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Bitchiekittie's Immigrants


Page: 1234(5)6

00:00 / 13.04.02
Well, your intention was good, Thiazi.

I agree, Mordant, but that wouldn't have fitted EEEO's intention.

Can carnivorous duckies get people shitcanned?
00:26 / 13.04.02
David Starkey is a respected broadcatser who has not only been instrumental in bringing to the wider public the fascinating stories that dwell within history books, but he is also an academic who has produced important work which university boffins continue to consider to be classics. He's also been fantastically amusing on Radio Four's Moral Maze.
Often it is difficult to assume that those criticise Starkey don't also find Graham Norton hateful and feel that Elton John is a disturbed little man.

[Posted in the interests of balance and high-mindedness.]
00:30 / 13.04.02
And without wishing to be critical: It's nice to use a link with a work warning, rather than post an image that might get someone shitcanned if the boss happened by at the wrong moment.

I'm afraid I've never been accused of being nice and I'm self employed.
03:06 / 13.04.02
Look, now they're trying to set up a death match and one of the chuckleheads has suggested they pit some carnivorous ducklings (see animated illustration above) against day-old chicks. I'm calling the ASPCA right now.

Man, am I ANGRY, not to mention righteous and indignant!
14:03 / 13.04.02
While my previous post is being "moderated", the missing word is "they're trying to set up a death match" and the link is
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:12 / 13.04.02
i hate that i cant edit my own posts anymore

getting here late all i need to say is
"is seemingly led by a catty bitch-boy"
seemingly is right, i follow no man, except perhaps Hebrew Hitler
22:45 / 13.04.02
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:12 / 15.04.02
I just want to know whether I'm an "elitist asshole" or a "hapless crony"...

Tsk, can we talk about the Warren Ellis Forum again?
14:13 / 15.04.02
did you read the whole fucking thread?
14:24 / 15.04.02
What is a hap, anyway? I mean, you always hear tell of people who've lost their hap, and are thus hapless, but nobody ever seems to get a handle on what that hap may be. No wonder it's so hard to keep a hold of, if nobody knows what it looks like.

(Consults books)

Oh, right. Yep. That would make sense.

I don't suppose we'll have the hap that this thread might die, will we? I'm sure it's achieved all its aims by now.
14:29 / 15.04.02
did you, indeed, achieve all of your aims, haus? because, after all, this one is your baby
14:43 / 15.04.02
Which means you are dancing to my tune like a trained bear?


That is cripplingly low self-esteem. Almost masochistically low.

BK, as it has already been established that any attempt to engage with you reasonably or indeed at any reasonably involved level will just get either passive aggression or aggression simple, and since nobody is really profiting from this thread except Flux, whom one can understandably imagine laughing his buns off about now, and finally since your friend EEEEOOOOEEE's penchant for posting bizarre porn images might get some people using Barbelith at work into trouble (who was the last person who did that? Oh yeah, the Knowledge)it seems like this is not a very profitable line to pursue.

Not quite sure why Fly decided to revive it. Must be a symptom of either elitism surfeit or hap deficiency.
14:50 / 15.04.02
You can snipe all you want, you know, but you'll never capture Castle Greyskull.
14:57 / 15.04.02
haus, you are so amazingly full of shit that its almost unutterably astounding - if I didnt know better Id have to seriously question whether you were somehow mentally unable to distinguish reality from fiction
Kit-Cat Club
14:59 / 15.04.02
SHUT UP EVERYBODY. Please. Stop it.
15:04 / 15.04.02
Well, no, obviously not. Because I'm going to make plans that are far too complicated, quite possibly involving kidnapping Orko, which is pretty much a loser since a) he has no real tactical applications and b) the free peoples of Eternia aren't really going to be that cut up about losing him. Or, you know, I might try to raise up an army of robot monkeys, but, again. You know, robot monkeys. Not really fully thought out. It's not even like I'm so sure that the secrets of Castle Grayskull are exactly that valuable, anyway. I mean, how would I know? They're secret. Could be a recipe for cake mix and a series of love-letters from Man-at-Arms to his batman (who, this being Eternia, may well have been a bat. Or even Batros). Who knows? Tell the truth, I'm just trying to get that really cute, cool Sorceress chick to notice me. Do you think she likes Yo La Tengo? I have tickets...

So, maybe I'll just hang around here and bitch out my dimwitted henchmen, then laugh maniacally. Which, you know, in a sense is sort of where we came in.

Who wants to be Beast Man?
15:06 / 15.04.02
Skeletor's an interesting analogy; Mark Simpson, in 'Male Impersonators', examines his role of 'queer as villanous Other' within the 'He-Man' cartoons. He's odd-looking, he's single, he's got a 'faggoty' voice, he seems obsessed with having He-Man 'kneel' before him. Tanned, buff, lovely He-Man invariably defeats him by whipping out his enormous weapon and squirting white lightning from the tip.

Must we fling this filth at our pop kids?
15:08 / 15.04.02
Please do.
15:14 / 15.04.02
I'm sure that reams of He-Man slash exist... but it's almost superfluous, isn't it? The muscles, on everyone (even Haus, who's supposed to be a skeleton for heaven's sake). "Man At Arms". The relegation of Teena and the Sorceress to supporting fag-hag roles. I was a pretty naive child, but even I'd worked that out.
Ethan Hawke
15:17 / 15.04.02
Dudes, I don't know nothing about no homoerotic subtext to He-Man, but as a third grader I certainly thought he gay, you know. I ain't havin' that. He's not a man's man like G.I.Joe.
15:30 / 15.04.02
Out of respect for KCC, Bitchiekittie, I choose not to respond to your rather context-independent invective. I will merely comment that, for whatever reasons, I seem to tap into something very dark and primal in your consciousness, and as such I think it may be best if you put me on "ignore". It's just a suggestion, but I really don't see what you're gaining from this except blood pressure.

Anyway, respecting KCC's wishes as we are, I suggest that we instead talk about complexities of sexual expression subtexts in "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe".

I would agree that Skeletor is pathologised as a "bitter queen", who is intent on taking revenge on the institutions that have rejected him by both taking corporate revenge on an uncaring state (Eternia, and specifically the court of King Randor) and on humiliating and controlling the zenith of Eternian masculinity, He-Man. Where this becomes complciated is in the fact that He-Man is, in classic closeted style, living a double life. The further complication lies in the fact that his "everyday" life involves wearing pink and being, if not effeminate, then certainly somewhat effete, whereas the secret self he hides from his parents is almost a parody of the masculine virtues. Nonetheless, this manly man, adored by the nubile Teela and firmly approved of by his parents, is a secret shared only with his moustachioed best friend, Duncan.

And yes, I never quite understood how I got so buff. I'm figuring Snake Mountain is *packed*, I mean packed to the gills, with thighmasters.

And then there's that big Fakor thing. I mean, Jesus! All my friends were like, "So you really like Fakor, huh? You really respect him for who he is? Does he re-mind you of anyone, Skeletor? I mean, hell-o? Paging Dr. Freud?" And you know, after we broke up it was like, "Oh. My. God". I mean, they could be brothers! Well, you know, except for the obvious.
15:39 / 15.04.02
Is this still on-topic? I'm sorry, but you've got me confused.

I could never get into those cartoons that weren't intentionally funny because the unintentional humor tended to become tedious while the intentionally funny cartoons had tedium as an art form. I wasn't going for any second-rate tedium when the first-rate tedium was only a flick of the channel selector away.

Could someone translate this into Loony Toons for my benefit?
16:31 / 15.04.02
If memory serves, one of the writers for He-Man, Larry Detillio(sp?), had also done a fair amount of work for Chaosium on the Call of Cthulu games. Make what you will of it.
16:39 / 15.04.02
And, if it's the same guy, then went on to write many of the Transformers: Beast Wars episodes, which incidentally also had homoerotic subtexts oozing from their tiger-like ears. It was "Big Bot" this and "I will enjoy breaking you" that...all very worrying.

And, guess what, at the end Megatron's doing the big "Yield before me". I made that role my own, darn it. Prima Donna, that's what he is. Everything's got to be perfect for Megatron. Doesn't even know he's born! I came from before CGI - I had to deliver those lines with no assurance that my bodily proportions were going to be the same from second to second. I never got to breathe fire.

On the bright side, it could be worse. I'm still getting more work than Frank Langella. Breathmint ads and bodybuilder-centric stage renditions of the Seventh Seal, mainly.
17:24 / 15.04.02
Thiazi: I asked for it to be deleted in the hope that it would wipe out the entire thread

17:27 / 15.04.02
Really? I thought we were really making some progress here...

Nah, fuck it. Kill it. Kill the thread. Kill it.
17:31 / 15.04.02
Wait, make the thread kneeeel first!
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:03 / 15.04.02
Alright, alright, I admit it, 'twas I who led some people from Fade To Black here. Some people who I thought might enjoy this place, as I saw that Fade to Black was going down the shitter in a hurry. I went there from here, actually. It was during one of Barbelith's Kind Of Boring phases (at least, it was Kind Of Boring to me at the time). And yes, once upon a time, there was a bit of intelligent conversation going on. And a whole ass-load of pointless, intentionally hurful drivel, which was why I left and decided to try to bring a few people with me. So, in effect, they are not really Bitchiekittie's immigrants, but mine. And I don't regret a single one of 'em, dammit. I asked them to visit because I thought they might like to learn some cool shit, as I did when I first came here (and still do on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure if it weren't for Lothar Tuppan and a lot of other neat people over in the Magick, I would have fucked myself over a few times). And I think they have. I really didn't expect to see this many people come here, or even for anyone to notice. Christ. At least most of them are the people I was hoping would come here and enjoy their stay.

You know, Barbelith was the first message board I ever saw, let alone became a member of. I sort of thought most message boards were like this, just with different topics of discussion. Heh. Whoops.
18:26 / 15.04.02
This thread brings up a long-submerged memory of a photostory I read in a gay/lesbian mag decades ago, which was posed entirely with He-Man dolls. I can't remember what the hell it was called though, so this isn't a very useful post.
18:28 / 15.04.02
Dammit! They're not dolls, they're action figures!
18:33 / 15.04.02
I'll concede that point. They were certainly engaged in much action.
18:35 / 15.04.02
Were they anatomically correct? I've noticed some people who do dio-stories like that modify the actions figures for anatomical correctness.
18:43 / 15.04.02
Not as far as I remember. There weren't close-ups, though... it was kind of a day-in-the-life-of-he-man-and-partner, beat up some queerbashers, buy clothes, go to parties, fuck...
20:04 / 15.04.02
Could someone translate this into Loony Toons for my benefit?

What do you have to do to get some service around here?
20:05 / 15.04.02
Wait.... answer the first question, not the second.


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