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Late shift lucky 13-We'll still be friends in the morning right?


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Char Aina
01:42 / 12.05.03
ah, but i cant click on any other than twelve, sorry, misread the question miss.
01:53 / 12.05.03
All this educated talk... I feel like I'm back in college...and walked by the room with the smart people.

I'm nay so educated. I have this one area of interest which I'm bumbling my way through.
Saint Keggers
01:58 / 12.05.03
You have an intrest in human sacrifice? Creepy.
01:58 / 12.05.03
Ah, that's what I thought. Are you on a Mac, Haus? Or you have all the right plug-ins.

It was the fall/winter production of the theater company that I am now tangentially involved in. Actually it's going to be in the NY Fringe Festival in August, which is going to be roughly like getting a camel through the eye of a needle.
02:00 / 12.05.03
Oh, I see your stats now. Thanks.
02:06 / 12.05.03
You have an intrest in human sacrifice? Creepy.

Morbidity sells in scholarship. It's like the only way to get on the history channel.
Saint Keggers
02:11 / 12.05.03
(by odd coincidence) For your love of the sacrifice I give you:

02:16 / 12.05.03
Two nights of consecutive comic strip presents!! Hooray!

When I went around the office distributing the new phonebooks, I started demanding tribute. I didn't get it. Except in the form of the old phonebooks.

Damn impious government workers.
02:19 / 12.05.03
Frassing frassing Word now refuses to believe that I have it installed - after opening - and shuts itself merrily down, and on top of that claims the DVD I tried to reinstall from has no .CAB file or similar...bastards bastards bastards.
Saint Keggers
02:20 / 12.05.03
Have them all drawn and quartered until they learn the meaning of the word tribute!
02:24 / 12.05.03
I wish I could, but there's like six forms that need to be filed before that can happen.
Saint Keggers
02:27 / 12.05.03
You're new at this arn't you? You go to the first person and say "Since you will not bow down before me...fill out these tribute."
Then once all the forms are filled you scream "Foolish Mortal! You have filled your own tripplicate!" then proceed to have them all drawn and quartered.
02:42 / 12.05.03
And me all out of phonebooks. I'll have to start ransoming the meeting agendae.
02:49 / 12.05.03
You know, the plural of agenda is one of those things that keep me up at nights...
Saint Keggers
02:49 / 12.05.03
Oh you could just walk in bearing the head of your enemies on a pike. Tell everyone about the "new office policies".
02:52 / 12.05.03
Is it? Oh hell. It's agendum in the singular, isn't it. Agenda is the plural. Dang.
03:06 / 12.05.03
I hate trying to wrap up papers. I'm one of those people who tells long rambling stories that don't seem to have much of a point, and I actively suck at trying to wind things up into neat little summarized ball.
Saint Keggers
03:14 / 12.05.03
Well Im off to watch some Tv before bed...Charmed Season finale and and old Buffy is on right now.
G'night all and good luck with the paper Maz.
03:24 / 12.05.03
Night Keg, shweetie, thanks.
03:33 / 12.05.03
Well, that's just it. Agendum is a single thing that needs to be done, agenda is a bunch of things that need to be doen. but what if you have a bunch of bunches of things that need to be done?

It's enough to make me weep, I tell you.

Anyway, good luck Maz, I must away. It's nearly dawn over here.
03:43 / 12.05.03
Night, Haus. I've just beat my works cited into submission, and this may or may not be the worst thing I've ever written, let's hope not, but I too need to make with the sleeping. Night everyone!
The Strobe
08:40 / 12.05.03
Well done Mazarine; I'm desperately trying to revise for my Tragedy exam next week and it's just going to be nightmarish. I can barely remember the plays and have no idea how to apply them to a modern ideal of Tragedy. Erk.

Haus: you are a genius. Analogy now stuck in my head.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:52 / 12.05.03
Well. It's late where I am. So I hereby welcome everyone back to Channel Dumbass.
Tryphena Absent
13:59 / 12.05.03
What a horrible name for it... how uncouth, how colonial.
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:08 / 12.05.03
Fine. Go back to Network Lobe. See if I care. I'll go and do some more non-classics drudgework...
21:08 / 12.05.03
Well, it's done, it's turned in, and I don't have to deal with Aristophanes or Aeschylus or any other kind of school until Latin starts in June (I will find out the plural of Agenda), if I decide to take it. Back to TV, fanfiction, and futzing around.
21:40 / 12.05.03
"Agendas". Sorry to stamp on the joy of learning, there.

Meanwhile, I think I may be in Hell. Is anyone bothering with the "separatism" thread? It's really rather hideous. I really don't want to say that Leap's beliefs tally uncomfortably closely with the lunatic fringe of the British far right, because he is likely to get terribly upset about it, but it's really hard not to...
21:43 / 12.05.03
See you in court, Cerebro Dexter.
21:43 / 12.05.03
Dear lord, I know this one and am even in the mood to post for a change.

Agendum (singular) and agenda (plural) are indeed the correct latin forms but since most latin has ended up bastardised by the general british speaking public it gets messy. Agenda (s) and agendas (p) are now both accepted dictionary spellings but I guess if you know the correct latin root then it should be used instead. Much the same case as data and datum.

Why is it that this random latin stuff only comes back to me in the middle of the night?
21:49 / 12.05.03
' feels like some ghastly joke. He is perhaps a brilliant prankster playing on our unwillingness just to write him off completely, our horrified dangling between shock and awersehole. And there's blessed little Rage, STICKING IT TO THE MAN and getting increasingly riled that we have not taken her feelings into account enough while talking about her word. Bless her. Its like the paradigmatic car crash thread. We should be taking tissue samples. And then using the tissue to clear up the SHIT. After we've FUCKED IT UP.

All seems pretty self-evident to me.
21:51 / 12.05.03
Actually, I find the idea of FUCKing SHIT UP stomach churning...
21:59 / 12.05.03
I find the idea of churning shit up stomach-fucking...

This makes no sense to anyone who's just dropping in on the Late Shift, does it. I feel trapped in a hideous Barbelith feedback loop of stupidity, self-regard and wildly incoherent statements. I'm a right hemisphere, get me out of here...
22:10 / 12.05.03
How quickly the tone of this thread has changed. I'm taking it as part and parcel of the whole 'intellegent people going without sleep' deal and learning to use my refresh button a hell of a lot more.

There is nothing good on television at the moment anyway so the long running Barbelith soap opera is keeping my amusement levels up. Bring on the webcams and you could probably sell this stuff as pay per view.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:09 / 12.05.03
Haus: cue the Is Barbelith Dying? setpiece! Go! Go!
23:14 / 12.05.03
How about Is Barbelith Hiring, for novelty value? We could form a collective and make rafia tea sets.

Ah my brow is soothed by the gentle thoughts of dappled, shasy gardens and the ancient tea ceremonies of the English.

Much better.

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