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Late Shift 6: Into the Future


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Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:07 / 12.01.03
Yo. Here. No work tomoz. Me stay awake.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:21 / 12.01.03
Here’s where I go mad (with a capital D).

I can’t remember the post, but it started with someone saying they hated the world. Some other person exalted in the fact that they could drink coffee. Let us forget the fact the Kurdish race is habitually tortured. Civil war rages through Africa. Starvation faces many African and South American countries as a result of western liberalist ideology.
Rape, torture and death are regular features in countries like: Turkey, Every Middle East country, Israel, Liberia Sierra Leone, Congo, Zimbabwe, Tibet and a dozen other countries. It makes me sick.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:40 / 12.01.03
I put my beer in the freezer and forgot about it. Beer is now frozen. Not good.
01:40 / 12.01.03
You know, I've run out of booze.
01:43 / 12.01.03
The liquor store here closes at 9. I knew I should have gotten some vodka as well as some wine, because there's something sorely lacking in these parts. Foresight, that's what I need.

I have a great new lamp, though. Long and chrome and illuminating.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
01:47 / 12.01.03
Okay, let's forget it. Fuck knows I could do with a break. Now, where does one start?
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:48 / 12.01.03
But what about the starving Africans? No snow will fall on them this Christmas!!!
Tryphena Absent
01:55 / 12.01.03
With alcohol!? The africans are gonna starve today whatever we do at this instant, let us be merry with the lith, let us appreciate the chrome of the new lamp (it sounds like a good buy)! Plus we've only had two days of snow anyway in the green and pleasant land.
Mourne Kransky
01:57 / 12.01.03
At least their beer won't freeze then. My fingers are yawning but I refuse to go to bed. I am too drunk to know any better. G has been watching The Office non stop for hours. He's storing up style tips from David Brent. I fear for the morrow. Hell, I fear for tonight.
02:23 / 12.01.03
The only drug I have left in the house, apart from Hershey's Cookies And Cream chocolate, and cigarettes, which are not a real drug, just a drug side-order, is coffee. And I have made some, and am drinking it. Desperation.

I worry about this Office thing.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:30 / 12.01.03
There’s something reassuring about the fact that it is all Gravy. You’ve forgotten the bog roll, It’s all gravy.
You’ve forgotten the mushy peas for the fish supper, It’s all gravy.
You’ve forgotten the Clinique hand cream, It’s all gravy.
All is well with the world.
Tryphena Absent
02:44 / 12.01.03
Xoc - pray that he doesn't dance like David Brent. It may make people laugh until that terrible moment when he just doesn't stop doing the bad bad dance.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:49 / 12.01.03
I am trying to forget it and you won't let me.
Tryphena Absent
02:59 / 12.01.03
I have such a strange aversion to sleep, why don't I go to bed now? Why??? It's 5am and I'm too tired to type but I just can't stand the idea of going to sleep!
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
03:34 / 12.01.03
Sleep is the cousin of death. Not the sister, not the brother. I don’t know what time it is, and I can’ find the correct brackets to say, “The time is now “. Well there you go. Fucking Heathrow. A big bad plane gone over my head. Another beer? Yes’siree. Or maybe not as the case may be, fucking nice it would be. (That was just to keep the grammer right). I am wrightin in a deep saaf accent. Fuouk theat.
Saint Keggers
04:02 / 12.01.03
Its only 12:58 am here but I couldn't get to sleep if I wanted to. I've got the Rocket Robin Hood theme song running nonstop through my skull.
Ah the greatness that is canadian cartoondom.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:07 / 12.01.03
Well, I am here. I managed to wrangle a piece of audio equipment (just a replacement Discman, nothing special) down to a off-the-back-of-a-truck price yesterday, so I'm feeling OK. Need moosik device for bus trips. Yes.

Xoc: you and Ganesh MUST move here. Must. I'll be surf-procurer.

At work. Me bored.
Constitution Hill
21:09 / 12.01.03
What do you do at work, Rothkoid? And where's here?
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:16 / 12.01.03
Here is Sydney. Though I used to be in London, with many, many barbeloids. Grah.

Work? Senior subeditor on a weekly magazine.
21:29 / 12.01.03
Ow. Ow. I'm just realizing how horribly out of shape I am... all I did was paint one good-sized wall, and now I can't lift my arms.

Typing hurts.
Tryphena Absent
16:25 / 13.01.03
OK, it's not late (especially for me) but I am reluctantly leaving the land of broadband to return to land of once-a-day university network access (bleurgh) so I am wishing you all a hearty goodbye and I'll see you not quite so constantly for the next month or so. *waving hand pitifully*
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:51 / 13.01.03
The Strobe
22:13 / 13.01.03
*waves back*

I'm in. Abandoned friends so they'd in turn be abandoned by a clinger-on they were trying to shake. All other friends have turned in early for work; I'm working tomorrow so might do the same soon. But yeah. Have done nothing today. Fabolos.

Oh, I did go and see City of God, which is fantastic.
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:17 / 13.01.03
Ahhh. Well, I spent yesterday evening working on IT stuff for my father's company - singularly uninspiring work, really. Bah. And now, feeling sleepy and doing Contents pages while listening to Smog. As you do.

The Strobe
22:22 / 13.01.03
I'm making a cheese sandwich and listening to an album by Her Space Holiday called Manic Expressive. It's lovely. Am delaying inevitable sleep until I finish my Coke.
23:06 / 18.01.03
Come on, let us take this thread into the future.
23:06 / 18.01.03
(page 7's acceptable, as well)
23:08 / 18.01.03
Christ. I may be the only surviving member of Barbelith. What, there been a genocide I haven't heard about?
23:09 / 18.01.03
23:19 / 18.01.03
I'm still alive. At least, I think so. I'm at work, where we are amusing ourselves by taking bets on which celebrity will be outed as a child molester next.
23:21 / 18.01.03
How long you been working at nights, stoatie? How do you go about it for the rest of the day?
The Strobe
23:33 / 18.01.03
Blah. I'm in. Have been out for mate's 21st (OK) and college bop-thing which was... bearable. Wasn't DJing, so it wasn't nearly so interesting. Plus... nasty moments of embarassment I wasn't prepared for with the return of someone I wasn't expecting to see. Ick. Felt slightly rude avoiding hir, but also felt monumentally embarassed, and now feel a bit of a tit.

Am now drinking lots of water and trying to find anyone interesting up. Real or digital.
23:35 / 18.01.03
I've been working nights for about 2 and a half years- 7 nights on, 7 nights off. I drink beer in the morning and sleep in the afternoon/evening.

Paleface- the only way to avoid a hangover for sure is to delay it. With booze. Honest.
The Strobe
23:40 / 18.01.03
I'm not that drunk. But a bit of wine/beer plus a-ds is not the way forward. I just want to drink lots of fluid because I'm thirsty, not because I'm drunk.
01:15 / 19.01.03
I live, even though my toenails are still growing. Paleface: Screw water, the ultimate hangover preventer/treatment I've encountered is Gatorade. I'm also fairly bored, and deeply sick of winter.

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