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Jenny Everywhere - Updates


Page: 123(4)5

12:05 / 22.04.03
I found this in Jenny Everywhere's livejournal....

16:09 / 22.04.03
Persephone: there are several free message boards out there, which are fairly easy to set up if you're familiar with FTP. Even if you aren't, they take you through it quite step by step. I think it took about an hour to set mine up, and I had to change one small thing.

It takes a lot longer to tweak the contents, appearance etc, but the interface to do that with is usually quite easy.

Ikonboard is the one I use; another one I hear good things about is phpBB. You'll need a server that allows you CGI access (and PHP for the latter, though pretty much everything has PHP if it has CGI).
Nelson Evergreen
23:34 / 22.04.03
Ah, the enigma that is Gridley. IIRC it's been months since your last post on this project, and that too contained an extremely cool and intriguing slice of visual Shifterism. What's up yr sleeve?
12:50 / 23.04.03
oooh... I'm an enigma? cool!

thanks, nelson. the project is still--or rather back--in the forefront of my mind. Unfortunately, the way I'm doing the art takes me a realllllly long time (to like compensate for the fact that I'm not really any kind of visual artist). But I'm still reasonably hopeful that I'll have my first story finished in time for the deadline. As a bonus, it's got lots of actual shifting in it, plus Jenny's pet monkey (courtesy of Grant).
12:54 / 23.04.03
Damn, Jenny's even cuter in meat space! That looks cool as fuck, gridley. Anybody wanna try a live action trailer to compliment the animated one?
13:04 / 23.04.03
Well funny you should mention that... well not quite An actress friend of mine is the living image of Jenny and I was thinking of organising some kind of photo shoot with her... watch this space to see if it ever happens
14:19 / 23.04.03
That would be great.
14:35 / 23.04.03
I bet gingerbop could do it.

Fumetti! Fumetti!
10:37 / 24.04.03
So, is that Nathan as in Barley?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:45 / 24.04.03
I think this was asked once already - essentially, the answer is "sort of" - the whole point of Nathan Barley being called Nathan Barley, as I understand it, is that a good four or five years ago, Nathan had already become the name of choice if you wanted to describe a certain kind of archetypal wanker. This was purely a word of mouth thing - equally, 'Barley' is almost certainly a reference to that word being used as very annoying rhyming slang for cocaine (Charlie) by, well, Nathans. I remember people using both terms in my final year at Uni, which was before I'd discovered TV Go Home.

But essentially, this Nathan and that Nathan are both Nathans cut from the same cloth, so... yeah. There really are a lot of people like that out there in certain relatively narrow circles, which is why Charlie Brooker's creation is so entertainingly spot-on.
10:52 / 24.04.03
Ahh, ok. I happened onto and tvgohome late. Anyway, this all looks amazingly well-planned and I'm glad to be reminded that there's something going on besides a certain country turning in their 3 cards to get 50 armies (plus 2 for Afghanistan) and putting them all you-know-where...
13:05 / 24.04.03
sleazenation, let's see the Jenny photo shoot! Sounds amazing.
14:49 / 02.05.03
I know Jenny is open to everyone but are the other characters that appear in her stories? Not that I have anything planned but I just wanted to know if I could use Nigel from Mrs. Zirma, or the mutant cat and the Plasmanomicon from my Bloody Valentine. Or Lex, Clea, and Bradley from Name's not down and Hostile Takeover. If not it's cool cause I didn't have anything in particular in mind just wanted to see if I could play with your toys and build bridges between radically different stories and universes.
15:08 / 02.05.03
Or, hell, even a Nathan story would be a laugh. He may be a butt, but why not give him a little more life?
01:09 / 06.05.03
Ok, I've written two more Shifter tales and I need artists, of course.

The first is my attempt at a shamanic journy into the higher and lower realms, but with that untrade-marked Jenny charm. So if you'd like to draw heavenly gardens and hellish landscapes let me know. (10 pages)

The second is a sleek futuristic ninja story that doesn't end too well for our lovely Shifter. Lot of acrobatics and sword play. (8 pages)

Don't all of you PM me at once
01:24 / 06.05.03
Completely forgot to answer your question from a few posts ago, Impulsivelad. Only Jenny is free and clear. You should get the permission of the creators of other characters if you wish to use them.
13:59 / 06.05.03
Ok cool.
18:04 / 06.05.03
The new stories sound great, Imp -- I'd love to draw one of 'em, but I think I should finish drawing the current Jenny story of yours I'm working on first Can you send me the scripts for the new ones, just for fun?
19:19 / 07.05.03
here's a sketch of a longer-haired jenny everywhere...

And just in case that doesn't work, here's the link...
20:29 / 07.05.03
Good stuff, man, looks great. I'm glad you drew her like that because I was worried I might be drawing her too thin...
20:32 / 07.05.03
*pounds head against tree to remedy writer's block* This is looking is so incredibly good, guys.
22:41 / 07.05.03
I'm the exact opposite, DM, when I see art like that I get ideas. Nice job.
Nelson Evergreen
00:11 / 08.05.03
As far as the use of supporting characters goes, I've been kicking myself for not having festooned pt 1 of DFHT with sly cameos from people and things out of 'My Bloody Valentine' and 'Mrs Zirma', so expect to see that rectified in part 2. A spot (or a splurge) of cross referencing, at least of the visual variety, can't do any harm, and if anything gives more shape to the jennyverse.
21:06 / 24.05.03
Take a look --and for the love of god, don't link to this yet. The text is not set, as you will see by all the yadda yadda yaddas.

***Here's a brief site map*****************

Index, a portal-type page with teasers for all the sections and the comics.
Comics, a listing page with links to the comics.
Conversations, a listing page with links to Barbelith threads.
Creators, a content page with bios of Shifter writers and artists. May change this to listing page when we run out of room.
FAQs, a content page with all the info about the Shifter projects
News, a content page for news and announcements. May set this up as a Blogger thing.
Name's Not Down (off-site)
My Bloody Valentine
Mrs. Zirma
Damn Fine Hostile Takeover, Part I (off-site)


Obviously it's not a value judgment that Nelson & Fly's comics are not on the site proper! It just shows a different option for bringing together all the Shifter comics.

1. Right at the moment, the FAQs are going to be the heart of the site & I'm going to work on those next, probably breaking them up into separate pages --eg., intro to the Shifter project, print specifications, web specifications.

2. The other thing I will need is bios. Talk amongst yourselves how you want to do them. When we do bios for programs, everyone just writes their own & that works out okay.

I'm off on vacation all next week, so I won't be answering questions until I get back.

Remember, no linking!!
02:56 / 25.05.03
Perse. Kicking ass and taking names.
13:58 / 25.05.03
Very pretty.
Nelson Evergreen
15:26 / 25.05.03
I love the Black Line on Orange motif. That's a good looking and comprehensive site, Persephone; an excellent first port of call for newbies...
14:54 / 26.05.03
Gridley, all I can say is that when I saw your picture, my jaw DROPPED TO THE FUCKING FLOOR. You are a FANTASTIC ARTIST!!! Holy shit that picture is good. Are you in comics professionally? Are you a professional illustrator? Cause if not, you should be. I'm still going to be mumbling 'holy shit, that drawing kicks ass' for at least the next 10 minutes.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:19 / 26.05.03
That's a great site, Persephone. I particularly love the little visual excerpts from the comics to date that accompany each page - it's a nice, well-educated touch, and I admire your selections in each case.

Off to work on a bio, with no sense of glee or self-obsession, no, honest, none.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:42 / 26.05.03
I hate you all with big envious hatey hate and I'm going to come round and suck out yr talents with a BIG SYRINGE so I can have them instead.
06:11 / 27.05.03
Big up to Persephone. So do we have to write biogs, then? And can I have my real name on the site?
11:11 / 27.05.03
A luscious looking site perseph

but a question...
Are we going to have the option for downloadable pdfs of each strip on the site?
13:20 / 27.05.03
Oh and would it be too much of a hassel server-wise to have nelsons pages hosted the same place as the other strips? it would just help maintain a unity of overall site design - not something that is massively important - but it might be nice...
14:14 / 27.05.03
Thanks, gang. Encouraging. Unfortunately, I'm way too slow. It would take me about four and half months of constant work to finish 22 pages....
19:14 / 27.05.03
On that note, I now have two (2) scripts and would be up for any artists interested. The first has stymied two artists - it's slightly serious, involves a wounded fundamentalist and Mayan ruins. And a monkey. It was partially inspired by the Love & Rockets series where Maggie is doing some sort of excavation/mechanic work in the jungle.

The second is sort of a sequel, except it involves giant mushrooms and even gianter paramecia, and a sequence in which Jenny uses her scarf like a lariat to ride a humongous single-celled organism. It was partially inspired by Little Nemo's trip to Mars.

Anyone interested in taking a crack? I'm also open to people just interested in reading 'em and critiquing 'em from an artist's point of view.

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