Jack Fear;
“You are the Greenland Posse and I claim my five pounds.”
Hello Jack still alive?
~~~B C~~~ I have arived…back at were it all started.
We are heading for the 3rd Shift or as others like to call it the 3rd wake up call for many around the world, but especially for Europeans in the UK and Holland.
May the 5th is the date that the Mayans gave us, but the Hopi as well, including African native Tribes. But some say the 10th or the 16th or 20 of May. On the 16th of May we have a Lunar eclipse which will be seen in parts of US and Africa and Europe at the same time, the UK and Holland time would be around 3 or 3.34 in the morning, meaning that we will be able, if the sky is clear and not closed by the chem-trails, to witness a Red Moon.
The Fool;
“What's the point of giving a warning around a date, without a location or hint of possible event? How can it warn anyone of anything??? People can't take precautions, because they don't know what for, people can't avoid a place because they don't know where it is. All it can do, at best, is stress people and make them afraid to go outside on the day.”
Oh but there is very much reason to warn people. And it does not need a location for it will be everywhere , its not something which we will be able to See, nor can we touch it. It will be the electricity around you, for it’s a Shift in the Ether as well.
Now Ether, which most connect to radio waves or sedating fluid.. but it also means;
Ëth’er, 1: Clear Sky, upper regions beyond clouds, Air that the Gods breath.
2:{ Psychics} subtle elastic fluid permeating space & filling interstices between particles of air & other matter, medium in which electromagnetic are transmitted.
Now officially there is not much wrong with a Shift, for it wakes people up, it increases your awareness, meaning you see more feel more and hear more, you become like activated and receiving antenna, so to speak. And there is nothing wrong with that.
But the shift does not occur alone, there will be little games played by..lets call them the forces of Darkness soldiers, these are the ones opening at the same time, portals, other dimensional gates { of which.. have been stolen from under Bagdad in Iraq by US soldiers, one thing that has got many psychics worried}, like Jacobs ladder..the Mytrias Mysteries.
Now one can evoke about anything to come trough these gates if one knows the rules to the game, if one has keys or seals or whatever, but if one uses it wrongly all hell can brake loose. What has happened with the 2 other shifts, is that they did some Jacobs ladder vodoo and set free certain forces to attack many people in especially Europe, but the rest of the world as well.
Horrible things have happen to many, many thought they were going nuts, many ran to the doctor to get some dope, and some are sitting happy in front of some TV in mental homes.
Now we are heading for the Big one, the other 2 were appetiser compare to this one.
Now we do not know who is playing this game for real, meaning who is behind the spiritual attacks for they come from earth, one thing we all agree about { we is a group of psychics} these attacks only come to people who are waking up, meaning you can hear and see all sorts of things , while your neighbours hear nothing. You wake up by some weird cloud of information floating in another dimension so to speak, all of a sudden you understand everything, know so much more, and it takes many back to who they were before this time, so in short its Great, were it not for the nasty Spirit attacks that can make you see horrible things, it introduces itself by trying to scare you { all of a sudden you start to feel weird feel scared feel fear and bingo it won you} make you paranoia and fear all of a sudden, which is really bad for you, and very much needed by those who send you the attack, only if you fear can it drive you nuts or make you do bad things in order for you to get picked up by the loony police, who then pump you up with medication, making you mute in a within a second. One thing that has happen with many, especially in the States.
Why? Because the system that we live in can not handle a flock that is awake, they know the danger of this. They know about the shifts and they have prepared for the longest for events to come. Including the wake up Shifts.
Now you say we can not prepare? I say we can.
Yoga anyone?
How to survive a Spirit attack… by learning how to control your breathing, making your heartbeat go slow/er and even better focus directly on your heart while you breath, goes quicker.
If you stay calm and in a relaxed state, then the attacks do not gain ground, but if you just for one moment focus on the what’s that? And you open the door for fear, weird things can happen
Its also Very Important to stay in the house and with friends who really care for you, its safer. Why? If you go outside you get accidents rapes fight’s without you knowing that you are fighting, or it goes as far that you can be used to go out in the streets and kill people all of a sudden… does this ring a bell?…understand that people do not just go mad for nothing, and because of so many wake up calls and mid states, ‘crime’ has risen. Now it has gone up step by step, but what we will see happening as of the 3rd shift is ‘crime’ rising Kaboom!
They, is who ever are behind these spirit attacks for these last x years, know that we are at that moment in time where Huge amount of people are going to wake up, see the real reason behind their new world order plans, total control in order to be able to act out as soon as some peoples wake up.
But if all goes well they will not be able to calm the peoples up anymore after the coming Month…
Now to many the month May will become one hell of some sort of LSD trip, they will see thing hear people talking from far distances, see symbols and know the meaning of it all, seeing shape shifting is one that is bestowed on many to be enjoyed during wake up calls, again nothing wrong with that, but understand that within this wonderful wonderland lays the gates to hell as well, and one can get a Naked Lunch momentum, and if one stays within that moment, then you will do weird things and be in danger.
So fool it does help to know all the above , for this is what the month of May means, because of technology, they use the ether to send pictures images making you see things that others can not see, but as they are dealing with clumps of people waking up at the same time, many share that what they saw but yet others could not. Holograms is a very old technology.
No fear relax stay in the house with friends if possible, relax watch TV and enjoy the wake up call, is the basic rule, but if you go nuts for a moment , sit down do yoga right away, force yourself to meditate in order for your heartbeat to go down, by some weird reason the spirit attack leaves you alone the moment your heart goes down, and you breath calm, you then are within the realms of truth knowledge and wisdom, where you are being taught, so to speak. But you have to stay calm, for as long as the shift takes that is as long that you will be walking in different worlds, and be ware of the spirits. Let them pass you by do not give in and all is well.
It will be very interesting to see how many people will be around for this Shift ~~~B C~~~
Sorry for the long read..but I think its better to know what May 2003 means..but remember this is just the beginning…we have Mother nature doing her things as well in not to long. |