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Late Shift Twelve - who's playing then?


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Saint Keggers
01:57 / 06.05.03
Im here, its only 10:55 pm for me...(so its nearing lateness i guess..
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:09 / 06.05.03
Well, I'm back. Yes, oulabelle, I'm a shift manager in a huge great big factory, making carpet underlay. No need to thank me for your underfoot comfort, I'm only doing my job.

Can't complain about the night shift, really - I'm surfing the interweb, drinking coffee and listening to loadsa music on my MP3 jukebox. Pretty similar to a lot of nights at home, I suppose.

Except I don't get paid to do this at home.

Slightly embarrassed at my Police Squad faux pas - it is late, though, after all.

Any other 'lithers doing this at work, or are you all just students and/or speed freaks?
Saint Keggers
02:13 / 06.05.03
I am neither student nor speedfreak! I am Kegboy! (cue The Tick cartoon theme music)

BTW whats column 2 going to be for?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:20 / 06.05.03
I'd like to see random quotes taken from random threads in Col.2, with the quotee's name attributed to it, of course.

Might make for some interesting, smirkish reading.
Saint Keggers
02:25 / 06.05.03
Or we could have a score list of the top three posters in that thread and the number of posts and when you reach a certain score you get access to the secret levels with the mushroom king...yeah.
02:25 / 06.05.03
X-Com Apocalypse is (*whisper it*) a computer game. God, I'm so ashamed. Basically, I'm obsessively hacking away at it in the belief that completion will both act as closure and instil some new resolve in my thoughts and actions. I should be unemplyed more often. it's a fascinating insight into a trivial mind.

What's keeping everyone else up?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:33 / 06.05.03
Haus, we appear to be polar opposites; my employment is keeping me up.

Like I have said in the wish 'lith thread, I'm currently trying to pluck up the courage to ram a letter of resignation into the murky depths of my boss' colon.

Either that, or ask for a promotion.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:12 / 06.05.03



Take that, Late Shift XI.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
03:52 / 06.05.03



Quick, Robin - go get the Bat-Late-Shift-Eleven Repellent!!
the Fool
04:08 / 06.05.03
Well, I'm at work. Avoiding work. Producing an unholy amount of snot for someone who doesn't have a cold.

Just thought I'd share...
the Fool
05:13 / 06.05.03
Now that, my friends, is how to be a thread killah! hehehehehe... :P
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:42 / 06.05.03
Sorry, we're buried under your unholy snot. Take that accursed nasal mucus!
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:08 / 06.05.03
Well, I'm here. And now it is late. And me is tiiired.
00:09 / 07.05.03
Mm kay so its now the seventh, anyone got any interestin anecdotes about there day??

I rushed an essay in and played lots of poot games, huzzah!
00:19 / 07.05.03
I'm here too. Feeling bland.
Char Aina
00:23 / 07.05.03
i designed a ribbon logo which i might use.

i came up with an idea for a story.

i researched van hire to help me move house.

i tried to get a new job, unsuccesfully it seems so far.

i also researched DXM and other legal highs. unfortunately i found that there are fewer in britain than america.

a fairly productive day, i just wish i had found that MD iwas trying to find as well.
Tryphena Absent
00:25 / 07.05.03
I've almost finished my conduct essay- been writing the thing for around 5 hours now with the occasional barb-break. It's going rather well.
00:34 / 07.05.03
Marazine: I blame the grey, white and black colour scheme of the board.
Go to the top of the page you'll feel much better...

Toksik: anything interesting / something to blow away my mundane word in the legal highs?? Only ones ive tried are the ones at festivals where you have to take 50 odd elephant sized pills. Did very little...

Havent we all been busy little bees today?
Tryphena Absent
00:45 / 07.05.03
Everything I read on the board today I see completely negatively and, no doubt, in the wrong light. I think it may be time for me to go to bed. Goodnight!
00:46 / 07.05.03
yeah toksik... how's the DXM research going? I hear it one of the world's harder substances to obtain. If you point me in the right direction, I still have 8 hrs till work...

Hey-lo all.. I rarely crawl out at night-time unless I'm posting impersonal commentary. How's everyone?
Char Aina
01:21 / 07.05.03
well in the UK there are precious few sources.

in the US you want to get your hands on a large quantity of DEXALONE, a pill that not too surprisinly is just dextromethorphan. others contain active ingrediants such as pseudoephedrine, which although often taken are dangerous in the doses required to achieve the 'plateaus' of the DXM experience.

in the UK there is only one it seems; Vicks Vaposyrup for Dry coughs. the other varieties(for tickly/chesty, etc) have quite different ingredients.

the one irritating barrier is that vicks support vivisection, so i will have to steal the bottles, making life much harder.

of the more worrying effects the drug has in humans is the psychosis it can cause in many folks around the third or fourth plateau.(i should explain; taking the drug in larger doses does not only increase the effects, but changes them. past a certain point, or plateau, the experience becomes different. there are around four such plateaus apparently.)
being a disassociative anaesthetic, i think it probably becomes easier to forget about pain and the 'right or wrong' of a situation while tripping. although this effect might be useful for some purposes, i would not advise tripping solo for this reason.

the drug is compared to PCP in this regard, but the comparison is not an entirely sound one.
Char Aina
01:35 / 07.05.03
i should say that there are two different substances, dextromethorphan and dextromethorphan hydrobromide.

the latter is the one you want, ideally.

also, it's not that hard to get... you may be thinking of DMT, the mckenna favourite.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:46 / 07.05.03
Well, I'm finishing my 5th 12 hour night shift in a row, bringing my cumulative hours for the week to 60 (for those of you who are too tired to do the math(s)). I usually get 4 days off, but this week it's only two, followed by a 72 hour week.

Oh joy is me.

And I've forgotten to bring my book to work - never mind; my new-found love, Barbelith, is helping keep me occupied. So are Kings Of Convenience and various examples of assorted ambient wizardry.

I found a loose piece of skin on the sole of my foot today, which begged to me to give it 'just a little tug'. Very satisfying it was, too, until I found I was peeling skin off right down to the subcutaneous layer and beads of blood started appearing. So now I'm limping around all over the place.

Well, at least it's better than broadcasting my snot production rate.
Char Aina
01:50 / 07.05.03
if you are in search of boredom relief;

punk rock cartoons
sick as fuck cartoons(worksafe)
geek-centric cartoons.

i have more, if you like those.
i like strips.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:59 / 07.05.03
Yeah - love the redmeat cartoons, they appeal to my inner sociopath.

I emailed a bunch of friends a small collection of redmeat and was met with general disdain and bewilderment. I hate them all now.
Saint Keggers
02:13 / 07.05.03
helloooo 'Lithers!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:17 / 07.05.03

I love the pointless headings for the redmeat series. Very cool.
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 07.05.03
The Parking Lot Is Full was one of my favorites.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:31 / 07.05.03
Hi! 4:28 am local time.

Was playing Morrowind now sitting waiting for computer to entertain me.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:24 / 07.05.03
Spent the morning at one library doing stock weeding (which sounds dull and is dull but can be like one of those meditation exercises where you stop thinking) and am now at another booking people on to computers and using my evil reptilian eyes to spy on the lovely new assistant we've got working here.
12:53 / 07.05.03
Hmm... Well it ain't late but I am sick of my essay.
In our library they have little signs which appear at the end of the aisles sometimes, warning you that there will be 'book and shelf dusting' taking place. Libraries are such considerate institutions.
Saint Keggers
13:35 / 07.05.03
book and shelft dusting, sounds liek an episode of C.S.I... I wonder if they'll find the killer in just under an hour?
13:38 / 07.05.03
Yeah, it never specifies whether they're dusting or dusting for...
I accuse Mrs White, with the revolver, in the library.
23:38 / 07.05.03
Any of you snarky lads and lasses about?
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:42 / 07.05.03
I'm up, I'm writing, I feel like I want to take two melon-ballers to my eye sockets... as usual. Is it writer's block when you know exactly what you're going to write but can't physically make yourself do it? Or is that just lazy procrastination?

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