I'm going to bowl in the fact that I have borrowed a copy of the complete (including lots of unpublished ones, it seems) Lord Peter Wimsey short stories
Can I have a Kit-kat style 'ratbag' here? 
Bonus points for the one where the Comte has to distinguish between two Lord Peter Wimseys, along with his disreputable cousin Death Bredon.
That, on the other hand *is* a fluffy huggy sun-filled thing... Pass the Montrachet, my dear... that would be the 1885, would it not?
I have been reading myself to sleep over the past few days with Murder Must Advertise. Which is definitely a thing of joy. Oh, and lent my lsis a DLS and she's now hooked and wants to borrow them all. Yes!
Have just been to a great local pub with one of my best mates and am now sleepily stuffed full of red wine, mushroom and tarragon sausages and potato/parsnip mash. Ummmmm.
Just bought a wicked pair of kid's gloves (tiny hands): black with red/white football print, and G-O-A-L written across the fingertips. £1. How cool? |