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Castaneda and Magick


Page: 12(3)4

Wrecks City-Zen
22:29 / 10.09.02
Click on the cartoon...
22:47 / 10.09.02
On cerebral anatomy, I do not see an evident parallel easily established with the AP.
There are many things that CC did not explain regarding the structure and functions of the light egg. We know that the superficial position of the AP determines what we know and how we think; we know that the depth position also changes perception. We know that the size/width of the AP determines the clarity of perception. And we know that the AP allows the threads of our awareness to hook up with the threads that compose reality.
I would have trouble to relate such “simple” functions with the complex, specialized, functions of the brain.
Some relations could be mentioned: The lower positions of the AP on the egg relate to animal perception, while the deeper parts of the brain are “shared” with the animals (the reptilian brain with the cerebellum). Now, if we pay attention to the functional zones of the cortex (like the “talk” zone), we do not know if there’s something like that in the light egg (though I seem to remember DJ blocking the talking capabilities)
Now, on the hemispheres, relating them to the “halves” of the light egg, there might be some parallel here. Right hemisphere is the creative/artistic, left is the rational/scientific. In the power of knowledge, CC explores the AP positions of Total knowledge and inner silence (hope I got the names right). I am not fully sure, but I think the rational point was to the left, and the inner silence, the intuitive, was full to the right.
Interesting coincidence

On famous people being related to CC, there is a rock group here in Mexico, named Caifanes and then Jaguares, whose lurics were chock full of Castanedian references
Wrecks City-Zen
23:00 / 10.09.02

The idea of the temporal lobe came from the hypothetical question "What if the temporal lobe existed outside of the body"

You know, sometimes I think DJ was explaining very complex systems very simply to young Carlos.

Great work.
01:50 / 12.09.02
Hey, I have been thinking if I sould post this in the "Great beyond" therad, or here. Sould work better here.

Some time ago, I had the idea of trying to summon the thoughtform of Don Juan (Not him, since he warned that wherever he was going, he was not coming back). When this thread oppened, I took it as an omen, and moved on to do it.

Weird results. I did contact the thoughtform. He did move me to do some different things. I must confess I wasn't up to the level required, so I failed some things.

Now I seem to have something like a pocket DJ. that manages to give me advice and pressure in some moments.

Works weird, but fine.
Wrecks City-Zen
20:03 / 12.09.02
My Omen was my mentor, whom I contacted when I was going through a great trial in my life told me to "Go back to Carlos my really haven't learned anyting new in the last 7 years...Go back to Carlos..."

That day this thread was started.
21:36 / 12.09.02
I remember you telling me that Rex. It did seem quite timely, this thread.

02:18 / 14.09.02
Now, has anyone read or had contact with the people that claim to be in CC's group, or with the people that claim to share the cognitive paradigm ot the "panamerican shamanism", as DJ once put it?
02:16 / 15.09.02
Rex wrote: That day this thread was started.
May wrote: It did seem quite timely, this thread.

Interesting indeed. You will then be amused to know that the opening paragraphs of this thread had been written and re-written many weeks before I put them here, even before I became an active member of the board. Only when I got activated the function to start threads, I had to realise that I was sort of a motivational pawn of something decidedly "new" -and I do have an eye for this- that could not help me decide exactly when, how, why, and if I should post it or not, among other things I observed in other arenas of my life. I had almost dropped the matter to the basket of the "will-never-do" stuff, when finally, one beautiful morning, my inner Mickey Mouse clock had both of its white gloved hands inequivocally pointing to the "just do it" time. And so I did.

Ciarconn wrote: "panamerican shamanism", as DJ once put it.

I haven't run into such a colorful people, but I have read Victor Sanches and Ken Eagle Feather first books. Nothing that was not already developed or hinted at in the Castaneda books. In this sense at least I found them both quite dispensable. I have read about another woman who claimed herself to be a Toltec belonging to Don Juan's sorcerers group, that Carlos was dismissed from the party because he was too dumb, that Don Juan's name was "John Crow", and that he died while resting under a tree, I think. I am too lazy to search for her site now, but I think she has written one or two books on sale at amazon, that pop up when you search for "toltec" or "castaneda".

Ciarconn, a bibliographical question, do you remember where does Don Juan speak about "panamerican shamanism"??

Finally, for anybody reading Wolverine from Marvel publishing house, I browsed today through issue #180 at a local retailer's store and was amused to find fierce Logan dispatching to a purported apprentice lines that are almost exactly trascribed from Journey to Ixtlan. Those of you interested in castanedian comic-book lore can read on-line the dialogues of the first four pages of the issue.
11:45 / 15.09.02
I can't remember exactly, I remember it was inside a CC's introduction to one of his books, and I think it was one I read in spanish, which means the first four, or the last three (not counting the wheel), will try to find it
02:27 / 16.09.02
I can not think of a decent exclamation of surprise (and a little indignation) after reading Wolverine 179 and 180.
This Matt Nixon ripped off many things from CC's first books. He even "Don-Juanized" Shaman (a Canadian medicine man from the North's frist tribes, from Alpha flight)

On 179 Shaman does the rite of the two iguanas (one with the mouth sewn) and even repeated DJ's idea of why he sews the lizard's mouth. (Wolverine calls it the Gecko-gram...)
At the end of #179, S=haman asks Wolverine to teach "the way of the warrior" to another aprentice.
And on 180, besides the obvious... ah... quotes? from DJ, the whole trip through the woods, to end up on a cave in a mountain... to have a vision quest for the totem spirit... well, I can't count how many times CC and DJ did something like that.
There are several refferences to the Bushido and a little zen, too.

I must say that the dark bears on the cave reminded my of the typical negative experience of the allies/inorganics/flyers.

The worm/nightcrawler as a totem... heh

As a comics reader, I enjoyed them. They are well written and drawn.
And it features Aplha flight. (Sorry, I know this doesn't belong in this forum)
Wrecks City-Zen
19:32 / 16.09.02
I have read about another woman who claimed herself to be a Toltec belonging to Don Juan's sorcerers group, that Carlos was dismissed from the party because he was too dumb, that Don Juan's name was "John Crow", and that he died while resting under a tree, I think.

Her name was Meriam Tunashendee( forgive my wrong spelling)and you can find much of her work in Kindred Spirit magazine. She actually goes into detail about why Carlos discredits her and what Don Juan really did when his group left ( according to her, he placed them in a maze for all eternity while they think it's their freedom...Hey, isn't that what happened to the old sorcerers? Wheel of Time indeed...) She has been doing alot of work aplying Nagualism techniques to healing HIV which she saddly suffers from.I have not read anything from her in the last 5 years but again Sebastian, you have inspired me to gain more knowledge on this subject. You truly are a gem.

As far as meeting members of "the group"? According to my teacher, I have been in contact with Julian (long story) and a pair that could easily pass for Don Juan and Genaro in Tuscon, Arizona (aka John Little and John Henry...even longer story.) I have met several practioners of pan american shamanism/castaneda's path and remain in contact with them. Mat can probably shed light on this one as well.

Damn, I miss Lothar Tuppan. You woulda loved him...
Wrecks City-Zen
19:33 / 16.09.02
And John Crow is very much alive, Thank you.
20:16 / 16.09.02
Err, you meant May not Mat right Rex?

I do remember meeting John Henry and John Little but, what actually happened...I am at a loss to describe.

I remember having to make it from bus station to Stoner Park (yes, there is actually a Stoner Park in Tuscon!) and then back to the bus station where Rex was waiting for me. It initially took us 20 minutes to get from the park to the station. When I had to back to the park and then back to the station, it took me all of 10 minutes for the round trip! Maybe, if that! When I went back to the park, John and John were sitting were we had left them. They asked me what was wrong and I told them we had lost our tickets, (at this point, I really thought we had lost our ticket to They laughed and told me to slow down, I had time. Then the one who we suspect is Genaro, offered me a swig of his hooch from a non-descript bottle.

They kept talking about freedom and laughed their asses off at everything. One would think they were drunk but they neither slurred their speech nor walked funny. Their eyes, they twinkled...

That is all I remember.

*sigh* I have so much recapitulating to do!

Wrecks City-Zen
20:28 / 16.09.02
"We can go places that other people can't..."-One of the John's (Little or Henry)

Those two sure were something alright.What an amazing trip that was...Phionex,Tuscon,Nogales,Sedona.Yeesh.By far one of the most reinforcing experiences on my path with heart.

But thats another thread...
20:44 / 16.09.02
Uhmm, thanks (glittering smile), and actually thanks for putting Sebastian instead of Seb, but you can go ahead still with the latest.

What's all that ranting about little and big johns? You met some hillarious mexican chaps and you're not sure who they were? You don't even have their phone numbers? It is evident however you did have fun. Whats with the "I remember", you have abduction amnesia or AP movement misrecall?

Anyway, Rex, since you made a parallel between the AP and the temporal lobe, maybe you already heard about Persinger and his tectonic strain theories, who adjudicate most of paranormal activities (read: AP moves) to Earth's magnetic effects on the temporal lobe. Check if you like All in Your Head, which also mentions Persinger's helmet that strikes directly on temporal lobes.

I do believe magnetism is way too deeply involved with perception, but given the neuro-anatomy and histology of the human brain cortex I think "bio-neuro-magnetism" as we can call it a large, blunt and rough approach of a very subtle, delicate and intricate phenomenon.

"The brain has about five million (very small) magnetite crystals per gram, and it averages about 1400 grams. That's enough crystals to make all kinds of things happen, if you believe in ‘crystal power.'"

Quoted from The Earth Beneath Your Feet by Todd Murhpy.
21:08 / 16.09.02
Sebastain wrote:
What's all that ranting about little and big johns? You met some hillarious mexican chaps and you're not sure who they were? You don't even have their phone numbers? It is evident however you did have fun. Whats with the "I remember", you have abduction amnesia or AP movement misrecall?

HAHAHA...this IS sarcasm, right?
Wrecks City-Zen
21:13 / 16.09.02
Whats with the "I remember", you have abduction amnesia or AP movement misrecall?

Um...yeah. We lost two days of "real" time.

If you would like to know, I'm up for sharing what happened during my visionquest and I'm sure May Tricks would share as well...

...Just say the word Sebastian Bach...
Wrecks City-Zen
21:17 / 16.09.02
Hey is it just the four of us?(Ciarconn Sebastian May and Myself?)

Earth to Mod3...come in Mod...
02:22 / 17.09.02
Hey, I'm in fir hearing/reading your accounts, maybe it can help you for remembering.

And, yeah, it looks like this is a semi-private thread.
Cusm, Boy in a suitcase, Wyrd, 444, Vainamoinen and Will participated once each one.

Rexx and May, you are truly (lucky/admirable), I hope you appreciate the virtue of having been instructed directly. I had the chance once, and got bonked out for my lack of (power/capacity/will)
02:23 / 17.09.02
HAHAHA...this IS sarcasm, right?

May, I wish you could see me, and then I wish I could see what you saw.

TWO DAYS LOST?? Talk about temporal lobe epilepsy... Must happen every day in volcanic areas.
Wrecks City-Zen
20:59 / 17.09.02

I guess we can tell our tale in this thread, seeing how it is on topic (Castenada and Magick...that's my obituary...)
So with marvelous May Tricks lending her blessing and memories o the tale of power,we wil begin.

Before we get into the story though, a little background on the two of us, our teacher and how we ended up following the path with heart. In case you haven't picked up on it, May and I have been fellow warriors/friends for years and years now. ( I had no idea that she was posting on the Barb under that suit,imagine my shock when I was flirting with May Tricks only to find out it was my dear fiend the whole time...colour me red)
May and I met by way of our mentor Lucianna Drake (scroll down)( read hir posts and you will have a mild idea of what we were dealing with)S/he twisted our world around and yanked reality from beneath us like a cheap hand woven mexican rug.(PS:Regardless of whether or not you subscribe to Lucianna's opinion of hir self, I must say this person was the akashic files made manifest,found in the form of this cherubesque "hobo-sorcerer" I have had the pleasure of calling friend for 13 years)

Anyways- the deatails on hir are really for another thread.

May and I had been studying Castaneda for awhile, and there are numerous tales of our teachings, but again, another thread. We had a couple who were friends of ours, Larry and Linda. I had always believed Larry to be my courier and though his neck may have been a tad red, I always took in every bit of information he would give as if it were divine revelation.

"Lets go to the Superbowl in Arizona" he decided one day.

I hate football.I hate pro-sports and the last place I would really want to go was Arizona...cos for all I knew it was nothing but a hot desert, and most of all, I didn't want to go on vacation with those two.
"What a great idea!"I exclaimed.

(Patience. Cunning. Sweetness. Ruthlessness....repeat.)
Wrecks City-Zen
21:35 / 17.09.02
Controlled Folly PT 2

Superbowl XXX in Arizona...and we were going.Yay! I still had no clue why we agreed to go to the wasteland with the wastoids but the trip was coming up. I must admit, I was a bit excited since I had no sense of geography, about travelling to the spots named in the Castenada series.I was having visions of performing massive workings in the arid desert...Babylon working part 2!May was just down for whatever.

The day came, and I knew something was going to go wrong.The law of Perversity,anything that can go wrong,will,and usually in the worst way possible.

While we were driving to the airport,I was thinking to myself how odd Lucianna had been in regards to the trip. When we first to hir,s/he seemed happy for us and said "Not to worry because s/he knows plenty of people in Arizona and we would always be watched over." Great! Adding the air of mystery to our already mysterious journey. We were sure to meet Don Juan himself!! Then Lucianna,a few days later,changed hir opinion.
"Don't go to Arizona!"
"Um,we leave in two days. Bit late to change our plans,bud." I told Lucianna.
"You musn't go! One of you will not come back! Go to Jamaica instead! You'll be safe there.Arizona...the Sedona desert is the dwelling place of the beast!"
"You tell me this now? You said we would be safe in Arizona..."
"I have new information.4 people go,only one returns!"

I leaned back in my seat and looked up at the sign announcing Pearson International Airport 3km.It figured s/he would pull this.Trying to spook out the two of us and make us fear for our lives. Who does s/he think s/he is? Oh yeah,I forgot.No matter.

We parked.This was it.No turning back. A strange silence fell over the car and we all sat still for one moment. With the click of a door handle, the spell was broken.We were off to...yeesh...Arizona.

Of course, we didn't know if we would be able to find our ally,Puff n Pass while in Arizona so we opted to smuggle a bit with us.Heh. I had an 1/8th of an ounce of Jamaican Gum that poor May had to stash...

We went through immigration, and of course, we all got called into the office.As I sat there waiting to get called in and possibly searched,I began eating my rolling papers as to not draw suspicion.After a while, May and I were cleared for boarding,but Linda and Larry had to wait behind because Larry had posession of LSD charges from 7 years prior.

"Don't worry son,"said Larry "We'll meet you on the plane.Hurry get your seats."

May and I rushed down the terminal to the airplane. We boarded and took our seats, looking out the window for LArry and Linda to board the plane.

Then it happened.

The plane doors closed.I looked at May in panic. "They're not going to make it!We're fucked!!" We looked out the window to the terminal one last time.Larry and Linda were walking down the terminal.

"They still might make..."May said before being interupted by the loud speaker and the firing up of the plane engines.

"This is your Captain speaking," the speaker announced.

"FUCK!" I swore and turned to May. She was already barreling up the aisle yelling "Stop the plane!Stop the plane!"A nice attendant returned May to her seat.

"Dude,we are screwed." I informed her of the obvious. "We don't even know where we are staying and we only have so much cash!"

I threw my head back on the seat.The captain finished his announcements and safety procedures.He thought it would be nice to wrap it up with a song.

"Mama told me not to come..."

Wrecks City-Zen
22:33 / 17.09.02
Controlled Folly Part 3

The plane landed in Phoenix.We ran to a pay phone and called Toronto to speak to our travel agent.He informed us that Linda and my rednecked courier Larry would not be joining us for the spectacle known as Superbowl XXX.Fortunatley,we were given a little room to breathe as we had a hotel in Phoenix for the phenomenal period of 2 nights!Woooohoooo!Now all we had to figure out was where we were going to sleep for the next 8 nights.


A fine mess indeed.A place where I had no intention of being and no where to be.May and I grabbed a cab from the airport to the "Quality Inn" we had for 2 nights.

After we settled in the room,our first task was to obtain a map of Arizona and take it from there.This lead me to my first odd experience in Arizona.When I was 19 I had a native Canadian friend in Toronto named Phil. He had disappeared years ago but I alway remembered him by his tatoo of a teardrop on his left eye.While we were returning from the store, I decided to see if we could find more of the ally,just in case. I looked to the left of the mall and saw a Native male standing there. I figured,he would know where to find the good stuff.

"Hey Buddy," I said "What's going on?"

'Buddy' turned and looked at me.My body jerked.The tatoo of the tear was on this strangers face. I was in shock.I took May by the hand and kept walking.'Fuck it! I'm a novice! I can't deal with wierdness like this!' my mind was screaming at me in every language I was familiar with.Needless to say, I did not talk to Phil. We instead went back to the hotel to throw darts at the map to plot our journey.

The superbowl was a few days away.We finally settled on our course. Phoinex for a couple a days, down to Tuscon, Nogales (because of the books again),back to Phoinex again,then perhaps Sedona,at May's suggestion ("Sedona?" I complained"What the fuck is in Sedona?") then the Grand Canyon and back.

If only it had been that simple.

22:40 / 17.09.02
At this point in my life, I was almost a mute. I could barely focus on the day to day goings on of life. I really thought I was going to die but, that was the result of having my very foundations crumble out from underneath me, courtesy of Luci.

Rex was my shelter.

I was only vaguely aware of how years earlier, Rex had survived a similar onslaught from Luci. Rex had been able to overcome it alot easier than I but, Rex has more energy than I do. I got caught up in the self-pity and indulged in it. I was so traumatized I actually had to hold myself together, willfully, to keep my awareness in tact. Whatever happened between Luci and I left big gaping holes in time and I was quite fearful of just slipping away. That really is another story though.

As we lifted off into the air, Rex turned to me and said, "...and then there were two." I nodded, my heart pounding. I slipped on some headphones and listened to the pre-programmed compilation of easy-listening music the airline provided.

I must have got up at some point because I believe I renewed my membership to the Mile High club and enlisted a new member.

I got back to my seat and put my headphones on. The song playing was Missing by Everything but the Girl.

...and I miss the desserts miss the rain...

I looked out my window. The clear skies revealed the earth below, dressed as the desert. "Ohh..." I thought, "The Akashic Files" At that point I knew, embedded in the rock was the history of the Earth. Then I literally saw the desert landscape fill up with water, an ocean. I fell asleep immediately.

I dreamed of the dolphins and when I awoke, we were in Arizona.
Wrecks City-Zen
22:46 / 17.09.02
I must have got up at some point because I believe I renewed my membership to the Mile High club and enlisted a new member.

Can you think of a better way to beat stress?
Wrecks City-Zen
23:00 / 17.09.02
By the way,if there is a problem with me posting this in here, please let me know and I will start a new thread.Thanks!
23:06 / 17.09.02
Well, I do not see any problem.

Hey (gee, I feel I am risking something here) Why do not you invite this Luci to this thread?
S/He sound like a fun person
Wrecks City-Zen
23:19 / 17.09.02
Im working on getting in touch with Hir as we speak.I thought hir insight would be beneficial to us all...but I could be wrong...

We'll see if s/he decides to make hir presence felt.

Ha.Be back later with more.This barely covered day one...that's why Im asking if it's ok.
23:57 / 17.09.02
Well, if it's OK with you and May, I do not think it would be wrong for us readers. One can always learn something in the tales of power. (and maybe feel a little envy)
Wrecks City-Zen
00:02 / 18.09.02
Controlled Folly Part 4

"This is insane!"

I could feel my temper and frustration building up.What the hell were we thinking? How could we end up in this predicament? In Arizona, where the Canadian dollar is weaker than the peso, with no plans,no lodging and ten days to kill. (and if you listened to Luci-Lu, ten days to be killed.)Like May mentioned..."then there were two"

To say May and I had trust issues would be an understatement.Luci had pitted us against each other,creating suspicion and at the same time turnng us into siblings who compete for their parent's love and approval.Sure,we loved each other as two warriors should.I'll leave it to the reader to figure the meaning of that.

We slept easy the first night.The next morning,we decided to check out the city as it prepared for SuperbowlXXX.It seemed everybody who was anybody was there.From Alanis to Bill Clinton,from Snoop Dog to Rod Stewart, they were all in Arizona.

People had always joked about my appearance.Kind of pudgy (heh), long hair...a few dared to call me Meatloaf.While we walked the streets, I was amazed to hear what I thought to be a cover band doing a grat Meatloaf impression.I turned the corner to see my twin,Mr.Loaf,about 25 feet away from myself.While I found this odd and incredible, May fiened amusement at the robust aging rocker,writing it off as cool.

Day 2 pretty much consisted of being tourists.We had alotted ourselves the two days free time to rest up because a voice deep down inside,with a harsh commanding Austrailian accent,continued to warn me of the dangers of the journey.

"You will always be watched over..." I could hear Luci saying. It was at that point I looked to the sky and noticed two ravens.

They seemed to be following us.


Tomorrow:On the move to Nogales, Herman Hesse talks to me in the mountains, a big fight and "What the hell is the deal with those ravens anyways?"

Till then...
01:09 / 18.09.02
Wrecks City-Zen
22:13 / 25.09.02
Controlled Folly Part 5

We checked out of the motel and the uncertainty kicked in.Where exactly were we going? What was waiting for us? Should we believe Lucianna when s/he said only one would return?

Purchased bus tickets to Nogales. After reading so many damn CC books, I was determined to find that bench in the town square where Don Juan would meet his young aprentice.

The bus departed and right away, I slept.We had smoked the last of the ally that morning so we were both tired.The bus drove into the mountains, en route to Mexico.

I would constantly open my eyes briefly to spot our location and to check on May.She was asleep, and I soon joined her.

In the desert,marvelling at the painted rocks...where is May? I see a figure ahead...not May,male...white hat.He comes closer and speaks with me...After a few sentences, the stranger takes off his glasses and hat,wipes his brow with a white kerchif and says "...understand?"

I awake with a jolt. The bus has stopped at a gas station and everyone is getting off the bus.May asks if I'm ok.I was talking in my sleep.

"This is a wierd place..."I tell her."I have this aprehensive feeling here and all I can think about are my taxes as we drive through the mountains.And that dream..."

We both looked up in the sky at the same moment.Two ravens circling again, right above us.

"That's wierd," May said."It looks like the same ones from Phionex! And now that I look at them, it seems to be one male and a female..."

"Babe?" I asked May.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"Who is Herman Hesse?"

"I think he's an author...why?"

"I just met the desert, in my dream. He told me all kinds of things about "As above, so Below, and David Suzuki, and astronomy / biology..."

We boarded the bus again, even more unsure of ourselves.
00:46 / 27.09.02
When we stopped in Nogales we were quite hungry and went to a, well, mexican restaurant. We ordered some burrittos and tacos and a couple of drinks. It was rather hot that day and the food spicy, so I went to order more drinks.

Not knowing how to say very much in spanish, I simply asked for "agua" thinking the lady behind the counter would understand. She seemed to but shook her head no. I asked for a Coke, everyone knows what that is in the Americas and Europe most definately. She squinted' furrowing her brow as if I was incomprhensible. So, I began the charades, motioning like I was drinking and nodding my head, she seemed to understand and nodded herself.

She went away and returned a few minutes later with two more burritos. I tried to send them back but she waved me away even when I wanted to pay! I insisted and left a few bucks, err...pesos, for them. I wasn't about to continue with the futile exchange and settled for what I was given.

I brought back the burritos to Rex and he of course, asked me what the hell I bought. I told him the story and we decided to try the burritos. We bit into them and realized they were completely vegetarian, one long pepper and some cheese in a flour tortilla. I could see the staff snickering behind the counter, out of the corner of my eye. I motioned to Rex It was too late, we had already bitten the bait.

A few seconds later, both Rex and I were dancing around the restaurant, up to the cash, begging for water! "AGUA! AGUA!" we begged and finally they gave us some lemonade. The staff were in hysterics and by now, so were all the patrons in the restaurant. I can't believe there is anything that hot on this planet, really. This coming from a woman who can drink tabasco sauce, straight up!...or with my tequila.

This whole episode reminds me of a Simpsons episode were Homer finds his soulmate, released years after. Believe me, the paint of reality started to melt.

And so, our night ensues...

After we quenched our thirst, we went for a walking tour of the streets. There was a young girl, who looked like she might have been a prostitute and when we passed, she smiled and said hello to Rex. We both looked at each other because we thought we were hearing things.

Rex turned to me and asked, "Didn't she call be by name?"

"I thought I heard that too", I replied

We moved on and left it at that.

Filled with young tourista, loaded on the free-flowing booze, the streets became to much for me and I wanted to step in somewhere. I chose a pool hall, as I often go to them to centre and ground myself playing a little eight-ball. As I was racking up, someone approach Rex and asked him if he wanted to by some cocaine. Rex declined. We shot a few rounds together and then Rex was asked again. We started to get a bit nervous now. We decided to leave. As we did, someone called out "REX!". I looked at Rex and he looked at me.

"Who is this guy? How does he know my name?" Rex was pale.

There was no way he learned Rex's name from my calling him. I barely spoke as it was. When Rex and I did speak, it was rather hushed and we were always careful not to say each other's name. We had our reasons.

When we left the pool hall we wondered around and encountered 2 more people who addressed Rex by name as we passed by. THis was getting rather spooky for us and we tried to rationalize it. It could be a greating here, like saying "hi guy!", Ola Rex!. We had to sit down, we were weary. We did sit and it sunk in....THIS WAS THE BENCH!

We found it.

Wrecks City-Zen
22:53 / 27.09.02
That truly was one of the wierder aspects of the whole journey. In Nogales, it seemed that everybody knew my name. May forgot to mention that we got waved past the border to Mexico and the USA. I went to provide my passport to the border gaurd when he said "You don't have to show're from Canada right?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed."How did you know..."

"From Ontario, right?" he futher inquired.

"Holy! Yeah, but..."

"Enjoy Mexico." And let us pass.
00:00 / 02.10.02
Just a note: We were also waved through on the way back into the U.S. I thought that was odd sine both Rex and myself could easily pass for Mexican. Just way too easy-going.

On the way back to Tuscon and then on to Phoenix (Then to Tempe by limo, which I do not recall very well), the bus was stopped. Two buff, brush-cut officers, dressed in black baorded the bus, about 5 miles into the stretch of desert highway.

Here is a splice in reality for me. I have no idea what happened after. Either we met the 2 Johns before or after Nogales, but whichever it is, the other side of the trip to Nogales has a gap. The next memory I have is of standing on a bridge with Rex. If we cross the bridge, we go towards the stadium where the Superbowl is. I froze. Rex didn't understand.

"I thought this is why we came here" Rex inquired, "To see the Superbowl"

"We can't go there" I felt ill. I feared for my life.

"What is wrong with you?" Rex was noticably irritated

Being nearly mute, as I have mentioned, at this time of my life, I had very little to say. This was only fustrating to Rex. I couldn't understand what he meant by This is why we came here. I couldn't explain to him the overpowering vision I was having.

The bridge was wide and spanned a fair distance over a canal that was completely empty. It looked as if it should have water in it and when I concentrated on that, the entire ocean drew itself upon the land. The vision from the plane was unfoling before me and I was no longer safe in the air. I was about to pass out when Rex grabbed me by the hand and said "I wanna smoke a joint" I pulled away, still feeling very sick. (I feel sick even as I type this, dammit) I pointed to the highest piece of earth I could see and told Rex WE HAD to go there.

"What? are you crazy? Do you know how far that is?" Rex was at his limit with me. I shook my head no. "Let's go" he said, and with that he took my hand again and lead me down, under the bridge. I didn't want to go, but I was in no mood to argue. I sucked back my fear and followed him.

The canal was filled with rocks. Rex spotted a perfectly heart-shaped rock and we stared at it for a while.

"There was alot of water..." I tried to tell Rex my vision.

"Yes, but it is not happening now." He said calmly.

I relaxed and looked around. There was no one about.

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