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May Warning


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Who's your Tzaddi?
19:20 / 27.05.03
Reality is subjective.

By the way -69-, I hope that I am not one of those *certain posters* you speak of. The problem with the change you speak of is that it is on such a subtle level of existence that most won't even realize it has taken place until...later. Personally, I appreciate the fact that you put yourself on the line to try and help in the way you saw fit. Regardless of the outcome, that is commendable.
19:41 / 27.05.03
Making it up, then? I'm unthunderstruck.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:07 / 28.05.03
The "nuclear explosion on US soil that will knock the Earth off course" sounds like a bizarre 24/Transformers crossover. But I think we all know where this is really heading. Terminator seeds?

The machines will rise!
21:39 / 28.05.03

I would never. I respect you too much, darling.

Now, as for the rest ...

Lick my BOOTY, sleepers!
21:49 / 28.05.03
I'm kidding Ganesh; you really don't have to.

Jus' so y'know.
12:57 / 30.05.03
Nice to know it crossed your mind...
15:17 / 30.05.03
Jumping in without really having much idea of what’s been going on here other than a broad knowledge, but for what it’s worth :

Chap at my college course who’s prone to strange outbursts and general oddness announced in mid-April that ‘London would be hit by a great disaster’ on May 15th. He wouldn’t elaborate, though he did specify a date when he would be in Argentina.

Anyway, here we are two weeks on, and I don’t know what if anything he was talking about, so it looks like he was wrong. As so many predictions of this nature have been seen to be. Anecdotal in the extreme as evidence goes, but I’ll admit it.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:53 / 30.05.03
They're okay, the last days of May...

Well, well. So there was a big kablooie, but it happened on a plane that us mere mortals may not wot of. Guess you'd better give up on the meditation, concentration drills, fasting and all the rest of that work you've been putting into your magickal lives, guys. If you didn't see the kablooie, you're just not up to snuff.

18:01 / 30.05.03
What, so those of us who've never been on some astral plane can't work effective magic? Bullshit! What a load of... er... um... wait...

You're being sarcastic, aren't you? I have so much trouble detecting that.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
18:44 / 30.05.03
I've decided that my hayfever is actually a psychic warning from the Powers That Be (not the ones from Angel because they are so gay), so that means June is going to be full of poo. I tell you all this out of love, and so come the end of the month you will respect my authoritay.
09:01 / 31.05.03
Well, I dunno about apocalyptic predictions, but I think May kicked arse. I did some cool-as-beans magickal stuff, got an ace new job, finished the course I've been doing and - last weekend - temporarily gained the mystic ability to drink gargantuan quantities of alcohol and not get hung over! Plus I've lost quite a bit of weight as well. Hurrah! If that's the conspiracy's doing, I want to make them all a lovely cake and stroke their nipples.
11:51 / 31.05.03
Why is it no one believe is "good" conspirices any more . Hoe hum back to work....
14:42 / 31.05.03

Damn, is this the end of May?
15:37 / 31.05.03
Some really bad shit has happened to people I know this past month. Some really good shit has happened to other people I know this past month.
Mine's been fairly uneventful, really.
In general, a pretty standard month.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:52 / 31.05.03
*Sings* In the ghettooo-o-o...
09:07 / 02.06.03
I had a rocking May, hurrah! I was offline for a week or so and survived, but came back to find some rubbish about Somatic Milk. WTF? I really enjoy these mad conspiracies until they destroy their credibility by attempting to assert facts. Old old dictionaries? Shurely Grammars...

I think we can safely say the May warning was paranoia, so I wonder if BC would explain why nobody noticed the scary undefined thing that didn't happen? Or has ze mooched off in a huff to avoid explaining?

Just another example of poor quality fortune telling *sniff* I would have said somebody tall with dark hair would come into your life in May wearing sunglasses, and Keanu would have proved me right. These amateur prophets suck.
12:28 / 02.06.03
Why is it ~69~'s responsibility to explain what happened? Because they started this thread? That doesn't make them responsible for all events nor privy enough to explain why or what. (No offense ~69~)

Whatever happened, happened. It is now folded between the moments. If something happened for you, good or not, as the case may be.

Personally, I think whenever there is a lunar and solar eclipse in the same month, strange and wonderful things happen.
14:38 / 02.06.03
Because prophets and fortunetellers should be accountable for their predictions. If they say it'll happen and it doesn't, that undermines their credibility unless they can explain why not. IMO.
I'm not saying they're responsible for events, but they are responsible for their predictions, I'd be interested to see if crazy worldshaking stuff did happen to 69/BC.
16:16 / 02.06.03
I think May's right - something may (if you'll forgive the repetition) have happened in May (if you'll forgive the repetition) that was outside the capacity of anyone, possibly including BC, to detect. It may have been in some way shattering, although generally if you get a warning you expect something perceptible to result. Something may (if you'll excuse the AAAARGH) have begun that will reveal itself over time, on the astral plane or other. Or it might have been the Saudi bombings.

These are imponderables. I *would*, however, like a more detailed explanation of the eccentric etymology of "soma", because, while it is well and good to shrug and confess that whatever happened, happened, here is a riddle with a definite answer, and one BC claims to have access to, and as such if we just end up back on "you can't understand thisbecause you haven't read the old dictionaries/Holy Blood, Holy Grail/the Protocols of the Elders of Zion", it really harms the credibility of his warnings.

Well, obviously *I* can't understand this anyway, because I don't speak Sanskrit, but you see what I mean.
17:42 / 02.06.03
Quantum: I'm not saying they're responsible for events, but they are responsible for their predictions, I'd be interested to see if crazy worldshaking stuff did happen to 69/BC.

Like, can you read? So many wonderful things happened in that month, as well as - lets call them - strange shit. The month started with Paralysis incidents that were beyond any I have ever felt before - which in my opinion is the soul spirit attacks that some people felt. Well, there are ways to defend oneself, and I'll get to them later, if anybody's interested. And so many other wonderful things, which I'll also get into, if anybody's interested, although I'll prolly underwhelm you by not going too far, unless someone is game.

Haus, Soma, I'm sorry that I left it into your (Xoc's/Ganesh') hands to decipher the true meaning of it, but inside that reason was a means to see and learn how others are coping. It has nothing to do with "It's too dangerous/for you/for me/ for us/ and you can't etc." that I have used in the past. But as I state, meet linguists, meet people who have made it their hobby (preferable not living because this means that they are susceptible to the demands of the people who fund their works) to go to the roots of words.

That is the answer I am willing to give to you.


-- BC.
19:21 / 02.06.03
And, as answers go, that one's a rather more convoluted way of saying "I read it somewhere" or "somebody told me" - or, perhaps more honestly, "no, I cannot substantiate my earlier statement".
Wrecks City-Zen
19:22 / 02.06.03
[The scene is set - a cold draft whips through the dimly lit room, flickering the eternal burning candles...the medium announces "We have crossed over...we have made contact...SPIRIT! Identify thyself! ]

Greetings from beyond the cyber grave.
I thought I would contribute to this thread...if'n ya dun't mind.

May was an extreme month, in my locale of Toronto, as I'm sure Mista Auckland will attest. This weekend saw a spike in the "No,no,nothing to worry about" disease known to the world as Tsars.Tzars...Ah, SARS. From it seemingly vanish to 8,000+ people being quarantined over the weekend...Hell of a way to end May. Worse yet, THEY are concealing the danger/publicity by pulling the old "LOOK OVEER THERE!" with the murder of this 10 year old girl that has T.O. in a hizzy (not to downplay it...)

Yeah, things have gone strange. Terrible things have happened in May - and believe me they shall become more apparent as time goes on. I know a few people who thought it was all ending on May 5th with the incredible storms that shook this city.

To which I can only say..."Dude..."

So take it from Unca Wrecks. Things have changer in the Aether/Ether/ whatever. Life is gonna be mighty interesting.

Don't matter to me though. I'm dead.
Long live the king.

PS: I can't help but notice the underlying contempt in the responses to this threat. I wonder, if Haus (sorry to single you out...) posted a thread entitled,oh, "June Warning" stating the same basic outline of this thread, whta would the response have been like. Hmmm?

Anyhoo....back to the grave.

19:37 / 02.06.03
Depends how many times Haus (to carry on using his name in vain) had previously cried 'wolf'. Or 'annunakai'.
09:20 / 03.06.03
BC- Thanks, and yes I can read but I have yet to read anything that corresponds to your vague warnings- all the phenomena here are local, and my beef is that you're globalising it. The huge storms on the 5th in Toronto for example, that matches your warning excellently, and loads of weird stuff went down (SARS is my major worry, tipped to be the first epidemic of the century) BUT not here in Hampshire, UK- nothing of comparable drama happened here, or rather, to me or anyone I know here.
Megatsunamies ... the Big Earth-Quake The One
...This time, it's a difference that is loud and clear -- it's not just a select, little group anymore, this times it's in the thousands (or even in the millions) who are basically saying the same thing, and feeling shared disorientation/pain/aggression.
At some point a nuke will go off in U.S. soil that will upset the earth
Nothing on this sort of scale has happened.

meet linguists, meet people who have made it their hobby
Linguistics is my hobby (and probably Haus's) and I think you've mixed up Huxley's Soma with the holy plant that he got the name for his fictional drug from.

PS: I can't help but notice the underlying contempt in the responses to this threat. (Wrecks City-Zen)
I don't consider it a real threat. If you meant 'thread', the contempt is for the ranting about Them in their underground cities and the rest of the paranoia. That incredulity naturally carries over onto doubt about the warning.
17:24 / 03.06.03
The start of May was bad for me, but the month got progressivly better. That summer Biology course I was raelly worried about taking has turned out to be a breeze. All that worry for nothing it seems.

I asked my Toronto friend if he was worried about SARS and he just laughed and said "Yeah, right". He didn't mind the storms all that much either.
17:45 / 03.06.03
Honestly, I fall square in the middle of this debate, edging slightly towards being weirded out/turned off by B.C.'s "this is the answer I am willing to give you"/"Your undeveloped minds are not ready for the source of this information"/"I cannot say where this is from, it's my friend's site"/"There are hidden coded answers for those with eyes to see" bit. (Obviously for the literalists out there, these are not direct quotes.)

I can see that there was a lot of heavy shit that went down in both the world and in personal anecdotal experiences in May 2003, and I see enough evidence in real news to tentatively support the notion that something is happening in a significant way, tending towards destruction/chaos/potentially wiping the slate clean.

So my curiousity is piqued and I believe there could very well be something to all this - though the more mumbo-jumo of the variety Ganesh is pointing out is used, the more guarded I get in my opinion.
Who's your Tzaddi?
18:17 / 03.06.03
As for the massive earthquakes and all, CNN announced at the beginning of May that scientist predict THE BIG ONE in California (Japan epicenter) within the next year.
Who's your Tzaddi?
18:38 / 03.06.03
Because prophets and fortunetellers should be accountable for their predictions. If they say it'll happen and it doesn't, that undermines their credibility unless they can explain why not...

...and if they can not account for their poor divination, they should be hunted down as witches, tied to a stake, have their breasts cut off so they bleed to death slowly in case the scorching fire at their feet doesn't put an end to their devil inspired existence...

Whoa. Sorry - revisting my past life in Salem.

Yeesh.If BC had the power to explain why it didn't happen, I would believe that BC had the power to make it happen. Guess that's why Nostradamus coded all of his predictions and placed them a few hundred years in the future...

Gah - the inquisition sucked.
19:18 / 03.06.03
Ganesh, get it into your head: I am not interested in any contact with you whatsoever.

Any attempt you make are not welcome, not because you have it more right, but because you can't be arsed to thoroughly research the subject at hand, which has your tits out in a heartbeat. And claws. And whatever else.

I reiterate: I am not interested in any contact.

No offense.

Tzaddi, I actually have a lot more -- some of the things I will write to you, given a bit more time. There are so many other things and many other people to consider, so, I'll work with you there and give you most of what we have unearthed.


If everything proceeds as planned, something very cool will happen in July.
Who's your Tzaddi?
19:25 / 03.06.03
Our Lady of The Two Towers
20:03 / 03.06.03
Chrome- On the subject of Ganesh, that's why the lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzards gave you an 'ignore' button. I suggest you use it on anyone who impudently asks you for proof of what messages your brains send you.

BTW: Can you please give me some proof of these messages your brains send you?
20:14 / 03.06.03
Don't want to pour to much fuel on the potential flame war but Quantum's statement bear about as much resembelance to the Inquistion as George Bush does to Nelson Mandela.

I think Crowley said "every spirit up to God himself is out to deceive you" which is to my mind a big red light, saying you should apply some critical awareness to any random visions and prophecies you start receiving or paranoid mindscape you work yourself into. I don't see much of this in any of the stuff Chrome's been posting. I see nothing to differentiate Chrome's stuff with any of the other "evil Illumanti/Jews/lizards" stuff we had down the ages, as I said above. This isn't meant as a big personal assault on Chrome (though perhpas it can't be helped to be taken as such), it's just I think you're fooling yourself.
Who's your Tzaddi?
20:28 / 03.06.03
Not to get anyone's panties in a bunch - nor am I attacking Quantum - but re-read hir statement

«º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º» «º¤º»

Honestly- Miss Cleo, Jojo and Latoya Jackson have a whole lotta 'splanin to dooo...


21:23 / 03.06.03
Just back from 2 weeks on Kaua'i and goddam! I can't believe this thread is still going. When I saw how long it had gotten I figured it had veered off into some cool tangent that was gripping everyone's attention...But no. After struggling to read the last 4(!) pages of this thread it seems to remain mired in the same bog of unsupported predictions, sideways references to secret websites, hasty personal attacks, and ongoing reptile sightings, punctuated by the occassional aside about how (un)eventful May was or was not.

Frankly the most fulfilling thing about this thread so far for me is the lizards.

21:27 / 03.06.03

I find that by directly addressing people gets the message faster.

Can you please give me some proof of these messages your brains send you?

But you see, that is not the point. I am not here to explain myself, nor apologize for myself. I am not here to convert, nor am I here to teach (and thereby put myself over the heads of other people -- we are equal, every single human being is the other's equal, every being's thoughts are of upmost importance). That being said, I have to state that the only way I am participating in this, is by the responces all of you make, which is one simple rule I thought everyone would have gotten by now. With people who have keen enough senses, you can stimulate growth by placing the likeminded in the same space, and it doesn't matter if it is virtual space; in fact, it can be a better way to expand ones mind and horizon.

So, lay off the explanation bit, the more you want proof, the more I will say: search for yourself. And. Decide. For. Your. Self.
Think. For. Your. Self.

Like I stated earlier in this thread.

The difference of the past and now? The 'Army of Psychics' is continually growing IRL, and advancement is stimulated by sharing, not placing yourself on a piedestal over other people. That is why, unless some people have the nerve to share here, I only go as far as what I am given ... The reaction to somebody else's thoughts.

& I really have no problem with people disbelieving, I feel nothing, it's a dead end. Because what is being gathered, other internet places apart from here and IRL, is what I have to focus most of my time on.

It's tolly fine by me.

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