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Ninjas and Pirates II - New Frontiers


Page: 12(3)4

Grey Area
10:48 / 11.08.02
No, it becomes ninjaa, which suggests that it is the traditional exclamation of pirates who have seen their favourite prey and wish to draw the attention of all the other pirates to the fact that ninja-hunting mayhem can now start. The last "a" is drawn out and followed by no less than four (4) exclamation marks.

"Ninjaaaaaaaa!!!!! Cue barrage of cannon, musket and pie-launcher fire followed by rampaging cutlass, hook and cleaver use.
8===>Q: alyn
21:24 / 11.08.02
I respectfully submit that cowboys the bastard lovechild of ninja & pirate, and combine their skilz.

00:00 / 12.08.02
At the Ninja/Pirates/Giant Robots/Planet of the Apes party I went to last night, there was one kid dressed as a ninja in a pirate shirt with a robot antenna, with a monkey on his shoulder. So of course we told him he was dead to all of us.

My sweetie went all ninja like- and I will admit, he did kick ass in the drunken game of duck duck goose, never having to stand once to tag anyone out. Since I was wearing a red coat, I got to be the captain and thus didn't have to take any crap off of any other pirates. It was cool.

Pirates vastly outnumbered ninjas, though there were many who didn't realize that there was a theme to the party. Those people sucked.
Tom Coates
06:37 / 12.08.02
Qalyn, oh Qalyn - I'm afraid tis untrue. One is either pirate or ninja - there is nothing else. If you are a cowboy, the only question is - are you a ninja cowboy or a pirate cowboy?
08:19 / 12.08.02
Stuff pirates, sod ninjas - BUTCHERS are where it's at.
No one wants to mess with these guys - just check out the equipment:

And they're sexy too:

"Fibrous casings are the strongest casings you can use for making larger diameter sausages. These casings are made of a specially processed paper and are coated with viscose which means you can stuff them tight without worrying about breaking them. It also means they have a uniform size from end to end. These casings are porous and this allows them to breath and accept smoke. They are available in several colors. Keep the casings dry until you are ready to use them. SOAK CASINGS IN WARM TAP WATER FOR 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO STUFFING. These casings are not edible."

Phwoooar! Yes please!
rizla mission
14:54 / 12.08.02
One of my friends in school wanted to be a butcher, following the logic that; "that way I could call myself 'THE BUTCHER', and carry a big knife everywhere, and not get arrested."

A strange kind of genius there.
Tom Coates
15:26 / 12.08.02
Ninja Butcher vs Pirate Butcher?
Your Majesty
15:46 / 12.08.02
Personally, I think that pirates and ninjas owe it to each other to set aside their differences, get together, and stick it to The Man.

But maybe I'm just naive.
Saint Keggers
19:58 / 12.08.02
I thought the very essence of pirates (but not ninja 'cause they're just the mans hired footie pyjamas)is that sticking it to the man is what he/she is all about.(except for buccaneers, they're hired lackeys for the man too).

Disney is doing a cartoon of Treasure Island in space and calling it Treasure Planet...Im still not sure what I think about that. I want Pirates of Darkwater and I get disney..what a world...
uncle retrospective
20:04 / 12.08.02
Maybe it'll be as good as that other pirate classic, Cuthroat Island?
20:29 / 12.08.02

Uncle has a point. Despite being clearly cooler than their hoodwearing nemeses, pirates have been poorly represented in the arena of world cinema...

Saint Keggers
02:53 / 13.08.02
Hmm. I suddenly have the urge to go rent Ice Pirates. I hope it's still as good as it was when it was in the cinema.
Margin Walker
17:53 / 13.08.02

Boba Fett--Ninja or Pirate?
Grey Area
18:12 / 13.08.02
Boba Fett is so a pirate. His ship's called Slave 1 (pirates took slaves), his armour is multi-coloured (pirate fashion statement) and he hangs out with all sorts of strange and wonderful people who don't wear black and look the same. OK, so he works with The Man (The Empire) on an occasional basis, but that can be seen as a bit of buccaneering on his days off.

On a different note: Does anyone else here remember a rather strange television series that was Treasure Island adapted for space pirates? The ship was sort-of octagonal, there were laser carbines and shuttles instead of muskets and rowboats, but apart from that it was fairly true to the original story. Anyone remember this? Please tell me I didn't hallucinate/dream this when I was 10 years old...
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:59 / 13.08.02
Did William S. Burroughs ever write a book about ninjas?

I think not.

(He didn't, did he? If he did I'm going to look really stupid...)
19:05 / 13.08.02
Nope, no Burroughs ninjas. He did write a book about Dutch Schultz, who was totally a land-bound pirate.

Grey Area: Don't remember that series, but there is the new Disney Treasure Island in space film coming out sometime soon. Seen a couple of trailers for it now, usually tacked onto the end of a Santa Clause 2 trailer. [shudder]

**oop, hadn't seen Kegboy's eralier post mentioning this**
21:48 / 13.08.02
Burroughs was all pirate. Especially in Cities of the Red Night.
Baz Auckland
23:56 / 10.12.02
Asia Piracy costs $25 billion a year

Take that you non-existant ninjas...

The Weekly Pirate Report

Piracy and armed robbery against ships
Attacks in South East Asia and Far East
1 January to 30 September 2002

Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:22 / 11.12.02
Treasure Island In Space was not a hallucination. Sorry.
18:05 / 14.12.02

What the?!! :-O
13:29 / 15.12.02
Apparently "Treasure Planet" has already lost Disney something like $75 million.
(And no, I'm not tellin ye where I buried it.)
13:17 / 05.01.03
That's not anywhere near as much as this film will lose.

Man, I can't fucking wait. This is gonna be fantastic.

Oh, a trailer, too.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:37 / 05.01.03
That's what happens when film producers attempt to drink Grog, man.
Tryphena Absent
21:42 / 05.01.03
I am going to see Treasure Island or Planet or whatever the hell it's called... thought it looked really fucking funny. They deserve some money and pirates are just way too good in any form. Muchbetterthenninjas.
22:08 / 05.01.03
Pirates of the Caribbean. Oh wow.
Brigade du jour
23:33 / 05.01.03
We can stock up on our rum while we there! Arrrr!
14:28 / 06.01.03
Holy shit! Synchronicity or Psychism? Margin Walker... you scare me too. Wanna tell me what I'm having for dinner?

I came at this one from the other side: Han Solo.

Lando welcomes him to Cloud City as "you old pirate"... that stung [silent sulk!] - so That would make Son of Jango a ninja.

14:32 / 06.01.03
... and Deciduous Mass:

Obviously pirates are taking fashion tips from we tall, dark and silent types. Either that or we just totally snuck up on you and slaughtered you all in ya hammocks!

Then again - we can fly... so it must be the former.
18:33 / 06.01.03

Although it is good to know that it is possible for the Pirates and ninjas to combine peacefully. Just look at the Dread Pirate Roberts.

......sez I!!!!
Linus Dunce
23:46 / 06.01.03
Do we fight about this in the Ninjas v. Pirates II thread?

Oh, mannnnnnn....

I'm gonna be totally wailing on scummy pirate asses.

Come on then, ye scurvy ninja!
Linus Dunce
00:05 / 07.01.03
Skull and crossbones
06:42 / 07.01.03
Han Solo is quite blatantly a pirate.

Ninja? Jar Jar fucking Binks.

I thank yew.
Hattie's Kitchen
07:33 / 07.01.03
I so very think not, respected Chairman. Jar Jar Binks talks just like a pirate, albeit with a hybrid Brummie/Carribbean twang.
wembley can change in 28 days
08:09 / 07.01.03
Ninjas then, like Yoda they speak? Stupid sound they? Style and punctuation learned not?

(Not common knowledge: long sea voyages mean plenty of time for reading the classics. Arrr!)
The Falcon
10:38 / 07.01.03
'The Force' is like some kind of low-level ninja trick.

I'm behind you, wailing on a guitar. I'm gone.

Man, being a ninja rocks ass.

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