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Late shift lucky 13-We'll still be friends in the morning right?


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Saint Keggers
04:06 / 14.05.03
yeah I should head out too....G'night you fine 'lithers. Catch'a on the flip.
Shiva Mule
04:06 / 14.05.03
Currently listening to Bowie's Hunky Dory. Is there Life on Mars? I don't know, hope so. Not so mellow, drinking Coke. Which would make me (bad pun coming) a coke whore. Since I am telling you my beverage choice.

Right, anyone else conscious?
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:27 / 14.05.03
Yes, though only just. I've spent the morning learning about the rules for writing copy for therapeutic products.

It's possibly the most boring morning of my life.
Tryphena Absent
04:29 / 14.05.03
I'm still here. Have wasted half an hour. Have hit the adrenaline wave now. Yummy.
Shiva Mule
05:12 / 14.05.03
Yeah the adrenaline for me generally means that I've got about six hours before my body decides that its put up with me long enough and chucks my brain out my ear.
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:14 / 14.05.03
Well, I'm showering. Mmm, shower. Mmm, warm. Mmm, pyjamas.
01:30 / 15.05.03
I now have this visual of Rothky, tucked into bed with a stuffed animal under one arm, and it just screams huggle me. So huggles for Rothkoid.

Anyone up? Or down? Or sort of slumped over in a pool of their own (insert noun here)?
Eloi Tsabaoth
01:35 / 15.05.03
I'm up. I'm always up. Brains in jars don't have eyelids to close.
Everyone should have a cuddly Rothkoid doll. Except Rothkoid.
Shiva Mule
01:37 / 15.05.03
I am surrounded by nouns, most of them are those that are called boxes. I'm moving out of my dorm, so it should be a packing sort of evening.

How was life in Cubeville, Mazarine?
As requested I thought of you today.

and Huggles
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:43 / 15.05.03
Me cuddling a me doll would be a bit weird. Because it'd be a doll of me cuddling a me doll and so on until insanity sets in.

But me in flannelette. Mmm. Cuddly.

I need more sleep. I've just spent two hours in a course, it's raining out, and I think laziness is creeping in...
Saint Keggers
02:04 / 15.05.03
Hey nightbarbers!
02:05 / 15.05.03
Slumped in a puddle of your own boxes. It works.

Thanks for the thoughts, Shiva darlin'. Everyone at work is cracking (as in breaking, shattering, not in the sense of 'cracking good'! which I don't think anyone says outside of a Harry Potter book, but feel free to correct me) and that sense of casual despair is settling in over the anger, I think. And sobbing at Armageddon really did help.

Roth, I was thinking more of a teddy bear. Or maybe a hamster with nunchucks.
Saint Keggers
02:06 / 15.05.03
I've had this weird thought running through my head all day..Road House: The Musical.
Shiva Mule
02:10 / 15.05.03




"I don't know Joan, I woke up and my hair was like this!
Could it have been those things from the pit of Zog,
the barbers which walk by night?"
02:12 / 15.05.03
Actually, I think they walked by last night. It was humid today and my hair was doing an impressive imitation of the spikes of a lionfish, no matter what I did to it to try and make it stop. Fortunately, no one was around for most of today.
Shiva Mule
02:14 / 15.05.03
My hair tends to imitate Hugh Jackman's (as Wolverine), except not in that I'm likely to get laid a lot way.

Its pretty horrific, especially if I've had a rough night.
Saint Keggers
02:18 / 15.05.03
When I wake up my hair looks like something a Dragonball Z character might envy...but luckily enough with just a bit of water it goes back to its impecable style.
02:30 / 15.05.03
Anna: My advice is make up a website, check it doesn't exist and if anyone questions you say it must have closed down. Works for me.
03:00 / 15.05.03
I'm off to bed, goodnight my dears.
Saint Keggers
03:03 / 15.05.03
Goodnight Mazarine!
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:08 / 15.05.03
Which is like "Goodnight Eileen" but rocks that WHOLE FUCKLOAD MORE.
The Return Of Rothkoid
16:51 / 15.05.03
So. Second Matrix film.

I ain't gettin' those hours back.
00:53 / 16.05.03
Today was a fucking good day.

Got up this morning, and my fiance's fish, who had been having trouble swimming, kept floating to the surface and swimming on his side last night, made a complete recovery. Fish so rarely bounce back, so I was pretty psyched.

Work was a non-event, but it wasn't bad. Got home, tired, took a nap with my sweetie. Then the phone rang, and it was my mother, calling to tell me that the woman who was suing me (well, my insurance company) for tapping her SUV with the side mirror of my Prism (made of pie plates) was taking the insurance company's settlement, so I don't have to spend the better part of next week in court. This means I can sign up for that four week Latin course, and I don't lose a week's pay. So my sweetie and I went out to a steakhouse, I got a marvelous chunk of recently alive cow for a reasonable price, and I picked up another dye kit to make my hair red again tomorrow, because dammit, I don't have to go to court and I can look however I want!

So yeah. Today was a good day. : )

How's everybody?
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:01 / 16.05.03
Tired, as existing on three hours' sleep. And annoyed with that damn film, so I'm trying to channel it into a useful (or at least readable) blogpost.
Saint Keggers
03:40 / 16.05.03
It was 12:39am when I, a white boy, started to play that funky music.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:29 / 16.05.03
That deaf, dumb and blind kid... sure doesn't have many opinions about anything.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:57 / 16.05.03
Shame that pinball's gone the way of the Edsel then, innit?

Three hours sleep in the past 48. Don't try it, kids.
23:20 / 16.05.03
Three hours sleep in the past 48. Don't try it, kids.

Go to sleep!! Christ!
23:30 / 16.05.03
Quite. I remember the days of two back-to-back all-nighters at college. Very nasty. I nearly dropped a lung when I did two essay all-nighters then stayed up another night dancing at Port Meadow, followed by watching the Magdalene Choir sing for May morning. I think I'm still catching up on *that* sleep debt...
Saint Keggers
23:47 / 16.05.03
I remember the days of haulling my computer over to a friends house on friday and lan-ing with 5 or 6 friends and not sleeping until school on monday.... nowadays I don't go to school. I was a sleep deprieved C+C junky.
00:20 / 17.05.03
I remember being able to do that. Then mono and lyme disease. I'd sleep all the time, but people keep waking me up.
00:27 / 17.05.03
I finished school today. Now I'm tipsy.

Mostly, I feel like I've spent the whole day being lied to.

My homework is to watch If.... before my exam on Tuesday.

I want a hug.
00:29 / 17.05.03
Oh, Pin, sweetie! -huggles for pin-
00:33 / 17.05.03
Manly hugs, Pin. Watch the claws, though.
00:38 / 17.05.03
If anyone's wondering, by "I finished school" I mean fuck-yeh finished, and not just It-was-3:40-and-I-went-home-and-I've-got-an-essay-in-for-monday-and-she-said-no.

Fucking lvoe Busted, me.

Why am I still here? What the fuck is wrong with my tiny mind?

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