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Late Shift Fifteen: The Devil you Know


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23:43 / 25.05.03
try to find other things to satisfy the addictive urges (and oh yes I feel them deeply indeed) other than the Barbfuck, try food, drink, music&dancing, cleaning, anything distracting.

you've just inspired me to having another cig... sorry!
Tryphena Absent
23:45 / 25.05.03
Ha. Now you're just trying to be funny. I'm leaving before I implode from withdrawal- have a good night and erm... bank holiday.
23:48 / 25.05.03
I now pretty much only smoke in the company of smokers - but this means that I am now experiencing huge post-pub desire for cigarettes, with none in the house. at least in the good old days I had my emergency Sobranie stash...
Saint Keggers
00:06 / 26.05.03
Ok folks...running gout of ideas here, so throw some mystical magickal terms out that I can incorporate into the mages cartoon.
Baz Auckland
00:25 / 26.05.03

(sorry, I've been reading erowid for the last half hour...)

Cthulus are always good for a laugh (I know, you've done it already, but...)
00:31 / 26.05.03
Evening all. Keg, do you want legit mystical magickal terms or obscure pop culture references?
00:32 / 26.05.03
Ah, that magical movement from Geburah to Malkuth...

Hallo there, Maz. How are you this morning/evening?
00:36 / 26.05.03
Am reading and loving '...Kavalier and Clay' but decided I should come and do some of my own work instead, if I am going to be awake. Was just pondering how writing about love (and, indeed, reading about love) is so much more fun than the actual thing. Which is perhaps what makes slash so lovely.
00:37 / 26.05.03
Doing nicely, thanks for asking. Casually experimenting with new hairstyles and trying to convince myself do something useful tomorrow, like laundry or cleaning up the house or my Latin homework, as opposed to writing and loafing and drinking some tea.
Saint Keggers
00:38 / 26.05.03
Can people who are addicted to cold turkey quit the habbit at once?
Baz Auckland
00:40 / 26.05.03
Aren't Mondays official days off? Isn't writing productive? Yech. I'm off to work tomorrow afternoon... but until then! It's Austrian beer and Shane MacGowan!
00:40 / 26.05.03
I don't know. I expect it would have to be replaced with another addiction... that's how these things usually work.
00:41 / 26.05.03
Cold fried chicken. It's the methodone of the poultry world.

So no. No they can't.

How is everyone else's night/afternoon/day going? Those of you with social lives, please do be detailed so that I can live vicariously.
00:41 / 26.05.03
Usually after Boxing Day.

I'm sorry, I feel bad.

Chol - slash is indeed a beauteous thing, perhaps for that reason. I have found myself spiralling into ever ore ludicrous pairings. Snape and Potter in Latin is one. Xander and Jack Bauer another...

What sort of homework have you been landed with, Maz?
Baz Auckland
00:42 / 26.05.03
Barbelith addiction?
00:42 / 26.05.03
Cold turkey, that is,, Shane MacGowan. Writing is 'work'. It is reading (fiction) that is not...
00:48 / 26.05.03
The appearance of my posts in these late night threads are generally surreal...and the posts themselves boring...I wonder if I should cease and desist, sometimes.

Haus, do you *write* Potter slash in Latin? That shows admirable dedication. And does Xander/Jack Bauer slash really exist? How...novel.
Baz Auckland
00:50 / 26.05.03
Who's Jack Bauer? Latin would be fun to learn, but I'm having enough trouble on Spanish...

Don't leave Cholister, (even though I always read your name as Chloister, embarrasingly enough)

..and surely reading fiction counts as research?
Saint Keggers
00:51 / 26.05.03
I've always thought that Xander was Ash's (from evil dead)son.
Saint Keggers
00:52 / 26.05.03
Jack Bauer is the name of the main character form the show 24
00:53 / 26.05.03
Just a few more chapters out of Latin via Ovid. The class is going fairly well for me, which either means that I was never really terrible at languages, or I was even more spectacularly lazy than I originally suspected. We're getting into the past and the future now,

For me, non-academic writing is not work, and may never be. Tomorrow's Memorial Day in the U.S., and working for the state as I do, none of my co-workers will be coming in. I'll probably just sit around and watch The Dangerous Life of Altar Boys, which I just rented.
Baz Auckland
00:54 / 26.05.03
I can see the Ash/Xander thing. I just started watching Buffy for the first time last week. Old episodes, not the last ones... it's a lot funnier than I thought.

How la belle province this evening?
Saint Keggers
01:03 / 26.05.03
La belle province..ces't magnifique! I so want another Evil Dead film.
And a Conan film.
01:04 / 26.05.03
I'm pretty sure they're makin' another Conan film. Lemme go ferret.
Baz Auckland
01:05 / 26.05.03
I went to a Bruce Campbell reading last September. Someone asked why there hasn't been a fourth Evil Dead. His response:

"Do you have a cellphone? Because we can call Sam right now and you can tell him why he should make Evil Dead 4 instead of Spiderman 2!"

Man, I just want to see Bubba Ho-Tep. Bruce as Elvis. Can't beat it.
Saint Keggers
01:07 / 26.05.03
Oh I know the answer to that one: Because Spiderman sucked and Evil Dead doesn't!
01:08 / 26.05.03
Ferreting managed: Ita. Although I'm sure there are better sources out there.
Baz Auckland
01:12 / 26.05.03
Good answer.

10:10pm - I must be off to a gothy fashion show. Okay, now I'm embarassed having written that. Ah well. It's only because I have a friend modelling in it.. really. Bonne nuit all!
01:13 / 26.05.03
vero. Dude.
Saint Keggers
01:13 / 26.05.03
DEAR GOD NO!!! Conan in bullet-time! The fourth movie is supposed to be Conan The King. Its just got to be. Damn it straight to hell...The Rock.

Rule one for making sure your upcomming sequel doesn't suck:
If the actor you had for the earlier films wont do it dont go getting a brandname star to replace him.
01:13 / 26.05.03
Amn't writing writing bits of novel. Writing is almost always work, for me, be it academic or otherwise. Not to imply that I don't enjoy it, mind, but it is, undeniably, work.

Am planning to write some Potter slash at some point soon. I have only one slash story to my name, and that, on reflection, was shite (though the sex was good - I write believable sex. Perhaps I should stick to PWPs, but that would be giving up, dammit).

Buffy, old Buffy, was funny for the hair and clothes alone. Does anyone else remember Lilo Lil from the Liverpudlian sitcom Bread? They used to dress Buffy like an American Lilo Lil. Truly fucking weird. Now you mention it, the idea of the Xander/Ash relationship makes a lot of sense...
01:13 / 26.05.03
Night Baz.
01:18 / 26.05.03
Enjoy the fashion show, Baz... it doesn't sound like something one should be hugely embarrassed about...

Why do they not make more fantasy films? Like of David Gemmell's stuff? Or (and this is a cherished fantasy of mine own), Robin Hobb's? It can't be left to Conan to fill the niche for heroic fantasy...or to LotR for lush epic fantasy. Can it?
Saint Keggers
01:20 / 26.05.03
Robin Hobbs would be amazing!
It give me my daily requirment of Pirates, magick and wenches.
01:20 / 26.05.03
Relax, Keg, that source is wicked old. Here we go. Wizard, June '03, page 107. King Conan: Crown of Iron. Still Arnold, Wachowskis producing, Milius aparently out scouting locations. See? It's okay. : )

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