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Late Shift 6: Into the Future


Page: 12(3)45678

00:48 / 04.01.03
It's snowing here too, quite a bit, but at least the air feels warmer when it's snowing, although whenever I walk up hill I get snowflakes in my nose which can be distressing. I have no bloody marys (maries?) and I have no beer, but I do have V8 and coca-cola, and tonight I feel good.
01:10 / 04.01.03
Well I could just die. I just got an actual letter from my nephew. Because you know, my sister always has sent thank you notes from him and his sister for everything. But I could tell from feeling the envelope that this really was from him, because the letter inside was folded very irregularly.

So for New Year's I had gotten my niece, actually, an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly, which in retrospect was a cruel gift because it's a lot of small stuffed animals inside an old lady --i.e., the animals that the old lady swallows: fly, spider, bird, cat, dog, goat, cow, and horse; and sure enough, the cow and the goat went almost immediately missing.

So this is what my letter says:

Deer Imo
I FOUnnbd the
Aend Goat
I love YOU,
01:12 / 04.01.03
01:13 / 04.01.03
I'll help shovel as long I get to make a snowman too. I've never seen a foot of snow before.

I thought snow only occured around 0 degrees c? Any colder and it turns to hail, any warmer and it's just rain.
Tryphena Absent
01:15 / 04.01.03
Your nephew sounds so sweet and I want an old lady that swallowed a multitude of animals!
01:20 / 04.01.03
Well, the snow here didn't lie, and I didn't sleep.
Still some of that wine left,

spirit... willing... flesh... weak...
01:29 / 04.01.03
That's so sweet. I can feel my world-weary cynicism dropping off me in chunks.
01:33 / 04.01.03
Discord- It's lingered much below 0 degrees celsius (celcius? and I thought farenheit was a tricky one...) for a while in New York now (27 degrees farenheit right now, I can't remember the conversion formula). One of my co-workers who told me earlier in the month that Albany didn't see much snow apologized to me and blamed El Nino.

Unfortunately, what I'm getting is a bit powdery for snowmen, it's more of a skiing snow. Which is not to say that it won't be a great pain to get it all off my car. : )
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:34 / 04.01.03
So that's what those lumps are. Dang!

Ahem. At the office. "Helping." Which now entails going out to find some kind of phone connectivity for this place. Yee and ha.

That letter - and present - rocks, though!
01:38 / 04.01.03
Be snide. Return with a roll of quarters.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:40 / 04.01.03
I just think it's quite telling that, fifteen minutes into my first trip here, I'm on Barbelith.

Fuck's sake.

Feeling a little better, however. Though still worrying if the top of my head is attached, still. And thinking about things that I shoudln't be thinking about, which is NOT HELPING.

01:57 / 04.01.03
I'll go out on a limb here, Roth, and say that I imagine the top of your head probably IS attached... maybe only loosely though.
01:58 / 04.01.03
Like a fez, perhaps...
01:59 / 04.01.03
Just like a fez.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:01 / 04.01.03
So perilous, but natty?
Tryphena Absent
02:02 / 04.01.03
Ooh, feel that sarcastic bite, they're on a roll!
02:03 / 04.01.03
Hello boys and girls, I'm here again. It's eleven o clock and I'm on the PC. I've just cooked some food which I'm not eating, and I'm drinking again, though I think this will be my last one (third).

Guess who I just heard on the radio? Bear in mind this is US radio (NPR). Toby Young. Going on about all the stuff he usually does. Damn. You can never leave.

Next, I fancy streaming some episodes of the Archers, because I'm way behind.

My main activity tonight has been looking on eBay for old cute iBooks - you know, the clamshell ones in funky colours. I'm going to have to send my laptop back to the UK because I spilt beer on it, and I need some sort of computer, and I get paid too much, and electronics are way cheaper here anyway. But really, how fucking cute is this computer?

eh? eh?
02:03 / 04.01.03
And possibly a touch rakish, if I may be so bold.
02:04 / 04.01.03
it's not rakish, you strange man

incidentally, I've been using the Barbelith RSS feed and it does work, you know
02:04 / 04.01.03
(My last post was in reference to the fez, rather than the computer. Although that looks somewhat devil-may-care.)

MMM... streaming The Archers...
Tryphena Absent
02:07 / 04.01.03
If I didn't have a snobbish attitude to apple's I'd think it was very cute. Not as cute as Persephone's nephew though.
02:13 / 04.01.03
I used to be a PC snob, but after checking one of the latest Powerbooks in the shop, I've lost that. Mmm, a notebook with 1280x1024 screen and DVD burner that can do real-time video editing. Mmmmmmm. Mmm, about three thousand dollars.

(Really, all this one should do is let me get on the net. Anything else is a bonus.)
02:16 / 04.01.03
-hides from the alien clam-

Does wheat grass juice taste exactly like wheat grass?
02:17 / 04.01.03
Cute though he may be, can Persephone's nephew do real-time video editing?

Actually, probably. Kids are good at this techie stuff these days.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:20 / 04.01.03
Rakish? Roxxor.

iBooks are pretty neat. The price-drop of late has made them pretty accessible - when I upgrade I'm definitely considering one. Though I am ALL ABOUT dodgy games on the PC at the moment, so y'know... I might be stuck in the PC camp for a while...

Fridge: nah, you can't leave. I'm always reminded, and I'm perhaps the furtherest away from the place you can be. Although I did note that the Beeb misspelled "QANTAS" in their reports about the guy who's been arrested for joking about hijacking - SMH report here. The part I like? Regarde:

Lilico told AFP officers he did not remember making the remark and that he had consumed eight pints of heavy beer, as well as still being under the effects of New Year's Eve, in the six hours before boarding the aircraft.

Only eight? I know barbeloids who'd drink that much and still feel shy about asking someone to dance, let alone joke about cockpit-rushing. Cock-in-earing, however...

But yes. A little blast of adopted home, eh what?
Tryphena Absent
02:43 / 04.01.03
Apple's scare me they GLOW a little too much and you know what that is? That's Dark Season all over again. I'm telling you, next we'll have Kate Winslet running around saying she's called Reet and some dodgy Polish people with something to hide living next door.
02:43 / 04.01.03
I ache to be able to order beer in pints, instead of ounces. I mean, who has drinks measured in ounces? It's sick.

And, you know what, this can that I have here has the word "aluminum" on it, and it's spelt like that. No "i". Not only can people not pronounce the word, they can't spell it either.

Mind you, walking into bars and seeing Bass being marketed as a trendy young person ale, that cheers me up. And the fact that I can afford my very own apartment with just me in it here.
02:50 / 04.01.03
Ounces. That's so wrong. That's like buying cheese in centimetres.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:39 / 04.01.03
Hey - at least you don't have to order beer in middies or schooners. Or the new, oft-debated not-quite-sure-how-big-it-is schmiddie. When you first order a schooner, you think "hey! A fucking BOAT full of alcohol!" but the truth is, sadly, a lot smaller.
04:15 / 04.01.03
YAY!!!!! It's snowing!!!
04:22 / 04.01.03
It's not... *looks around stupidly*

...should I put in a bid for the "rare" Key Lime iBook? Even though it has a dodgy speaker?

You can get a yard of ale, I suppose.
23:05 / 04.01.03
It snowed for about a minute and a half, then went all rainy again.

Arr. Back at work, having torn myself away from the delightful company of Barbeloids in Camden.
23:09 / 04.01.03
You didn't miss much, Stoatie - everyone's on their way home now. Like me, they'll either be online soon or fast asleep. I haven't decided which camp I fall into yet. It was a good night, though.
23:28 / 04.01.03
And you both were particularly delightful, m'dears.
23:39 / 04.01.03
Awww. And special thanks to sfd for the Bagpuss T-shirt.

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