My crush-having is so promiscuous, I might as well give up and change my name to Legolas. I'm almost scared to start the list because I just know I'm going to miss out loads of people. But here goes anyway. (Crushes are given in no particular order, are subject to no known rationale and may change without notice.)
Cherry, BiP, Deva, Pepsi Max, Stoatie, Baz Auckland, 'Nesh, Xoc, fred, Badbh Catha, Haus, Bill Posters, Boy in a Suitcase, Sfd, Flowers, Biz, Sax, Saveloy, variations on the theme of Flux, Cholister, Stone Mirror, Rage, Meme Buggerer, Crunchy, Nick (RIP), Kegboy (STOP IT!), Ria, mixmage, kobol strom, well cheers, Q, Kit-Kat Club, grant, Jack Fear, _pin doesn't really count because everyone likes him but in he goes, Flyboy, Cosmicjamas, Lilith Myth, Pacha and oh, fuck it, I can't be arsed. Just mentally pencil yourself onto the list. |