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Ninjas and Pirates II - New Frontiers


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We're The Great Old Ones Now
13:15 / 04.08.02
I think 'pirates vs. ninja' should be our personal Barbelith Torture Garden dress-up theme.

Ohmygodyes. YES, I tell you. YES. It must be.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
13:22 / 04.08.02
Kill pirates ay Mordant…..all we have to do to evade attack is to go to the other side of the road, one of your ninja number will have to go ask your shogun master if they can cross the road. By which time us pirates will have sharpened our cutlasses, drank a few bottles of rum and set fire to our beards. We will thus be fully prepared to repel any assault.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:34 / 04.08.02
Your feeble skills produce nothing more dangerous than bad breath and poor colour combinations. Chartreuse and Maroon? Grovel, seagoing fool, before we FLIP OUT and totally kill you all.
16:30 / 04.08.02
You silly ninjas, always flipping out. It sounds to me like you all may have inner ear problems. I'd really get it checked out.
08:22 / 05.08.02
I think it's maybe more a hissy fit temper thang.

[scene: ninja training school - first thing in the morning]
N1: Those are my black jimjams! Put them down, you big poo, or I'll flip out!
N2: No they're not. Look, they've got 'St Michael' stitched into the lining.
N1: They are so totally mine, and if you don't hand them over, I will flip out and flip out and flip out until I'm sick!
N2: Oh all right. But that's my ninja hairbrush!
N1: Isn't.
N2: Is.
[N3 bursts into the room]
N3: Come quick! Pirates have mooned the master and he's flipped out so hard that he wet himself.
N1: Pirates!? [wets self]
N2: I think I've soiled my jimjams...

[bow, exits stage left, curtain falls]
rizla mission
10:42 / 05.08.02
me: pirate or ninja?

my best friend at school: what?

me: pirate or ninja? come on!

m.b.f.a.s.: well .. ninja of course.

I am shocked and stunned and remain silent for a time.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:55 / 05.08.02
Pirates attempt to make Ninja walk plank.

Ninja walks plank.

Pirates cheer, get drunk.

Ninja, along with other ninja who were disguised as sharks, sneaks up onto deck. Certain violent and unpleasant things happen to pirates, and boat is left adrift as a warning.

Other pirates totally miss point, go looking for ninjas to torment.

It's open season on pirates.
Ellis says:
11:21 / 05.08.02
I think it is wrong to stereotype Ninja's and Pirates like this.

Very very wrong.

And counter revolutionary.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
00:29 / 06.08.02
OK, who's the wise guy asking the Conversatron for help in the ninja/pirate debate?

*mutters* Sinanju is better than both anyway.
03:08 / 06.08.02
I get to go to a Ninja/Pirate/Giant Robot themed party on Saturday. I'm profoundly excited, since I don't get out very much. Hopefully there'll be pictures. And possibly bloodshed.
Saint Keggers
04:02 / 06.08.02
Why pirates?

Pirates: Have space ship that looks like a pirateship
Ninja: Not known for their mode of transportations, have black spacesuit (with spacefooties)for their long space walks they have to take to get anywhere (they may be forced to thumb a ride)
06:41 / 06.08.02
I must admit that I never understood the fascination with pirates, until I stumbled across this: [url][/url]
We're The Great Old Ones Now
06:49 / 06.08.02
Did it suit you?
Mr Tricks
19:09 / 08.08.02
All right...

Ms. Pirate...


Ms Ninja...

take your pick...
Saint Keggers
00:48 / 09.08.02
Once again its pirate bootie for me.
Although I do give credit to the ninja for comming up with a camo for deepspace.
The Strobe
08:01 / 09.08.02
Bungie software announced Halo 2 today. I give you Jason Jones(CEO of Bungie)'s comments on it:

"Halo 2 is a lot like Halo, only it's Halo on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas," gestulated the head of Bungie Studios, "and the ninjas are all on fire, too."
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:17 / 09.08.02
See? Stupid ninjas. Unable to handle fire. Sodden pirates would never be caught aflame. Unless there were some kind of pissed hijinks involved.

And hey - doesn't being a flaming ninja preclude all that "invisible" shit, as well?
The Strobe
09:55 / 09.08.02
Come ON! They're not, like, BURNING or anything! It's metaphorical fire!

"He's on fire" to quote NBA Jam. Except he wasn't, (well, the ball was), he was just dunking like a fucking ninja!

Besides, it'd be stealthy fire if it were real fire. And just as you tucked into yet more grog, he'd flip out and burn you to death...

Stupid Pirates
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:00 / 09.08.02
Oh, marvellous. Does none of you have a problem with this FHM crap?
Ellis says:
12:02 / 09.08.02
I thought it was ironic and didn't want to cause a scene.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:44 / 09.08.02
So the skimpiness is a problem but the trivialising for laughs of those affected by piracy and clannish assassins isn't?

I see...

Perhaps it's time for P vs N to colonise barbelith entirely. Next stop: Head Shop.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:48 / 09.08.02
Or, rather, if you have a problem with it, Nick, you should probably say so, rather than waiting for other people to continue talking (after having ignored that bit anyway) and then inferring some kind of lack of rigour on their part for not having burned lad's magism at the stake. On sight.

Not that they shouldn't be, really. But hey.
14:03 / 09.08.02
I think we're thinking alike, Rothkoid. I was originally interested in N vs. P as --I think it was Nick who said this-- a sort of Myers-Brigg indicator, but interactive. But for the most part, it seems to have developed into ...not a "safe" zone... but a sort of holodeck where people can enact behaviors that would otherwise not be acceptable, a sort of "Australian rules" Barbelith, if I may say that. So if the rules are no rules, then thongs will come into play. But, if thongs draw you up short --I just wonder how many double entendres and awkward phrasings I can stuff into one post-- then, you do have to look back and re-evaluate the whole jeu?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:15 / 09.08.02
Rothkoid: forgive me if my connection is not currently full-time. The demands of construction work, alas.

I don't have a problem with things thongish, and I'm the first to enjoy a double entendre - usually so much so that I get accused of having a smutty mind. Which I do. I just think that posting pictures from lingerie catalogues is somehow pushing into the realms of Beavis and Butthead.


I think the pirates vs. ninjas thing has any number of rules - as do all games, by definition.
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:35 / 09.08.02
Well, forgive me if mine's not either. The joys of unemployment. All I'm saying is that if it bothered you, say something earlier. Don't wait for things to move on and then wonder if we see, that's all.

FWIW, I thought thong piracy did lower what tone we had in here, though.
rizla mission
14:42 / 09.08.02
Ar, no, we can't go applying analysis to the Pirate/Ninja thing! It'll totally spoil the fun..
15:13 / 09.08.02
Analysis? Thongs? Lad's mags?

These sound suspiciously like landlubber stuff...
15:29 / 09.08.02
Ninja: Not known for their mode of transportations,

They need no transport.
They appear from the darkness.
Right behind you. Now.
uncle retrospective
15:42 / 09.08.02

Riz, don't worry about people trying to bring this to the Head shop.
The Ninjas would totaly flip out and kill them all.
And then rock hard.
16:38 / 09.08.02
Mum and nevermind.

*kicking Nick under table*

know the thing about all games having any number of rules. I was talking about When Rules Collide!

*exeunt bickering*
Saint Keggers
16:54 / 09.08.02
The only qualm I have about the pirate lingerie add is that it should have gone in the pirate fashion thread.

quote"They need no transport.
They appear from the darkness.
Right behind you. Now."
Proof that while pirates may drink..Ninja are on crack.
The Strobe
17:13 / 09.08.02
'Course they're on crack. Come on, when we use the term "flip out", we're being multilayered.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:45 / 10.08.02
Multilayered ninjitsu? That sounds like bad panelling.

I spit rum in your direction.
Saint Keggers
16:56 / 10.08.02
Anyone caught wasting rhum on ninja had better have a damn good reason.

(reading the topic abstract...what was the barbs first religious war?)
Tryphena Absent
09:48 / 11.08.02
If you rearrange my name it almost becomes ninja but I suspect the extra 'a' might make me a badly disguised... double agent!!!

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