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Jenny Everywhere - Updates


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15:05 / 28.05.03
I've read the first one and the sequel sounds awesome. Send it to me.
Whisky Priestess
15:15 / 28.05.03
sounds grrr-eat, but I can't draw. tragically.
18:02 / 28.05.03
Wow, that was lots of fun, grant. I really want to see what a barb artist does with this.
19:11 / 28.05.03
I'd like to read those. Unfortunately, I can't offer to draw either of them at the moment since I'm busy with Rizla's story. I must apologise to him for it taking so long but hopefully it'll be worth the wait...

Anyway, send them over, they sound like great fun.
Kit-Cat Club
19:53 / 28.05.03
The Saxoid will no doubt be relieved to hear that I have finally (almost) finished my proper term work - and though Dr Unpronounceable has saddled me with yet another sodding paper to write, I propose not to take it too seriously and to start doing more on the Shifter story than arsing about with layouts - hopefully I'll have a page or two in reasonably short order...
00:52 / 02.06.03
Hokay, I'm shooting to get the rest of this done by June 13.

So do we have to write biogs, then?
Yes, please!

And can I have my real name on the site?
Yes, if you want. I will use the name that appears on the comic as the default, as I don't want to blow anyone's cover who has a cover... but if you want your real name, just give me a shout. I'll get you fixed up, Sax... I have your real name around here somewhere...

Are we going to have the option for downloadable pdfs of each strip on the site?
Technically this is not a problem for me, I just need print-quality files (300 dpi) to work from. But do you think that this might compete adversely with future print versions of the work? That's up to the group to discuss, I think. And I will be putting up a .pdf version of "The Late Shift" as soon as.

Oh and would it be too much of a hassel server-wise to have nelsons pages hosted the same place as the other strips?
It's not a huge hassle for me. In this case, I'd say it's up to Nelson. If the Shifter gets, you know, BIG, then it might be a good way to get link-through traffic on his site where people can see his other work.
Nelson Evergreen
22:21 / 04.06.03
Let's have all the strips at the same address, eh? Otherwise people will talk. Help yourself to the jpegs, Persephone.
22:53 / 04.06.03
I'm just about to go off on vacation myself, so I'll throw this idea out here and see what awaits me on my return.

I've already mentioned this a few times, but I'm not sure if I was clear. What do people think about putting out the stories in increments, as opposed to putting up all stories at once. I was thinking it might be better to hold back and have monthly updates then dump all the ones we currently have and have to wait for new material. My plan was to have one story up on the site until our official launch in January, then one a month after that, so our official launch would have two stories for people to read.

As always, this isn't my decision alone. Please offer your input. My vote is as I described above, and of all things that I've suggested or debated over, this one is probably the one I feel most strongly about.
11:26 / 05.06.03
Ohhh, i'm in two minds about this suggestion...

on the one hand i think it would be a smart and sensible way to build up a regular readership, on the other hand - I want to read the latest Jenny Everywhere strips as soon as I possibly can...
12:15 / 05.06.03
But Sleaze, surely us Barbeloids can get sneak previews before stories get posted on the site for "them" to look at?

Now that i've posted that I suppose I should give an update on my progress - well, more of a non-update really. Basically due to unexpected but welcome commercial work and selfishly working on my own projects dear Jenny has been untroubled by my pencil for about six weeks now.

Sorry Impulsivelad!

The good news is that all that other shit is nearly out of the way. Plus I hope that the fact that I've had shitloads of practice recently will stand me in good stead to get closer to that level of retina-searing intensity we all desire.

Oh yeah, and I think I have a 'yes' vote for moriarty's suggestion.
12:59 / 05.06.03
I'm not sure I get a vote since I haven't even managed to finish my first story yet, but I don't know if I buy trying to mimic the monthly issue thing on web. I think the more that's on the site initially, the more likely people will be to come back for more. Plus we could have a emailing list for people who want email updates when there's a new Jenny story....
17:41 / 05.06.03
Hey. Comin' atcha from Old Montreal.

I've got no problem if the consensus is for us to post when the stories are first available. I would just hate for us to blow our wad right from the beginning. I mean, it's taken us awhile to get this far, and if we keep at this rate when the site goes official, we'll have an update every 8 months or so. Hopefully we'll have a year's worth of matrial (13 stories) by the end of 2003, which would give us good lead time. Of course, people could post their stories wherever the hell they want beforehand.

My passion for the Jenny Everywhere project is in it's accessibility. I want as many people to see it and/or participate as possible. I know people are stoked about the possibility of a print version, but my interest has always been in the web version. This is also why I wanted a separate message board. Not everyone is going to want to become a member of Barbelith in order to find a fellow contributor or talk about Jenny stories. I do realize that this option is both cost and technically prohibitive at this time. I'd hate to put even more on Persephone's plate.
01:37 / 06.06.03
My advice is to keep up with the pace of the comics as they are created. You want people to get that this is the place to go for Shifter comics. You don't want creators to have their comics in little green rooms all over the Internet. It just teaches people to look elsewhere, or more likely will lose their interest. Yeah, you want Shifter comics not to be quite so few and far between. But how you get that is by getting more people to make comics & not by holding back the few comics that are already out of the bag, realistically speaking... that's my two cents, anyway.

I think that you are correct to focus on the website, moriarty. It's going to be the center of the Shifter project, and that's the right place for you. I designed this site to give to you, man. Jenny can live at Queer Granny's as long as she needs to. But I am only bringing her up to a manageable size for me, and believe me I am quite autocratic as far as my work is concerned! I seriously doubt that I will ever build a messageboard, it's not my line of work.

As for any print editions, I think that people should be encouraged to step up to the plate! Who wants to be a publisher? I think that's the coolest part of the Shifter project... it's not about getting permission to print your story, it's about being empowered to print yer own & people are waiting to get 'em!
02:18 / 07.06.03
Ah ha ha, oh dear... I put up a .pdf of sleaze & Nelson's very nice Shifter one-page promo, and it takes five minutes to download.

[Xorn] Now this is unacceptable. [/x]

...I must research this some more. Anyway "The Late Shift" is also on its own page on the site, take a look.

And now I will also need a bio from sleaze... and I also need bios from Sax, Lentil, and dlo. Look at Nelson & Fly's cool bios. Don't you want a cool bio by your name & not whatever obnoxious comment it is that I'm using as greek text?
14:23 / 07.06.03
Ah, that was cute only one of my, as of yet undrawn, stories was called The Late Shift! Now I need to think of a new title. grrr.
15:36 / 07.06.03
"The Late Shift" is terrific -- great work! This is brand-new, isn't it?

And nice bit about where the goggles and scarf came from.
22:17 / 07.06.03

sorry impulsive, i guess a shifter story entitled the late shift was inevitable eventually - guess what barbelith thread Jenny is reading in the title panel...

Thanks hunter - yes it is indeed a brand new strip churned out by the too cute to live, too talented to die Nelson Evergreen and myself...
00:34 / 10.06.03
Okey-dokey! The Shifter site is more or less up and running --that's

I managed to get the file size of the Late Shift .pdf down to 2.8 MB. Please don't beat me, I don't know how to make it smaller...
21:51 / 10.06.03
The sites's great and I love the different shots of jenny on each page most of all the one on the news. But the stripes around the orange make me dizzy. Sorry, I'm such a party pooper.
23:44 / 10.06.03
Thanks again for creating such a nice little piece of the internet for us, Perse. And good job on cleaning up the FAQ. Wonderful! I don't know why you haven't put your own name up in the bios yet, though. I promise I will take the site off your hands just as soon as I figure out how to do it myself.

In other good news, I have a few leads on a separate messsage board. No need to worry, Perse. I'll take care of it. I know that many would like to see the message board activity remain here in Barbelith, but I would rather the site have it's own meeting space. This won't prevent Jenny discussions from happening here, by any means. I think it might be a little intimidating for someone not of Barbelith to have to sign up just to talk to fellow Jenny admirers.

While it would be nice if all Jenny stories stayed on the central website, that isn't necessarily something we can or should enforce. Who knows, maybe someone will build an even more popular site sometime in the future. So, it's up to the individual creators whether they want to post their stories on their site and/or the Jenny site.

I don't mind conceding on the issue of a web publication schedule. It's going to be awhile until the site is unveiled, so we can think it over for a good half a year still.

I've been thinking about my involvement in this project recently. I've had fun laying down the ground rules, experienced glee in watching Perse create the site, and had such a blast finally drawing my committments that it was hard to tear myself away from my table to leave this post. I had envisioned having a good time making crazy little zines and flyers and taking Jenny to the street and spreading the good word. I haven't had that feeling for the actual print comic. Not that I won't ever, but my passion seems to be for the things that fall outside the normal publishing route.

I'm dropping out of the print publication aspect of Jenny, at least for now. I want to centre on the site (especially if and when I take it over completely) and making cool little zines with my kitties at my feet. If, this time next year, we're still truckin', I will definitely reconsider.

I will be contacting people about printing their work in zine form. If you want your comics to be shown around the mean streets of Canada, let me know.

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