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Late shift lucky 13-We'll still be friends in the morning right?


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Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:39 / 17.05.03
I've had a (on the sliding scale of things) pretty decent day; my 1Mbps ADSL was finally conected today, which brings me to a bit of a moral quandary.....

2 weeks ago I ordered a DSL modem from a certain online retailer (company1). They supposedly sent it by 1st class mail on the same day but, up until 8 hours ago, I hadn't seen hide nor hair of it. Cue me, two days ago, phoning another company (company2), stating that my order through them depended on delivery of said items this morning. An order was placed. At the same time I told Company1 that I would be returning their order upon arrival.

Lo and fucking behold - today deliveries from Company 1 & Company 2 arrive simultaneously (give or take 2 hours). I've decided to stick with Company2 as they delivered very quickly (I didn't order until 4pm the previous day).

Do I return the goods to Company1, or do I keep the goods & tell Company1 that I never received them in the 1st place, given the fact that the postman left Company1's delivery propped up against my car on my drive, withoput so much as a ring of my non-proverbial doorbell?

I'm erring on the side of 'non-delivery', but that's the lying, cheating, dishonest scumbag coming out in me. Am I a crim or simply an opportunist?
I emailed
00:43 / 17.05.03
I'd say give it back to them. It's the fun, free, not-for-profit way, and it's nice and honest and fluffy. Thatcher would hate it.

Incidently, I love Mazarine and Presephone. Thank you.
00:45 / 17.05.03
Huggles for _pin! You are embarking on a glorious adventure, which can be found detailed in books 14 through 28 or thereabouts of the Making Out series.
00:45 / 17.05.03
I'd send 'em back. But if you can, send it postage due.
00:56 / 17.05.03
And you too, Haus. Maybe one day I'll accept that you like me (you do like me, right??).

I have to go. My eyes feel like they're expanding out of my head.
01:00 / 17.05.03
the Making Out series.

I found a mess of old copies of L.J. Smith: "Nightworld" novels (trashy teen romance, but with contrived occult themes) while going through random boxes in my apartment, and thought of you, Haus.

I just finished classes for this semester, but now I've got three weeks of intense Latin (I'll be drinking Surge. Or possibly Red Bull). Something to look forward to after work for a while.
Saint Keggers
01:00 / 17.05.03
Mr.Rogers tribute on tv...all the muppets singing its a beautiful day in the neighbourhood...not sure whether its all sentimental or just sad. And I dont mean sad in an emotional way.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:01 / 17.05.03
I've just realised, thanks to that morally l33t bunch known as 'the lithers', that I was actually seriously and, bereft of dilemma, defrauding compay1 of their hardware.

Feel free to slap me around a bit.

Thanks - a few beers had set my mind in the frame of "They must get 100s of orders per day; what difference will mine make?" I shall return the goods and foot the bill for return postage (a condition in their T&C).

I will sleep well tonight.
01:15 / 17.05.03
Would it be super vain for me to take a special picture of myself for the photos thread? I don't have any recent ones of myself, but the prospect of posing and trying to look cute seems terribly contrived.
Saint Keggers
01:19 / 17.05.03
No it wouldn't... I would have but the lighting in here was horrid.
01:23 / 17.05.03
I certainly don't think so - have you considered representing yourself as an enormous, unblinking eye?
01:28 / 17.05.03
I batted around the idea of putting up a photo of an abstract sculpture representative of me as a person, but then I realized that the only medium truly worthy of me- vanilla pudding- doesn't really mould well. And I'm not a sculptor.
01:58 / 17.05.03
Ooh, that reminds me there's a tapioca pudding in the fridge. I'd better eat it, right? Right.
Saint Keggers
02:01 / 17.05.03
My brother used to tell me tapioca pudding was made wout of frog eggs. Ewwww!
02:08 / 17.05.03
I never had tapioca when I was little. I was deprived.

My web builder is quitting for the night, damn his eyes. I shall have to dock his pay.
02:11 / 17.05.03
What does damning one's eyes or the eyes of another mean?
Saint Keggers
02:13 / 17.05.03
That he's quitting due to eyestrain. Dont damn his eyes..dock his eyes!!!
02:14 / 17.05.03
I mean, I've heard the phrase, but I'm just picturing the rest of the corporeal self going to a heavenly plane, while the eye balls go down to the inferno, where they are poked repeatedly with little plastic cocktail swords.
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 17.05.03
Ethan Hawke
02:27 / 17.05.03
What's the martini-esque drink with that uses a little pearl onion instead of an olive? That's what the devil drinks. But with eyeballs on skewers rather than the wee onions.
Saint Keggers
02:30 / 17.05.03
A Gibson.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:10 / 17.05.03
Mmmmm, Mazarine huggles. Me too! Me too!

I'm doing OK. I've just been bought breakfast by my flatmate's girlfriend, so am full of eggs and bacon and Earl Grey tea, and am listening to The Stone Roses while it rains outside. I'm dressed like ROCK and think I look OK, so I'm either high on life or the world is set to end real soon.

Tonight, there's a ska vs rockabilly night on down the road which could be fucking awesome, so I think I know whither I'm bound...
09:21 / 17.05.03
Xoc's mother and friend are staying for the weekend, and last night we succumbed to stereotype and descended en masse upon the Prince Edward Theatre to see 'Mamma Mia' (my usual 'I can't stand musicals but that one was fab' line is starting to look a little threadbare - I must be getting ooold). The faintly Hemingwayesque 'Australian adventurer' character didn't half remind us of you, 'Koid...
14:08 / 17.05.03
-Huggles for Rothky!- Cupcake, shouldn't you be asleep?
The Return Of Rothkoid
16:38 / 17.05.03

I should be, but it's almost 4am and am up, having just got back from ska/rockabilly night. The rockabilly/swing quotient MOPPED THE FLOOR with ska asses, and all was good. My hair is still sticking up, six hours after I first shovelled goop into it, so I'm going well.

God, I'm going to be tired in the morning.
The Strobe
22:12 / 17.05.03
Tired. Going to bed; Finals start in four days, most hectic exams of my life and I still haven't finished the work for them. Today not very productive but good nonetheless. In about 13 days I will have done everything to get me a degree, of some form. Tired.

Failed to see Secretary as it was sold out; came home and watched The Limey instead. Oh, and discovered that Amanda Win Lee's contributions to the End of Evangelion DVD commentary are highly irksome. The film's still great, though.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:28 / 17.05.03
Huggles all round. Big squishy pink huggles.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:00 / 17.05.03
Well, I'm sat in my office at 1am, drinking coffe, listening to Soundphiles by Kinobe and surfing around the web trying to pass the interminable period between now and 7am, when I get to drive home.

I've been an on-and-off 'lither for a while now & have heard talk of The Invisibles and the genius therein. I've decided that I may just check out some of the graphic novels but, after searching on, I see a bewildering array available.

I'm sure someone here can help me out; would I benefit from reading the books in a particular order and if so, what order? In other words, do the books follow a definite story across the series, or are they all just separate stories that can be read in any order?

Thanks in advance, like.
00:09 / 18.05.03
Well, I haven't read the Invisibles but as far as I know its better to read the books sequentially, from number 1, to number 2, to number 3 etc. I would suggest reading the Extraordinary League of Gentlemen Volume 1, (it's a graphic novel right?), and its soon to be a film. Apart from that I don't really know.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:39 / 18.05.03
Heh. I would love tobe able to read them sequentially, as you suggest, but Amazon doesn't seem to deem it necessary to tell its customers where in the series each book is placed.

I suppose I could just order the lot.........
01:44 / 18.05.03
Jesus God in Heaven, man - think of the children!

The first book is "You Say You Want a Revolution", I think, which should give you an idea of the rest - it gets a lot louder and more pop later. A lot of it is rather good, but I recall thinking on second reading that it was badly in need of editing, being as it is essentially a vanity project with a big publisher behind it.
Saint Keggers
02:03 / 18.05.03
Arnt the graphic novels just compilations of the issues?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:30 / 18.05.03
Yeah, I think they are, but I thought it would be easier, not to mention cheaper to buy the books, rather than individual comics.

BTW - just checked on Amazon & You Say You Want a Revolution is out of print. Bah.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:06 / 18.05.03
Fuck Amazon. You can still buy it. Poke around some more - if you're in the UK, use Kelkoo and click on the books section to search a number of retailers at once. If it doesn't show up, local comic shops should be able to help you out. It's worth reading, but Haus' criticism is pretty much spot-on. I read through all the TPBs and was distinctly underwhelmed: of them all, I found the second collection, Apocalipstick, to be the best. Love that Lord Fanny action.


What else? It's 2pm and I'm still wearing a dressing gown. I woke up an hour ago and my legs are sore from dancing like a motherfucker to some great bands last night - one doin' the Cramps thing for the greasers, and another doing the big Swing... so good. My hair is still sticking about four inches up off my head in quiff stylee, even after sleeping on it, so I'm slightly worried about what's actually in the goop I used; I could gore people like a hipster rhinoceros if I wasn't careful...
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:23 / 18.05.03
Just found & ordered YSYWAR from - will venture into Manchester during the Spring Bank holiday to try to dig up further Invisibles.

Man, being on nights in a lockable office with internet access is doing my credit card balance no good whatsoever.

On another note, I'm meant to be flying with my son, Archie and my better half to Fuertaventura on Wed morning, but our tickets have yet to arrive. I'm getting ever more fretful; the idea of showing Archie sand and sea for the first time in his very short life gets me so excited I want to squeal and I'll be fucked if we're not going because some person at head office forgot to process my prize claim properly.

I need wine.

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