"Africa" actually isn't a bad thought. Howsabout "Land Down Under"? Chick in Aussie outback clothes, cute little hat and all. And boots. And a whip. Like a femme fatale Crocodile-Dundee-meets-Indiana-Jones.
The only thing I can think of that I might concievably strip to is "Elevation" by U2, which just seems odd somehow. But every time I hear it, it makes me do this crazy dancing lipsynch karaoke act.
When I started reading this thread I wa thinkng Devo's Dr. Detroit, but as I progressed I thought maybe Laurie Anderson, anything off Mister Heartbreak.
Anecdotally, The love of my life discovered both Art of Noise and Dead Can Dance while on the pole.
Striping to Devo's Peek-a-Boo! would be some funny fucking shit. You'd need to grind on the HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA! bit then flash your whatevers when Mark goes PEEKABOO!
Then have a pirate kick you offstage like in the video.
Other possibles:
Lion - Transformers Theme (seriously)
Ladytron - Turn it On
MJ Cole - Sincere (actually that would be fucking hotttt)
This Mortal Coil - Song to the Siren (in a Lynch stylee)
Having given it further though- "Temple of Love" or "Under the Gun" by Sisters of Mercy would be more my style if I were to actually dance the pole myself.
I'm envisioning lots of pole work and flashing to go along with "Temple of love," not a Tasmainian Devil-style whilwind of clothes-flinging-off. You know, an nice aerobic strip. Languid is good, but there's gotta be some energy, too.