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Late Shift Sixteen: Look, a bunny!


Page: 1234(5)678

Tryphena Absent
23:02 / 29.05.03
Those boots don't have stiletto heels!!!! Pah! Disgusting oversight!
23:06 / 29.05.03
They were the first thing to come up on an image search, and the look mean and crappy enough to fit the bill, and are worn by Teressa May, which some how seems to sum the nasty little things up.

The old comic shop in town, after a brief period as a golf shop, has become a small shrine to these shoes, and also stupid handbags that suck. God, I hate that shop.
23:07 / 29.05.03
No, wait... I now relaise you said "stiletto". What the hell are you on about??
Tryphena Absent
23:30 / 29.05.03
One of the pictures has a caption that reads boots with stiletto heels or something. Except they clearly don't have stiletto heels and someone has got it oh, so wrong.

Stiletto's curve in to the top where they join with the shoe but only very slightly. They're very thin, thinner than the heels on those boots:

Spike heels are slightly thicker than stiletto's but curve more on both sides, they're symmetrical. Kitten heels are these:
Saint Keggers
23:40 / 29.05.03
They need to invent heels that are really miniature rocketpacks. Things like that happen all the time in my little world...
00:24 / 30.05.03
Hi! I'm back again! How are we? Talking of shoes and rockets I see?
Saint Keggers
00:31 / 30.05.03
Yes..flying footwear fanciers unite!
00:38 / 30.05.03
I'm just amazed that there was a selection of pictures of tory shoes, with comments, followed by the link "click here for more political stories" You don't get this kind of in depth analysis in the daily star! (not even on page 2, the tabloida page of actual news [UK, cant say what happens elsewhere])

I mean, what, if any, political stories could possibly follow such an eye opener - I now know full well which shoe wearers to avoid in future, and who to look out for (most likely avoid need to thems to be avoid is probably them goddamn pirates, charlatans the lot of em)
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:40 / 30.05.03
Watch what you say.

00:51 / 30.05.03
Me, I need more footwear. I developed a spontaneous interest in shoes this month, some bizarre fashion genome kicking in, making me actually utter aloud the phrase "Oh wow! Cute shoes!"
01:42 / 30.05.03
Well I just got new shoes (read trainers) and broke another one of my many many broken vows by paying over 20 squid. However as the last sorry pair not only "did my feet in" they also had gotten very muddy indeed following some late night dancing 'under the bridge' (yeah right, about 3 miles past the sodding bridge) the other week. And emmm although they are not cute shoes in any way, I think they may be kind a' neat?
Saint Keggers
01:47 / 30.05.03
What a wonderfull night!! I've got coffee brewing and my brain is stewing and the comics are creating themselves!!!

I Can Do No Wrong!!!!
01:53 / 30.05.03
bet you can if you really try
Saint Keggers
02:14 / 30.05.03
I just heard on the news "One soldier was killed, another wounded when their vehicle hit a mime."...I know he said mine...but my version was so funny I had to laugh. Out Loud. Much to the horror of those around me who couldn't read my mind.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:26 / 30.05.03
I need new shoes, actually. My Chunky Boots Of Death are now tongueless, and that ain't working for me. New boots! Necessary! But where - that is the eternal question.
02:37 / 30.05.03
I sympathize. The soles are coming off my saddle shoes, and my blue suedes are just falling apart at the seams. I've been thinking of getting some more girlie shoes, you know, pumps for work and so on, but I keep thinking that sooner or later I'm going to be out of this temp racket and into a TAship, and back to dressing in t-shirts and jeans, and expanding my work wardrobe to a third pair of shoes seems like I'm casting doubt on my own future. Darn shoes.
Saint Keggers
02:45 / 30.05.03
I dont get the whole shoe thing... I have a pair of suit shoes, sneakers and winter boots. Thats it.
02:46 / 30.05.03
i've got a really great coat.
02:51 / 30.05.03
Lately I've started being compelled by certain ladies shoes in stores as small works of architecture. There seems to be about the same ratio of hideous to attractive as in buildings. (A lot to a few, in non-statistically accurate terms.)
03:23 / 30.05.03
I'm watching Lupin III without the sound on. The three main characters are running from three tiny shark/car/missle robots which are trying to blow them up. They've been shedding clothes to try and trap trick the little robots, first jackets, then shirts, and now they are pantsless, and the little robots are still going. And there's this one guy, I think he's the villain, who has a chin cleft that looks kinda like a goats udder. What an odd little show.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:28 / 30.05.03
Mmm, sushi. Mmm, haircut.
03:31 / 30.05.03
What'd you get? Any scallops?
Saint Keggers
03:32 / 30.05.03
Is that Arsene Lupin?
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:33 / 30.05.03
Alas, I don't have any exciting electroclash additions to mention: just got a tending job done on the one I've got. Hence, quiff will be more robust. Sideburns have been honed, too - they're not quite as Wolverine (sigh) any more, but they're not quite as Deliverance (yay!) any more either...
03:37 / 30.05.03
Well, I meant scallops as in the shellfish as in sushi. Take a picture of your haircut so that we might see your fair face with your newly honed sideburns.

Keg- I have no idea.
03:39 / 30.05.03
Ok, so it's not late, it's early... 5.30ish. Have been officially up for an hour, after somewhere in the region of no sleep last night. Go me. Just set up an ezboard slash community and I swear I feel like god. Admittedly, god before ze had any loyal subjects, but, you know, still god...

Apparently there is a solar eclipse tomorrow morning at sunrise, visible from the case people are interested.
03:54 / 30.05.03
I must needs sleep. Good night dear ones.
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:05 / 30.05.03
Night night.

I now formally offer worshipful gestures towards CholGod.
04:29 / 30.05.03
Mmmm... Shoes. Mmmm... Sushi. (don't need a haircut quite yet)

( no attention to the little mind behind the curtain - it's not quite all here tonight....)

Shoes is a lovely thing to fantasize about this evening. I'd love to have a wardrobe of "fuck-me" heels in different colors and degree of fetish-worthiness. Unfortunately, I can't wear heels of any height for more than an hour or two in real life, and don't need any more flats to wear for work. I've never let reality get in the way of a good fantasy, though, so stiletto heels it is.

Little boots that barely cover my ankle-bones, and are a deep, deep red (more towards the blue side of the spectrum than the yellow side). Tiny little sandals with black straps to show off painted toenails. Maybe one pair of something practical - lug-soled boots to go tromping around in the woods, so I don't fall flat on my ass on the hills (currently only have an old pair of cowboy boots - reasonable ankle support, but they're leather-soled and much too slippery!!).

Nah... fuck practical. Heels. Glitter and feathers. Leather. Raw sexual appeal.

Daddy, will you take me shopping??
04:46 / 30.05.03
Fank oo, Rothkoid. God feels so ill right now though. Bleh.

The Return Of Rothkoid
05:44 / 30.05.03
IllGod? Whyfore?
05:55 / 30.05.03
Dunno... something has been wrong with me for a couple of weeks, and I do feel quite hideously unwell.

So how did the date go? I'm assuming from your not-so-subtle allusions in various threads that you had one t'other day?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:06 / 30.05.03
god, where is your site?

It is the beginning of the late shift for me 12:05 am PST.
06:14 / 30.05.03
Slash Enclave
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:47 / 30.05.03
slash is fanfiction right.

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