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Late Shift Fifteen: The Devil you Know


Page: 12(3)45

Saint Keggers
01:21 / 26.05.03
Ahhh..pulse rate returning to normal... all is well.
01:24 / 26.05.03
Robin Hobb would just kick so much arse. But the filmic pirates should have less facial hair. Dali moustaches are just not sexy.

Have to admit I am quite looking forward to the next Terminator film, which has always appealed rather more than Conan as far as Arnie vehicles go.
01:25 / 26.05.03
My advanced loser-being is a font of comfort. My day has had meaning. Word.
Saint Keggers
01:29 / 26.05.03
Yes, font of comfort you are indeed. All is well in the Keggyverse.
Im not especially looking forward to T3...something just looks wrong...

As for the pirate mustaches, I always thought they'd be long hangy ones like the Knights of Solamnia ,from Dragonlance, have.
01:32 / 26.05.03
I just think Kennit is sexy, but my mind has to sidestep the facial hair, which would be rendered more difficult if it were committed to celluloid. I'd rather see them do the Farseer trilogy, really, but I think pirates and sea serpents would go down better with the cinema-going public.
Saint Keggers
01:32 / 26.05.03
What do you mean Dali mustaches not sexy. I just want to grow one, find the right girl and get all sweaty while yelling "Who's your Dada?"
—| x |—
01:34 / 26.05.03
Hey everybody! Another day, another…uh…what was I saying?

And for Haus who said, perhaps somewhat snottily—but maybe that’s only how I read it, “I think the Zilchster may have jumped the gun somewhat on this one - a mere seven pages seems fairly temperate for a late shift...”

I say, perhaps somewhat snottily as well, depending on how you want to read it, well my friend, what Litherland do you live in anyway? Quoting Elijha D in Late Shift XIII: “following those before, a six page late shift thread is due for replacement” and you’ll note that there is a series of Late Shifts from nine to thirteen that are six pages long. So, I don’t know if I so much as jumped the gun, but tried to preserve the series. Cheers to you all the same, Mr. Haus.

As to why the Late Shifts are going fast—who knows? Maybe there’s more of us using them more often…
01:35 / 26.05.03
Ha! @ Kegboy. Btw, how goes the tarot deck?
Saint Keggers
01:38 / 26.05.03
Horrid. I haven't the cash to buy any of the little odds and end to incorporate into the cards. Don't have the people to photo to be in them...
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:40 / 26.05.03
Well, I'm here. Working hard, so may not be around. But am still feeling really good. Goddamn, but there must be something wrong in the universe for this to be. Let it continue, sez I.
01:42 / 26.05.03
Tis good, Rothkoid. May it long continue.

Sorry 'bout that, Kegboy... must be hugely frustrating.
01:45 / 26.05.03
Zilch, you *really* have to work on that self-esteem issue. Seriously. We value you. We love you. What more does it take? Head?
Saint Keggers
01:47 / 26.05.03
It would be, Cholister but other things in my life are going too good to worry about the cards...I'll get to them eventually.
As for now....
A sneek-peek..

01:48 / 26.05.03
Woot, Rothky's here. What little odds and ends are you after, Keg? I'm stalled on my tarot deck due to lack of scanner.
01:49 / 26.05.03
I've never seen a better rendered pile of TNT in all my days.
Saint Keggers
01:50 / 26.05.03
Just things like costuming and water jugs and scales and swords and whatever I can find that could be incorporated in to the cards...
Saint Keggers
01:51 / 26.05.03
Umm...yeah the place where Im hosting them compresses them and some detail alwaysw gets distorted.
01:53 / 26.05.03
I love that, Kegboy - that so rocks.

My tarot deck is as yet but an idea. Must get in touch with the Barbeloid who wants to collaborate, and maybe make something happen. Sigh.
Saint Keggers
01:57 / 26.05.03
Does anyone know of a website where I could look up comic prices?
—| x |—
01:58 / 26.05.03
Totally sweet—Super Sweet!—Keggers!

And Haus, I really don't think it's an esteem issue, although isn't that part of most people's lives? I simply wonder why you would frame your response to Anna’s comment based on feelings that I hadn’t done something adequate or appropriate?

But head’s pretty good, sometimes.

So Rothkoid, it's like what, Monday morning / afternoon where you live?
02:02 / 26.05.03
Does anyone know of a website where I could look up comic prices?

Not to sound like their press secretary or anything but does have some kind of price guide online? Also, are you looking for mylar bag price guides or those new fangled sealed plastic boxy things that all the kids are investing in?
Saint Keggers
02:03 / 26.05.03
I've got a run of Punisher 1-70 and want to know what they're worth.
02:05 / 26.05.03
Because it's funny, of course. It amuses. To question the principles under which the flag is planted.
Saint Keggers
02:07 / 26.05.03
mmmm..flag planting....must play Team Fortress...
02:14 / 26.05.03
I claim this post for me.

-Plants a flag. Rather, a straw paper tied to a toothpick with the word "Mazarine" written in green colored pencil, and plants it. Then waters it. It blooms. Unsurprisingly, I am alergic to it. Let the sneezing commence.-
Saint Keggers
02:17 / 26.05.03
I grab your flag and run to the other thread waiting for my teamate to plant our flag here and thus score points.
02:21 / 26.05.03
-Shrieks and launches herself after the flag with five three of pure geek rage-
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 26.05.03
ha! I rocket-jump past your pure geek rage and retalite with artistic conviction!
02:27 / 26.05.03
Oh you bitch! I duck your artistic conviction with my short attention span and launch a Wile E. Coyote-esque counterattack in which I drop all my Wizard back issues squarely on your foot.
Saint Keggers
02:32 / 26.05.03
OW! I needed those little piggies. I take you Wizard back issues and in a fit of super-origami turn them into an army of millions. They attack...I hope your thaco is high.
—| x |—
02:38 / 26.05.03
Well Haus, to me, if I’d been hangin’ about on the late shift and you were here as well, and we were actually chatting about something, then, in that context it does seem humourous. It would easily be taken as a joke or ribbing.

On the other hand, to me, in the context of your response to Anna’s statement, it is not so much amusing as it is showing something about you: it’s your response after all. But I mean, who am I to say anything about your esteem issues?

Anyway, “to question the principles under which the flag is planted” is certainly an amusing affair, but it is also a serious matter. However, I fail to see how, what is essentially a jab at the person, makes any gesture towards so noble a principle.

There's only crappy reruns on TV.
02:41 / 26.05.03
Zilcho, I'm sorry, but I have no interest right now in discussing you at length, nor in discussing me, as I relate to you, at length. If you need to be around whenever you are spoken of, perhaps you should try AIM. It's very good for that sort of thing.
—| x |—
02:46 / 26.05.03
That's fine Haus. Notice, though, your final statement betrays your first statement: you are still discussing me. Notice, too, that you were the one who began discussing me.

Why the facade, Haus? Why the image?

But, since we are not discussing ourselves anymore, I needn't expect a response?
02:47 / 26.05.03
Dame, dame, dame!!! I douse your army of the glossy night by shaking up a bottle of generic orange soda, turning them into deliciously orange pulp, then bat the remainder aside with my Latin binder. Launches a crunchy, uncomfortable and unnutritious counter-assault of incredibly stale Apple Jacks.
02:50 / 26.05.03
Sorry. That was directed at Keg. Not Haus or Zilcho.

(Keg. Is this a ninja versus pirate fight, or ninja v. ninja?)

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