Thanks again for creating such a nice little piece of the internet for us, Perse. And good job on cleaning up the FAQ. Wonderful! I don't know why you haven't put your own name up in the bios yet, though. I promise I will take the site off your hands just as soon as I figure out how to do it myself.
In other good news, I have a few leads on a separate messsage board. No need to worry, Perse. I'll take care of it. I know that many would like to see the message board activity remain here in Barbelith, but I would rather the site have it's own meeting space. This won't prevent Jenny discussions from happening here, by any means. I think it might be a little intimidating for someone not of Barbelith to have to sign up just to talk to fellow Jenny admirers.
While it would be nice if all Jenny stories stayed on the central website, that isn't necessarily something we can or should enforce. Who knows, maybe someone will build an even more popular site sometime in the future. So, it's up to the individual creators whether they want to post their stories on their site and/or the Jenny site.
I don't mind conceding on the issue of a web publication schedule. It's going to be awhile until the site is unveiled, so we can think it over for a good half a year still.
I've been thinking about my involvement in this project recently. I've had fun laying down the ground rules, experienced glee in watching Perse create the site, and had such a blast finally drawing my committments that it was hard to tear myself away from my table to leave this post. I had envisioned having a good time making crazy little zines and flyers and taking Jenny to the street and spreading the good word. I haven't had that feeling for the actual print comic. Not that I won't ever, but my passion seems to be for the things that fall outside the normal publishing route.
I'm dropping out of the print publication aspect of Jenny, at least for now. I want to centre on the site (especially if and when I take it over completely) and making cool little zines with my kitties at my feet. If, this time next year, we're still truckin', I will definitely reconsider.
I will be contacting people about printing their work in zine form. If you want your comics to be shown around the mean streets of Canada, let me know. |