I've had a (on the sliding scale of things) pretty decent day; my 1Mbps ADSL was finally conected today, which brings me to a bit of a moral quandary.....
2 weeks ago I ordered a DSL modem from a certain online retailer (company1). They supposedly sent it by 1st class mail on the same day but, up until 8 hours ago, I hadn't seen hide nor hair of it. Cue me, two days ago, phoning another company (company2), stating that my order through them depended on delivery of said items this morning. An order was placed. At the same time I told Company1 that I would be returning their order upon arrival.
Lo and fucking behold - today deliveries from Company 1 & Company 2 arrive simultaneously (give or take 2 hours). I've decided to stick with Company2 as they delivered very quickly (I didn't order until 4pm the previous day).
Do I return the goods to Company1, or do I keep the goods & tell Company1 that I never received them in the 1st place, given the fact that the postman left Company1's delivery propped up against my car on my drive, withoput so much as a ring of my non-proverbial doorbell?
I'm erring on the side of 'non-delivery', but that's the lying, cheating, dishonest scumbag coming out in me. Am I a crim or simply an opportunist?
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