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You say "cunt" like it's a bad thing...


Page: 12(3)4

Rev. Orr
09:19 / 20.06.02
Also, whilst there are a large number of euphamisms, synonyms and slang terms for both male and female genitalia, in terms of its impact, 'strength' and perceived transgressive qualities there is no male equivalent of 'cunt'. For a number of reasons linked to culural perceptions of gender, sexuality, sexual politics, equality and so on, 'cunt' posseses a status that 'dick', 'cock', 'prick' or others cannot. Moving along, don't the same arguments apply to the use of 'pussy'? As in "don't be such a pussy, it's only a little scratch"? And by extrapolation, 'you big girl', 'big girls blouse' and the rest.

It does seem to support the thesis that what is at issue is not the use or missuse of one word but underlying conceits and assumptions within allusive language. It's not censorship to examine the basis and supporting notions of the words and phrases that shape the society we live in. Encoding hierarchies and prejudices within language only serves to purpetuate and sustain outmoded beliefs and oppressions. Removing these unthinking meanings won't usher in a happy dawn of happy, liberated equal souls frollicking in the warm light of tolerance the very next day, but failing to examine what we perpetuate through commone parlance can only serve to retard cultural development and growth. Words matter, words count. Choosing to think about what we say and how we say it may seem trivial to some, but it is the necessary first step towards this 'revolution' that supoosedly brought us together here in the first place.
11:32 / 20.06.02
You know what's interesting is that everyone's got hold of this thing in a different place --like the blind men feeling the elephant, except it's not an elephant.

Ha, picture that.

But seriously, Husb and I were talking about this in the car & just started on "Cunt: The Flowchart" when we got to where we were going ...can't talk about cunts outside the car, now. But it was not dissimilar to Sax's summary above. I believe we started with the very basic questions:

* Do you know that "cunt" is a word for vagina?
* Do you use the word "cunt" to signify something nasty?
* Do you think that vaginas are nasty?

But presumably the questions could become more complex --e.g. are you fine with vaginas, fine with the word cunt, fine in theory with using the word cunt as a pejorative, but not fine in practice with the same.


What would that whole schema look like?
Tom Coates
13:09 / 20.06.02
So, I figure most of us would accept that using 'gay' as an insult is dumb and homophobic, or, say, using 'spastic' as an insult is dumb and offensive, so is it that big a leap to say using 'cunt' as an insult is dumb and misogynistic?

I think it precisely the point. 'Gay' describes a type of person and therefore using it as an insult is probably fairly offensive. As is 'Spastic'. 'Cunt' on the other hand - although it has been overly used as an anti-female insult - isn't describing a type of person. It's not about attacking people because they're female, or diminishing women - any more than 'cock' or 'dick' diminishes men. I think there's something profoundly different between saying 'fucking cunt' and 'fucking woman'. Do you see my point?

From where I stand the second one is by far more offensive...
Chuckling Duck
16:22 / 20.06.02
There’s evidence that cursing is located in a completely seperate location of the brain than speech. People with selective brain damage sometimes find themselves able to swear but not speak, or become mute when they would normally swear. Stutterers commonly lose their stutters when cursing. And then there’s the strange phenomenon of Tourette’s Syndrome.

This may help explain why some of you use the word “cunt” with no semantic content: not “a word meaning a bad thing”, but simply a “forbidden word”, like “bloody” or “Jesus Christ!”
Jack The Bodiless
19:36 / 20.06.02
Well, I've only ever heard the word 'cunt' used in three contexts... as just another aspect of swearing punctuation ("Cunting hell..."), as an insult pertaining to the fact that said person is an unspeakably loathsome bastard, or is acting like one ("What a cunt" ; "You're being a complete cunt"), and as in a catch-all for all the different parts involved in the wonder that is female genitalia.

The first, it seems to me, involves an appropriation of the transgressive nature of the word while removing all semantic and linguistic associations, in the same manner as calling someone a 'fucker', or saying 'fucking hell' in no way references the meaning of the verb 'to fuck'. And it also appears to limit the transgressive
nature of the word, bringing it back to being no more or less offensive (in my mind) than 'fuck', 'bugger' or 'sod'. Of course, that may be entirely my own experience, but it's something worth considering, I think.

The second I would say is referencing leftover misogynistic attitudes
- ghosts of what were at one time commonplaces, like the accusation of witchcraft to remove women from a position that they had chosen, and to other and reinsert them in society as monsters, to reassert a patriarchal control over That Which Was Feared. To say we've come a long way from that kind of overt manifestation of misogyny is a bit of an understatement... but I think the fact that 'cunt' is still used in this context means we obviously have a fair way to go, and the fact that numerous women I know use it in this context further fouls the semantic playing field. One in particular will argue against the fact that 'cunt' is in any way misogynist. And, knowing all of the above, I still find myself using the word in this context on an almost daily basis (I know too many utterly loathsome bastards...).

The third no one has any problem with, right? Except... I find it unutterably pleasurable to use the word in this context. I rarely do, and when I do, the frisson of the transgressive is a palpable thing, even used in its correct semantic context.

So... for me, 'cunting hell' is transgressive, but in a staid and ordinary manner, much as any other form of swearing is. 'You cunt' is ideologically transgressive for me, but part of my everyday speech patterns, and does not impact on me emotionally in the way that it probably should, and in the way that I know it does with some others. And to use the word 'cunt' in its correct context, to describe what for me is a thing of great beauty, feels incredibly, deliciously transgressive, but ideologically isn't anything of the kind.

This is more complicated than I thought. Goddamn.
20:16 / 21.06.02
Topic Abstract:
The word "cunt" as a term of abuse. Acceptable or not? Political Correctness gone Bad or an attempt to reorder a man-made language? Shoudl the feminists just get the Hell used to it and accept that female genitalia are weird and nasty?

Okay, so this thread is just for cunt as abuse, then I do not have much to say. In Spanish "cunt" is translated as concha, which literally in English also back translates as sea shell. A violent curse to blame undesired circumstances here is "la concha de la lora!" ("THE FUCKING PARROT'S CUNT!", as funny as it sounds). For female blaming we use "conchuda!" which is not exactly cunt but maybe cunty, and more common to hear in the streets from one car to another is "conchuda de mierda!" (in a full scream). Both are extremely violent insults.

Of course, while making with your female honey the sweet, salty, and sweaty labor of the four legs, all these words, either screamed or whispered, either suggest the pleasurable exaltation of desire or herald an ecstasic, dissolving and end of life situation.
The Monkey
22:00 / 21.06.02
Um, speaking from a general ignorance of the insult-meaning of "cunt": please don't bite me too hard.

I always thought words like "prick" "cock" and "dick" drew a comparison between the physicality and body mechanics of the erect penis and the behavior of the person so described. If you get an erection in most social settings, it is inappropriate and awkward, a thing to be ignored, talked around...even though its presence it vividly obvious. A penis protrudes from the body, standing out from the symmetry and order of the rest of the body. It's mechanical function is to thrust, intrude, penetrate. Now map these physical features onto the personality traits the someone labelled a "prick", etc., possesses.

I was wondering is anyone else had come up with this on their own, and if the same sort of mechanics-to-personality comparison could be made with the usage "cunt."OMaybe I just think too much. Of course, it now occurs to me that there are a lot of organ-based metonyms for personality. Think about being "a limp dick," "all heart," "a brain"...although one rarely hears "that guy is such a inferior vena cava."
14:04 / 25.06.02
A penis protrudes from the body, standing out from the symmetry and order of the rest of the body. It's mechanical function is to thrust, intrude, penetrate.

I was going to write about the physicality and corresponding body mechanics of female genitalia, but a picture I remembered speaks pretty well by itself. You may check this very graphic polarity.
Fist of Fun
13:29 / 26.06.02
Absolutely an aside, but I saw a talk show recently with Ben Elton in which he discussed 'genital discrimination'.

Apparently, back in the days of Friday Night Live, he had an idea for a routine based on cervical smears. You can imagine his style of humour "It's like an ice sculpture of a Ford Cortina being parked up your front jacksie!" (quote). Of course, a joke about cervical smears requires, as a basic, references to 'fannies', as Mr Elton put it. Anyhow, he runs it up the flagpole and, since he has been doing knob jokes for some time, does not expect a problem on the censorship front. Au contraire. BBC head office honchos inform him that, after some long deliberation, 'fanny' is not acceptable. 'Knob' is fine, but 'fanny' is just too rude!
"But what can I say?" asked Mr Elton.
"Froo-froo" came the reply.

You couldn't make it up.
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:11 / 26.06.02
Sounds like a double standard/PC gone mad to me.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:50 / 26.06.02
Hmm, the first time Ben Elton did that sketch, sometime in the early 90s on his own series, it was 'poot-poot'. Does that make it 'linguistic revisionism gone mad'?
The Bitch
21:33 / 21.08.02
I have to agree with the very eloquent clarification of the word "cunt" and it's usage... as a woman I do see reclaiming words such as "cunt" and "bitch" as crucial to defining ourselves and our boundaries as women in the new century. Sometimes it just feels good and empowering to just belt it out CUUUUUUNNNNNNNT!!! I feel totally comfortable referring to my goodies as my cunt, I love my cunt! Furthermore I also have absolutely no problem using the word as the ultimate one sylible insult.... in the right setting, towards a well deserving person. But that is me, I choose to use the word to my benefit. Also seeing what Billy Corgan had said... and after repeating the word to myself about a dozen times, just to hear the phonetics dripping off my tongue, I realized that "cooter" really is a lot of fun to say
22:34 / 21.08.02
yay the bitch! very cool.
sfd is right, cunts are cool as fuck and using such a beautiful thing as an insult doesn't sit right.
in her book "cunt: a declaration of independence", inga muscio states that the word used to mean goddess. she believes that women should take the word back for themselves, use it as a term of enderment and power. i do this.
the word has power, and i use that power in my own way. in a non hating way.
the book is really very good.
cunts are mysterious and powerful and lots of men are scared of them and don't understand them and as we all know, things that are unknown and feared and revilled.
but we're talking about words here and not genitals so i shan't go on. ole.
The Bitch
00:27 / 22.08.02
Hey Suds - I have read and LOVE Inga Muscio's book, as a matter of fact I wrote a little on that in my blog... maybe you want to check it out --> here
Little Mother
10:50 / 22.08.02
Right, I've just read through the whole thread at once, so please forgive me if this has already come up and I've missed it.
Can I ask what the differences in use (if any) are on each side of the atlantic, lots of swear words differ in use and meaning, some have regional variations which I'd also be quite interested in hearing about. I know it doesn't help the debate about whether the word should be used in this way at all, but I'm wondering if everyone is talking about the same word I mean twat is something I would call a mate if they'd done something a little daft but seemingly from what I'm reading it's more serious in other places.
Cat Chant
12:50 / 22.08.02
I recently got into an argument about twat/cunt with a friend from the US, little mother: a character in her story called the man who had just betrayed him on their wedding night a "twat". I said that I appreciated that she wanted to make the point that their society denigrated women by using a ladyparts insult, but that I thought "twat" was altogether too mild for the circs and she should use "cunt" instead... I don't know if she agreed in the end but it left me with the impression that "twat" is (a) a stronger insult in the US (I think this is true of "bugger", as well?) and b) more often used to designate the lady's triangle - I didn't know it had an anatomical referent for years after I'd been using it both as a mild, affectionate insult, and as a verb meaning "to punch or strike" (WTF is that about, by the way?)
13:17 / 22.08.02
Twat is fairly juvenile here, and bugger is simply unknown. It's that funny thing British people say, isn't it. Like "bloody."
Jack The Bodiless
14:09 / 22.08.02
I've heard 'bugger' and 'bloody' used by yanks... no, not just in Buffy, by real people too. In neither case did they sound like they knew what they were doing... the placement of the word was all wrong, the inflection, the context... the woman I heard using the word 'bugger' seemed to be under the impression it referred to insects, a la Ender's Game. It made my month to tell the Christian mother of three what she'd really got her kids to use as a safe alternative to swearing...
14:25 / 22.08.02
grant, when i was in new jersey people said "twat" like "twart" and it always made me laugh. ha ha ha.
the bitch, i love your site! so much! very cool
Colonel Kadmon
19:23 / 22.08.02
Check this out, guys - You Don't Like Swearing, You're Either A Snob.html
some guy
19:53 / 22.08.02
Especially in light of recent comments about the mutability and layered nature of language, why is the word 'cunt' necessarily mysogynist when used as an insult? It seems very obvious to me that, as 'wood' has many meanings, so too does 'cunt.' It appears that, in regard to the overwhelming use of slang for male genitals as expletives in the West (and indeed elsewhere), the anti-cunt camp is on very shaky ground indeed. When it comes to swearing, can you have your cake and eat it, too?
14:39 / 24.08.02
so strange to me that people here argue to decide if words can 'be' good or bad. censoring words, trying to place a further abstract semantic boundary upon the speech and action of humans, will not help them i fear. not a 'breaking down' of anything surely, but in fact a 'shoring up' of insecure defences. for things to break down, they should get offended, and often. which archfoe will be defeated by a revolutionary that can't even swear at him? don't clamour for revolutions, cause, y'know, they always go bad. unpredictable catastrophic cunting seachanges work better in the long run. for those who hate the word when used in the pejorative, i challenge you to wake up one morning and decide that it simply will not offend you anymore. incorporate it into your arsenal of percussive shock words, and use it liberally. study your own reactions i think it might feel like the feeling of freedom [not like in the mel gibson sense, but in the imam-of-one's-own-being sense].
The Bitch
15:57 / 24.08.02
WOOHOO Adam K! I love that link! Gave me a laugh... right fucking on!
Rev. Orr
23:22 / 24.08.02
glassonion - I do realise that are now three pages of posts on this topic. A lot of words, some of them quite long have been spent by people talking about the issue. Perhaps, dear heart, it would have aided your comprhension if you had spent that little extra time, pulled your head out of your arse and read the fucking thread. Had you done so, you might have spotted that the 'anti-cunters' are not saying that it is a 'bad' word - quite the reverse. The original thrust of SFD's complaint was that it was a word ze prized highly and referred to to something that was to hir beautiful and important. See? Cunt good. Got that? That's why we were questioning its use as a swear word, as a derogatory, as a negative connotation.

So - we should wake up tomorrow, face the bright fresh future and decide that we aren't going to be offended by your usage of the word any more. Is that the plan? Is holding hands with the world and singing kumbayah optional or compulsory? Why don't you decide that nothing is ever going to offend you ever again? That way I can state that you are a motherfucker. You fuck your mother. It's totally consensual, but you have sex with your parents. Often. And goats. You are a worthless sack of putrifying iguana shit. Your pathetic and juvenile ramblings on revolution are about as informed as an educationally-sub-normal gnat. The only thing that I find more nauseating and repellant is your inability to comprehend the need for basic capitalisation that most pre-schoolers have grasped, displaying a contempt for your fellow board-mambers and forcing them to waste precious minutes converting the bilge you post back into English.

But it doesn't work that way. So I can't say that. That would be rude. I would not be displaying the basic respect that we afford to others, even if we haven't met them and may dissagree with them. It would be like using 'cunt' without thinking about the impact it could have on others just because someone with a website said that it was cool. So I won't. I must be a snob.
The Bitch
02:50 / 25.08.02
To clarify what Orr was saying I am going to post something that I had written on my blog for all to see... if you have seen it before then just ignore me. Or don't.

Demystifying the "bad" words...After recieving some negative feedback from a friend who saw my one of earlier posts, I felt it necessary to clarify why I chose to use certain words. Some people may criticize me when they do not understand stance of the issue of words... words that have been turned up-side-down, or have lost their original meaning, a lot of the shift in context taking place around the burning times, at least I would surmise that to be a fact. It (the word, and yes the place) has been embedded within our psyches as a bad thing, but maybe it is a larger collective conscious that has been tainted by the kind of misogyny that transforms the word (cunt) into taboo in the first placeThere have been many abstracts and books written on the subject. One such book I recieved for my birthday last year from a former girlfriend, that book is simply called: "cunt" by Inga Muscio. Along with the loss of many wisewoman, midwives, healers and pagans, we lost a lot more, and so much good was demonized, including a large part of our language. "Cunt" is an exploration of the word that makes many woman cringe... ' "Cunt" is arguably the most powerful negative word in the American English language. “Cunt” is the ultimate one-syllable covert verbal weapon any streetwise six-year-old or passing motorist can use against the woman. “Cunt” refers almost exclusively to women, and expresses the utmost rancor . . . I looked up “cunt” in Barbara G. Walker’s twenty-five year research opus, The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, and found it was indeed a title, back in the day. “Cunt” is related to words from India, China, Ireland, Rome, and Egypt. Such words were either titles of respect for women, priestesses and witches, or derivatives of the names of various goddesses: In ancient writings, the word for “cunt” was synonymous with “woman,” though not in the insulting modern sense . . . I posit that we’re free to seize a word that was kidnapped and co-opted in a pain-filled, distant past, with a ransom that cost our grandmothers’ freedom, children, traditions, pride and land. I figure we’ve paid the ransom, but now, everybody long done forgot “cunt” was ours in the first place” '. All I can say is, Inga. you inspire me!
03:29 / 25.08.02
In ancient writings, the word for “cunt” was synonymous with “woman,” though not in the insulting modern sense . .

Could you offer an example of what you mean by this? I am struggling to think of an "ancient writing" that does this...
The Bitch
03:48 / 25.08.02
anything that I had in quotations, is from a book called "cunt" by Inga Muscio.... I will take a look and let you know more specifically.
12:12 / 25.08.02
yeah you're a snob. you're quick to anger as well, clearly hate your parents [or they hate you] and hold many non-human animal species in unecessary contempt. you want people to like the words you like - to change themselves for your benefit, but look at the invective you instantly resort to when someone suggests you modify your behaviour for them. i read the posts [and yes three pages of some of this self-righteous sixth-formery is a bit of a struggle] and there are people there trying to classify words in the way i described before bitch's recent clarification. you think cunce a bad word if i say it like i want but not when you say it like you want. i don't buy your double standard, and the evident fear in your post tells me you don't really either. i haven't actually written the word in a post for weeks and i used to throw it around here like it was going out of fashion [which it wasn't] [and for the reaction i'd get from people like yourself orr, i admit it], so y'know, like, don't be so impolite. and i don't know if you spelled kumbayah right but you still intended it to signify the title of a song so wheres the capital letter? see how childish it looks when we fight?
Rev. Orr
12:11 / 26.08.02
Sorry - not frothing at the mouth at this end. Merely a vain attempt to illustrate exactly what we're talking about. Relishing invective? Mea culpa. Actually knowing the first thing about you or your sexual habits? Not guilty.

I'm also not asking anyone to change the meaning of the word. A cunt is a cunt is a cunt. Are we requesting a change in behaviour? Well, yes. No-one (as far as I know) here is suggesting that women are inferior, dirty, disgusting or bad, and yet some people are demanding the right to use language in such a way that states that they are. I don't expect anyone to alter that on my behalf, because (whisper it quietly) this isn't about me. I objected to the suggestion that I just 'decide it didn't bother me' because it was ridiculous and didn't address the points of the issue under discussion. Whether you 'like' the word or not doesn't bother me in the slightest. Whether you use it or not is outside the remit of this discussion. What you have conspicuously failed to address is how your use of cunt (or cunce if you will) as a pejorative or insult is justified in a world where naked mysoginy is regarded as 'a bad thing'.

As to the 'double standard' - there are two uses for the word. One refers to its literal meaning as a woman's sexual organs. The other uses that meaning to apply qualities and attributes of that portion of anatomy and by extention women as a whole, to describe another person, object or activity. How, exactly, do we have to justify the former use? Can you really not see that using the latter to denigrate or demean the cunt or women is open to question?

You want to avoid sophmoric insult slinging? Fine. Just don't tell me that words are not insulting if you choose not to take them that way, because if you ignore the meaning of words then why are you using them in the first place?
some guy
14:42 / 26.08.02
As to the 'double standard' - there are two uses for the word. One refers to its literal meaning as a woman's sexual organs. The other uses that meaning to apply qualities and attributes of that portion of anatomy and by extention women as a whole, to describe another person, object or activity.

Do you really think when the word is used pejoratively it's to "apply qualities and attributes of that portion of anatomy" to something else? How absurd. Cunt, dick and asshole are completely interchangeable as swear words, and to infer otherwise nicely pumps up our feelings of liberal self-righteousness but is also, alas, a classic case of Reading Too Much Into Things.
17:08 / 26.08.02
Probably "imply" rather than "infer", but no matter.

If this is the case, though, why, for example, are there no concert videos out there where Bill Hicks says "cunt"? The boy presumably knew the word, and presumably would not have shied away from it unless he felt either

i) his audience would be more offended by the word "cunt" than by the words "dick" or "asshole"


ii) That if he did say cunt, it either would be or was edited out of his performance.

So, presumably someone along that chain of command felt that "cunt" had some quality of obscenity distinct from "dick" or "asshole".

Or, to put it another way, might I suggest you read the rest of the thread? I think this question has already to some extent been addressed, and we wouldn't want to repeat ourselves...
some guy
19:03 / 26.08.02
Probably "imply" rather than "infer", but no matter.

Nope, meant infer, because that's what we're all doing based on our reaction to usage of the word. You may want to tone down your patented post corrections, Haus. They're a fun rhetorical technique but only make you look silly when not needed.

If this is the case, though, why, for example, are there no concert videos out there where Bill Hicks says "cunt"? The boy presumably knew the word, and presumably would not have shied away from it unless he felt either

The third option of course is that like all so-called dirty words, the use of "cunt" seems to be a regional/personal thing, just as Americans rarely say "bloody" and some people use "woody" instead of "pecker." Some people find "cunt" more offensive than other pejoratives, some don't. I'm not offended by the word "cunt," but I also don't think I've ever uttered it, because for whatever reason it's just not part of my localised 'dirty' vocabulary. It's pointless to hold up the people on either side of the issue and say, "See?" And if the entire point of swear words is to offend, then we need to discuss why certain groups are above offense while others are fair game.

Or, to put it another way, might I suggest you read the rest of the thread? I think this question has already to some extent been addressed, and we wouldn't want to repeat ourselves...

Barbelith is nothing but repeating ourselves, it often seems. I read the full thread before posting (does anyone not do this, or is this comment just traditional Haus snottiness?) and I don't think the question has been adequately addressed at all, or I wouldn't have raised it. I think the anti-"cunt" side has done a piss-poor job of demonstrating that the word's use as a pejorative is A) misogynist, B) somehow worse than using "dick" or another masculine analogue and C) actually in any way related to specific biology in the context of swearing (just as "fuck" often has no relation to a sexual definition in the context of swearing).
19:39 / 26.08.02
(does anyone not do this, or is this comment just traditional Haus snottiness?)

Rather more frequently than you might imagine, although people often flag it by saying something like "Have not had time to read the entire thread yet".

Now, I am going to be entirely honest here and say that your dogmatism, hectoring tone and bright-preteen tendency to repeat your beliefs rather than defend or elaborate upon them make it very difficult for me to hold anything resembling a rational conversation with you (although it does make the Comic Books area a comforting thing). With that in mind, I ask a) if you could tone it down a little and b) if you could explain for the good people what it would take for you to be convinced that the word's use as a pejorative is A) misogynist, B) somehow worse than using "dick" or another masculine analogue and C) actually in any way related to specific biology in the context of swearing (just as "fuck" often has no relation to a sexual definition in the context of swearing). What sort of standards of proof are you looking for?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
19:45 / 26.08.02
I think this thread would greatly benefit from being put into a set of arguments complete with lists of proposals and conclusions and axioms and everything so everyone could see everyone else's logical form. Format. Whatever. Like we all saw in our logic text books. Just a thought.
some guy
20:01 / 26.08.02
I think this thread would greatly benefit from being put into a set of arguments complete with lists of proposals and conclusions and axioms and everything so everyone could see everyone else's logical form. Format. Whatever. Like we all saw in our logic text books. Just a thought.

This is what I was trying to say, though Johnny O puts it much better.

Now, I am going to be entirely honest here and say that your dogmatism, hectoring tone and bright-preteen tendency to repeat your beliefs rather than defend or elaborate upon them make it very difficult for me to hold anything resembling a rational conversation with you

I could well say the same thing about you. But in fact I do elaborate and defend my positions, and would be happy to have you search back through the archives for examples of my simply repeating beliefs rather than either A) asking pointed questions or B) providing reasoning and/or examples in support of my argument. While you're at it, you might indentify specific unprovoked incidents of a "hectoring tone" (while naturally explaining why your own posts ["bright-preteen tendency" indeed] don't fall into this category), as well as noting incidences of my pushing any dogmatism without respect to an interchange of ideas.

if you could explain for the good people what it would take for you to be convinced that the word's use as a pejorative is A) misogynist, B) somehow worse than using "dick" or another masculine analogue and C) actually in any way related to specific biology in the context of swearing (just as "fuck" often has no relation to a sexual definition in the context of swearing). What sort of standards of proof are you looking for?

What part of that question do you not understand?

Page: 12(3)4

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