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21:43 / 03.06.03
& forgot to ask:

Anyone here waking up repeatedly at inopportune hours lately? Like, mostly in the last 4-5 days?
22:05 / 03.06.03
Not I...
Spatula Clarke
22:36 / 03.06.03
I got up at 10 this morning. It's not often I manage that.
23:01 / 03.06.03
BC: Barring inadvertent psychic harassment from my sleeping astral self, the only "contact" I've made with you has been posting here. I'm not going to avoid contributing to a thread merely because your name's at the top. If you don't like it, do as Flowers suggests and press the Ignore button.

And talking of sleep, I can't remember the last time I woke at an hour I'd consider 'opportune'; working nights as a junior doctor fucked my cycle up permanently. The recent heatwave has made nights much sweatier, though...
the Fool
23:03 / 03.06.03
But you see, that is not the point. I am not here to explain myself, nor apologize for myself.

But that what this sort of is?

I am not here to convert, nor am I here to teach (and thereby put myself over the heads of other people -- we are equal, every single human being is the other's equal, every being's thoughts are of upmost importance).

I wish you were funnier.

That being said, I have to state that the only way I am participating in this, is by the responces all of you make, which is one simple rule I thought everyone would have gotten by now. With people who have keen enough senses, you can stimulate growth by placing the likeminded in the same space, and it doesn't matter if it is virtual space; in fact, it can be a better way to expand ones mind and horizon.

But you don't share much. When you do, there appear holes in the content. When people poke their fingers through these holes you retract. Then the process repeats. I had a friend who did exactly the same thing, however his game involved the grand nazi conspiracy of Melbourne. There was to be a war across the yarra river. I became implicated by a poster I did for the year 12 play at my school - it was cabaret and there was a shwastika incorporated into the design. My school was already implicated as a nazi recruitment and training centre. He began writing graphiti around the city (in code mind you - he dropped vowels) warning people of the conspriacy and the coming war. He claimed to have spoken to people who confirmed his suspisions and to have joined a resistance movement against the south yarra nazi conglomerant. Who knows what was real and what wasn't. The mind can construct anything it wants if it believes in it strongly enough. This is partly how 5th dimensional navigation works.

I even had my own invasion from the fictional realms, where I became a possible dimensional portal for the imodian oblivion squadrons and its endless efforts to quash reality. It was a struggle to maintain my sainty against unbelievable levels of fear and prophetic madness which in hindsight may have included 9-11 (or may not, I thought it was a comet initially, who knows?). But you know what they call things like this - psychotic episodes!!! Its where I learned a lot about the whole "belief can make it real" thing.

So, lay off the explanation bit, the more you want proof, the more I will say: search for yourself. And. Decide. For. Your. Self.
Think. For. Your. Self.

We make our own realities and furnish them with our hopes and fears. I don't want to live in an episode of the X-files. I've seen people who do, they are filled with fear and insecurity. Search and you will find, or find hints of, lingering just over the horizon, in the shadows. I think you should start thinking brighter! Move upward the 5th dimensional probablity stream. Stop promoting fear and start creating something. Make art, make music, make fashion, make architecture, make something. That's where real change comes from.

Like I stated earlier in this thread.

The difference of the past and now? The 'Army of Psychics' is continually growing IRL, and advancement is stimulated by sharing, not placing yourself on a piedestal over other people. That is why, unless some people have the nerve to share here, I only go as far as what I am given ... The reaction to somebody else's thoughts.

Your sharing is conditional on people believing in (and entering into) your reality construct, or at least that's how it appears. And that's why people like Ganesh, Xoc and Haus are so skeptical of you (whether or not that matters to you). You dislike your ideas begin analysed and possible holes being exposed, we all do. I had a whole theory on realities essential derivation from triangles dissassembled by someone making a joke about pixels on a computers screen being square. By seemingly requiring belief BEFORE proof you ask what any cult leader asks, that you suspend individual thought and decision making ability to allow introduction of alien reality paradigms - meme infection, whether or not you are aware you are doing this. Its like a learned or instinctive behaviour, me friend KT bats her eyelids when she REALLY wants you to do something that you don't want to do. I caught her doing it the other day, see didn't realise she was doing it. The way people steal lighters by reflexively putting them in their pockets is another example.

& I really have no problem with people disbelieving, I feel nothing, it's a dead end. Because what is being gathered, other internet places apart from here and IRL, is what I have to focus most of my time on.

Its a gift to admit you're wrong sometimes. I'm not saying you are 'wrong' but some facts might not actually fit the puzzle. The puzzle has navigation not just forward and back. Belief terrain. Am I making any sense???

Probably not. Back to fart jokes and discussions on whether having a big penis is actually a good thing...
23:40 / 03.06.03
Fool: But that what this sort of is?

It's a transparent thing, just stating the obvious about why I retract from 'being poked at', which point I do not wish to reiterate when it comes so close to this point.

I wish you were funnier.

Only a small percentage of my personality goes into Barbelith now, which dictates I have to be to the point; the surplus energy is being channeled elsewhere.

But you don't share much.

Then what does that say about how I think about this place? If it weren't for a handful of other people, I wouldn't have started this thread.

When you do, there appear holes in the content.

Because I leave a lot of stuff out, that is true.

Then the process repeats.

And look at how many people keep this cycle going.

Who knows what was real and what wasn't. The mind can construct anything it wants if it believes in it strongly enough.

Yes. You know this. I know this. But do you know that there is a prime reality?

Its where I learned a lot about the whole "belief can make it real" thing.

The stronger the will, the more likelihood they can (& most likely will) trump other wills. But do you not question this nature? What makes it possible? Where it sprang from? & explore the properties of such realization? Have you gone far?

I don't want to live in an episode of the X-files.

I can see that, darling, I really do. Am I afraid? No. Am I delusional? I pride myself not. Paranoid? As if. Proof? Lots.

It's not about living under a conspiracy or against a conspiracy, but about finding out how they could ever get to control as much as the peoples have let them do. And which weapons they use to stay in control. And let their flocks sleep. And prevent them from becoming aware. Of what you have experienced, of what others have experienced, of questioning the fundamental truth that reality isn't just one, but that there are several ... And that one of them is fundamentally harmonious towards our fellow beings nature.

Stop promoting fear and start creating something.

Why don't you get this message across to the sleepers? And the fear creators.

You forget: We have repeated 'do not fear', 'fear is form of control', etc. since the beginning. I am not doing this to promote fear.

Your sharing is conditional on people believing in (and entering into) your reality construct, or at least that's how it appears. And that's why people like Ganesh, Xoc and Haus are so skeptical of you (whether or not that matters to you).

To your first point: So? I basically say the same thing. But do not forget to answer one of my questions up above. And re: Ganesh, he has a slew of reasons to be skeptical, none of which matter to me, you have that right.

You dislike your ideas begin analysed and possible holes being exposed

Cute, but no.

By seemingly requiring belief BEFORE proof you ask what any cult leader asks

Cute, but no.

How can you serve proof? If they have the broadened consciousness.

How can you serve proof if not? Not interested.

Does not equal a cult leader; you are looking at models of organizations which I am principally against -- and you forget easily: by sharing, not by assuming the teacher role, I can understand if this does not compute with you.

Its a gift to admit you're wrong sometimes.

That is why it has been a long, hard struggle to get to this point of where we are now, without saying too much because it's no one else's fucking business at the mo', the infinite variables are always analysed, and we do not believe easily.

That is why we learn, all the time, and in this line, one has to be incredibly strong mentally. But ... And here it's another it's none of your goddamn business sticker ... And I will not answer to any questions to it.

Am I making any sense???

Funny, you should ask.
the Fool
00:44 / 04.06.03
Yes. You know this. I know this. But do you know that there is a prime reality?

Prime reality is a barge built of minds floating in a sea of probablity. You take your personal reality experience and connect it to the collective reality experience. Sort of like connecting your computer to the internet. You need to get into buddhism a bit more. There is no cart (old buddhist story, like there is no spoon).

And look at how many people keep this cycle going.

Does that make the cycle worthwhile? Lots of people kept slavery going, didn't make it worthwhile. When cycles are counterproductive you should change tactics. Its worked for me...

You dislike your ideas begin analysed and possible holes being exposed

Cute, but no.

Then post your complete research of the linguistic root of Soma and allow your findings to be analysed. Otherwise its cute and yes...

By seemingly requiring belief BEFORE proof you ask what any cult leader asks

Cute, but no.

How can you serve proof? If they have the broadened consciousness.

How can you serve proof if not? Not interested.

I posted the examples of psychotic reality construction for a reason, to show how this process can re-map based on an individual's particular psyche.

Are they 'non-interested' or just naturally skeptical?

Let me give you an example of the problem with the broadened consciousness idea.

My brother (who is older than me) used to (and still does, really) love boybands. Now I couldn't understand this, I thought boybands were crap. I thought if I exposed him to what I thought was "better" music he would quite obviously see that boybands were crap and the music I listened to was much better, and he would 'evolve' so to speak. But it didn't work. He thought I was a music snob. I completely disregarded that he actually might like the stuff and that he has different tastes in music to me. So, I gave up trying to chance his music tastes, and found he really did like that type of music and knew which bands were better than others and stuff. He had passion for music, it was just very different to my own. And in the end his tastes have 'evolved' all by themselves. He even likes a bit of house these days, much to my joy. Now I thought I could 'broaden' my brothers musical consciousness by forcing or exposing him to things that I thought would act as cataylst. Ultimately what worked was being interested in his musical consciousness and discovering how it worked and respecting its processes.

Does not equal a cult leader; you are looking at models of organizations which I am principally against -- and you forget easily: by sharing, not by assuming the teacher role, I can understand if this does not compute with you.

I am reading your actions. Actions speak louder than words, even when they are only composed of words. You look like you are doing the teacher thing. Maybe you need to change your tactics?
01:04 / 04.06.03
Proof? Lots.

Just a shred, then - please? I honestly don't think there are a "slew of reasons" to be sceptical of the existence of, say, 'psychic' abilities in general; the problem, for me, with this particular example, is the utter lack of specificity. I am, perhaps, more sceptical than some because I've been around Barbelith long enough to know that vague-but-portentous predictions, too open-ended to be of any practical use, are this particular poster's stock-in-trade.

Proof isn't a prerequisite of belief - we hardly go around demanding objective evidence of everything we're told - but credibility is. If a source appears to lack credibility (by failing to admit to obvious errors, say), we're likely to require something other than their say-so. I guess it all depends on one's objective. If one's aim is truly the sharing of information, one shares information, sources and all. If one's aim is merely self-aggrandisement through the 'I've got a secret but I'm not telling you-oo' school, one spins out the intrigue as long as humanly possible.

Returning to the question of 'proof', let's try being constructive again: if this "Army of Psychics" is as numerous as BC says, perhaps we could collectively devise some sort of experimental evidence-base through Barbelith? Remote viewing, perhaps? If we had some idea of their capabilities, and these could be tested in some way, several consciousnesses here might be broadened in one fell swoop...
02:11 / 04.06.03
Ah, enough is enough. I think we all need to go get laid.
13:23 / 04.06.03
Sorry, I know I should let this thread die, but...

BC, why don't you PM these dire warnings to those special few who understand instead of attracting all this flak?
Personally I will continue to challenge any random paranoid prophecies you or anyone else brings up, not because I am the inquisition (ROFL!) but because I am a fortune teller with integrity and sanity and I think people like you give people like me a bad name.

Please press the "ignore Quantum" button now...
15:52 / 04.06.03
Prime reality is a barge built of minds floating in a sea of probablity.

You are not reaching far enough. You are not asking enough questions of how this was built. How the Beginning is and was, and how it lays with the Ending.

You need to get into buddhism a bit more.

And you need to understand that the stories from Buddhism have been changed more times than one can count -- just like every other dominating religion of today. You need to find the root. How? You will prolly know the answer to that one. In case not: dig deep within, as well as outside, research, go back, back, back. Holds the history of how words have been changed, how meanings have been changed.

Does that make the cycle worthwhile?

Perhaps not here, that is why I only go so far.

Lots of people kept slavery going, didn't make it worthwhile.

Tell that to people of today in your society and mine. What? You don't realise that slavery is still existant, only hidden under our so-called Free Will Prison Camps of the Western Worlds?

By seemingly requiring belief BEFORE proof you ask what any cult leader asks

Is Belief Feeling? Can Feeling be the same as Belief?

I'll wait for your answer on that one.

You look like you are doing the teacher thing.

In your view, yes, because that is what you are conditioned to seeing.

I'll wait for your answer to respond further, and take it from me, I very much respect you also, Fool.

BC, why don't you PM these dire warnings to those special few who understand instead of attracting all this flak?

Part of the reason is because not all people who were to get it are out in the open.

And ignore you? Man, I like have an uninterrupted vision.
16:40 / 04.06.03
What? You don't realise that slavery is still existant(sic), only hidden under our so-called Free Will Prison Camps of the Western Worlds?

Oh man, you're a riot! "so-called Free Will Prison Camps of the Westerd Worlds"? I love it! You could be the next PKD... Ooh, the Gathering Darkness is here, army of elite psyops working in the shadows to corrupt us all, lord knows all the other psionic fraternities throughout the ages have been sooooo succesful at taking over the planet... I have these glasses I got from Rowdy Roddy Piper and when you wear them, no shit, half the world population looks like lizards! I can't say much more right now 'cause they're monitoring my keystrokes through the fillings in my teeth but, if you really get it, you can do the necessary research on your own and respond to me with the keywords and I'll send you an url to my cousin's brother's website where you can order a pair of the glasses for $29.95 + shipping. Make your check payable to me.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:16 / 04.06.03
My God, you're not still doing this, are you?

Blimey, what a massive waste of time.
17:18 / 04.06.03
Okay, okay...doesn't anyone else see the humour in nailing B.C to the cross, you know - metaphorically?

*Watches the Apostles run and hide*

They fear for their own life, "Teacher", but I shall remain by your side ~MM

Hehehe...just playing kids ...siriusly
17:46 / 04.06.03
Anyway, maybe this debate should be laid to rest and let's see what happens. B.C. mentions something cool happening in June -- which I assume means something positive, as opposed to the supposedly negative things which were to have taken place in May? So let's see what transpires.
22:30 / 04.06.03
Well, it's actually "something very cool" in July - so something vaguely 'positive' may happen somewhere in the world, possibly on the etheric plane, so we may not perceive it directly - but that's only if things go according to plan. Whatever that means.

So wahaay, let's stick our necks out on a prediction, eh? For my part, I predict that someone whose name begins with 'J' (or possibly 'M', or 'D') will come into good fortune at some point in the month of July - and when they do, I predicted it and that means I'm psychic. Okay?
the Fool
23:11 / 04.06.03
One more time for the kids in the back row!!!

Prime reality is a barge built of minds floating in a sea of probablity.

You are not reaching far enough. You are not asking enough questions of how this was built. How the Beginning is and was, and how it lays with the Ending.

How linear of you. There is no beginning, there is no end. Belief structure are built on probablity waves in permutation fluid. End, beginning, apocalypse, a nice sunny day, worlds of endless murder and worlds of endless bliss are all just locations within this belief geography of (at least)5 dimensional permutation space. Every atom of this place is a complete 3 dimensional universe. All possibilities are mapped, real, imagined, impossible, inconcievable. Beyond this we get to hypergod status then to beyond-god concepts.

This is why I said...

You need to get into buddhism a bit more.

But I think you missed what I was getting at...

And you need to understand that the stories from Buddhism have been changed more times than one can count -- just like every other dominating religion of today. You need to find the root. How? You will prolly know the answer to that one. In case not: dig deep within, as well as outside, research, go back, back, back. Holds the history of how words have been changed, how meanings have been changed.

I never got into the religious cake decorations of Buddhism, just the niffy metaphysics. Find the root? hehehe... Have you read any buddhism? Look in side youself. Where is the centre of your consciousness, what point inside your skull does it emanate from? Can't pinpoint it? Its because it isn't there! hehehehe...

Is Belief Feeling? Can Feeling be the same as Belief?

Can your feelings create belief? Can what you believe affect the reality you experience? Can belief create the reality you experience? What reality do you want to experience? What feelings do you what to experience? Can your beliefs affect how you are feeling? Are your beliefs in conflict with your feelings? Are you feeling alright? Do you feeling like dancing on the weekend? I know I do. Lets go dancing.

Now I've got to get back to email jokes to a friend about snot.

I came up with this jingle - to the tune of LOG!

Its sn-o-t
Its sn-o-t
Its green, its sticky, its goo!
Its sn-o-t
Its sn-o-t
If you don't like it, fuck you!

Thank you for your attention.
00:41 / 05.06.03
Of COURSE something cool will be happening in June... My 23rd birthday.
09:21 / 05.06.03
And I'm going to Baltimore in July! Yes - finally, velvetvandal will be coming to America!

Actually, come to think of it, from some POVs, that could probably count as something of a disaster...

Why does it have to be an 'army of psychics'? Aren't there, like, enough armies already? Couldn't we be, like, the Justice League of Psychics, or something?

Oh, and I am getting up at odd times, lately, but this is because of the feckin' burrrds outside my bedroom window. One of these days I'm gonna get them with my elephant gun, you just wait and see...
12:31 / 05.06.03
How linear of you.

Yes. One can alter things from the inside. In this linear world.
12:34 / 05.06.03
Fool, I rushed to see your responses first -- and having seen the others, I am again convinced, it's a bloody waste of time, so I'll stake it out until someone interesting comes along.

Sorry for not providing all the responses I feel like giving you, but they'll just drown out in this noisy atmo'.

16:24 / 05.06.03
Since BC seems unwilling to provide any references to us sniveling sheep, check out the book Unholy Alliance by Peter Levenda. In spite of the cover, it is a very level-headed look at the aftermath of WW2 and the continued operation of the Nazi cult on this planet. Indeed, this stuff is real and it's no big secret how interested the Nazi machine was in occultism and esoterica, but did you know the Reich was founded on an occult lodge? Trippy stuf indeed. Definitely lends some credence to the notion of occult fraternities vying for world domination through esoteric rites (Skull and Bones anyone?)

BC, hopefully this will illustrate that a lot of the complaints on this thread are not so much levelled at your theories but, rather, your unwillingness to back them up with any credible research.

From the preface to the second edition:
"Religious fanaticism and mystical identification of the political body with the Godhead has led to increased terror attacks all over the world...The ostensible reason behind this series of attacks was the removal of non-Muslim forces from the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia and the cessation of American support for Israel, both politico-religious goals reflective of intense mystical convictions."
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:27 / 05.06.03
In his head, Chrome is Xorn. Out of his head, Chrome is Quentin Quire. Both are powerful, but QQ was unfortunately a prick.

Quentin Chrome believes he has all the answers in his head somewhere. Data from outside that contradicts this is a lie. I also suspect that, though he claims we all can access the information if we concentrate very hard, he secretely believes that only he has the information, full stop. Arguments in the past have tended to flounder on the rocks of 'I'll get back to you' (which he tends not to have done, except in the good old calcium kills you days) and now 'you are tainted, I cannot engage with your psychic cancer'. But I've had a nice day sitting in the sun and reading comics so I'm prepared to still love him.

17:25 / 05.06.03
Thank you, OPLF.

I'll love you harder. In a nice, pleasant way. Just because we have conflicting views, doesn't mean we can't love each other. Hard. Or in my case, harder. Jesus, I'm rock-hard now.

You horny Loz.

LVX23: In spite of the cover, it is a very level-headed look at the aftermath of WW2 and the continued operation of the Nazi cult on this planet. Indeed, this stuff is real and it's no big secret how interested the Nazi machine was in occultism and esoterica, but did you know the Reich was founded on an occult lodge? Trippy stuf indeed. Definitely lends some credence to the notion of occult fraternities vying for world domination through esoteric rites (Skull and Bones anyone?)

Hitler had the right idea, unfortunately, he went for the wrong Jews: the dark-skinned ones, instead of the white-skinned ones who, at some point in the earth's past, materialized in Turkey. Search it up.

Guess who runs the world? The MilkMan. Search it up, word is that he is Dutch. But a lot of people are scared of even putting MilkMan and his real name together, which I find ridiculous. So, the MilkMan and his helpers are some of the more powerful ones controlling the planet. Search it up.
Mourne Kransky
17:42 / 05.06.03
Hitler had the right idea

Those words are disgusting, offensive and indefensible.
Kit-Cat Club
17:55 / 05.06.03
I agree with Xoc and am appalled that you say that, Chrome.

If it wasn't for that your milk schtick would sound more like a Tom Holt novel than anything else, but with that added in it sounds (frankly) far more sinister than any of the things you have predicted, however vaguely.
18:24 / 05.06.03
Materializing Jews? Sounds like a good name for a weird alt-country band in my book.

I'm going to assume that BC is joking here.

Because, you know, if he really meant to say that Hitler was right and that we ought to kill a bunch of Jews, well, that would just make him a Nazi, and render his arguments pretty much null and void.

The Nazis were the most evil magicians in history, dude. To even think about agreeing with them is to begin the inevitable slide into Magic Gollum-ness. Resist!

And if the MilkMan really runs the world, does that mean Benny Hill was trying to reveal secret conspiracy truths in that 'Ernie' song? And was that the real reason he was taken off the air during the 80s alternative comedy boom? All these questions and many more - including why Ben Elton isn't funny anymore - will be answered in my forthcoming book, They Called Him Ernie: Benny Hill, the Global Milk Conspiracy, and the Occult History of The Young Ones. Order your copy now!
18:26 / 05.06.03
Actually, as we all know, there was one moment in his life when Hitler did have the right idea.

When he shot himself.
20:52 / 05.06.03
Nice one, BC. Way to ground your already failing reputation into complete shite. I try to help you out and you start defending Nazis. May your Milky Bogeyman pursue you unto the darkest depths of your madness. I'm done with you.
Spatula Clarke
21:51 / 05.06.03
As ever, I'm amazed that there's anyone left here who's surprised at the depths that ol' Bendt will sink to in order to generate a response. Still, nice to see him opening himself up for those that missed it first time around.
21:53 / 05.06.03
Like a flower.
22:13 / 05.06.03
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think anyone would be that intimidated by a character called The MilkMan. It makes me imagine the lamest comic book supervillian ever.

Come to think of it, all this would make a great movie.
22:15 / 05.06.03
Still, I won't attack BC for his views, as I've had odd theories myself in the past (though none of which I feel like sharing and none of which turned out to be true anyway). To each their own, I say.
22:21 / 05.06.03
Just for the record, my May kicked arse.

Pre Y2K, I was one of the rabid millenialists convinced the world would end or at least something really drastic happen. Well, something did happen, to me. I came to the decision that the world wanted to live, and I supported this decision. From then on, I refuse to give support to the prophesy of destruction, for in doing so is a form of prayer for this end to actually happen. Conspiricy theories like this are magick, folks. Magick that is charged upon obsession, with the intent of destroying the world. I for one don't want to contribute to it anymore.

The world will continue to live and evolve, and we with it. Signs of DOOM are but times of accelerated change to be embraced and celebrated. This is how I combat the milk drinking nazi lizardmen. Stubburnly insist that the world will be righted and better, and you help nudge it in that direction.

Here's looking to July
the Fool
01:10 / 06.06.03
May I present, the Nazi Lizard Milkmen!


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