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Daily Poetry


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Alex's Grandma
02:24 / 05.06.05
A Poem For Anthony in the Big Brother House, 2005.

Anthony, Anthony, Anthony, Anthony,
Why can't I be
Even more drunk
Than I already am ?
15:12 / 05.06.05
the royal democracy.

I look out of the window of the bus,
I'm moving and I am not.
substitute civilisation for democracy
and we know where we are.
we're on the bus,
we're moving and we are not.
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:55 / 05.06.05
"All of this is in your head" - a graffiti poem by p.w.

Read the writing on the wall today,
It helped me pass the time of day.
On the way home I stole a pen...
paranoidwriter waves hello
14:44 / 06.06.05
WARNING: slightly off topic!

My last post in this thread has been bugging me all night as I fear I may have unconsciously ripped it off from someone else. The reason for this doubt and discomfort is that I have a pathological fear of plagiarism, and (seeing as "there's no thing as originality") because I'm acutely aware how much of a sponge my brain actually is. Indeed, the poem came to me almost fully formed and at the time I liked it with such gusto that I now suspect it may not have originated from my own self-derisory think-muscle. Sometimes this happens to me with songs, stories (etc), with whole paragraphs of text and dialogue, spilling out onto the page. I usually spend a lot of time afterwards checking, thinking, researching, etc, to make sure such work isn't a blatant rip off, but it's not easy and there's no guarantee of finding out either way. What's worse in this instance is the relative simplicity of the poem: it could have come from anywhere.

So I ask you Barbelith for your assistance; tell me: have I ripped this off?

Have my numerous wonderings [sic] down dark alleyways blurred into each-other so much that I've somehow allowed myself to claim someone else's work as my own?

Alex's Grandma
22:09 / 06.06.05
Life, oh life
The deal
With the
All those terrible
That they get up to ?

Multi-national corporations
I'm on my knees -
What the hell was wrong
With my CV ?

( You bastards... )
Alex's Grandma
22:27 / 06.06.05
Death Of A Salesman ?

I wouldn't get too worried about it though, PW, were I you - Up until there's a cheque involved, they don't give a rat's ass. They just don't give a crap.
09:27 / 07.06.05
Well, "pass the time of day" is from "Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious", among other places, and "writing on the wall" is originally from the Book of Daniel. You're using "pass the time of day" in a non-standard sense, which helps your originality, but harms the poem a bit, because the link between "pass the time" (the meaning you are employing) and "pass the time of day' is unconvincing - is there anything in the grafitti which makes one more socially ept?
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:59 / 07.06.05
"... pass the time of day" was employed to work with "On the way home ...", to suggest that a significant period of time had elapsed. "It helped me pass the time of day ... " also suggests that for whatever reason (employment, unemployment, etc) the day and its activities were not necessarily pleasant for the writer.

... - is there anything in the graffiti which makes one more socially ept?

Steady on Haus! I wasn't expecting a third year university critique. I just wanted to make sure the poem (in it's entirety) was not someone else's work. Seriously, I don't pretend to assume that either my work or my opinions are that important. It's a graffiti poem....

YOU tell ME: is there anything in the graffiti which makes one more socially ept?

I suppose not...
Whisky Priestess
12:38 / 07.06.05
Job Interview

Oh Google!
I want to work for you
so much it makes my eyes smart
(unlike the rest of me).

into your creative pods
must be a bit like
some sort of Silicon Valley nirvana.

You have free drinks
a relaxed dress code
attractive, articulate employees
and a rather good starting salary:

I love you.

So why would you
want me?
And where will I be
in five years' time?
And do I have any questions?
Yes. Yes! So many.

And even if you don't give me the job
I can always type them into you
and see what results.

Oh Google ...
You may not know it but
I could be so gooooooooooooooooooood for you.
13:00 / 07.06.05
... pass the time of day" was employed to work with "On the way home ...", to suggest that a significant period of time had elapsed. "It helped me pass the time of day ... " also suggests that for whatever reason (employment, unemployment, etc) the day and its activities were not necessarily pleasant for the writer.

I get that. It's just that that isn't what "pass the time of day" means. To pass the time of day does not mean to pass the time, or to pass the day. It means to stop and speak briefly with another person, usually after a chance meeting, inquiring after the other's health and performing other social niceties. So, to say "pass the time of day" when you mean "pass the time" changes the sense of the sentence. It's like the difference between "John and I went up the West End" and "John and I went up the West End Girls", or "Jack and Jill went up the Hill" and "Jack and Jill wnet up the Hillsborough disaster" - it's a sudden transition from one well-known phrase's sense (or lack of) to another's (or lack of).

However, as you say.'
paranoidwriter waves hello
13:40 / 07.06.05
It's just that that isn't what "pass the time of day" means. To pass the time of day does not mean to pass the time, or to pass the day. It means to stop and speak briefly with another person, usually after a chance meeting, inquiring after the other's health and performing other social niceties.

I completely agree. So I ask you, who is the writer conversing with "to pass the time of day": themselves, "the (writer of the) writing on the wall", their potential reader(s), or all of the above?

It's wrong but it's write [sic].... Know what I mean?

Anyway, Haus, may I suggest we continue this within PM's (if you can be bothered)? We're in danger of going off-topic, I think.
14:54 / 07.06.05
Well, I've explained why I, the reader, think a particular line is clumsy. You, the writer, have explained why I am wrong and you are right. I think that's probably as much as we need to do. Back to the poetry!
Whisky Priestess
15:17 / 07.06.05
Ooh, do me! Do me!

(By which of course I mean "please criticise my Google doggerel")

I think this thread should be just as much about analysing poetry as writing it. The analysis is usually much more fun.
paranoidwriter waves hello
15:45 / 07.06.05
"You say more to me than a mirror ever could"

Why do you piffle when you prattle,
And quibble and niggle and baffle,
Then waffle and drivel and riddle,
Thinking every question is a battle?

Write what you know, read everything else.
15:54 / 09.06.05
Humming Without Fire.

I've tied a ribbon of hope around nihilism and dragged in out from under the dark. And still it hasn't shrunk, it has folded open and revealed itself to be a dolphin!
A dolphin in the sun rests lightly upon it's skin until madness arrives with a basket full of sin.

The sin that speaks only one language, a language that only the sun can mirror.
The reflection grows so feverishly, so untimely and yet it's demise weakens only the justice that is half asleep. I've counted myself lucky up until this point and then I run out of water. And so it goes, on towards the stairs that leads unto the sun. And yet I can't find the language that will untie the ribbon that binds me to this beauty - this dolphin.

The language that is left unspoken in patterns that unfurl, is the language I miss the most.
16:16 / 09.06.05
Oxford St.

they're all overdressed and underprepared,
with their dirty clothes and their clean hair.
Whisky Priestess
14:09 / 10.06.05
Somewhat, I like that. What's the form (if any) called again?
17:54 / 10.06.05
No, you're right. There isn't any form.

Thanks for liking it.
18:14 / 10.06.05
There isn't anymore. Just a field of concrete on a Wednesday morning.

In this great house there lies a scene. but there's no faith in it anymore. It was washed
away by the time. Cornered around by a sigh. Held flat against a green sky. Left to
shelter under an unlit fire.
I couldn't understand, and it let me go. At first it flew, and then, it drifted.
Alex's Grandma
15:42 / 11.06.05
'Damnit...' - a haiku

Last train departed
Back to my homeland, tonight
Alone, I remain ?
paranoidwriter waves hello
22:37 / 11.06.05
I'm no poet or connoisseur of Poetry but...

Alex, I really like the many dual meanings and questions this Haiku raises. e.g. Is the writer on the train or not (I know on first reading one would might say no, but if you haven't already, try reading it as though s/he made it on time); are we always alone, even in the company of our familly/loved ones/friends; etc.

It made me think about a lesser poem I wrote a few years ago, which I've now polished and pasted below to bore you all senseless:


It's been said "no man's an island"
But how can that be true,
When the only thoughts you’re privy to
Are those inside of you?

A passing stranger’s smile,
Can mean so many things;
But unless they choose to tell you,
You'll never know what it means.

A mother can lie, a lover can cheat,
So despite all the friendships grown,
With the sea all around you,
You are always on your own.

I actually think it's a positive poem, but you may disagree, of course.
21:35 / 12.06.05
Remember me to your lovers
Remember me to your lovers
That I might face the stalling day
Muddled not in chosen bliss
But clear with sand and stick and clay
And voice my deeds to those you lie,
The faceless haints at play with lines I writ;
For strength derives when once my name
Falls from your tongue, and eyes turn counterfeit
Alex's Grandma
21:40 / 12.06.05
'Sat by the window
I watch the wolves gathering
On the lawn, out there.'
Whisky Priestess
22:45 / 12.06.05
Near-death experience

The white light flowers
Resolving into a screen
Showing Big Brother.
Alex's Grandma
05:54 / 13.06.05
8AM, Boardroom, And Where The Hell Are The bFiles ?

Moon has gone, it is
Dawn on the pavement, do not
Make me look, right now.
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:37 / 14.06.05
"[SIC]", or "You'll never guess what I heard on the bus today..." a clichéd poem by a total commoner.

Fair-dodgers face fines of £***!
Spread the love
Don't believe the hype
It's not cricket
I can't believe it's not butter?
There's plenty more fish in the sea
Don't teach your Granny to suck eggs
Urgh, Sick!
Money talks
Look, I'm talking now!
F**k off!
Know what I mean?
D'ya ged me dough?
Er - Lay - errrr...
Is it?
In it though?
And everything
And stuff
'Nuff said
Tickets please!
Talk to the hand cuz...
Am I bovered though?
True, true...
I swear, nobody understands me!
I know, I know...
That's not a valid ticket...
I promise that's the last time............
04:10 / 21.06.05


I thought this way was a shortcut home:
hold my hand and we'll walk until the path is too dark to see
Linear time consumed by Annular time
Annular time consumed at last by Primetime

THIS WAY points the backlit red arrow; Arjuna's arrow


THIS WAY cries Aerosmith's wizened androgyne into the wind

Tiresias shrieks, shrieks, shrieks
as we boom-hoist our aspergillum-cum-Corn King
our surrogate lamb, the wackojackolantern
the underdog raised to undergod and then unmade
to shake red rain from the hooked rood
hanged dangling above the windy yield of golden ripples
the sway, the sway, the sway, the sway...
Whisky Priestess
11:41 / 21.06.05
Job interview 2

(in the style of William McGonagall)

Oh Registered Charity of Guy's and St Thomas's!
In your job description you made many promises.
My interview panel was two Buffy Summerses:
Blonde, kick-ass and perky - a miracle mimesis!

Hospitable hospital! Thomas and Guy's!
I am a contender, this post is my prize.
I won't bugger the bursar or tell outright lies,
Nor will I file expenses of indecent size.

Oh Guy's and St. Thomas's, medical charity!
I envision our future together with clarity
In love so profound there can be no temerity
(And nothing's so easy to fake as sincerity ...)
15:08 / 21.06.05
Barbelith Writers

Whiskey makes me Laconic

Paranoid Ideas
Alex's Grandma
21:24 / 04.07.05
On Submitting A Plot Synopsis, Letter and Sample Chapters For A Novel To UK Publishers - A quiet prayer

Novel, dear novel, I don't mean to seem rude,
But if this doesn't work out
It wouldn't be good.

Novel, dear novel, I'm writing this most
As a means of avoiding
Putting you in the post.

Novel, dear novel, just don't break my heart,
Please remember the 'bad things'
Were all for my art.
08:44 / 05.07.05
A maudlin cup, a rosy reflection that is sorrowful at it's emptiness.

Empty of anger. Empty of pride. There can be no pride built upon the body of oblivion. It can only sit like a fly until a hand flows away. Even as today brings together the spider's threads of years gone by, threads that unleash as they entwine into the weather of a web, even so they do not strut with youth. This youth is fading, ebbing away, from a strut to a fall in one moment collapsed, in a heart turned out, that mixes with the dust from stone etched. That my friend, is the colour of defeat.
Whisky Priestess
11:49 / 06.07.05

by T. S. Eliot

O dark dark dark.
We all go into the dark.

Valerie, where did you put
the fucking lightbulbs?
17:27 / 06.07.05
humanity evolves to
the brink of their potential--
shudders, turns to faith.
Alphonse commands you!
17:57 / 06.07.05
Last bus

Come up with me.
Come home with me and we
will never be alone again.
Come with me
and we can stay up all night.
You can see stars from my window.
I’ll tell you all about them.

I’ll touch every part of you with starlight
I’ll kiss the voice out of you
I’ll stroke you so softly
it’ll be like being beaten to death by butterfly wings.
I’ll make you come until you can’t breathe.
I’ll make you breakfast.
Alex's Grandma
09:09 / 08.07.05
Young Love

Keys, cash and money
And also a knife
I'm going out this evening
To find me a...

'Lady, hey lady,
Don't even think twice
It's you, goddamnit
Who needs to "get a..."'

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