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Late Shift Twelve - who's playing then?


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The Return Of Rothkoid
14:02 / 10.05.03
Mmm. Drunk. Matrix. Good.
14:12 / 10.05.03
Well, when I went to sleep, I dreamed about Wolverine and Ashton Kutcher hanging around in a bathroom in my parents' house. No more smartfood before bedtime.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
14:24 / 10.05.03
Mazarine : what would you class as smart food?

I assume it's food intended to bolster your mental acuity but, not being a dietician/neurologist, can't think of any foods reputed to do that. (maybe that indicates that I'm not eating enough of whatever they are)
15:16 / 10.05.03
Smartfood: Tis a brandname. It's popcorn covered in a cheddar flavored dust. It cannot do fractions, which makes it less intelligent than moon pies, but it's a really good speller, so it beats out celery sticks.

Actually, the only food I feel smarter after eating is sushi. Something about the raw fish proteins, they stop the itchy feeling which sometimes plagues my brain. Plus, my mom told me fish is brain food, and not in the sense of sweetbreads.

I'm sorry. That answer was kind of flippant, I'm just in a really silly mood, which is not lending itself well to my discussions of classical Greek theater.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
15:33 / 10.05.03
Not flippant at all, Mazarine, merely jolly, like what I like to be like.

There's definitely something about cheesey flavour(ed) snacks that means that once you've started on them it's obligatory to finish the lot.

I was also told as a child that fish was 'brain food'. I wonder if there's anything to actually substantiate that? No wonder dolphins are so intelligent.
Saint Keggers
15:35 / 10.05.03
they why are they always getting caught up in tuna nets? Why?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
16:14 / 10.05.03
They're trying to save the tuna. Poor, intelligent things.
16:40 / 10.05.03
I'm fair certain that, given the size of the tuna, they should really be looking after themselves. Fairly large fish, aren't they? Personally, I think it's the lack of thumbs that make net escapes difficult. But I'm not an ichthyologist. Or a dolphinologist. Or a thumbologist.
17:40 / 10.05.03
Dolphins are evil. Sorry, but they just are. So are butterflies. Fucking butterflies.

It's not late here, but I am b-o-o-o-r-e-d. Really bored. And I know you make your own entertainment, but still. Yaarrgh. And I feel...I dunno, clogged up in the head. I would like some codeine, but my prescription has run out. Fucking codeine. Bah.
18:21 / 10.05.03
I've just been informed that tuna are deeply stupid. Who knew.
Saint Keggers
18:30 / 10.05.03
I misread "I would like some codeine, but my prescription has run out. Fucking codeine. Bah." as "I would like some cocaine, but my prescription has run out. Fucking cocaine. Bah."
lol maybe im the one who needs the coke.

Yes tuna are stupid but ravens have an intelligence that equals that of the canine.
Char Aina
18:38 / 10.05.03
i9'll add my vote to the 'dolphins are evil' party.

their mating rituals are basically the aquatic equivalent of three frat boys helping their buddy get laid by kidnapping a girl off the street.
Saint Keggers
18:59 / 10.05.03
Is it any coincidence they're called 'Bottle-nosed"? Bloody drunks! Always ruinning a good thing for the rest of us mamals.
Char Aina
19:07 / 10.05.03
and thats how they attack.

"bottled by a dolphin? what the...?"
19:17 / 10.05.03
I think I've heard them referred to as "The Jerks of the Ocean." Dolphins that is, not tuna.
Saint Keggers
20:14 / 10.05.03
The Jerks of the Ocean, weren't they a bluegrass band?
Tryphena Absent
21:55 / 10.05.03
their mating rituals are basically the aquatic equivalent of three frat boys helping their buddy get laid by kidnapping a girl off the street.

Somewhere out there in an ocean there are some dolphin's saying the same thing about us. Their mating rituals are basically the landbound equivalent of three frat dolphs helping their buddy get laid by kidnapping a dolphinette off the wave. Do you see how I failed to think of an equivalent there? Forgive me, I'm ill, it may be psychosomatic.
22:05 / 10.05.03
Woog. I hate unrefreshing naps. The kind where you wake up and think, "Where the fuck am I, who the fuck am I? What day is it? I'm going back to sleep until someone puts up a sign informing me of all this to wake up to."
22:08 / 10.05.03
I once saw them described in an advert for some plate or other as the "oh so playful monarchs of the sea". But that was basically bollocks.

Ho hum. Just got killed in Mafia. And I'm at work.

Somewhere out there in an ocean there are some dolphin's saying the same thing about us.

How do they know our names? I'm paranoid now. It's all lies, I tell you.
Tryphena Absent
22:42 / 10.05.03
It's not lies you know, they can see what you're doing right now, they're laughing at me (with their high voices and spooky eyes) because I'm not reading my Frege like a good girl would. Mmmmm.
Saint Keggers
22:42 / 10.05.03
Well its a fricken sat. night and im stuck at in the house. I need one of those get rich quick that works.
23:28 / 10.05.03
It's a good thing Aristophanes is funny, otherwise I'd be gouging my eyes out. Apocalypse Now: Redux is on the WB. I keep expecting to see James Vanderbeek pop up in camo.
Char Aina
23:29 / 10.05.03
hey, how about you tell me whcih CD burners are good to buy?

that wont get you rich, but it might make me less skint...
Tryphena Absent
23:46 / 10.05.03
Aristophanes- oh yuk.

Hey everyone, I'm in hell. Just thought you should know.
If I accidentally kill myself over the next two days I'd like to leave my carpet bag coat to Kit Cat. Shame the darling isn't around to appreciate that comment. Sorry Stoatie, don't have anything Bagpuss orientated to leave you in the event of death.

Gosh, how insensitive of me considering everyone's relatives are dropping like flies, still I'm not one to tiptoe around.
Tryphena Absent
23:49 / 10.05.03
Unless I'm wearing a pair of Vivienne Westwood's- you know the ones that you literally have to tiptoe in. All that black patent leather dominatrix stylee mmmmmmmmm.
Saint Keggers
23:50 / 10.05.03
James Vanderbeek in Apocalyspe Now... most defintily one of the signs of the apocalypse.

Anna...why are you going to accidently kill yourself? Why are you in hell?
Saint Keggers
23:53 / 10.05.03
"All that black patent leather dominatrix stylee"; I've often thought of desingin my own line of dom/fet clothing...but it always endup looking very pirate like, lots of velvet. Like Ivy from the Soul Calibur game.
Tryphena Absent
23:57 / 10.05.03
I hate velvet, it's terribly garish and gaudy and far too perfect but everything should be pirate-like.

I'm going to kill myself because I have three philosophy essays to write by Monday and I have a cold. So basically my body may collapse... or my mind... I just want a hug, not a virtual one but you know, real arms. Someone to write about Wittgenstein for me would also be nice... I think I'd better open up Word now.
00:00 / 11.05.03
Arist' isn't treating me too badly. Sophocles is far crueller to me.

I had no idea that Apocalypse Now had a central surfing theme.

Anna- What ring of hell? Any specific branch?
Saint Keggers
00:01 / 11.05.03
We'll I know nothing about Wittgenstein..but if you make your way to montreal I have a Real! Live! Honest-to-goodness Hug with your name on it.

Yeah I think velvet should only be for lounging at home eveningwear. I had some amazing leather left over from my last job that I was just dying to work with but there wasn't enough of it... It was a wine colour.
00:06 / 11.05.03
I had no idea that Apocalypse Now had a central surfing theme.

Surely you jest?
00:10 / 11.05.03
"Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as sloshed Schlegel."

I sympathize, Anna. I've got two in theater due Monday myself, and my circadian rhythms are all outta whack. I'd so much rather be reading fanfiction, or dyeing my hair, or any other form of 'anywhere but here'. Thank god we all have each other, ne?
Saint Keggers
00:11 / 11.05.03
That's where I heard that naem before!!!
I knew it couldn't have been from any actual scholastic venue.
Oh Monty Python!
00:12 / 11.05.03
I never really liked war movies, so I didn't have much interest. I do not jest, I'm afeared.
Saint Keggers
00:14 / 11.05.03
I went to see redux in the theatre and ended up falling asleep and missing the whole movie. Im now known as the man who slept through the apocalyse.

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