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Daily Poetry


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Alex's Grandma
21:58 / 05.12.05
Damp socks in the hall
Of my broken heart, like in
Sandman, ish Thirteen.
Whisky Priestess
00:54 / 06.12.05
A damp-sock-less pome, I'm afraid, but one in a projected series. Future historians of literature will no doubt refer to this section of my oeuvre as my "bunny period".

Plane Pome
The little brown bunny, she sat on the plane
And she wanted to go to the toilet again
But the toilet was small and the toilet was far
And the little brown bunny, she could not be arsed.

She flicked through the films on the seat-back TV
But not one of them called to her passionately
And she'd seen one or two of them yesterday night
So to watch them again so soon didn't seem right.

Therefore Wonka was out, as were Pitt and Jolie,
So, her little pink bunny nose twitching with glee,
She turned to the channel where Wallace and G.
Were dispatching a Were-Rabbit inventively.

(She'd been told in the past by her brown bunny mate
That the Wallace and Gromit films filled him with hate
So though Wallace and Grom. made him grimace and vom
She could watch it alone with the greatest aplomb.)

After that had concluded, she wanted to stretch
So she wandered the aisles, the attendant to fetch
For the bunny had ordered some ciggies and booze
And had thought that the stewardess looked quite confused -

Cos she wanted 400 of Marlboro Lights (Gold)
But the brochure implied it was Reds that they sold!
And she'd asked for a window seat, yes, it was true
But her place was what theatres call "restricted view".

So the movie was over and bunny was bored
And quite tired, cos she'd stayed up the whole night before
And the aeroplane lunch had already been served
And there was NO EXCITEMENT unless the plane swerved.

The brown bunny felt hopped up and slightly disturbed
(For her natural energy was a bit curbed)
And she thought "What on earth could a bunny like me
With two paws and a pen and an English degree
And a pad full of paper and head full of home
Do to keep herself busy?"
So she wrote this pome!
13:12 / 10.12.05
Cheating perhaps, because I was inspired by this Lucian Freud painting.

Yesterday I hanged myself

The postman's whistle, how odd...
I've not known you to write.
Lying on my back, ears full of tears,
your crumpled words lie by my foot.
I'm not sure I understand.

A thunder-clap, it seems a sign,
so small a decision to be made.
God helps those who help themselves,
to make knots from what was tangled.
This chair, on your knee I sat,
I now stand, but not for long.
A kick, kick, kick, kick.
Eyes close. A million tiny stars fall.
Alex's Grandma
13:36 / 14.12.05
Look at them, beans, crisps.
They make feel so... bad, sad
Incredibly sad.
21:19 / 04.01.06
The scene sweeps over the hill,
Evening smoke veiled nakedness.
All beauty is sad today.
Breathing felt mesmerising.
The Sun burns my adventure,
Until my Love kisses me.
My feet sink as I smile up.
The Sun burning swaying fields.
My toes curl into the dirt,
And discovers soft pleasure,
Waiting beyond smiling light.
Limbs entwined shoot downwards,
Stretching all away until,
It holds this Heaven together.
My torso grows reaching skyward,
Blackened fingers rousing,
Restless moments in the air,
Carefully my palm waits there.
The deadly apple drops down,
And hangs from my black branches.
00:17 / 21.01.06
Shine bright, tight kitchen,
Sloven slump sit me.
Worn to death by housework,
No-one here to see.
11:46 / 30.01.06
The Box.

Cut along the dotted line for picking,
Then put your hand in an' feel around for chicken,
If you don't find any
Well, there's always finger licking.
20:54 / 02.02.06

This gift I opened up
today, today, today.
It spilled out of the box
away, away, away.
A gift so precious
it slipped through my fingers.

And now all I see is a stain.
Alex's Grandma
19:52 / 04.02.06

This gift I opened up
today, or maybe yesterday, I can't be sure;
was unexpected, precious,
and addressed to someone
who moved out years ago.

Fucking Royal Mail.
23:33 / 16.02.06

cooling breezes whisk away summer’s late fling
fading blinds stutter and twang into the empty hall
as the last eddies of warm air are stirred into the night
this time it is a release and i sigh with them

recently the earth baked in long tirades of a scorching sun
and it left the darkness stagnant, thick with dry vapours
burnt from the husk of a simple man, scalded he runs
until the panic seizing him grips with iron fists
slamming him into solid mass, crushing, squelching
violating his very attempt at awareness. it vanishes

and abandons him to his dreams, his unsettled nights
that call to him from the daylight, hiding in shadows that this sun,
this glazed eye, sets apart from what can be known; secrets.
the air is moving faster now, the evening closes about the cool
until a dream gathers itself at my temples, seeking its truth inside
the repetitions of the window’s play

[any good suggestions for a title for this?]
21:47 / 18.02.06
Anne Won

She was busy fussing, as women do,
getting undressed, setting candles.

I slid into the kitchen, for a drink.
A chipped teacup of vodka, half filled.
I threw half of it into my mouth,
sloshed it around, before swallowing.

The oily vodka danced, about my teeth,
like a jar of live eels, biting
my swollen gums, exploring crevice.
Then... with menacing intent...
they focused a single eye, and
as one, one, one, one,
slid down the bottle neck, that was my throat.
The second mouthful went down like honey.


Anne Too

I padded my way back to her room.
Sex with her was like origami.
We delighted in the animals we became:
dog, cat, cow, tiger.
We were a succession of edges and points.
The alcohol... oscillated between pituitary and prostate.
A destabilising current.
She placated me by...
Then she gave a look that said:

‘I want you to come now’.
21:50 / 18.02.06
[any good suggestions for a title for this?]

Fling, panic, play
21:35 / 19.02.06
It ain’t even funny,
Cos it ain’t even sunny,
An’ them glasses look like they cost you alot o' money,
But they do make you look like one damn fine honey.
17:03 / 20.02.06
Buffalo man (dead and buried without your skin) I feel you up in my thighs
god morning rolling out high and full of tiger fingers up against the sky (guts in or guts out?)
carrying around grenades just in case of rain
jawbones of mule skinned boys
16:58 / 22.02.06
La Poheme

Oh, life is a steaming great pile of poo,
A shower of shit tintinnabular.
But isn't it just so so lucky for you,
To have found here a place so familiar.
Whisky Priestess
09:56 / 24.02.06
or maybe

"To have run out of rhyming vocabular'?"
Baobab Branches and Plastic
12:29 / 24.02.06
Sacred heart of friday Euthanasia,
I feel
That time
And miracles let change increase,
As friday preaches entropy or cease.

I.e. man, i can't wait to get the pub.
16:21 / 24.02.06
tripped on a sham
counting days
finding ways
i want my phone to die
and my desk to come up with a plan
steering while crying
drinking and writhing
hit the mister
missed a miss
called my brother
dropped off sis
cant evolve
a rock.
19:27 / 24.02.06
hey yeah. changes the flavour quite dramatically but i think that way works too

so maybe
La Poheme

Oh, life is a steaming great pile of poo,
A shower of shit tintinnabular.
So isn't it just so so lucky for you,
That I've run out of rhyming vocabular.
05:52 / 02.03.06
I am using these words
These thoughts are not but words
I am using these words to get inside of you
Now these words are inside of you
You notice these words
These are my words but now they are yours to
I used these words to get inside of you but I could not
I could only give you these words
These words are so common and they cannot carry me
Into you
Who is the I? Who is the you who notices these words?
Is that Us? Is that me in there already and you in me?
Are these words not really going from one mind across to
another but simply passed around within the same mind?
11:44 / 02.03.06
Newbie here! Hope you guys like this:

The Red King

Reader dear, if this king may
For a moment explain his plight
I have slept, to my dismay,
Through centuries of day and night

You have heard dear Carroll say
This child of youth, a dream at hand—
Long ago, on one slow day,
Dreamt herself to Wonderland

In she went, and round and round,
You remember it again—
Till she reached my dear Queen’s ground,
Fearful to disturb me then

Whispered voices, tip-toed feet
Where in silence, joy aside,
Not my waking form to meet
Panicked caution to abide

For if I rouse, they go away
The writer’s strict rule, reader dear
So I must sleep, to my dismay,
Else Wonderland shall disappear
20:48 / 15.03.06
by request from the wondrous whiskey priestess [re-posted from this thread]''

but touch

i watch you sleep while words
won’t come, your shoulder surrendered
to the quilt, so ear resting in my silence
among the morning air. perhaps coffee
will incite the flow? or maybe sliding flesh
on flesh, crawling inside you to seek
blood-warmth, familiar calm, quiet
engagement with an insuperable quest

for a continuation, a culmination standing
ready to offer itself as fodder to the ink,
cancellations and corrections, suggestions
improvements or detriments. what are in
your dreams? i struggle even to imagine
some seeping vision, vistas immense to traverse
with authority, dread, despair or brilliant bliss.

your body presses up the misshapen clothes
then lets it sink once more, mouth twitching
no words, like me. no more words. steam begins
as a whistle of turbulence signals readiness, orange
light clacks off. in vain, skin finding skin
nestling. no longer in need of words, none
are adequate; but touch, only that.
Whisky Priestess
15:39 / 16.03.06
(forgive the terseness, no offence intended)

"i watch you sleep while words
won’t come, your shoulder surrendered
to the quilt, your ear resting in my silence
among the morning air"

A lovely image and a great kick-off to the poem.

"skin finding skin
nestling. no longer in need of words, none
are adequate; but touch, only that."

This I like, and it suits the stilted terseness of a piece which is about not finding the words.

"vistas immense to traverse
with authority, dread, despair or brilliant bliss."

Pure abstract flummery. What does this mean? "Brilliant bliss"? Spare me.

"steam begins
as a whistle of turbulence signals readiness, orange
light clacks off."

I think it would actually be more poetic in the context of this piece to say "the kettle boils" (or clacks off, or shudders and quiets or something, anything simpler). You love your long words a wee bit too much I think.

engagement with an insuperable quest

for a continuation, a culmination standing
ready to offer itself as fodder to the ink,
cancellations and corrections"

Say what now? You've gone all abstract again, which is fine for a bit but not for so long in a short poem. I think are loads better when you are being concrete, as in the bit that immediately precedes this: " sliding flesh
on flesh, crawling inside you to seek

Hope this helps.
18:16 / 16.03.06
I dunno. It reminds me a bit of Eliot. Prufrock, I think.
21:08 / 16.03.06
You love your long words a wee bit too much I think.

plead guilty, your princessness

i am prone to them in first drafts and sort of ok about giving them up... thanks your comments - you are right in me being better when concrete, but the concept in my head was an abstract inability to write while being in physical contact with the person i was writing about and wanted to marry these somehow.

but will have a go at an edit along your suggestions and see what i come up with. so yes, indeed many thanks and helps a lot.

hey, and i can be likened to eliot any time! but seriously, what about prufrock did you see in mine, sekhmet? and is that good or bad! [a fave poem of mine, i must say: i do not think that they shall sing to me... so sad]
Jack Denfeld
01:47 / 17.03.06
Spider-Man, you're Tony's lackey?,
Spider-Man, that's spidey-whackey,
Spider-Man, how did this happen?,
Spider-Man, it's time for action!
04:03 / 18.03.06
as revised, the working draft version... i think this gives a better sense of the struggle bewteen wanting words and wanting touch - the ephemeral pulling at the visceral. many thanks to guidance from whiskey p. you have clear vision.

but touch

i watch you sleep while words
won’t come, your shoulder surrendered
to the quilt, so ear resting in my silence
among the morning air. perhaps coffee
will incite the flow? or maybe sliding flesh
on flesh, crawling inside you to seek
blood-warmth, continuation with

corrections, suggestions, possibilities. what
are in your dreams?

i struggle, even to imagine.
no visions come; accompanied by no words,
a turbulence calls attention. steam
now rising to the occasion with nothing
to say.

your body presses up the misshapen clothes
then lets it sink once more, mouth twitching
no words. like me, no more words. appliance
clacks off.
in vain, skin finding skin
nestling. no longer in need of words, none
are adequate; but touch, only that.
Tryphena Absent
21:16 / 18.03.06
I fell down a capitalism hole today
And it was good.
I gave small amounts of money
To people
For their services
And haggled them down
From five pounds to 1 pence.
I supported the massive conglomerate supermarkets today
And it was good.
I gave a fake twenty pound note
That my criminal associates had printed
To a small businessman
Practising free trade
For a diamond ring on the street.
I fell down a capitalism hole today
I supported services, supermarkets and small businesses
But I mostly supported myself
And it was good.
Bubblegum Death
22:08 / 18.03.06
Capitalism: Yay!

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways
You make me feel good
I can buy lots of wood
And beatdown the weak
the rest of my days
Money Money Money
Pooh loves honey
And I love money

Whisky Priestess
23:59 / 18.03.06
'Politics' - A haiku;

Karl Marx, and Castro,
Though your ideas aren't 'cool'
I think you're sexy.
Whisky Priestess
11:19 / 19.03.06
Dear Von Mises, please note that you should not judge me on the Politics haiku for the task, as it is clearly not about Capitalism (Economics) but FILTHY Socialism. And I did not write it, my suit was underhandedly hijacked by a fellow Apprentice seeking to DESTROY me. (NB I am not WHINING, this is mere FACT.)


Capital, you're CAPITAL! (do you see what I did there?)
Let no man call thee CRAP at all!
If I had cash I'd ZAP it all
Into a high interest account or possibly shares in an international arms manufacturer
(there will always be WARS, people!)
And if I was The General,
I'd tell the TRUTH and RAP it all
Reveal there's no WEALTH GAP at all
Just an EVOLUTIONARY DIFFERENCE between those who GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING and those who LIE AROUND ALL DAY living the HIGH LIFE on UNEARNED BENEFITS and thoughtlessly extruding more USELESS OFFSPRING to be suckled by the STATE.
Thy teachings economical
Are mother's milk; I LAP it all!
Thy territory, I MAP it all
I never take a NAP at all
Because, I say, to CAP it all
I live and breathe you, CAPITAL!

Alex's Grandma
13:38 / 19.03.06

On Barbelith did kind SirVon
A stately job offer decree:
Where Cash, the sacred river, ran
Through offshore investment oppotunities measureless to man
Down to a golden sea.

So twice £10 mill of fertile ground
With business parks was girdled round:
And there were offices bright with shining tills,
Where blossomed many an interest-bearing tree;
And here were accountants ancient as the hills,
Generating tax-deductible greenery.

But oh! that deep unprosperous chasm which slanted
Down the green hill, under shady cover!
A state-funded place! As unenchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By dole-scrounging, feckless, unmarried mother!
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A manly fountain momently was forced:
Amid whose swift, entepreneurial burst
Huge opportunities vaulted like rebounding hail,
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:
And 'mid this unfettered market at once and ever
It flung up momently the cash-rich river.
Five miles thrusting and with a powerful motion
Through State-ist red tape the golden river ran,
Then reached the offshore investment opportunities measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:
And 'mid this tumult SirVon heard from far
Socialist voices prophesying war!

The shadow of the offshore treasure
Floated midway on the waves;
Where was heard the mingled measure
From the accountants and the caves.

It was a business plan of rare device,
An offshore bank account! What great advice!

A broker with a calculator
In a vision once I saw:
It was a Goldman Sachs-employed lad,
And on his spreadsheet he played,
Singing of Milton Friedman
Could I revive within me
His symphony and song,
To such a deep delight 'twould win me,

That with hours hard and long,
I would build that office in air,
That noble firm! With Von's advice!
And all who heard should see him there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His business sense, his manly stare!
His portrait in the foyer there,
And close their eyes with holy dread,
For he on capital hath truly fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.
Jack Vincennes
17:39 / 19.03.06
I have chosen to express my deep love for capitalism through the medium of MIDDLEBROW LIGHT VERSE, believing that this will appeal to the greatest number of people and therefore afford the best opportunity for PROFIT. Others, with their BOOK-LARNIN', may disagree, but I have an EYE FOR THE MARKET and that is what matters the most.

A Cityboy's Love Song

Recovery funds, recovery funds
More sexy and risky than government bonds
Please take last month's profits, invest them for me
In your recov'ry fund, dear M&G!

All trading now, earning my AMC
I try to ignore all those things Karl Marx said
And keep calculating my bid-offer spread.

Recovery fund, my recovery fund
I'm joyous, I'm rapturous, you leave me stunned
My investment portfolio's envied by all
Who lack courage to switch or just weather the squall!

I lost concentration, my bank lost ten large,
I'll try to recoup that in some kind of charge
Must do that tonight or the rigours of trade
Will render me jobless, alone and unpaid.

The Tube smells of vomit, so tired I could cry
At least all my colleagues know how hard I try
And lonely the bedsit that welcomes me in
To the Financial Times and an unemptied bin
Alex's Grandma
15:21 / 20.03.06
Oh dear.

I'd just like to make it clear, SirVon, that I blame my poor performance in this task on everyone involved except myself, and that I don't think I should be fired (it should be one of the others,) because I am a FIGHTER, because I have THE MAD BUSINESS SKILLZ that the beleagured forces of CAPITALISM so DESPERATELY NEED, and because I have strange and, some would say, inexplicable mood swings when it starts to look like I've arsed up an opportunity to both COMPETE and WIN in today's job marketplace, as, in fact, it would appear that I have done in this case.

But it's never happened before.

And I mean, don't you some of your younger self in me? Granted, I am seventy five years old, but then you, SirVon, have been 'differently animated' for over three decades, and your star in the firmament of free market economics remains as incandescent as ever.

Yours, having totally forgotten that any of this toadying, back-stabbing behaviour is being broadcast in a public forum,

Alex's Grandmother.*

* And don't you remember your own dear grandma? Don't you remember her sweet, kindly face, as she sat you down and explained the mysteries of global capital?

If you fire me, it will be like firing her.
22:33 / 20.03.06
A Penny.

A penny on the floor,
Mirrors not much more.

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