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Barbecrush 2003


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Tryphena Absent
22:22 / 01.03.03
Seeing Potus' point here- I too have a crush on our Lada's camoflauge skirt, in fact I miss it when it's gone, it's so... touchable.
The Strobe
23:54 / 01.03.03
Lada's skirt is fucking rock. I third that, or however many it is.

Umm... I harbour secret things for Mazarine and Persephone. At least. If not more ficsuits. Them certainly.

What's a male-presenting ficsuit to do, eh?
10:16 / 02.03.03
always have always will have a crush on Cherry Bomb, can't help it can't get away from it

and sometimes harbor a strange crush on Ganesh
11:04 / 02.03.03
Whisky Priestess. Partly because of the presence of the word "whisky", largely because, having cast nasturtiums on my integrity in the Mafia game, SHe then got all (unneccessarily) guilty about it in the thread about the health of my arse (if you haven't read it, I wouldn't bother. 'Tis all in the past now, and was an unpleasant worry).

Oh, and kookymojo (though SHe may no longer be around). Cos SHe was into the pirate thing WAY before any o' dem fuckin' ninjas showed up and started flipping out.
pointless and uncalled for
11:29 / 02.03.03
Nasturtiums you say?
12:22 / 02.03.03
Oh, and aspersions, too. It's just they're nowehere near as pretty as nasturtiums.
Bill Posters
18:48 / 02.03.03
I allegedly have a Barbiecrush on Rage. Or so PC Plod keeps tellin' me. Fucking pigs.
Cat Chant
19:29 / 02.03.03
this year I haven't been here, but last year I was mostly crushing on alas and fred.
04:21 / 03.03.03
Unattainable Barbecrushes....

Both Rothkoid and May make me sigh. So does Ganesh - I may have to polish up a boy-drag fic-suit just for the fun of it.

There are folks I'd just like to get to know a little better, too... If I ever make it out across the pond, I'll have my list in hand.
13:18 / 03.03.03
I tend to Barbecrush on people who are funny and clever but also even-tempered, I suspect in an aspirational way. So, Ganesh, who is in no sense at all me, and Xoc, who is likewise by no means my boyfriend. Cherry Bomb is a machine of pink sparkles, and thus much to be admired. Lada does indeed have tremendously good skirtage. I have a crush on bear and Jack the Bodiless, but obviously the Crush in question is Crush from demolition, the mid-80s WWF tag team. I can't imagine what you thought I meant.

Otherwise, lots of crush recipients aren't around much anymore, like Mister Disco, Dread Pirate Crunchy, Nick (when he wasn't Nicking)...people who were able to talk literately and intelligently, but also passionately about interesting things. Jack Fear's ability to be rude and informative simultaneously is much to be desired. People I learn things from are always fascinating and impressive, which is not the same as crushable, I realise, which would include BiP, Deva, Kit-Cat Club and Grant. Mordant Carnival and Lurid have done much to cure me of my goth-poking ways - Mordant is so spiky and clever and great, and has got me saying "Dude!" all the time, and and Lurid is a great lovely Crais-like thing of laid-back scientific grooviness.

Mind you, I'm a huge sepia eyeball, so who cares?

P.S. Mazarine - really, not much at all.
15:24 / 03.03.03
Haus- Ah well. I remain in awe of your vocabulary, then.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
15:45 / 03.03.03
I love you all! I have a crush on everyone. Especially Jack Fear, who has managed to continually impress me. And Nick, for the same reasons. Both of them win my crush because they appear to be far smarter than I in all the ways I want to be smart.

And bitchiekittie, just because she's bitchiekittie no matter where she is.

And grant, who sounds like someone I'd like to meet if I ever make it to Miami.

And, of course, Haus. He's a great example of why I love Barbelith: many people here aren't just smarter than I and better educated, but they're funnier too.

Lastly, Mordant Carnival. Because she/he's so damn cool I can smell it from here (smells kind of like burning glass...)

Shit, I've got a lot of crushes. Too many to name! Too much love! I'd invite all of you for a weekend of drink, drugs, sex and violence, but no one should have to come to Detroit unless it's absolutely unavoidable. And you are all such lovely little turkeys that I could not bear to see you come to harm. And there's really not much else to do in this shithole of a city.
18:19 / 03.03.03
I have a crush on zocher (swooooooooon), but I miss him.... xoc just isn't the same.... I want zocher!!!
19:40 / 03.03.03
Well, in a het-flirt stylee (and as Ariadne is out-of-bounds now) I must say that Persephone pops my cork ever since we forged that unshakeable bond in the mafia game, and Kit-Cat Club just feels virtually nice. And another vote for Whisky P because she kicks arse big time. I'd also like to give Cholister big hugs sometimes.

In a manly Greek way it would have to be the infernal triumvirate of Ganesh, Xoc and Haus. Room for a small one?

And to do my bit for the war effort I'd like to run the stars and stripes up my flagpole for grant and Jack Fear, to see who stands to attention.

And I gaze at the photograph, now sadly gathering dust, of Nick, and think of the last time I saw him on Carnforth station. And we kissed chastely as the music soared.

Also deep, unprotected shags (but don't read anything into it; I'm married and no good can come of it) to Lentil, Rizla, Runce, E. Randy Dupre and Deva, the latter being the only Barbeloid I have ever met, and who may well be the only one I ever do.

Chin chin.

I'm going now.
William Sack
20:08 / 03.03.03
The Apple Picker - come scrumping with me.
The Apple-Picker
20:44 / 03.03.03
Yay! Absolutely! It is true that forbidden fruit tastes the best, so steal it.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
21:11 / 03.03.03
Pah, you all only love me for my skirts! Right, next Barbelith-meet I'm coming dressed at the Manics circa 'This is my Truth...'
22:08 / 03.03.03
Crushes on Deva (obviously) and Nick. As mentioned earlier, something about tolerance is So Very. Also on Margin Walker, though properly speaking that's not a Barbe-crush as it originated on another board. Don't punch me, MW, I'm hugging only virtually.
06:54 / 04.03.03
Flowers- come dressed as the Manics circa "Holy Bible", and even I'd have a crush on ya.
Goodness Gracious Meme
12:57 / 04.03.03
Now *there's* a plan. We could have a whip round?
Baz Auckland
13:01 / 04.03.03
After reading her rant in the 'Celebrities and War' thread, I now have a crush on angel.
Bill Posters
15:17 / 09.03.03
We could have a whip round?

You mean, whip Flowers roundly 'till he does as we wish?* Oh, suits you, sir!

* Thanks to Ben Elton for that one, BTW.

(I'm as determined as Sax to keep this baby going 'till the 85 post critical mass and ensuing Barbiebustup, heh heh heh.)
Our Lady of The Two Towers
18:09 / 09.03.03
Bill Posters Thanks to Ben Elton for that one, BTW

Well, those are words I didn't expect to hear in Barbelith.

I am now dieting so I can try and look closer to Richey (circa the time of the Holy Bible when he wasn't totally fucked). If that doesn't work I've got a job lot of pies on standby and a sailor suit...

And could someone please get Tilda Swinton to join the board because I've got a huge crush on her.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:25 / 09.03.03
My crush-having is so promiscuous, I might as well give up and change my name to Legolas. I'm almost scared to start the list because I just know I'm going to miss out loads of people. But here goes anyway. (Crushes are given in no particular order, are subject to no known rationale and may change without notice.)

Cherry, BiP, Deva, Pepsi Max, Stoatie, Baz Auckland, 'Nesh, Xoc, fred, Badbh Catha, Haus, Bill Posters, Boy in a Suitcase, Sfd, Flowers, Biz, Sax, Saveloy, variations on the theme of Flux, Cholister, Stone Mirror, Rage, Meme Buggerer, Crunchy, Nick (RIP), Kegboy (STOP IT!), Ria, mixmage, kobol strom, well cheers, Q, Kit-Kat Club, grant, Jack Fear, _pin doesn't really count because everyone likes him but in he goes, Flyboy, Cosmicjamas, Lilith Myth, Pacha and oh, fuck it, I can't be arsed. Just mentally pencil yourself onto the list.
Saint Keggers
21:47 / 09.03.03
Well I've got ot barcrush Mordant C@rnival for making me wonder what the hell im supposed to stop? The war? The rock? The revolutions? Ohio nazis?
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:58 / 09.03.03
yes! I made it onto Mordantlist '03! In your face, everyone who's, well, not on Barbelith.
My Barbecrushes must never be revealed for the good of the group, if not humanity. Seal them in concrete and bury them in a salt pit.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:10 / 10.03.03
Right, crushes on BiP because everyone loves BiP (isn't that a TV show), on Shortfatdyke, Kit-Cat and Lilith. Meanwhile, crushes on Sleazenation, just because in ten years time he will look like Lex Luthor (in the comics, not Smallville), and reflect, because I've been bad and need some good wholesome lovin' to get me back on track.

And on Nelson Evergreen because he tried to convince me through the medium of email that he's not tall and scary.
13:04 / 11.03.03
I haven't appeared or even participated in a Barbecrush for soooo long .... where ever am I to start?

Small beginings I think.

Baz Aukland because of hir fabulous Top Hat and hir sweet words about me in full rant flight (blush), BiP ... well do I need a coherent reason??? Ganesh for general feistyness and THAT voice! Xoc for just being lovely. And one other suit who knows who ze is!
Baz Auckland
13:50 / 11.03.03
Alright...this list is not complete, but I was supposed to leave the house 10 minutes ago for class.

I have a crush on angel for having a crush on me (and for rockin' of course.), on slezenation for being how I always pictured Barbeloids to look like and be.

One on Moominstoat because of everything, and because of the flat last year, one on KCC for general rockin'ness, Mordant and Lurid too of course, Kegboy and moriarty for being the resident canucks,

Rothkoid just because and for the Tiger Lilies CDs, all those in London just because I can put a face to the 'suit, grant and Ganesh for posting 5000 odd messages each, and I should go on, but I can't because I have to run.
Cat Chant
22:40 / 13.03.03
Okay, I was trying really hard not to revisit this thread to talk about all the people I'd left out, and this is not in any sense an attempt to create an inclusive list of all my barbecrushes, but... _pin. I can't help it. Look at this:

the board was spared... Crisses of Infinite Mapping Of Navel

Who does not love _pin? Who? He should write romance novels and date the island's Bad Boy and worry about whether or not to give his precious jewel to said Bad Boy and...

I think this is starting to say more about me than about _pin. I'm off.
Mourne Kransky
20:31 / 14.03.03
'Tis true, his intellectual ardour, precocious wit and general sound chapness are uniquely endearing and pleasantly stimulating but I shy away from declarations of lusty crushiness with regard to the tender, faun-like Barbyoof because of the possibility of creepy Michael Jacksonness. Therefore, I keep my shameful pederastic yearning for _pin in an old shoebox below the bed, underneath the collection of underwear stolen from washing lines.

But my delight in Deva I proudly shout from the highest hill, even told the golden daffodils.

that gridley's just not the same adorable little love-monkey, though. So fickle... Gah!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:12 / 14.03.03
And I would have a huge crush on Monkey, but for the crippling sense of intellectual inadequacy he engenders. Him and his bleeding five languages. 'Snot fair.
Matthew Fluxington
22:14 / 14.03.03
I am also constantly amazed by _pin. His greatness makes me feel inadequete, but I love him anyway.
19:45 / 16.03.03
You all get how much you help and are nice, don't you?

Would it illict more praise if I told y'all that I just wrote a film in an hour, am over Billy Corgan and have spent almost all day flashing my navel?

And it was once again asserted, and democratically concured this time, that I look like Ainslie. Score! Somewhat oddly, all the girl's who said so's boyfriends give me mean looks now...

Er... yeh. On topic: how hott are Deva and BiP??
Mourne Kransky
20:54 / 16.03.03
Oh, I had forgotten the "looks like Ainslie" element. May need to get a bigger shoebox...

Only 16 posts to go and then we can start the vengeful barbefeuds...

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