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Text Adventure Story


Page: 1(2)34

8===>Q: alyn
15:04 / 27.09.02
You can't eat the corpse yet. It's frozen solid!

> Go North
15:25 / 27.09.02

This is either a really old kitchen or the owners love antiques. There is a stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink. A blonde girl in a short PVC dress is chopping red bell peppers.

>kiss girl
16:41 / 27.09.02
You pucker up and give her a big wet one. She coos, flatered by your attention. Just then, Perl Jam Guy storms in from the south, yelling at you to get away from his girlfriend!

You are in the Kitchen.
There is a girl here.
Perl Jam Guy is here, looking angry!
There is a red bell pepper here.

>kiss Perl Jam Guy
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:49 / 27.09.02
You lunge clumsily for Pearl Jam Man.

Pearl Jam Man dodges.

Pearl Jam Man hits you stoutly.

8===>Q: alyn
17:22 / 27.09.02
Fear: 10
Compassion: 3
Gnosis: 3
Sex Appeal: 8

> Slash Dave with flick knife
18:25 / 27.09.02
There is no Dave here for you to attack!

Perl Jam Man punches you!
You stagger back.

>attack Perl Jam Man with knife
The Strobe
20:41 / 27.09.02
"Not so hot on Perl, actually, though skilled with ASP".

He dodges the blue, and insists you name him correctly.

>attack Pearl Jam Man with flick knife.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:45 / 27.09.02
You lightly scratch the Pearl Jam Man with your flick knife.

The Pearl Jam Man hits you a thundering blow. That REALLY hurt!

21:47 / 27.09.02
The 'Fleet Street hack' is not here! Try again.

The Pearl Jam man sits down and sings about gold.

Eloi Tsabaoth
13:31 / 29.09.02

You are in a narrow room lined with shelves, the shelves laden with dry goods. A row of murky jars gleams dustily in the crapuscular light.

There is a jar here.
There is an open deep freeze here.
There is a defrosting corpse here!
There is a GPS receiver here.

NORTH is The Kitchen
SOUTH is The Bedroom
WEST is a small door

>exam GPS receiver
16:15 / 29.09.02
You look at the small device. Lights flash, numbers scroll across a tiny screen, and you have no idea how to operate the thing. When you turn it over to look for the battery compartment, however, you notice something etched into the plastic moulding.

>examine etching
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:49 / 29.09.02
Etching reads "MADE IN KOREA". You note that the battery compartment is exuding a few drops of a viscous liquid, bluish in colour.

>Dip finger in liquid
8===>Q: alyn
19:58 / 29.09.02
Ew, your finger's all wet.

> Taste liquid
17:16 / 30.09.02
Your tongue burns as it tastes the bluish liquid. It tastes like a marinade you once made with green chilles and lemon juice.

>kiss pearl jam man.
18:24 / 30.09.02
Pearl Jam Man is not here!

>kiss corpse
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:44 / 01.10.02
Its mouth is fetid and cold. Its tongue is slimy and uneven. And then the corpse starts kissing back. This was so very very far from a good idea...
21:05 / 01.10.02
The door opens to a rickety staircase to the basement.


You are in the basement of the house. Tossed about are the usual fittings of a cluttered basement: paint cans, old newspapers, an old bicycle and various tools. What stands out however, is the signs of excavation that mark this as more than your typical suburban floorplan. Great piles of dirt and rock are heaped about, and there is a large hole in the floor. Below, you hear the soft hum of machinery.

There is a toolchest here.
There is a pickaxe here.
There is a radiation suit here.

Pearl Jam Man comes down the stairs and looks very worried that you are here.

>push Pearl Jam Man into hole
22:41 / 01.10.02
The man screams as he falls into a huge steaming pit of lava. He dissolves into a calcium rich sludge in seconds.

>Go in hole
rizla mission
11:40 / 02.10.02
You might want to put the radiation suit on first. You video game jerk-asses, honestly..

>Get radiation suit
12:45 / 02.10.02
The radiation suit is heavy and smells of lard. You wonder who's been wearing it. There seems to be some sort of curdled cream in the crotch and dripping down the left leg.

>wear suit.
16:12 / 02.10.02
You put on the suit. The crotch is wet and sticky, and a little cold. The inside of the suit smells a little like cheese. It is bulky, but fit enough to maneuver in. In fact, it is bulky enough that you discover you can remove your arm from the sleeve and reach your inventory from within the suit, if need be.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:24 / 02.10.02


Social Disease (embarrassing)

has been added to your inventory.

The Social Disease (embarrassing) adds +1 to any damage inflited against ann enemy, but -500 to Charisma.

>Examine hole
8===>Q: alyn
18:57 / 02.10.02
Which hole?

> search here
21:12 / 02.10.02
You find a copy of playboy behind a loose panel on the wall.

>Masturbate furiously
8===>Q: alyn
09:54 / 03.10.02
Arfle barfle gloop. Try again.

>Climb into hole
rizla mission
11:13 / 03.10.02
After descending a steel ladder for approximately 4 hours, you reach the bottom. There is a lot of lava. There are some rocks. There is some calcium rich sludge which used to be Pearl Jam Man.

>Eat calcium rich sludge
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:30 / 03.10.02
Nothing happens.
Oh wait. The walls of the tunnel seem to be twisting and melting into one another, shining hundreds of iridescent colours like the surface of as jellyfish. The sun rises in the east, except bright green and with the face of Lou Costello. A screaming sound reaches a frenetic pitch and:

You are in a biological chamber. The walls pulse, covered in veins pumping some purple viscous liquid. Hanging on the walls are, inexplicably, hundreds of calenders, all from English coastal towns. A nearby coat rack has a Pearl Jam T-shirt hanging from it.

A Pearl Jam T-Shirt is here.
A Fallen Calender lies at your feet.
A Note is here.
You hear a distant rumbling.

>Get Pearl Jam T-Shirt
rizla mission
14:03 / 03.10.02
It fits nicely over your radiation suit. You the man (I don't think).

>Exam note
Ethan Hawke
14:19 / 03.10.02
The Note is actually a bill from the cleaners. It reads "One cursed t-shirt: Wash and fold - $3.00."

>Remove Shirt
16:53 / 03.10.02
You can't! Try as you might, you can't seem to remove the Pearl Jam T-shirt. Afer wrestling with it for some time, you resign yourself to wearing it over top your radiation suit. It does, you realize, make you feel very cool.

You are thirsty.

>exam calander
21:10 / 03.10.02
It's your birthday!

>dance around.
23:45 / 03.10.02
You cut a rug. For some reason, the harder and faster you dance, the more the veins on the wall throb, until they're fair bursting with pressure.

> cut veins
8===>Q: alyn
02:26 / 04.10.02
A viscous blue ichor spews all over you! Some of it drips into your mouth and burns your tongue. It tastes like a marinade you once made with green chilles and lemon juice.

> Go up.
02:55 / 04.10.02
You examine the purple veiny walls, but find no purchase with which to climb. However, as your hand touches the west wall, the flesh parts into a valve like iris door with a wet schloking sound.

> west
21:06 / 04.10.02

You are in a noisy wet room. From the sounds around you, you might imagine that you were in a factory, except you're pretty sure these sounds are all organic in nature. In fact so are the walls. It may well be be that you are in some internal organ. Crazy.

There are giant esophaguses to the NORTH and WEST. An iris door lies to the EAST.

There is a happy pig here.

>get pig.

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