Hey, didn't a living MODOK-skull apper on that 3d drawn Warmachine series?
Anyway, if I had to do a MODOK comic, I would do something similar to a cheesy monster flick from the 50's, it would be called something like "Fear the MODOK!" and I would feature classic 50's-monster-movie stereotypes as main characters, as square-jawed-hero-guy, sharp-scream-girl, and white-coated-cientist-that-hero-guy-calls-doc. They have to stop MODOK from MODOKising (that is, transforming everyone into a zombie-like MODOK drone) the entire country; to do this hero-guy uses shotguns, flameshooters, etc. and weird retro-looking rayguns invented by Doc. It would be drawn in the style of EC's horror comics. It will always take place in small towns, to give it a "Night of the Living Dead" feel. The series would end with the sharp-scream-girl falling in love with MODOK, then he desists every hostile action, because, you know, MODOK just needs a bit of love. |