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Ninjas and Pirates II - New Frontiers


Page: 123(4)

Baz Auckland
17:44 / 07.01.03
See The Filth#7 for some great pirates. Made me laugh it did.
03:32 / 09.01.03
Stoatie... that's exactly what I said.

You pirates deaf as well as stupid?

Jar Jar? I think one o'your lot sired that incompetent. Shallow end of the gene pool!

"what shall we do with a drunken ninja?..."
16:16 / 09.01.03
The Falcon
22:47 / 09.01.03

The Return Of Rothkoid
23:50 / 09.01.03
Don't make me bring The Scurvy Pirates in here. They'll tear you some new out-of-tune asses, you beardy ninjas...
03:20 / 10.01.03
Back on Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker = pirate. Obviously. Look at his shitty little rat-tails and lack of discipline, respect and decent chat-up lines.

He becomes Darth Vader, clearly a ninja, and cool, but too late! The crime of bawling like Kevin the Teenage Pirate must be paid for.
Saint Keggers
03:43 / 10.01.03
Anakin was neither Pirate nor Ninja..he was Wesley Crusher. And taht is a crime for which no man can excape punishment!
The Falcon
10:35 / 10.01.03
Wes Crusher is on a spaceship. All of Star Trek (not cool or hard) is about ships.

Do you see?
11:01 / 10.01.03
Wes Crusher since someone brought him up (Beverly Crusher I believe - WooT). I've been meaning to ask on here for ages, he's an alien right or there's something special about him or did I dream that?

Sorry for the rot.
The Falcon
13:47 / 10.01.03
Ummm. I know. He can time-travel, 'cos his mind's so super-evolved.

Whisky Priestess
21:43 / 11.05.04
Pirate Shop!

I'm so crap at links, sorry ... I've forgotten how again.

Fear not... this should work (mod)
Jack Denfeld
01:05 / 12.05.04
Am I a ninja or a pirate?
01:45 / 12.05.04
Back on Star Wars - Anakin Skywalker = pirate.

No way! He was in the ninja clan and his light sabre was his samurai sword!
Baz Auckland
02:54 / 12.05.04
Wow! A Dave Eggers Pirate Shop at that! I want the flag in the bottom right:

06:38 / 12.05.04
Come on, where are all the newbies?

I wanna see whether they proudly fly the Jolly Roger or merely skulk in the dark, embarrassed that they forgot to change out of their pyjamas when they woke up.

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