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The Thing From Beyond Time


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07:24 / 02.10.02
Meanwhile, I bet Art never picked up his last paycheck, so this will probably come to the attention of the authorities fairly soon.
12:50 / 02.10.02
I think Izz is on the right track. Let's let Minty start drifting slowly off into her own haze of craziness. Bugs should show up eventually, but maybe not for a few weeks. I'm thinking maybe we should push Minty back into real life things, but with a little kink to her perceptions.

I'm thinking Minty needs to get laid. That in itself can always provide plenty of fodder for curious thoughts.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:08 / 02.10.02
pigeons with group intelligence would be very scary to me

04:58 / 03.10.02
I think the authorities should talk to Stephen first, for some reason.

Meanwhile, Arthur's ex-boss has called the authorities with much concern - Art never picked up his final paycheck, hasn't answered his phone, etc. There's a "Pay your rent or move out of this apartment" type notice stuck on his front door (after whatever grace period Boston has for such things) but I don't know who should find it or blog it.

It looks like both Steve and Minty are getting lucky (might explain irregular posting) - does Minty fall into the clutches of a normal-appearing cultist?
14:19 / 03.10.02
Stephen seems to have a relationship on his hands.

For Minty: is it a one-night stand? or something more long-lasting?
Ethan Hawke
14:22 / 03.10.02
Hey, maybe you guys should have Minty "participate" in NaNoWriMo. She can post to the "Boston" forums over there, and with any luck people will read her journal if you put the URL in her profile.
14:56 / 03.10.02
You wanna do that t.o.d.d.?
You need the keys to the blog?

anybody catch the secret message in Minty's 1 Oct posting?
Ethan Hawke
16:12 / 03.10.02
I'd love to sign Minty up for NaNoWriMo. Maybe I could write something in character for her novel...

I don't think I want to mess with the blog-mojo you guys have going, but if I can have the keys to her e-mail account I can set up a NaNoWriMo account and troll the bulletin boards over there. Seems like a credulous bunch ( I should talk).
16:32 / 03.10.02
I just reread this thread. Makes me happy.

But Phil's body - we forgot about his body. Discovered somewhere near Arthur's apartment.

Obviously, Minty and Steve don't know about this yet. But maybe somebody at a club this weekend should, y'know, approach Minty about it.

02:57 / 04.10.02
That sounds good. And on the heels of that nasty revelation, maybe the cops making the house call might be trying to link Spooky Phil's death with Arthur's disappearance?

Umm. Was there anything, ahh - disturbing - about the body? Other than it being obviously dead? (How over the top do we want this to get?)
03:05 / 04.10.02
More thoughts - Minty should definitely find out about it at a club. Is she on a date??

One of Phil's crew should approach her, either supremely pissed off and taking it out on her because something went wrong and it's Art's fault Phil is dead, or in absolute awe of whatever happened that night (instead of icecream), and Phil's death is a small price to pay for the coming Glory. In any case, Minty will freak out and her date will have his hands full, so to speak.
13:17 / 04.10.02
grant: I liked the hidden message touch. Verry much.
Ethan Hawke
14:13 / 04.10.02
Minty is signed up for National Novel Writing Month. Feel free to play around on their board there with her.

Anyone want to write a collaborative novel in Minty's voice?
15:26 / 04.10.02
I think you may have to start us off with that one - actually, another thread for that might be fun....
16:22 / 04.10.02
I'm game for Minty: The Novel
14:16 / 07.10.02
Who's gonna write up her date?
01:20 / 08.10.02
I don't know if I can get Minty's voice right. How about something like:

feeling kind of bipolar right now, except the upswing is all mellow and dreamy, and the downside is all high-energy scrabbling panic.

The good stuff is that the guy Jeremy set me up with is a doll. He's sweet, romantic, [whatever] Never thought I'd really go for the Clark Kent type... Jeremy was right, I was horny; now I'm horny with a specific lust-object in mind. And I shall say no more about that.

The panic state is induced by the fact that Spooky Phil is a corpse. A spooky, [ugly/battered/toothmarked...?] corpse. And he became a corpse on the night of Arthur's "party" in an alley a block or so from Arthur's apartment. What happened that night? Phil died a distinctly unnatural death, and all I can think of is that [i]noise[/i] in Art's bathroom and those little square things that looked like fingernails. Where is Art? Did the thing in the bathroom kill both of them? What was that thing in front of Art's computer? [more questions as Minty obviously starts losing it again]


later entry can explain meeting in club with one of Phil's minions, details about date etc... once Minty composes herself.

Edit freely!
13:20 / 08.10.02
13:54 / 08.10.02

And I like what you did with it, too.

Minty's got a boyfriend
Minty's got a boyfriend
Minty's got a boyfriend
Minty's got a boyfriend...
15:49 / 08.10.02
Did *the thing* in the bathroom *kill both of them*?

Oh, man... I thought we were going to keep it low profile. That's a dead giveaway, I think.
16:38 / 08.10.02
You think?
I was coming at it more as a paranoid line of thought - like she knows it's crazy talk but it's on her mind anyway. Sort of a "seriously joking" thing.
If you think it's too strong, edit away - you've got the keys, right?
16:51 / 08.10.02
Nah, I'm cool with that, no problem. It was just a thought.
18:02 / 08.10.02
Maybe she can post an apology/disclaimer? After all, she IS worried about Arthur, and the little creep was very upsetting...

Do the police come back to talk to her some more? Can she prod them into spilling the beans about Phil's death??

And what happens with the little thingy she brought back from Art's apartment???
19:03 / 08.10.02
The police, I think, should definitely come back - asking about Phil's death, because they're investigating it.

I may edit something for the thing in the bathroom, another paranoid (but more mundane) idea for her to entertain....

The woodcut from the apartment, yes, should show up. I'm tempted to think it should be the same one Arthur was obsessing over, only with a detail changed. The hand in the guy's mouth might be an arm now, or something. How's that?
00:32 / 09.10.02
I like that. Is this something that's going to keep changing in subtle ways? I think the woodcut is something Art photocopied out of that damned book (correct me if I'm wrong), so anything that Minty does to keep a "reference copy" as a sanity check is also at liberty to change. The only thing that shouldn't change is any of her written descriptions of it, and since we only see that on the blog, it may be something she won't notice for a long time. Maybe someone else gets to point out discrepancies? (Another recommended change - if there's low-growing vegetation in the picture, it might want to morph into a pile of bones... Birds can show up in trees, the sky might cloud over. Do we want to link changes with the full and/or new moon? Minty doesn't have to notice the timing at all, just write about the changes a day or three afterwards...)

Meanwhile, I suspect that Mr. Nasty needs to show up and comment on her blog again.
14:48 / 09.10.02
Feel free to make any comments on her blog - it's a public forum, after all.

I like the ideas with the picture changing, yes. Like an opening door, more detail from OUT THERE leaks through....
04:35 / 11.10.02
The next date might start something like this:

Thai food was a good idea. We went to one of his favorite restaurants, and the food was very good - made me forget I was getting tired of pad thai...

Minty seems to have been open to a variety of experiences; maybe they should see Secretary (is it even playing in her neighborhood?) and she gets to wonder if Clark Kent has his own dark side? Whether or not she's been comfortable with such things in the past, she may be a little too fragile for such play right now; no matter how perfect he may seem, she may have a qualm or two.
14:34 / 11.10.02
I haven't seen Secretary, so I can't write that - why don't you?
15:50 / 11.10.02
I haven't seen it yet either... But I did check out a dozen or so comments on IMBD. I don't know if Minty is kinky, kink-friendly, or kink accepting (don't think she's at all phobic, is at least a little knowledgeable, may enjoy a little rough play now and then?) but I know a lot of folks who back off from physical play if they're emotionally wrung out. (On the other hand, I know folks who use physical play to pull themselves back together emotionally, but they tend to be into bdsm much more than I think Minty might be.)

I was heading for the general idea that Minty is in a vulnerable state, and as much as she likes the way Clark Kent takes care of her, he's still pretty much a complete stranger and the idea of being that open and trusting to anybody weirds her out right now. So, she just doesn't know what to make of his suggestion. Maybe it's just a suggestion over dinner for their next date and she's mulling it over?
18:53 / 11.10.02
go and do!
20:06 / 11.10.02
Iszabelle, you understand Minty perfectly. Go forth and mintiply!
01:31 / 12.10.02
Looks like I been drafted. Somebody needs to PM me the keys so I can do this...
14:09 / 14.10.02
Done and done.
00:56 / 17.10.02
so what does she learn from the cops?

what does this make her want to do?
01:28 / 17.10.02
I've been debating the wisdom of having her (unthinkingly) put the woodcut up on the wall before the cops show up. One of them can show an obvious interest in it, may ask where she got it. (It needs to go up sooner or later so it's in sight so she can notice the changes...)

And I think she should bring up Phil's death, have one of the cops keep a perfect poker face and the other be startled that she knows about it. She gets to confess that she introduced Phil and Art to each other... and starts feeling really responsible for both of them. Has she admitted to breaking into Art's place and the funny noises?
Beyond that, I don't quite know. Yet.

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