I did not let you in, willingly.
I did not open the door, willingly.
I did not breathe in, willingly.
I washed my hands. I did. Willingly.
The precipice between
must have been great.
Did you cross it, willingly?
Leap, willingly?
Sick-Maker, you have clogged me. Willingly,
I'm sure, you've done this willingly.
Rat-trap throat for spores of phelgm.
Trussed up with ragged limbs, no, not willingly,
failing from exhaustion, unwillingly
to move me. My head is no longer my head.
It's yours, now, unwillingly.
You remade it, willingly,
yes you did, do not deny it.
I'd spit you up, willingly.
I'd leave you for dead, willingly.
I'd flush you down and walk away, willingly. |