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Daredevil: The Man Without Any Idea What He Looks Like In That Get-Up


Page: 123(4)5

Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
23:21 / 20.02.03
Well, and to be truthful, the movie is in part about Daredevil deciding that the killin' people isn't too keen. This would have been more apparent or effective though, if they hadn't gotten a wooden statue to play the lead.

I keep wanting to like the movie for purely geeky reasons. I loved Kingpin and Bullseye, Foggy and how they portrayed the "radar sense". And yet everything else sucked. Not sucked as in "this isn't like the comic" but sucked as in "jesus fuck is this what passes for dialogue and cgi?"

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the geek-quotent (cameos, refrences and things they got exactly right like for example Bullseye's dialogue when he offs Elektra which is streight from the book) things are the only thing that made this piece of shit watchable. It ia wretched excuse for a brainless action movie.

And yeah. Daredevil kills people and says stuff like "Justice is served".
13:13 / 21.02.03
I think I am going to throw up by just reading this thread...
13:21 / 21.02.03
Jack, that's precisely what Flux said. It's the ethics of the movie I'm concerned with. It's really unethical to turn a character known for its faith in Justice into some psychopath. He didn't kill Bullseye in the comic book, ages ago. nd the guy had killed the woman he loved. If they wanted to make a movie about a guy who kills bad people, that's ok, but why use the Daredevil concept, of all ones available??
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
15:53 / 21.02.03
Well, to be fair, Daredevil HAS killed. Just by accident. (A young prostitute, the first Fixer, a few others here and there, although the protitute survived and became Typhoid Mary...) He DID leave Bullseye to die and let him fall off the roof. It was luck that he lived.

In fact I've always thought his bodycount vs. his stern "never kill" attitude is one of the character's more interesting bits. That and his rampant abuse of women.
16:18 / 21.02.03
Sorry. I don't know that much about Daredevil's story for the last 10 years or so... I just thought he was like Batman, and never killed, even though no one is free from risk of accidentaly killing someone. I'll shut up now, but I still feel that to produce a movie about a super-hero that goes on killing the bad guys, that's a little bit... wrong. Can't point my finger on *why* exactly, though.
Mr Tricks
18:45 / 21.02.03
Daredevil 2:


While Kingpin recovers from a pair of broken knees and battles a relentless court battle, both the Japanese & Russian Mafia Secretly War over their bid to replace the Kingpin. Hiring the HAND to Illiminate Both Kingpin and the rusian Mafia they deside to resurect the dead Elektra to serve as their ultimate undead Ninja Assassin. In the Mean time KGB agent Black Widow crosses paths with DD repeatedly as both are persueling individual investigations. As DD & BW team up against the Hand Elektra is working her way through the Russian mafia towards her ultimate goal, Kingpin.
Enter stick who has noticed the activity of the Hand and seeks to undo the work of the Hand teahing DD what he will need to know to ultimatle break the hand. BW & Elektra showdown fighting for the prize that is Kingpin. Meanwhile DD takes the battle to the Hand defeating them and breaking their hold on elektra just as she's about to kill BW. Stick shows up to rehabilate Elektra they leave as Black Widow and DD are reunited. DD smells Elektra on BW and is confused by Elektra's story, BW returns to russia while DD broods over the loss of to hot martial arts babes...

Mister Six, whom all the girls
23:06 / 21.02.03
One of the first comics I ever read was a Daredevil Miller issue. The one where Urick gets killed by Elektra (only to return in the next issue). I got to see this in LA at the Chinese theater... and it still sucked eggs. BUT, it is important that it got made because it proves wrong the army of fans who say 'just do the comic as a movie.' They did so many storylines and so many shots, scenes, angles, etc, and it made no sense and I never once cared about anyone in it... aside from poor Joey Pants in that horrid hat.

This was by far the worst piece of crap I've ever seen. The tasteless music (hip hop for Kingpin, oh right, cuz he's black... and from the Bronx... like all blaxk people...), the lighting (Daredevil is blind, not me), and the acting (a slice of bread wearing a red wig would have done better), soundtrack and the writing (justice being said a lot, beating up on and tricking blind people into eating mustard... very fucking funny). Oh, and WHY was Matt seeing the obligatory Irish priest??? What was his problem? The audience never gets let in on it. And the sad sad imagery of red was so bad I laughed each time.

I think a deranged puppy and a sock could have made a better movie.

Oh, how I long for the sequel.

At least the preview for X2 was good.
8===>Q: alyn
23:10 / 21.02.03
You know that Kevin Smith wrote what passes for a plot in Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back about you lot, right?

Oh, yeah, let's all try and be Kevin Smith's kind of people. People are entitled to hate and bitch about movies for any reason they like. Why be nasty about it?
Jack Fear
02:20 / 22.02.03
...I just thought he was like Batman, and never killed...

In the original Batman stories from the 1930s, the very earliest stories that defined the character, Batman killed people all the fucking time. Carried a gun and everything. Utterly remorseless.

Times change.

Or people do.
12:57 / 23.02.03
really? i knew kane era bats was happy to throw people off buildings and pop necks and shit, but carry a gun? wow.

as for daredevil the movie, kevin smith is a deceitful fat man. he has a not unreasonably fat face, but once the camera goes down, you see he's wearing proper incredible hulk trousers to fit his massive girth, and his shirt is just the gown that homer wears when he piles on all the weight to work from home, but with buttons.

and why doesn't dd move somewhere where it rains all the time, then he would hardly ever be blind.

but an american lawyer who believes justice=death [when it suits him]? not a huge shock to me.
Saint Keggers
01:15 / 26.02.03
Just got back from seeing it...
Daredevil:The Man Who Must Fight With The Sprinklers On.
Although the last time I read the comic Alpha Flight was starting its first run.. I dont recall it being that bad. I left the theatre thinking 'that wasnt as bad as I expected'. By the time I got home I realized "It was worse'.
Ben Afleck: The man with the stupid grin branded onto his face.
Jennifer Garner: The woman who does the same thing in a T.V show but has a better cast to work off.
Colin Farrel: The man who should seriously consider hand-grenades.
Joe Pantoliono: The man who... aw F'geddaboudit.
Micheal Clark Duncan: The man who just seems too damn nice for the role.
09:52 / 26.02.03
From All the Rage:

Look out for Elektra: Assassin within the next two years, possibly even before the Daredevil sequel. Jennifer Garner has said that she's up for it, she's also signed up to star in either a sequel or spin off. The director and others have been dropping hints all the way through production about the future for Garner's character. Combining that with some recent information I've been sent, and it becomes clear that the next film will be a combination of Frank Miller's classic story and Brian Michael Bendis's recent take on the character.

Well, I'm glad if all the DD movie crap leads beautifuckagorgeoful Jenni into more movie action... we might even need a new thread for this movie soon. Did I ever mentioned I just fell in love wi'her even without having seen yet the movie??
19:46 / 27.02.03
My favorite quote from this whole thread:

>> the lighting (Daredevil is blind, not me)

and yeah, Jennifer is beautifuckingorgeousful (I like this new phrase you've coined)
Axel Lambert
11:26 / 05.04.03
´Look here for an Alan Moore parody of Frank Miller's Daredevil
21:27 / 03.06.06
Right, I'm watching this on the telly and it's fucking shite of the highest order. Just utter crap on every level.
What the Christ all the yay-sayers saw in this movie is totally beyond me.
21:54 / 03.06.06
Someone liked this shit? Wow. I'll have to read the thread. I gave up after ten minutes when I first watched it, looks as if I was right.
22:15 / 03.06.06
Well done you, is all I can say,
23:23 / 03.06.06
Oh, I dunno. The red leather was, um, interesting, from a fetish point of view.
09:19 / 04.06.06
Okay, I'll take your word for it, but that's the only ground I'll give.

Must. Stand. Firm.
11:05 / 04.06.06
I liked the bit with the rain and Jennifer Garner's face.

Generally any point where Ben Affleck was in pain was fun too.
17:23 / 04.06.06
That Alan Moore parody is hilarious.

And I love the title of this thread. Barbelith has the best thread titles.
23:29 / 04.06.06
Awful, awful film. I found that I enjoyed the bits where Affleck was talking to John Favreau most, possibly just because nobody was doing anything awful and there was no terribly obvious, rubbery CGI. Really, the climactic fight with Bullseye looked like a giant Tony Hart was going to turn up at any moment.

Not a single decent character, not a single decent action scene, and some of the worst dialogue I've encountered in a good long while. The "Using my sense of sound (sense of sound?) I developed a 'radar sense'" - which would have sucked even if he had not in fact had a _sonar_ sense. Or Elektra's "But you should know, that the only reason I got dressed up for this thing... was that I wanted to look beautiful for you" TO THE BLIND MAN. Although he has so far demonstrated to absolutely everybody in the film that he is, in fact, preternaturally agile, including giving Elektra a sketchy explanation of his SONAR sense, so why not?

Astonishingly poor film, livened up mainly by trying to work out which of Garner, Joey Pants, John Favreau or Colin Farrel has the oddest head.
04:09 / 06.06.06
Love those Gene Colan pencils on page 3 as we revisit this thread.

Anyone see the Directors Cut of DD? I've heard rumors & rumblings that it might have actually improved the movie a tiny bit.

And across the board I hear the Elektra film is absolute crap. Even with the glorious Terence Stamp as Stick. Ah well.
Dead Megatron
21:14 / 06.06.06
Oh, I dunno. The red leather was, um, interesting, from a fetish point of view.

Yeah, I totally agree wit you there, Ganesh, but, on a completely personal level, I'd like better if Elektra were wearing it.

Which, btw, IMHO, was the worse thing about the movie: where's the Evil Elektra we all know and love? [Answer: she made a half-second cameo in SIN CITY]
16:50 / 07.06.06
the Sin City film, you mean? Where did an Elektra-lookalike pop up in there for 0.5 seconds?
18:28 / 07.06.06
I saw the original in the cinema and the director's cut when it was released on DVD, and I have to say that the DC is so, so, very much better - pacing, content, lack of cheesy fireside shagging - but it's still not a great movie. It's just about good. The Coolio subplot, although nicely done, veers very much towards comedy relief, as if the Director's cut was that much darker in the first place; but at least they got rid of Farrell/Bullseye's overdubbing.

There is also one other point in favour of the Daredevil Director's Cut; It's not Elektra.
Professor Silly
21:20 / 08.06.06
I personally enjoyed Bullseye. That said the rock video/training sequence utterly pissed me off--using Evenesence and having it cut back and forth between Daredevil and Electra (in time to the duet) struck me as "Summer Lovin'" for the goth kids. Bad directors and comic films just don't work together. I was about to say music video directors should be banned from film, but then I remembered Fincher (from Madonna videos through Alien 3 to Fight Club and Se7en)
21:53 / 08.06.06
the Sin City film, you mean? Where did an Elektra-lookalike pop up in there for 0.5 seconds?

Miho, Miller's rollerskating reclamation.
22:17 / 08.06.06
Bad directors and comic films just don't work together.

So what kind of films do bad directors work well with?
Alex's Grandma
22:46 / 08.06.06
23:00 / 08.06.06
Yeah, I don't think many people will come out of watching, say, the Shaving Ryan's Privates or the Bare Witch Project thinking - but I wonder what a better director would have done with the material...
23:02 / 08.06.06
I'm just picturing a studio exec looking at a precis and thinking for a moment, before slamming his fist on the table and yelling "GET ME UWE BOLLE!!!"
Professor Silly
23:31 / 08.06.06
Bad directors + cheesy sci-fi = wonderful things
07:12 / 09.06.06
Ben Affleck can only play assholes.
He's marvellous at playing assholes.

And I simply must echo the sentiments that this thread has the greatest title ever.
This movie made me sadder than Episode I. That had one crap story. This has the butcehring of 5 good ones into one crap one.
10:38 / 09.06.06
Bad directors + cheesy sci-fi = wonderful things

Okay, I'll agree with that.

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