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Late Shift Twelve - who's playing then?


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Tryphena Absent
22:00 / 08.05.03
Hooray, that Wollstonecraft cow is finally out of my life! Quick, back to dissertation- Arrrgggghhhhhh!
Lurid Archive
22:20 / 08.05.03
I just wanted to say "hi" to this thread, since I've been missing the insomnia threads now that my sleep is mostly sorted. (And I'm in a slightly different timezone.)
Kit-Cat Club
22:31 / 08.05.03
Hello lovely Lurid - how are you?

After my shocking display of peevishness last night I am determined to be sweetness and light in this thread tonight, and to stop posting if I get too browned off. But I am here for the duration I think... how late is it permissible to play soothing music, do you reckon, chaps?
Tryphena Absent
22:33 / 08.05.03
Oh, at least as late as 4 am I should think and whinging and whining are quite acceptable... I hope.
Kit-Cat Club
22:53 / 08.05.03
On reflection, I think I would have been asked to desist quite a while ago if they weren't acceptable... what I want to know, is how is it possible to study something for eight months and still wind up not knowing anything useful about it? I know more about the sodding X-Men than I do about my subject (or perhaps I just picked a spectacularly inopportune moment to become obsessed with Nightcrawler...). Oh well, happy joy joy. Glad you buried Wollstonecraft btw...
23:02 / 08.05.03
Dearest, there is never a bad time to become obsessed with Nightcrawler.

Sleepy sleepy Haus...
Saint Keggers
23:09 / 08.05.03
Never ever a bad time to become obsessed with Nightcrawler. Bamf!
He's like that chef that always turns it up a notch! Bamf! Except not annoying in the least.
He was my favorite as a child....then Psylock when I was a teen. Now I just like pirates.
Kit-Cat Club
23:10 / 08.05.03
I suppose he is a pointy pointy mutant...
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:12 / 08.05.03
I'm also going to be nothing but rosy-cheeked jolliness tonight.
Hello all! Lovely day, wasn't it? I'm wearing a new sweater!
Saint Keggers
23:14 / 08.05.03
What kind? What colour?
Tryphena Absent
23:18 / 08.05.03
Is it knitted? Is it fleecy? My god man, you can't just come in here with that brazen attitude and state 'I'm wearing a new sweater'. What do you take us for- uninterested baboons??

Too much Bamf btw, I am suffering from the Bamf, the Bamf is making me clutch my temples in psychotic manner.
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:18 / 08.05.03
It's a brand-new white fisherman style jumper, to replace my ratty, ten years old hand-me-down white fisherman style jumper. Mmm, knobbly. Don't know who my favourite X-man is. Always had a soft spot for Skin, everyone's favourite snarky latino with floppy epidermis.
23:22 / 08.05.03
I've been experimenting with summer suitage and "business fricking casual" today - my first meeting as a freelance. I feel rather like you, K-C C - I can't remember a darn thing about how one does this creative lark...
Tryphena Absent
23:25 / 08.05.03
Hey, 'business casual' is an important representation of today's working environment. Did the meeting go well?

The jumper sounds lovely!
23:31 / 08.05.03
Mmm, I'm very much looking forward to going to see X2 this weekend - it will be really nice to think about something other than Anglican church music and Stanford.

How does freelancing work precisely? Do you have to go around touting your services in the hope that enough people want you to do work?
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:34 / 08.05.03
Do you have to go around touting your services in the hope that enough people want you to do work?

That's pretty much it, although no-one's ever made it sound so soul-crushingly pointless before...
Wait, I'm happy tonight. Happy. La la la.
23:59 / 08.05.03
Well, if it's any consolation, that is what I have to face for the rest of my life too. That's how you get work as a musician, except there are even more people for fewer jobs. Um, I really don't think it is soul crushing, just rather tough. More of a challenge?
Kit-Cat Club
00:01 / 09.05.03
I recommend X-Men slash for all your procrastination needs. Nightcrawler/Wolverine. And of such is the kingdom of Heaven...

'Tisn't that I can't remember how to do it - I just don't think I'm any good at it any more, which is a bit of a chiz. Ach well. Worse things happen at sea. Happy thoughts...
00:05 / 09.05.03
Ah ha, you see by the weekend it will no longer be procrastination but either success or failure! Or more realistically, everything in on time or loss of five marks for it in on monday
Tryphena Absent
00:11 / 09.05.03
I'm going home. I know it's early but I must read about Frege before bed and it's going to be a trial... strangely reminiscent of algebra in fact.

Now, just quickly, if any of you happen upon a nice light shade of pink on a website than please tell me.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:27 / 09.05.03
Check out Kooky's blog.
The Return Of Rothkoid
06:25 / 09.05.03
Mmm. Beer. At work. Mmm.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:52 / 10.05.03
Mmm. More beer. And mmm to Portugese restaurants that have no shame about serving you what looks to be an entire creature of some description, accompanied by THE BIGGEST BOTTLE OF WINE I'VE EVER SEEN.

Well, not entirely. But almost. And did I say mmm? Mmm.
02:36 / 10.05.03
Working on one of my last two assignments for the semester, both due Monday. Anyone up?
Saint Keggers
03:02 / 10.05.03
Hey Maz, Im up. Hows things?
03:20 / 10.05.03
I'm waiting for the spirit of academia to come posess me so I can write these damned papers. Surprisingly, I haven't found it on How you doin'?
Saint Keggers
04:07 / 10.05.03
Doing great. Im waiting for the spirit of artistic creativity to possess me because im currently drawing crap..and watching Conan O'brien is helping
04:14 / 10.05.03
Righteous. I just went and got snacks. How could I have expected to accomplish anything without snacks?
Saint Keggers
04:22 / 10.05.03
That may explain my lack of creativity...I filled up on Kentucky Fried Chicken for supper and its still sitting in the pit of my stomach...argh.
04:31 / 10.05.03
I made a grocery store run for smartfood, gingerale, a four pack of frapuccinos (yes, it's spelled wrong, but it's a word Starbucks made up, and I just paid them for it, so they can suck eggs.) and a mess of cookies.

Noshito ergo cognito. I nosh, therefore I think. Or something. I haven't been up this late in ages.
Saint Keggers
04:37 / 10.05.03
mmmm gingerale...I havent had that in such a long time. One of my aunts boyfriends was from the caribeans and his mother made homemade gingerale... damn was that good.
04:53 / 10.05.03
I didn't know it was even possible to make homemade gingerale. I got really hooked on the stuff when I was trying to kick caffeine, which worked, until I had to start waking up early again. So refreshing.
Saint Keggers
04:59 / 10.05.03
Oh its possible.. she uses fresh ginger so its hot like ginger beer...maybe it is gingerbeer?
Saint Keggers
05:08 / 10.05.03
Well its late so im off for some shuteye. g'night Maz
05:24 / 10.05.03
Night Kegboy.

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