BARBELITH underground

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Text Adventure Story


Page: 123(4)

12:41 / 18.10.02
The voice of Kurt Loder surrounds you. He says, "Eddie, you're great. Everybody loves you. Please, Eddie, keep making music. You're much better than that Cobain character. And hey, bonus points for the whole Ticket Master thing. I mean, right on. Remember, Eddie, you're the new Jim Morrisson. Everybody loves you...."

>pull button!
13:41 / 18.10.02
I don't understand that command.

The voice continues heaping praise on Eddie Vedder. You feel yourself getting weaker.

>cover ears
19:18 / 18.10.02
You cover your ears, everything is more quiet than it was before.

From above, the screetching pillows have descended into the chamber, coming for you! The light streaming out of their mouths dispells the darkness around you, giving you a good glimpse of the inside of Eddie Veter's head, along with some sort of horrible fanged creature that was only moments away from devouring you whole. Good thing! The grue scampers back into the shadows, out of sight. The pillows, on the other hand continue to approach. However, the voice of Kurt Loder seems to have distracted the pillows. Their screetching ceases, and as they listen to his voice, their eyes slowly droop shut.

> get bucket
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
22:12 / 18.10.02
You now have the bucket.

>put bucket on head
00:03 / 19.10.02
It's dark. Careful, you may be eaten by a grue.
00:03 / 19.10.02
23:12 / 19.10.02
You can't go that way!

> up
20:01 / 26.08.05
You rush up the stairs past the mesmerized pillows.

You are on the bald spot of a giant statue of Eddie Vedder. It's cold and extremely high. All around you are fields of metal.
Some nearby stairs lead downward where some evil pillows are mesmerized by a recording of Kurt Loder's voice.

>climb into bucket and say "acdizalam"
8===>Q: alyn
01:28 / 19.02.07

The bucket shoots off into the sky. It wobbles crazily, higher and higher, and the statue of Eddie Vedder is hidden beneath a veil of clouds. Abruptly, the bucket stops climbing and begins to drift and bob lazily in the wind. Above you there are only stars.

A sky shark is here.

Eloi Tsabaoth
02:03 / 19.02.07
You appear to be in a shopping mall composed entirely of clouds, selling consumer goods to a mass of floating pillows. Unlike the earlier, hostile pillows, they mill around, not taking any notice of you. A central cloud fountain spews a strange blue liquid from seemingly nowhere.
To your East there are random clouds.
To your West is a branch of Pillow Dixons.
To your North is a branch of Pillow Starbucks.
To your South is a Wetherspoons pub called 'Pillow of the Community'
A sky shark is here.
The sky shark says "In three goes I am going to eat you. Just so you know, old stick."
8===>Q: alyn
03:52 / 19.02.07

The Pillow Dixons is spacious and brightly lit, with a fine array of consumer electronics for sale, a rerun of Pillow Buffy the Sky Shark Slayer playing on dozens of TV screens. Smooth jazz plays over the PA system.

North is Personal Computers.
South is Home Entertainment.
East is the exit.
West is Games and Software.

A Sky Shark is here.

A Sky Shark says, "Yeah, there's no magic buckets where you're going my friend."

A Pillow Dixons Employee is here.

A Pillow Dixons Employee says, "You can't bring that sky shark in here."

> eat sky shark
17:15 / 19.02.07
You can't eat THAT!

>Hide behind employee
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:35 / 04.02.09
You scooch down behind the Pillow Dixons Assistant. He glares at you with distaste.
A Sky Shark says "Oh yeah, hide behind some other bloke, that's going to work! I couldn't possibly track you with my ability to smell thoughts, or my 10 special electric senses. Plus: I just saw you do it. And now I eat you."
Gulp. One bite.


It's dark and you can't see anything. But it feels damp and fleshy and confined and a stinging liquid laps at your ankles.
A Pillow Dixons Assistant says "I blame you for this."
>Use tinderbox on assistant.
22:54 / 04.02.09
You fumble with the tinderbox in the damp Sky Shark innards. You pray to the goddess of Pillow Buffy the Sky Shark Slayer as you strike flint to firesteel against the tinder you've stuffed into his mouth. His muffled protestations bother you a little, but the situation is desperate. You hope that the assistant is flammable but find it doesn't matter when a smoldering bit of tinder falls into the stinging blue liquid that smells like green chilies and lemon juice but is, in fact, a highly explosive concoction.

The explosion blows the belly of the shark wide open, but miraculously the assistant's body has protected you! You're dizzy from the blast and your ears are ringing, but you have enough wherewithal to notice the bucket on the floor of Pillow Dixons beside the corpse of the Sky Shark and the assistant.

North is Personal Computers.
South is Home Entertainment.
East is the exit.
West is Games and Software.

>pick up bucket
14:24 / 11.02.09
You've got the bucket!

An oddly calm voice blares from a speaker to south: "The patient is in the advanced stages of green pig fever compounded by an as yet unidentified sexually transmitted disease."


Page: 123(4)

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