Daredevil was always a street-level kind of hero, fighting lots of gangsters and thugs. And ninjas, for some reason. His rogue's gallery of costumed types has some of the goofiest "super" cillains ever conceeived...
F'rinstance, there's the Stilt-Man:

The Leap-Frog, who had a frog mask and boot-springs:

Other lame-Os included the Beetle, who had a mecahnized green-and-purple suit that enable him to fly, and, um, suction-tipped finger extensions: and the Matador, who was, um, a matador.
The one I always liked, though, was the Gladiator—a bad-ass armored in spiky, pseudo-medieval bondage gear, bristling with blades and pointy bits, who had whirling buzz-saws mounted on his wrists!

Not very practical at a distance, I suppose, but just thinking about the damage he could do in a hand-to-hand situation used to make me queasy. Very menacing dude, the Gladiator. |