But you see, that is not the point. I am not here to explain myself, nor apologize for myself.
But that what this sort of is?
I am not here to convert, nor am I here to teach (and thereby put myself over the heads of other people -- we are equal, every single human being is the other's equal, every being's thoughts are of upmost importance).
I wish you were funnier. 
That being said, I have to state that the only way I am participating in this, is by the responces all of you make, which is one simple rule I thought everyone would have gotten by now. With people who have keen enough senses, you can stimulate growth by placing the likeminded in the same space, and it doesn't matter if it is virtual space; in fact, it can be a better way to expand ones mind and horizon.
But you don't share much. When you do, there appear holes in the content. When people poke their fingers through these holes you retract. Then the process repeats. I had a friend who did exactly the same thing, however his game involved the grand nazi conspiracy of Melbourne. There was to be a war across the yarra river. I became implicated by a poster I did for the year 12 play at my school - it was cabaret and there was a shwastika incorporated into the design. My school was already implicated as a nazi recruitment and training centre. He began writing graphiti around the city (in code mind you - he dropped vowels) warning people of the conspriacy and the coming war. He claimed to have spoken to people who confirmed his suspisions and to have joined a resistance movement against the south yarra nazi conglomerant. Who knows what was real and what wasn't. The mind can construct anything it wants if it believes in it strongly enough. This is partly how 5th dimensional navigation works.
I even had my own invasion from the fictional realms, where I became a possible dimensional portal for the imodian oblivion squadrons and its endless efforts to quash reality. It was a struggle to maintain my sainty against unbelievable levels of fear and prophetic madness which in hindsight may have included 9-11 (or may not, I thought it was a comet initially, who knows?). But you know what they call things like this - psychotic episodes!!! Its where I learned a lot about the whole "belief can make it real" thing.
So, lay off the explanation bit, the more you want proof, the more I will say: search for yourself. And. Decide. For. Your. Self.
Think. For. Your. Self.
We make our own realities and furnish them with our hopes and fears. I don't want to live in an episode of the X-files. I've seen people who do, they are filled with fear and insecurity. Search and you will find, or find hints of, lingering just over the horizon, in the shadows. I think you should start thinking brighter! Move upward the 5th dimensional probablity stream. Stop promoting fear and start creating something. Make art, make music, make fashion, make architecture, make something. That's where real change comes from.
Like I stated earlier in this thread.
The difference of the past and now? The 'Army of Psychics' is continually growing IRL, and advancement is stimulated by sharing, not placing yourself on a piedestal over other people. That is why, unless some people have the nerve to share here, I only go as far as what I am given ... The reaction to somebody else's thoughts.
Your sharing is conditional on people believing in (and entering into) your reality construct, or at least that's how it appears. And that's why people like Ganesh, Xoc and Haus are so skeptical of you (whether or not that matters to you). You dislike your ideas begin analysed and possible holes being exposed, we all do. I had a whole theory on realities essential derivation from triangles dissassembled by someone making a joke about pixels on a computers screen being square. By seemingly requiring belief BEFORE proof you ask what any cult leader asks, that you suspend individual thought and decision making ability to allow introduction of alien reality paradigms - meme infection, whether or not you are aware you are doing this. Its like a learned or instinctive behaviour, me friend KT bats her eyelids when she REALLY wants you to do something that you don't want to do. I caught her doing it the other day, see didn't realise she was doing it. The way people steal lighters by reflexively putting them in their pockets is another example.
& I really have no problem with people disbelieving, I feel nothing, it's a dead end. Because what is being gathered, other internet places apart from here and IRL, is what I have to focus most of my time on.
Its a gift to admit you're wrong sometimes. I'm not saying you are 'wrong' but some facts might not actually fit the puzzle. The puzzle has navigation not just forward and back. Belief terrain. Am I making any sense???
Probably not. Back to fart jokes and discussions on whether having a big penis is actually a good thing... |