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Barbecrush 2003


Page: 123(4)5

Bill Posters
12:33 / 31.03.03
It's taken me a good day or so to recover from that.

Don't blame me, Iain Banks thought of that line, I just stole it.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:17 / 01.04.03
see, I'm not feeling very Barbecrushy these days, but Lolita's damn right.

I have huge barbe-crushes these days on Whisky and Lol. Because they rule. and we rule. we were so fucking good, and im'm such a damn bad winner. so bonding with WP on that.

And we WON.

and on grant, a) for setting it up. and b) for being Grant, and being eminently Barbecrushable.

And, of course. on Lada, primarily for what he's like in the real world. which is an odd combo of barbeloid, themostcentredmanever and thus incredbily chilled and lovely, fab skirt wearer, plain lovely Lada and, most importantly, the best sugar daddy in the world ever

Kat, you knw what I'm talking about...
Bill Posters
10:09 / 02.04.03
I'd like to second the Chairman's het-male-but-nevertheless-very-real crush on Tom. 'Cos without him... there'd be no Barbiecrushes. There'd be no Barbieanything. None of us would be here. There'd. Be. No. Us.

* shudders at the very thought of a 'Lithless Universe *
10:16 / 02.04.03
Yup, Tom gets my vote. Or maybe Haus *leers at Haus* 'cos he's got a pretty mouth...
Bill Posters
10:52 / 02.04.03
He's got a pretty big mouth.

(Dammit, where's my Barbiefight eh? "Really personal and hurtful" is what the abstract said. I shall be exercising my rights as a consumer and demanding my money back from this thread if a shitstorm doesn't start soon.)
11:22 / 02.04.03
Oh, fuck off.
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:30 / 02.04.03
Stop Whining And Adapt, poshboy.

Yr just peeved coz no-one's barbecrushing you.

The Falcon
14:32 / 02.04.03
Don't you see though?

It's Sax' thread (interesting article about him in this month's Sleazenation, I'd note, featuring a graph.) It's his abstract. He wants the fight.

What better way to provoke than telling someone to fuck off? Eh?

Invidious shit.

See? Like that.

On (main) topic, I am crushing on grant also. Very much so. But not la Fear, who has gone very moody about Epic Comics. Because I'm just that shallow.
pacha perplexa
16:39 / 02.04.03
Oi! Since nobody has a barbecrush on me anymore, I'll save all that lovin' to my boyfriend.

Your loss, barbeloids.
Kit-Cat Club
20:32 / 02.04.03
Oi, I have a barbecrush on you, missy.

And BiP. And Lada. And Haus. And Cherry. And...

The only problem is that I know all these people... aren't you meant to have barbecrushes on people you haven't met IRL? Or at least haven't met, oooh, at least five times since January?

Saveloy. Sax.

[Barbefeud: I hate you all really, all this jolly nice chaps business is a beastly fraud and a sell and you've all been had chiz chiz chiz]

You do know the real Barbefeud is happening elsewhere as we speak, don't you?
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:14 / 02.04.03
Oi! Pacha, I think yr fab, but didn't actually know you were still around. so there.

And you, Kit-Kat, hands off my sugar daddy.

Advances menacingly, swinging handbag(with brick in side)

Spatula Clarke
22:09 / 02.04.03
Can I just ask: since when was Sax posh? Last I heard he was working in t'mill to keep his family of seventeen in clean cockroaches.
Baz Auckland
04:42 / 03.04.03
I have a crush on you all because it's 141am and I am drunk. Weee! And I have a cat named Boris!

I think I may only really have crushes on people I've met IRL... even if my meeting Tom equalled "didn't you see him? he was that guy over in that seat!" "oh... I saw him!"
07:11 / 03.04.03
Oi, Randy, I'm well posh. I have a job in middle-management and know important people, doctors and dentists and the like.

And bip: I was going to barbecrush you until you dissed me. Slapper.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:04 / 03.04.03
I have such a big Barbecrush on Pacha that I want to punch her arm, pull her hair, then run away to the other side of the playground.

Otherwise I'm perfectly happy for BiP and Kit-Cat to fight over me, there's a chinese takeaway and a bottle of cheap wine for the winner

(And why didn't I think to say that I have a passion for Pacha? Doh!)
Eloi Tsabaoth
09:05 / 03.04.03
I too have a Barbethang for you, Pacha, but didn't want to express it lest your Barbeboyf gave me a Barbepunch in my Barbeface.
Behind which is a secret beard.
10:18 / 03.04.03
*Flip, flip, flip, thud, crash, tinkle, thunk*

Ooooops! Silly me! I seem to have accidentally acrobatically attacked both Kit Kat and BiP and knocked them flying! Sorry girls! (And you know I really could if I wanted to! )

Can I claim that meal and bottle of wine then Monsieur Flowers, since neither of them are capable of consuming at this precise moment!??!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:28 / 03.04.03
How could I resist someone with a special move like a He-Man toy? The question is whether KC and BiP are going to take this lying down or put their differences aside to fight the greater evil?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:29 / 03.04.03
And I'm also Barbecrushing Baz Auckland because he has a cat called Boris.
10:47 / 03.04.03
Ooh, hark at the stud.
pacha perplexa
11:09 / 03.04.03
Been away for so long, almost forgot how delightful you guys can be.

"I have such a big Barbecrush on Pacha that I want to punch her arm, pull her hair, then run away to the other side of the playground."

I've never been so adored in my life.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:00 / 03.04.03
aren't you meant to have barbecrushes on people you haven't met IRL? Or at least haven't met, oooh, at least five times since January?

See, I have this really strict definition of Barbecrush too, which is why I haven't posted in this thread so far. I've always thought that it had to be based almost entirely on what someone writes on Barbelith - so you're not allowed to meet someone and think "I can't remember a word you ever posted, but U R HOT!" - and it had to be a proper crush. Filthy lust. Heart-break and yearning. You know. None of this "platonic admiration" crap. That's for normals.

Despite these restrictions, there was a time when I had, ooh, half a dozen of 'em. Has the world changed or have I changed? I don't know, but it also always struck me that if you did genuinely have a crush on someone here, and you'd met or there was a chance of you ever meeting in the flessshhhh, no way would you announce it...

That's my story and I'm sticking to it, anyway.
12:37 / 03.04.03
I suppose a shag's out of the question, then?
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:23 / 03.04.03
I doubt it,

oh and Sax, you northern oik, where on earth did I diss you? would at least thought a little literacy might be required in yr job.

*grabs angels conveniently long hair and yanks hard. Angel falls over, squealing*

Don't think you'll be queering my pitch that easily, bitch. I was here first...
13:29 / 03.04.03
Wasn't this from you about me bip: Stop Whining And Adapt, poshboy. Yr just peeved coz no-one's barbecrushing you.

If not, I apologise that I spent my ire over you.
13:32 / 03.04.03
And to prove it I just moderated your last post and stopped you from looking stupid.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:35 / 03.04.03
Ha. Actually that was aimed at Bill, but it would seem to be a handy multiuser insult

So take it as read and shove your Barbecrush where the ire don't shine...
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:36 / 03.04.03
oops. ah well, you've moderated it now...
14:03 / 03.04.03
I'm semi-opposed to fly's statement.

My barbecrushes are split into two camps.

Although I admire and respect people like haus and the heavy hitters on this thing, hearing he has just rubbished someone with a witty and knowledgable reply, which also, if looked at closely makes up the sentance "YOU ARE CRAP AND KNOW NOTHING" from the first letters of each word of his reply doesn't exactly loosen my knicker elastic. If anything a small amount of fear will be added to my "platonic admiration" of the fellow.

My true crushes are for those people who have gone above and beyond when dealing with me (or others, but let's be selfish). So angel and sleaze are in my heart as the only two londoners who took a chance and said yes to drinking with me when I've been down. The lovely Adrianne who took the time and trouble to respond to my request concerning a website of mine, even going to the point of PMing me rather than adding to a dying thread.

And of course the lovely rabble that make up the brumalith (Puck, Rollo {honoury member}, Pots, Mixmage, Harmony, MRY, Ray Feng) whether I've had a hand in getting them involved in this place or not.

And of course a general level of good feeling to anyone who has lifted my spirits or inspired me (most recently Kegboy with those fabulous magic cartoons) through their words.

And lastly kooky and kali, because, hey, I'm a traditionalist.
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:27 / 03.04.03
Oh, and I have a new and unreasonable barbe-crush on Duncan F for his description of Thomas Hardy's literary works as 'wooden mince'.
19:58 / 03.04.03
I have a barbecrush on mixmage for blessfully asking his Mum something and then attributing it to her in his post.

Like so:"Society classifies as disturbed that which it finds disturbing" Thanks, Mum! I knew you'd understand.
The Falcon
21:02 / 03.04.03
I'm blushing.

Consider the crush reciprocated, Bengali. These things are always unreasonable. Also:

Goodness Gracious Meme
21:12 / 03.04.03
Despite these restrictions, there was a time when I had, ooh, half a dozen of 'em. Has the world changed or have I changed?

Perhaps you've just met, and thus by yr own stringent rules, disqualifed, some of yr barbecrushes?

see, I'm a promiscuous crusher, i crush on account of a phrase, or a cheap bott. of wine and chinese dinner. or a skirt... much easier that way?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
21:23 / 03.04.03
I have decided that I have a crush on me because I'm a jabronie beating, pie eating, high flying, limosine riding, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, redhead lovin, moron mugging Dream come true! WHOO!
04:57 / 04.04.03
Pie-eating? You're from Wigan?


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