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01:55 / 06.06.03
Could anyone give me a lead on/direct me to a symbol for plastic in general, other than the triangle of chasing arrows around a number a la recycling. I checked, but there weren't any listings for plastic. Thanks.
13:33 / 06.06.03
In what sense, Maz?

I mean, you can use diagrams of polymer molecules, if you like.

I don't think they have international consumer symbols for specific materials, though, only actions or circumstances.
Linus Dunce
17:41 / 06.06.03
It may be my memory doing strange things, but is there a symbol used on shoes to indicate synthetic materials? A hollow lozenge shape?
21:29 / 06.06.03
I'm looking for something very iconic, monochrome, not overly elaborate. I'm working on a story involving four modern elements (instead of earth, air, fire and water), of which plastic is one. Monochrome, not overly elaborate. I'm not familiar with the shoe symbol, Ignatius, but it sounds like it has potential. As for polymers, Grant, I think it's probably a bit complex for me.
21:29 / 06.06.03
But I thank you for the suggestion.
12:56 / 09.06.03
How do I make mpegs from VHS? Is it a case of just getting a lead,
attaching it to my video recorder, plugging the other end into a video card at the back of my PC and pressing record (on whatever piece of software)? If so, what sort of inputs and leads do I need? Any card or software recommendations? Is it going to be expensive?
waxy dan
13:09 / 09.06.03
Check the back of your PC to see what kind of connections are there for your video card. You might be lucky and it already has the right sockets.

Leads differ from card to card. But if they look similar to the ones on the back of either your VCR or even your stereo then you might be in luck.

The sockets should be marked as well. Look for 'AV in', 'Video in' or something like that.
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:17 / 09.06.03
does anyone know if it's possible to see a dalang/shadow-puppet-master perform in the Uk?
15:40 / 11.06.03
In the lyrics of a few Syd Barrett songs, the term "eskimo chain" pops up. It seems to refer to LSD. Is this a 60s British slang term, or something private to Barrett's muddled mind? In either case, what's the origin?
15:56 / 11.06.03
waxy dan> nah, nothing like that on my ancient thing, but cheers for the reply.

Another question: what exercises should I be doing to get rid of a horrible flabby gut? I'm mostly interested in things I can do at home without re-arranging the furniture too much. If the answer is "sit-ups", then what sort? I'm sure I've seen dozens of variations on that theme.
waxy dan
16:43 / 11.06.03
Video: You're looking at buying a new video card then. They typically come with some basic software that gets the job done and aren't too expensive. Available on a load of websites or in computer stores.

Abs: As far as I know, if you're looking to lose weight rather than build muscle tone: diet or an excercise that makes you sweat is the way to go (jogging, swimming - things you can't do in the front room, I know).

You can do sit-ups and crunches (more effective and better for your back, but tough on your neck if you're not careful) to your hearts content, and quite possibly gain abs o' steel in doing so. But your manly six-pack can still be covered by layers of fat and be invisible.

Question: Anyone know of any inexpensive life-drawing classes around London (preferably East End)?
unheimlich manoeuvre
17:06 / 11.06.03
grant try eskimo chain. they may know...
Jackie Susann
22:05 / 11.06.03
What's the Ja Rule song where he says 'I'm not a player I just crush a lot'? (And yes I know he's quoting the Big Pun/Joe classic.)
22:36 / 11.06.03
OK was going to start a new thread but bottled out as I decided not 'serious' enough - I'm after some advice in the partnership market.

My current situation is this: There is a girl currently asleep(?) in my bed who I quite "fancy" in more personality way than physical, she's a newish friend (more of a friend of a flatmate, also new friend) and I have no idea of her feelings towards me other than she obviously trusts me as she's slept in my double bed, with no touchy feely stuff, on several occasions.

I am, due to be visited tomorrow at work by a gorgeous untouchable work colleague who I've only met on a week long training course and had the massive hots for and shared some in depth drunken conversations, but didn't think she really felt the same way about me, until perhaps, some other (female) work colleagues told me on the way home from said course that they reckoned she had a "thing" for me, but then proceeded to take the piss heartily whenever her name was mentioned (oooh Nicola, you'd better be dressed to impress when she comes down etc...)

Also, there is my ex of 5 years good times, who has recently been in touch to tell me about her woe-begotten love live, which to be honest is similar to mine in the last few months since we split, and although has not said per-sae that she's interested, I get the feeling that she regrets the whole split thing.

And finally, there is the sophisticated older woman (by a massive 2 years) who has been involved in some drunked snogs and one highly awkward "date" experience, who I get on very well with on a regular e-mail basis, but doesn't seem that keen on meeting up again, although I can't be sure as she is very regularly in touch many times a day.

Now I know Barbalith is no Marjorie Doors lonely hearts type place, but I cannot think of anywhere else to turn as all my mates are too heavily involved one way or another (don't even get me started on my flatmate, who is on the 2nd of my mates but has tried it on, on one drunked occasion - which I gallantly refused-ish). Anyone got any suggestions based on the Ltd info supplied? - and quick as I need to sleep soon as the (one of) aforementioned Nicola will be in town tomorrow????? I know this is not really relevant, but guidance required, help Barbelith, you're my only hope
Baz Auckland
23:55 / 11.06.03
Based on the very limited info, #1 seems the coolest. I don't know why really...
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:35 / 12.06.03
What are snooker balls made of? Take an 8-ball - is the numeral painted/screened on and then it's covered in sealant, or...? Explain.
13:56 / 12.06.03
grant try eskimo chain. they may know...

They don't seem to.


sTe: gorgeous untouchable is probably a bundle of neuroses. "Gorgeous untouchability" is often simply an iteration of "really well defended."

The girl in the bed is already comfortable with you.

The ex you have baggage with. The sophisticated older woman is probably conflicted.

So, were I to rank them in order of go-for-it-ness:
1. girl in bed
2. older woman
3. gorgeous untouchable
4. ex girlfriend.

Rothkoid: They were once made of ivory, I believe, but are now made of plastic. If you break one open, I *think* they're a solid color all the way down, but have trouble recalling (I drilled out an 8-ball once to use as a gearshift - fits the hand perfectly).

Here's one really fun bit of trivia:
> Nitrocellulose was developed simultaneously by British and American
> inventors (resulting in extended lawsuits) by combining cotton and nitric
> acid which formed a hardened plastic. It was created to replace ivory,
> which was expensive, and becoming scare since the Elephants were being
> killed at a faster rate than they were reproducing. Initially,
> nitrocellulose was used for billiard balls, cufflinks, combs and other
> toiletry items, as a replacement for ivory since the cost of making it was
> so cheap. Even then, it was highly flammable. If you hit a pool ball hard
> enough it would explode. In fact, there's a gag in a Buster Keaton film
> when he uses pool balls like grenades while being chased. Nitrocellulose
> combs and cufflinks used to start on fire when people smoked near them.
> Despite it's danger, it was so cheap to make many people liked it and it
> allowed middle class people to afford the luxury items reserved for the
> wealthy in the ivory days.

Currently, they appear to be made of phenolic resin or polyester. And the numbers are done with plugs or else are poured from the same resin. I'd guess they're all covered in some sort of clear urethane finish.
13:58 / 12.06.03

From the Aramith website.
14:27 / 12.06.03
OK, here's a maths question. I may have done GCSE maths, but it was a long time ago now, so I'd appreciate it if someone could help me with this one:

We've all probably heard that the probability of two people sharing a birthday is over 50% if they are drawn from a group of 23 people. But how big a group would you need for a 50% plus probability of four such birthday sharing pairs?

My first guess is that it'd be 23 x 4 = 92, but this seems like it must be an over simplistic analysis, no?
15:24 / 12.06.03
Ask Apple-Picker! She seems to know lots about this sort of thing.
Jackie Susann
23:20 / 12.06.03
sTe - given your obvious ambivalence, I reckon just sleep with whoever the opportunity comes up with. I am inclined to say 'not counting the ex', but whatever.
23:20 / 12.06.03
First of all, thanks grant & Baz - on reflection, non of the above options was probably the best solution at the time in my drunked state. Although my favorite mystical consultation (I-Ching) suggests that in future the lovely lady who was visiting my work today may be keen, and she did ask me to get in touch when I move up her way next month, so you never know...

I was very drunk last night, so apologies all round for lowering the tone of the place. I will make an effort to more serious about the whole magick/science/politiks/fun thing from now on.

In a vague attempt to repay some duez - Surely you would need a group of 183 for a 50% b/day sharing (1 in 365 chance divided by 2 for the 50% ness) with a group of 23 the chances would be... [checks m/sft calc] slightly better than 1/16 or... 6.25% so for 4 people it would need a group of 730 for a 50% chance, so you'd need to know a lot of folk or be very "lucky". Or is there something obvious I'm missing here?
13:46 / 13.06.03
where is the modern world is the place called 'ka'desh-bar'nea 'in deuteronomy?
waxy dan
14:15 / 13.06.03
To continue with the "dear god, now I remember why I hated print design" series of questions, and I'll try to make this the last coz I know this isn't a tech support line, how the hell does one change (or even see) a master document in Quark???

'Page>display>master-document-title-here' just brings me to the empty top left corner of the document.
14:39 / 13.06.03
waxy dan> Thanks for the further health tips!

Q: Anybody know anything about professional music libraries? I mean companies that supply background music for adverts and videos etc. Names and addresses of such companies would be lovely, ta.
waxy dan
16:17 / 13.06.03
... or I could just stop using dodgy pirate software and use the legal copy that's apparently been behind the filing cabinet that everyone knew about but me... bastiches..

okay.. scrap that last question, thanks anyway!
16:51 / 13.06.03

Kadesh is yonder, most of the way up the Sinai peninsula, just west of the Negev desert, south of the Wadi el-Arish, right near Mount Gebel Esh-Sha`ira. Apparently it's on the Egyptian side of the Israeli-Egyptian border in the Negev, left of the Rimon Crater area.

That said, there's still some debate as to which modern town it is:
A town in the Negev identified by modern scholars as either Ain Qudeis or Ain Qudeirat. Mentioned in Numbers 34:4 as the southern point of the boundary of the Promised Land, and at Numbers 32:8, Deuteronomy 1:19 and Deuteronomy 9:23 as the place from which the twelve spies were sent into Canaan by Moses. It is sometimes identified with Kadesh (where Miriam died), although some rabbinic authorities dispute this, and is also thought to be the Rithmah listed at Numbers 33:18-19.

Saveloy:Anybody know anything about professional music libraries? I mean companies that supply background music for adverts and videos etc.

You mean like royalty free stock music? Or like
1. the
2. licensed
3. stuff
19:21 / 13.06.03
This is a taaaaaad obscure. There was this teen fiction book that I think was about a boy who was in love with his best (male) friend. It was generally tortured and angsty, and 'Nimrod' from Elgar's Enigma Variations got a mention. Anyone know what it's called or who wrote it?
19:28 / 13.06.03
Teen fic question #2: Aidan Chambers' Dance On My Grave which I read when I was a teenager and which, incidentally, rocks, was supposed to be part of a six volume series. Did the other five vols ever get written, and if so, what are they?
20:03 / 13.06.03
I just answered my own first question so you can all ignore that one.
unheimlich manoeuvre
20:07 / 13.06.03
Cholister teen fiction #2 about books by aidan chambers Postcards from No Man's Land, Breaktime, Now I Know : a Novel, the Toll Bridge and the Present Takers.
20:18 / 13.06.03
Vielen dank.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:26 / 13.06.03
Is there a bit of code I can put in my messageboard to hide it from search engines?
22:59 / 13.06.03
is holding your breath for long periods detrimental for overall brain performance?
13:37 / 14.06.03
Me again. Can anyone point me to literature that will help explain to me the phenomenon of shounen-ai and that of yaoi and their place in Japanese culture and beyond?

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