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Late shift lucky 13-We'll still be friends in the morning right?


Page: 12(3)456

23:15 / 12.05.03
Or perhaps the You Are Sleeping, You Do Not Want... meme...
Tryphena Absent
23:18 / 12.05.03
Today... excuse me, attention please... I bought a Gryffindor tin full of English breakfast tea, and a frog shaped infuser plus little metal disc to put it on with requisite lion engraving for the bargainous price of 89p. I feel spent.

Rafia. Coloured rafia?
23:22 / 12.05.03
Answer cloudy, my dear Anna, try again later.

I am awake, and I want very much to go to sleep. 'Night all - see you tomorrow, no doubt...
23:43 / 12.05.03
"Agendas". Sorry to stamp on the joy of learning, there.

Too late, my fiance killed it for me over dinner. Night, Haus.

Anna- you bargain hunter you!
Tryphena Absent
23:47 / 12.05.03
I confess, it's from the supermarket!
00:28 / 13.05.03
I would totally work for a Barbelith raffia tea set collective. Imagine what that would be like.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:00 / 13.05.03
00:20 / 14.05.03
Stupid work. Got growled at for playing Freecell when one of the big bosses walked by, but dammit, I was on my lunch hour! My lunch hour!! I was not being paid!!! For one hour a day I get to eat my fucking poptarts and screw around with impunity, for fuck's sake. Plus the resident office draconian harpy was an even bigger bitch than usual today, and to the nicest guy.

So I'm disproportionately sulky, and here I am. Stupid fucking government job.
Saint Keggers
00:27 / 14.05.03
You know I think many people have the same job situation..I had two brothers as bosses, who they they were god's gift to everything and one of the secretaries working there was screwing one of the bosses and though she had the right to be Satans gift to everybody.
00:41 / 14.05.03
I'm awake (at least until I finish this beer, then I am SO going to bed). Weird day... spent the afternoon looking after/getting pissed with a friend whose mum's just died. And I've just heard that one of my best friends from school (who, to be honest, I haven't seen in about ten years) killed himself in January. Not quite sure how to take that one, but it's definitely not good.

Oh yeah, and my PC's CD drive is overheating, so I can't even play any decent games until tomorrow when it's cooled down (AND I just bought Splinter Cell). ARSE!

Fortunately I'm not currently in JOB HELL!!! It's my week off, so all of you who are at work have my fullest sympathy.

(Just re-read that... God I sound like a miserable bastard. I'm not, honest. I'm just awake at a stupid time, having got pissed in the afternoon and woken up at about 11.)
00:42 / 14.05.03
I just get so upset that this woman can stalk through my section of the office, swearing at my co-workers on an almost daily basis, yet a game of freecell on lunch is something to be ashamed of. I shouldn't really be this angry, I know the person who got growly with me is under a lot of stress. But this is a stupid stupid story and I should be glad to have a job in this economy, etc. So I will now shut the hell up.

How are you, Keg my darlin'?
Shiva Mule
00:46 / 14.05.03
Hi all, its not really that late for me, being a non GMT sort of person, but I guess its late enough. This is my maiden post, I've been around for a while but my last fiction-suit changed its name around eighteen times and was proving to be no longer sea worthy (it was leaking angst).

I must say I am glad to not have joined the worker drones as of yet, cubicles make me claustrophobic. So sympathies while rubbing your noses in it.

and HI, I won't change my name this time.
Saint Keggers
00:49 / 14.05.03
Sympathies Chairman, hope things go better in the morning.

Im doing OK Maz, been working on more cartoons (almost imbeded my mouse in the wasll across the room...but luckily the cable is stronger than my rage)..still looking for a job. Know any band/muscians that need cover art? Watching Warrior Challenge on tv...its still early enough here 9:47pm....
Saint Keggers
00:51 / 14.05.03
Hi Shiva.
00:54 / 14.05.03
Cheers Kegboy. Hi Shiva... sorry to do the "hello/goodbye" thing (Cos let's face it, I'm never gonna be Tim Buckley) but my beer is finished, and I'm off to bed.

Night all.
Shiva Mule
00:56 / 14.05.03
When my Nirvana/Beatles quality band starts being more than an idea I'll get back to to you. Right now it justs sounds likes Shiva is playing around with FruityLoops and Acid pro.
00:57 / 14.05.03
I realise my problems are as nothing, but can I just say FUCKING QUOTATION MAAAAAARKS.

00:57 / 14.05.03
Well, I'm getting my catharsis on by sobbing at a bad movie- I'm too ashamed to say which. I really don't wanna go back to my cube tomorrow, but such is life.
Tryphena Absent
01:00 / 14.05.03
Erk- having missed deadline today (because I substitued one date for another when it was typed quite clearly on a sheet of paper- I marvel at my own mind) I am finally finishing the dissertation. Yikes.
01:03 / 14.05.03
Haus, honey, I wouldn't dream of taking punctuation lightly. Keg, sorry to bitch about trivial job issues while you're looking, don't mean to be vulgar.

Shiva, pleasure to meet you.
Shiva Mule
01:03 / 14.05.03
I think I've convinced myself that I will never survive for any length of time in the "working world", so anyone who does is both Braver and a More Together Person than I am.

Mazarine, what bad movie is it?
Saint Keggers
01:04 / 14.05.03
Maz- Is it Road House?
Haus - What's with the venom towards quotation marks?
Anna - Congrats!
01:14 / 14.05.03
I am finally finishing the dissertation. Yikes.
Honey, congrats.

I was crying at Armageddon. I'm a sad, sad little girl.
Saint Keggers
01:20 / 14.05.03
Hey I cried my eyes out too. The thought of Liv Tyler with Ben (shiteating grin) Aflek..enought to bring tears to my eyes by the bucket loads.
Shiva Mule
01:30 / 14.05.03
I have some residual misplaced loyalty to Kevin Smith, and through him to the Afleck. But I must agree that Liv must not consort with us mortals, except perhaps Aragorn.

See, four posts in and you know more about me then either of us is comfortable with!

Just don't screw with my delusions please? My TV is broken and this is what I am doing tonight to keep from studying.
01:32 / 14.05.03
Apparently this confession has killed this incarnation of the late shift. I am the thread slayer!!
Saint Keggers
01:32 / 14.05.03
Don't worry..your secret is safe with me.
01:34 / 14.05.03
Oh, whew. Good. Hi.
Saint Keggers
01:36 / 14.05.03
Tryphena Absent
01:41 / 14.05.03
You gotta love LS, people wander in to the virtual room, we all say hi, they say hi. (I'm avoiding using speech marks because of Haus btw. He has tainted them, I'm paranoid.)

Oh, erm, hi. Btw- let's discuss the spelling of names (I have a thing, complicated Polish surname, blah blah)-
it's Ann Widdecombe and Ben Affleck (not Anne Widdecombe or Ben Afleck).
01:42 / 14.05.03
I thought everyone'd gone. Abandonment issues, don't you know.
01:48 / 14.05.03
Still here, butr heading for bed. Another 4am finsih, another 9am start. I am really starting to resent being on of the undeserving jobless...

Sleep well my darlings - see you soonly.
Shiva Mule
01:48 / 14.05.03
I'm back.
Got distracted.

Apologies if my posts seem to always be a little out of phase with the conversation.

But it should be known I can kill a thread stone cold in two posts.

But not this one, I like this one.

It will never die, I won't let it.
Saint Keggers
01:49 / 14.05.03
I have no problem with people misspelling my name. Seeng as how I have a very english name and live in a french provice you get used to it real fast. As for Ben I prefer to spell it 'AFLACK!!!' we have this annoying insurance company called Afack and its ads feature a duck that quacks "AFLACK!!"..
Shiva Mule
01:50 / 14.05.03
But since its something like 5 in the morning in the Uk, I think I will go elsewhere.

I am like a hummingbird on speed.

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