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Late Shift Twelve - who's playing then?


Page: 12(3)4567

Char Aina
23:52 / 07.05.03
i think thats fear of success, mate.

self destructive urges, and all that.
23:52 / 07.05.03
Heh. I'm busy not writing my paper or my final at the moment, so yeah, I feel you.
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:56 / 07.05.03
It would all be bona if it was just my existence I was pissing away, but now I have all these emotional dependents, my family, my 2.4 girlfriends, the fate of our generation...
Kit-Cat Club
00:00 / 08.05.03
I have the same problem right now, Bizunth, and it is very annoying indeed (probably more for the rest of Barbelith which has to put up with my whining every time I have to write something. I think I am deliberately spoiling my chances of doing it well in order to avoid the situation where I've tried really hard and worked like fury and still it is rubbish... at least this way I can pretend to myself that it wasn't the work that was crap, just me (why is this preferable? Have never managed to work that one out).
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:05 / 08.05.03
I think I am deliberately spoiling my chances of doing it well in order to avoid the situation where I've tried really hard and worked like fury and still it is rubbish... at least this way I can pretend to myself that it wasn't the work that was crap.

This, of course, was my technique throughout my last 2 years of university. I left all my essays until the last couple of days, often going over the deadlines, and as the marks got lower and lower I could always say 'well, I wrote that in half an hour having only eaten a pot noodle and a twix, of course it was crap'. I even got to the point where I didn't read the notes the tutor had left, thinking they didn't apply... I have classic 'Don't want to realise I'm a hack' syndrome.
I think the cure is having a gun to your head. It worked for Douglas Adams (almost).
Char Aina
00:05 / 08.05.03
dont worry.

when you are told its crap, your mind will power up sheilds and tell you that the person telling you that is full of shit.

if you write it.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:07 / 08.05.03
That's true. Better to be a self-deluding hack than a procrastinating wannabe.
Kit-Cat Club
00:13 / 08.05.03
Oh dear that does sound horribly familiar...

HOWEVER I am doing much better than usual as the deadline is a) not until Friday lunchtime and b) false, and the real one is three weeks away (three weeks! argh!). But I'm still being ridiculously pathetic about it and all this guff about delusion etc. is a cover to hide from myself the fact that I have no willpower and am being stupid and pretentious about it...

(If we keep this up I'll have gone through in twenty minutes what usually takes an entire night of staring at the screen, carry on chaps)
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:17 / 08.05.03
It does give me a little comfort to know that there are other people out there with the same terribly harrowing condition. I think of us, trapped having to watch endless late-night television, making countless snacks, checking Barbelith every two minutes and re-reading old novels as 'research'. The horror...
Char Aina
00:28 / 08.05.03

research is my favoiurite part of the job too.
i research a lot of cable TV.

i used to think i was lazy, and feared failure. now i know that i am exceptionally lazy and have a fear of success.

although it feels almost the same, it is subtly different.
Kit-Cat Club
00:29 / 08.05.03
Oh, I'd forgotten about the snacks part... thanks for reminding me.

Mph, yes, the harrowing condition of preternatural uselessness (in my case that is). I don't even have a television - my addiction to Barbelith has reached positively rampant levels and I reckon I have now been at the computer for about sixteen hours in which time I have read every single thread which has been posted on in that time and a great many that haven't.

And now look at what I'm doing! Bellyaching again. Perhaps I should cut my losses and go to bed.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:31 / 08.05.03
Good idea, I think I'll do that too. Look what we did, we took a perfectly good thread for late-night chit chat and turned it into a festival of self-pity! That in itself is worth feeling good about. G'night.
Spatula Clarke
00:48 / 08.05.03
I'm flitting back and forth between the board and Google, where I'm trying to dredge up relevant material to use as references in an astoundingly boring report that's due in tomorrow. Can't access any of the recommended journal databases outside of the Uni labs, so I'm left with awful Geocities-standard sites.

Small word count, but can I get the thing started? Can I futchcraggery.

Limited amount of Internet time left, too, thanks to the shitheads at BT cutting the Openworld accounts back a couple of months ago in an effort to get everyone to buy into Broadband. Now me, I'd love to get a Broadband connection hooked up, only BT won't stick one in around here because not enough people have registered interest.

I need that explaining to me, I'm afraid. You can only register interest online, which means that those without Internet access can't register interest, which means that if you want to get a Broadband connection installed somewhere that doesn't currently have access you've got to get a dial-up account simply to register interest. Wha?
Spatula Clarke
00:49 / 08.05.03
Scrub 'due in tomorrow', insert 'due in today'. Honestly hadn't noticed the time.
Char Aina
01:00 / 08.05.03
umm.. if you can, sod BT and go with NTL.

they are offering a whole pile of deals just now.

or maybe they haven't ripped up your street yet?
Saint Keggers
01:01 / 08.05.03
Its 10:00pm.
I've got some old song running through my head...
and I feel like writting haiku.
Spatula Clarke
01:40 / 08.05.03
Nope. Like I say, Broadband just doesn't exist in this part of town. People two miles away have it... Grr.
Char Aina
01:48 / 08.05.03
kegboy writes haiku
when he gets songs running through
his head at night.

broadband will be mine
when i move into my flash
new dennistoun home.
Saint Keggers
01:56 / 08.05.03
haiku not great yet
mind melting away like snow
blame the t.v. set
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:05 / 08.05.03
This, of course, was my technique throughout my last 2 years of university. I left all my essays until the last couple of days

Lightweight. I left my thesis until a couple of days before. Just after being caught in bed (sadly, not even in raunch mode) by my then-girlfriend's Russian Orthodox father.


Am at work, and stressed, and headachey and blah, also.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:09 / 08.05.03
Oh. I passed, though. So w00t to me!
Spatula Clarke
02:59 / 08.05.03
I've got a mate who did that, Roth. First year, passes by 0.5% (the examiners must have been feeling generous that day - how the fuck do you get half a percent?). Second year, passes by about 3%.

Final year, gets other people to do all his assignments, cheats the exams and starts his dissertation three days before the dealine.

Comes out with a 2-2. Complains because he thought he'd get higher. How?

I've just realised that this has become a regular thing for me. Once each year, and only once per year, at exactly the same point in that year, I've ended up doing a major late/early shift to meet a deadline. No idea why this should be, as for each previous seven months I've been pretty good at getting work finished off in advance of the deadline. Not by much, a couple of days at most, but still early enough to relax. Bad memories of doing a stupid run of consecutive hours in my first year trying to get a bit of screwy programming working, eased only by the presence of Plums, Ganesh, et al here.

Anyway, that's one of today's looming-deadline pieces down, one more to go. Hooray for m... oh.

Shaznuts. One more to go.
Baz Auckland
06:26 / 08.05.03
3:30am. American History exam is 17 hours away, and Barry is awake drunk, and reading the personals at disinformation. Ay yi yi.

Randy's story gives me strength though. Failure won't happen. Life is pretty damn good, and drinking with the Chinese History class is a good excuse for not having studied for the American History...

..anyone else still around? or in the BMT case, waking up?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:03 / 08.05.03
1:58 am Pacific standard time.

Played Morrowind until it crashed. Earlier today than it did last night. Reading the Work and Welfare thread, ouch.
08:22 / 08.05.03
Can I futchcraggery

Futchcraggery is the BEST word I have ever heard and I would like permission to adopt it, nuture it and send it off into common everyday useage.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:25 / 08.05.03
Who used it? I freaked out and re-read my post thinking that I was writing complete giberish. I can't see it so I am going to assume that someone else used it, or my brain has gone mush after reading Leaptopia.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:43 / 08.05.03
Tag-team, back again. Shithousery. Blah. One. More. Day...
13:47 / 08.05.03
Nietzsch, E.Randy Dupre used it, way up at the top of this page.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:10 / 08.05.03
so, its not late here, only around 1PM but i am on campus and i should be studying for a final i feel grossly unprepared for that is in an hour, and yet i just dont feel like any of it matters.
Baz Auckland
18:12 / 08.05.03
Hey! Me too! What's your final on? I'm sure you'll ace it all the same.
—| x |—
18:26 / 08.05.03
Well good luck to both you finalists!

Elijah--I am sympathetic to your plight (as I am sure others are): there is nothing worse (in an academic way) than trying to make yourself study for something that you've lost any care for. might as well bash your head into a wall or go and get loaded! All the best just the same.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:29 / 08.05.03
astronomy 101
really should be an easy class, but since before spring break i havent made it through an entire class without sleeping, and i havent gone to the last 2 weeks worth of classes
—| x |—
18:31 / 08.05.03
Is that like the "story telling" astronomy that I took as an introductory course, is it more advanced with formulas, equations, and such?
—| x |—
18:48 / 08.05.03
"And now he plays
each and every day
with his broken toy,
and when that toy
turned out to be his brain
no one else wanted to play


oh sorry, wrong thread...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
20:17 / 08.05.03
its a pretty basic course, some formulas but mostly just history of the universe type stuff

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