.03
Read that last bit again: you're the junkie--the Burroughs junkie, see?

I've read some Burroughs but not all. I've enjoyed what I've read though. I've heard most of his spoken word stuff (that I'm aware of) and read about him, of course. There's a ReSearch issue that features him, Gyson, and TG.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:40 / 30.05.03
I know I was making a joke. NAw I'm not a burrough junkie tho he be good. I just hate to leave a trilogy unfinished if I can help it. The night before last my non-sleeping technique was Robert Anton WIlson. I read Volume 2 of Cosmic Trigger.
—| x |—
08:48 / 30.05.03
Oh yeah, the dreaded curse of trilogies. I don't know if I've read Cosmic Trigger Vol. 2 or not. RAW's all right--I've read a fair share.

I wonder how much longer he'll be with us? [knocking on wood]
Nietzsch E. Coyote
09:02 / 30.05.03
I'm hoping he will one day write Bride of Illuminatus! Sounds like his health has gone down some since his wife passed away.
—| x |—
09:09 / 30.05.03
Bride of Illuminatus, eh? Hmm...only time will tell. Health downhill since death of his wife, eh? Yep, that happens to older married couples sometimes. Probably especially the ones that are closely interdependent. Such is Love & Death, I suppose.
09:10 / 30.05.03
Speaking of slash, I found some lovely Jung/Freud last nite which made all my years of psychology worth it and possibly made me more complete as a person.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
09:16 / 30.05.03
_pin: hahahahhaha

0 : just like I had hoped that Douglas Adams would write the third Dirk Gently.
—| x |—
09:22 / 30.05.03
Yeah, Dirk Gently's great! My partner started reading The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul recently, and she picked up the first one on her trip. We've been watching the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy--she hadn't seen it before, I hadn't seen it in ages, and PBS has been playin' it lately.
—| x |—
09:25 / 30.05.03
I need to get a snack. I'll be back in a bit!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
09:27 / 30.05.03
Yeah as far as I'm conscerned the long dark tea time is his best book. But then I am obsessed with thor and odin. They won't leave me alone.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
09:33 / 30.05.03

I need to get a snack. I'll be back in a bit!

me too!
—| x |—
09:42 / 30.05.03
Yeah shit, it's been quite awhile since I read it, I certainly remember it beein' really interesting and funny and with a cut-up style story line.

I wanted something fancy for a snack, but after diggin' through the kitchen, what I felt motivated to make compared to what I was feeling snackish for resulted in buttered popcorn.

I think I'd really like a fancy sandwich though...
Nietzsch E. Coyote
09:43 / 30.05.03
peanut butter on white bread folded over. mmm.
—| x |—
09:49 / 30.05.03
Well that's better than a thistle sandwich!

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