ditto and ditto.
There I was having an intimate moment with the All Blacks when Ganesh shook me awake to tell me the neighbour had detected a gas leak, probably from the pub downstairs, and we all had to evacuate the building. Got to know all the neighbours at last as we shivered in the park opposite the house in the freezing dead of night.
Gas man was uninspiring but efficient, neighbour was commendably masterful in a crisis (bit Captain Mainwaring perhaps), but the firefighters were looooooovely. All in lavender with a maroon go-faster stripe. About ten of them swarming about, scaring the cats. Yummmmm. They deserve their 30k for sure, more if they'd throw in a blow job to relieve a tense situation.
So, now I'm wide awake but, I suspect, not for much longer. Smell of gas has gone but, having had all the windows open to the chill night air, place is freezing. They seemed satisfied that they had traced the leak downstairs and sealed it off so warm, cosy bed beckons. Cuddly elephant-head already there and snoring like Stentor.
Tempting, the thought that they broke into the pub through the back door and turned off the alarm, in their heroic endeavour on our behalf. We did think about nipping in to fill our pockets with alcoholic anti-freeze in compensation for our inconvenience but, being good civil minded types on this stair, opted for returning to bed instead. Whither I shall shortly go... |