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Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:17 / 13.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Persephone:
next, The Advocate... then, THE WORLD!!!

Yeah! Take that, Hallmark!
16:08 / 13.03.02
All your kiss-kiss bears are belong to us!
17:41 / 13.03.02
Oooh... "ALL YOUR BEARS ARE BELONG TO US" ...picture rows and rows of little Fool bears in gay colors, queer granny throwing back her triangle head but laughing this time, and all the pole thingys falling back in fear... obsession, though... a t-shirt with the Hulk, only it's not the Hulk it's SFD --would be the greatest if it even looked a bit like our SFD-- with the legend SHORTFATDYKE SMASH! Comic book stylee, y'know? Shit I'd wear that everywhere. Would SFD mind, I wonder?

[Edited to add link, and whaddya know... great minds think alike!]

[ 13-03-2002: Message edited by: Persephone ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:59 / 13.03.02
Having met SFD, I just can't imagine her as the Hulk! <LOL>
18:08 / 13.03.02
Aie! No offense!

But there's a little Hulk in all of us, n'est-ce pas?
The Return Of Rothkoid
18:42 / 13.03.02
Trainee Hulk shirts, mayhap?
18:44 / 13.03.02
excellent idea! and i'm all for it, although having just had an email from my mother on the subject of diva's treachery, i've realised that my smash things/butch rage absolutely pales in comparison to ma's "somebody slighted my daughter???" incandescent fury.
20:24 / 13.03.02
"Butch Rage" with some sort of alterna-hulk motif would be kinda cool...I have ideas, but can't draw representatively, unfortunately. I quite fancy a t-shirt that just says 'incandescent fury' in really small letters though.

But what I really really really want is a t-shirt that says 'Bent Chick', which is how someone on a documentary I once saw referred to bisexual women - she meant it disparagingly, but I liked it. But I've never mentioned that on any other thread, so I guess it does not really fit the criteria for this thread...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:43 / 13.03.02
"Bent Chick" Heh.
I can feel a range of slogans coming on.

"Warped Chick" (Big grin, pink miniskirt and platform shoes, clutching a knifed teddy with a lolling tongue and Xs for eyes.)

"Doom Chick" (Baggy combat trews, black crop-top, big ol' boots, bandoliers, ludicrously oversized guns, big pile of tins and supplies in background.)

"Geek Chick" (Swirly-eyed figure with an IV leading to a bag marked Caffine. Background: montage of windows, 404 errors, mouse pointers, WWWs, .COMs arranged against Matrix-a-like dribbly green numbers)

"Death Chick" (Archetypal Goth chick with black threads, black lippy, Egyptian eye makeup, laddered fishnet stockings, and an armful of goffick goodies including a bottle marked Absinthe and a ragdoll that looks a lot like her.)

Any more suggestions for Mordant's magnificent mudshow?
04:26 / 14.03.02
why, 'geezer chick', of course!
Kit-Cat Club
07:21 / 14.03.02
Librarian Chick because, um, I don't fit into any of the other categories...

[ 14-03-2002: Message edited by: Kit-Cat Club ]
08:42 / 14.03.02
How about Book Chick?
Kit-Cat Club
08:47 / 14.03.02
I suppose Spod Chick is probably the best fit with Mordant's list, but it sounds like Spud Chick and anyway, reminds me of someone who annoys me...
08:51 / 14.03.02
No spud chicks. Potato jokes are not funny.

Wot's a spod? A book or a library?
Kit-Cat Club
08:51 / 14.03.02
A spod is one who studies to the exclusion of everything else... I think there is a subtle hint that studying in order to do well is somehow foul play, but am not sure. 'Bloody spod' is the common usage. Spods are found in libraries.

All right, so it was a silly university joke... I'm sorry, everyone...
08:51 / 14.03.02
"But this is something quite new!" said Mrs. Munt, who collected new ideas as a squirrel collects nuts, and was especially attracted by those that are portable.

Mrs. Munt, btw, is my back-up fiction suit.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:51 / 14.03.02
I've always used the word "spod" pretty much interchangeably with "geek". Hence my idea of opening an employment agency for computing staff called "Spod-U-Like".
Kit-Cat Club
08:51 / 14.03.02

Yeah, I've heard it used like that too, but for me the primary association is 'swot'.
The Puck
10:48 / 14.03.02
Back when the legend "Ulitmate bulletin board" graced the top left hand side of the screen and i was known as "The great and powerful Oz", i threw the same T-shirt question at my new lith freinds and being the obbesive sharpen my knife collection by moonlight hoarder that i am, i kept a hard copy of the thread.

these are the highlights IMOA cos i have neither the time the patiance or the Web-fu to get them to you any other way (pm your address and ill pop copy snail-mail stylee)

"my primate ancestors developed the capacity for language and abstract thought and all i got was this lousy t-shirt" doubting thomas

"Your mother wants you to give me money"
"Im OK yor fucked"
Margin Walker

"under a picture of a man on a rooftop loading a rifle I love a parade"
printer missed this persons name soz

"100% bull shirt"

"You remind me of when i was young and stupid"
"im already visulising the duct tape over your mouth"
"Any connection between your reality and mine is purly conicidental"
"yes, i am an agent of satan, but my duties are largley cerimonial"
"your validating my inherant distrust in strangers"
"Ive got a lot of Karma to burn off"


"language is evil"

"dont stand near me theres snipers about"
Pinand my favourite

thats all folks plaese rember that if someone mascrading as me appears on the boerd and say lots of witty and clever things its probley NOT me, but then again its probly not the Knogster either.

youll be able to tell by the speeliing
Knight's Move
22:19 / 14.03.02
Threadrot alert, but in response to Gridley's post. Have you tried the 'Star Wars Pants Game'? Insert the word 'pants' into youe favourite SW quote and create something new and exciting. (A Fundementalist Christian site I found did it with 'God' for 'Force').
e.g. The more you tighten your pants the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

I have felt a presence in the pants.


Sorry for that digression. The t-shirts are superb. If any of you have seen the match boxes with the burning child (or 'Flammenkinder') on, we went with that logo and it is still suprising how many people want that (at least where I come from) but the 'Queer Granny' one may just catch on. Good work. I still like the San Fransisco rave scene' offering:

I love you man

(on the back) It's not just the drugs talking

Or something like that.

[ 15-03-2002: Message edited by: Knight's Move ]
00:22 / 15.03.02
Shit. Why am I finding setting up a PayPal option on my website so friggin' difficile?

<bangs head on keyboard>

reoghwe fawoiw aweofihaw

(Get it?)
07:04 / 28.03.02
"Lit Chick" would be nice. Maybe some swanky glasses poking over the top of a book.
12:46 / 01.04.02
I'm wearing my queer granny shirt right now at my desk.

It *rocks* my *socks*.
17:38 / 01.04.02
White t-shirt with "Jesus didn't deserve this shit" in black font.
19:41 / 01.04.02
yeah I wore my queer granny shirt to school today!!!

got eyed by a bunch of guys though...didn't know if they wanted to beat me off or beat me up. HEH.
10:41 / 02.04.02
got mine yesterday - thanks persephone!
12:17 / 02.04.02
Only just found this thread, Doh! Persephonie can I PM you my size for a shirt?????

And how is this working again? Do I just have to post you UK cookies and sweeties or would you like hard earned spondoolies???

12:48 / 02.04.02
[B-52s]Shining happy people wearing Gra-a-an![/B-52s]

...angel, hie on over to the Queer Granny Designs thread for all the info about ordering. (Hope I've done this link right.)
Chubby P
12:53 / 02.04.02
quote:Originally posted by Knight's Move:
Threadrot alert, but in response to Gridley's post. Have you tried the 'Star Wars Pants Game'? Insert the word 'pants' into youe favourite SW quote and create something new and exciting.

Continuing threadrot. Me and friends used to play this with the word pubes and film titles (as well as starwars quotes) eg: "20,000 pubes under the sea", "Lethal Pube", "Four weddings and a pube" along with the old star wars quotes "I find your lack of pubes disturbing!" Oh, what immature hilarity ensued... great days.... great days....

Anyway, T-Shirt designs are pretty cool and you lot are a lot braver than me wearing a queer granny t-shirt!
20:52 / 15.04.02
So what's next for the Queer Granny summer line?

Any new designs?
21:08 / 15.04.02
The next two tees I have on my list to design are


This "employment" thing is really cramping my style, though... the next two weeks are going to be gothically busy for me; but if I don't shipwreck, May could be smooth sailing & good t-shirt weather.
07:55 / 16.04.02
"dont stand near me theres snipers about"

Wow. I said that? It has my punctuation, but... That's actually kdina cool.I said that? I blush. Thank you for liking.

And persephone: Sorry for PMing you twice before I got to the end of the thread to see you had a site for this sort of thing...
08:35 / 16.04.02
Well you can put me down for a chaos magick T, well as long as its not in pink. The bear doesn't wear pink
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:21 / 08.04.05
"Original Soul / Bootleg Organism"

or just plain "Bootleg Organism"

"Ayahuasca : Central Heating For Kidz"

"Entropy'll Getcha"


"Mohammed was a Cunt"

(inspired the Cradle of Filth "Jesus was a Cunt" but requiring, I would hazard, substantially more guts to wear.)
Saint Keggers
16:57 / 08.04.05
I read that as Bootleg Orgasm

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