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Text Adventure Story


Page: (1)234

Eloi Tsabaoth
13:07 / 26.09.02
Story in the style of a text adventure. I'll start by writing an instruction, each poster answers the previous instruction and puts one of their own. Get it? Got it? Good.
You wake up in a strange bed, seemingly filled with biscuit crumbs. A bare bulb hangs overhead. The room is stark, the walls covered in peeling paint. You are fully dressed.
A clock is in the room.
A dog's chew toy is in the room.
Someone lies next to you.
Exit is North.

rizla mission
13:13 / 26.09.02
One Furcoat (fake)
One pair of Y-fronts (red)
One pair of army boots
One carving knife
One flick knife
One pocket knife
One casio digital watch
One red handkerchief

>Look Left.
13:47 / 26.09.02
>There is a portrait on the wall. It is very old, and depicts an incredibly aged, grey-haired man. The portrait is slightly askew; you can see the shadow of a recess behind it.

>Investigate portrait
13:55 / 26.09.02
You can't investigate THAT!

>go north
rizla mission
14:02 / 26.09.02
You rise from the bed. Your legs and feet feel somewhat weak and you nearly collapse, but being a determined sort, you proceed North and reach the door of the strange room. Somebody has been writing on it in red paint.

>Read door.
14:14 / 26.09.02
>The writing on the door says: "Look Behind the Portrait!"

>Look behind the portrait.

I'll get you bastards there eventually
rizla mission
14:17 / 26.09.02
Behind the portrait, an unsteady hand has scrawled a message in fountain pen;

"Look at the door."

>Punch portrait.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:17 / 26.09.02
>Your hand goes clean through the portrait with a loud smashing sound.
Unidentified Person in bed says 'mmmble' and rolls over.

>Pick up clock.
William Sack
15:29 / 26.09.02
> The LED display of the clock blinks at you mesmerically, the numbers gradually turning into letters. KILL...KILL...KILL

>Pick up flick knife
The Strobe
17:32 / 26.09.02
You're already carrying that!

>open flick knife
17:47 / 26.09.02
Ooooh, it's sharp!

>Cut pillow.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:40 / 26.09.02
The pillow spills feathers onto the sheet. You glimpse movement from inside, as if something living was recoiling from the light.

>examine flick knife
19:43 / 26.09.02
See in flick knife reflection of something behind you.

>Whirl around with flick knife at the ready!
Eloi Tsabaoth
20:54 / 26.09.02
>A medium sized man wearing jeans and a Pearl Jam t-shirt stands in front of you. He looks fairly dishevelled and holds a mug of tea.
Pearl Jam Man asks "What are you doing?"
>Examine pillow
The Strobe
21:29 / 26.09.02
You take a look at the pillow, or what's left of it now you've slashed a great big gash in the side of it. It is half-deflated, with a few feathers floating around it and decorating the sides of the gash. There is a small, sticky discharge emanating from the gash.

>ask pearl jam man "What are you doing here? And what's with the T-shirt?"
22:09 / 26.09.02
The Pearl Jam man answers "This is my house, what are YOU doing here? And why have you slit open my pillow and who's that woman in my bed?"

>Attack man with flick knife.
22:39 / 26.09.02
You can't attack the 'man with'! Try again.

>Attack man
We're The Great Old Ones Now
22:44 / 26.09.02
That's a bad idea, man. You're not even ARMED.

The Pearl Jam Man is waiting.

>wield flick knife.
23:15 / 26.09.02
Exam precedent.
23:53 / 26.09.02
Arfle barfle gloop. Try again.

>Exam man
01:35 / 27.09.02
He is medium sized, wearing jeans and a Pearl Jam t-shirt. He looks fairly dishevelled and holds a mug of tea.

>Say "Hello Sailor"
02:35 / 27.09.02
He looks confused.

"Senior Service?" he says.

"Oh, yes please," you reply, and take a cigarette from the packet.

> Ask man for lighter.
03:06 / 27.09.02
"Oh damn, I was hoping you'd have one. Guess we'll have to light them off the stove-top." He answers.

>ask man's name
07:45 / 27.09.02
The Man looks around nervously.
The Man say's "I am called Dave, son of Eric"

>Look under Bed
10:22 / 27.09.02
You can't look in that direction.

Time passes...

The Pearl Jam man sits down and sings about gold.

>Open door
12:19 / 27.09.02
The door opens.

>Go north.
8===>Q: alyn
12:39 / 27.09.02

You are in a narrow room lined with shelves, the shelves laden with dry goods. A row of murky jars gleams dustily in the crapuscular light.
There is a jar here.
There is a deep freeze here.

NORTH is The Kitchen
SOUTH is The Bedroom
WEST is a small door

> Open deep freeze
12:52 / 27.09.02
You open the deep freeze.

There is a jar here.
There is an open deep freeze here.
There is a corpse here!

The Pearl Jam man enters from the SOUTH.

>Examine corpse
8===>Q: alyn
13:01 / 27.09.02
It appears to be a young boy dressed as a Pharoah. Is its skin blue, or is it just frozen? Its hands are crossed over it's chest, holding a flail and a GPS receiver.

There is a jar here.
There is an open deep freeze here.
There is a corpse here!
There is a GPS receiver here.

NORTH is The Kitchen
SOUTH is The Bedroom
WEST is a small door

The Pearl Jam Man leaves to the WEST.

> Get corpse
13:40 / 27.09.02
Your Inventory is full.

> Drop red handkerchif
13:53 / 27.09.02
The Pearl Jam Man enters from the door in the WEST, picks up the red handkerchief and knots it around his upper thigh on his left leg.

He begins to hum the theme tune from "Joannie Loves Chachi".

> get corpse
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:22 / 27.09.02
It's too heavy.

>examine corpse.
Ethan Hawke
14:26 / 27.09.02
The corpse is both blue and frozen. The boy wears both the crowns of the upper and lower kingdoms, but they're made out of glossy cardboard. The rest of his body is freezer-wapped, with a note scrawled in magic marker on it.

>Read note
8===>Q: alyn
14:41 / 27.09.02
The note says:


As you smooth the note to read it, the wrapping comes loose.

>Look Pearl Jam Man
14:59 / 27.09.02
The Perl Jam Man is humming to himself. He is holding a mug of tea. He is wearing a red handkerchif.

> eat corpse

Page: (1)234

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