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Page: 12(3)4

16:42 / 04.11.01
damn, wish i had known about this earlier...
19:21 / 04.11.01
12,000 words. No, seriously. It's been a very quiet, sober weekend and my fingers hurt.
Jack Fear
16:49 / 05.11.01
I've been sick as a dog since Thursday--so my epic plans for late nights of writing washed away in thin, fitful sleep, phlegmatic snorfling and endless cups of echinacea tea--but 4,800 words so far of plotless ramble that is slowly, oh so slowly coalescing into an honest-to-Allah narrative before my very eyes.

This is exciting. It's been too long since I did this--just started driving along, trusting the map to reveal itself in time.

Because it always does, you know. It always does.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:51 / 08.11.01
Check in, NaNoWriMoers.

How much have you written? My large amounts of time off have produced the sum total of fuck-all, so far. Stream of consciousness warblings will probably be called upon to bulk this fucker up. Anyone else suddenly hit by a big case of torpor?
10:00 / 09.11.01
Will it piss you off if I say I've written 23,000-odd words?

'Fraid so. I've been zooming along and I'm really enjoying it. No doubt I'll hit a wall at 48,000 and never finish the thing. But it's good fun for now.

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Ariadne ]
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:04 / 09.11.01
Just over 6,000. Maybe a little bit more, there are bits floating around on paper as well as the stuff on file.

This means I've written about half as many as I should have at this point, and need to write like a nutter this weekend. The good news is that I've got a direction, albeit and trashy and derivative one, that I'm quite pleased with a lot of it, and that I'm having a heck of a lot of fun.
Jack Fear
11:31 / 09.11.01
I'm about to crack 10,000, which puts me behind, too.

But the plot and the character relationships are unfolding fractally, leaving me constantly revising my structural and pacing plans: something I thought I'd knock off in a chapter may turn out to be the crux of the book. What I thought was a single scene reveals several storytelling "beats." The deeper I go--the closer I look--the more there is to it.

And I'm vaguely surprised at the kind of writing I'm producing in the headlong rush. It reads more like notes for a much longer novel, than the thing itself--it's practically all dialogue and action/introspection, with almost no descriptive or expository passages.

Which makes me realize something about my writing method: Usually I'll write the bare bones of a passage, the simple what happenes and what it means, then rework it to add the flesh of description before moving on to the next chunk. In this case, though, I'm blazing ahead through the mechanics of the plot, instead of tinkering as I go along.

(That's one of the peculiarities of word processing, and how it's changed writing: for shorter pieces I very rarely any longer do multiple drafts, as such, since it's so easy to revise on the fly.)

If I were to do a second draft of this steaming turd of a book (which of course I won't), it'd probably be 75,000 words: I wouldn't cut anything, but instead add all the stuff I skipped on this first run through.

The third draft would tighten it all up, leaving a taut, balanced 50,000 words, giving neither too much nor too little.

Pity I'll never do it: the story is, as promised, laughably bad.

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
12:22 / 09.11.01
Go! Go NaNoWriMo Crew!

11:19 / 10.11.01
Well, I've reached half-way on the word count, but unfortunately I'm more like three quarters through the story I've been loosely planning.

I'm going to have to go off on a few tangents here, or some incredibly wordy descriptions of what everyone's wearing or something.

Maybe they can all fall ill, and spend a few days lying in bed with complicated symptoms and visits from relatives, before getting up again and on with what they're supposed to be doing.
11:39 / 10.11.01
Frith in a bucket, I'm out.

I'm like that character in innumerable sci-fi action movies that bites it in the first battle scene.

I sacrifice myself for the greater good of the NaNoWriMo narrative...
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
17:06 / 10.11.01
Oh dear. I have about 1000 words.

My current plan is to merge it with my biology essay, and label it as a vicious attack on vivisection in the form of connected documents. That should bring it up to size.
Perfect Tommy
09:43 / 11.11.01
REMEMBER: If you are hideously behind (like me), don't give up yet! Don't think, "I am 5,000 words behind"... instead, look at what you have, subtract that from 50,000, and divide by the number of days left. Then it will look more like, "I have to write 150 more words per day to stay on schedule", which sounds much more doable.

quote:Originally posted by Jack Fear:
Usually I'll write the bare bones of a passage, the simple what happenes and what it means, then rework it to add the flesh of description before moving on to the next chunk. In this case, though, I'm blazing ahead through the mechanics of the plot, instead of tinkering as I go along.

I've been doing roughly the same thing. However, I am stopping to tinker because it bulks up what I have by a much greater margin than I'd expected. I'll write down something in longhand outside of my house, then when I go to type it in, it doubles or triples in size. In fact, I committed the cardinal sin of looking over what I'd already written, and I think that saved me--the entire book so far used to be summed up in one-half of an earlier paragraph.

Not that I want quality or anything (horrors!), but I think that I'm telling the right part of the story this time.
Jack The Bodiless
14:53 / 11.11.01
Just over halfway there. Ariadne and I rock the casbah.
15:45 / 11.11.01
Congrats to Jack the B & ariadne, for being inspiringly over target at this stage of the exercise.
I'm clocking in at the 12,250 word mark, having spent a large chunk of the weekend recovering from a huge election night piss up which luckily will provide some grist for the NANO thingo.
I'm with Jack Fear on the plot/dialogue engines, driving the word gush. I keep trying to add descriptions, but thse seem secondary to my main characters' reflections - but that's OK, I always knew that I would be writing largely of internal action.

I never realised how many small, and even large, back stories, micro stories, I would be writing, within the forward one, but its all good, and fun in a strange and painful way.And sorta interesting to watch how what I thought were insignificant descriptions of some passing object, can sustain a prolonged passage of writing, as it assumes prime symbolic significance, taking the writing into territories that I never thought my planning even wanted to visit. AHHHHHHH!
Must write more. Must write more and more and more each and every day.
19:40 / 11.11.01
30,000. Hangovers come in useful. You're not up to much else so you might as well sit at the computer, drinking endless cups of tea and making up nonsense. Works for me.

I STILL feel gross and it's time for bed. Groan.

[ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Ariadne ]
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:07 / 11.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless:
Just over halfway there. Ariadne and I rock the casbah.
I shall come over to your house and stone you, you successful gothboy!


Now I'm going back to my "minimalism is more" approach. And shall write you into my book, balefully. Mwahaha!
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:55 / 11.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Ariadne:
Hangovers come in useful.

I have not found this to be the case.
10:05 / 12.11.01
Being laid up with the flu has worked for me - with nothing to do but sit in bed and type, I've just hit the 24,000 mark.

Damn but this is fun. Usually I trail off once I get to about 12000 pages, give up and start something else. But now I'm being forced to push things forward and I still have no idea where things are going, but scenes keep happening and it's all going crazy....
21:09 / 12.11.01
i haven't started yet.
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:14 / 12.11.01
All the slackers should just ram theirs together, with a bit of tape and stapling, 'A Day in the Life' style, the Stick-together technique. Then you'll beat those prolific speed typing bastards...
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:26 / 13.11.01
I just had the most fucked-up dream. And I think it's actually given me a plot. Which could be good news for my finishing this motherfucker.
Jack Fear
12:14 / 13.11.01
Dreams are good raw material. Trust your dreams. USe any tools that present themselves, scientific or mystical--the nuclear physicist consulting the tarot.
06:49 / 15.11.01
36,400! A mini fire in my flat last night helped - it got built in to the story and boosted that chapter nicely.

AND i just found out I got 'highly commended' in a short story competition, so i'm painfully big headed this morning.
07:37 / 15.11.01
no need to say things twice....

[ 15-11-2001: Message edited by: Ariadne ]
07:14 / 16.11.01
So, who's still doing this?

Jack F and Jack tB - you still writing?
Jenwren? agapanthus?
Rothkoid, has that dream got you going?

I just want to know I'm not alone here...
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:15 / 16.11.01
I'm still doing it. Expect NaNoWriMo Lite though. That same crap taste, with only a fraction of the words!

Ag: will email soon.
Jack Fear
12:45 / 16.11.01
20k and counting...
Perfect Tommy
20:13 / 16.11.01
You're not alone. Well, not technically, anyway. I'm on the track, you've just lapped me several times already.

I don't know the actual word count right now--but it's just over 10k on the computer, and the longhand from last night looks like it's a little over 2k, but maybe that's wishful thinking. It usually bulks up when I type it in (that's why I've been tormenting myself in this particular fashion), so I'm hoping it ends up having been a 2.5-3k day. Soon, I'll be trapped on a bus for a couple hours, which could help for today.

I still haven't had to bring out the Secret Weapon (extensive badly researched historical dream sequences), or the Doomsday Device ("If you don't start to write something vaguely logical about this group of cover musicians in the next two minutes, we put in ninjas... they're already in the raaaafters..." *scribble scribble*), so I'm sort of hopeful even though I'm a good 15,000 words behind.

[ 16-11-2001: Message edited by: doubting thomas ]
04:08 / 17.11.01
Hey y'all, I'm still writing,18,530 (smiles proudly), but the nice neat plot that I planned on simply executing, has executed itself, so . . . I've given up on trying to control the shape of the writing, learnt not to re-read over what I've written, and swear to keep milking whatever comes up - so yeah my dog's breakfast is still coming up, carrotts and all.Hope that I can motivate myself to re-write and edit later.
I can't stand the chaos of the yahoo club, so I don't know if anyone here has posted there, but Ariadne, Jack F & Jack B, Jenwren, Doubting T, Rothkoid, how are you finding the propulsion of the exercise? - I've never produced a good first draft in my life, and this attempt is embarrassingly not breaking the mould, ah mold.

Anywho, keep on truckin'.
Jack Fear
15:22 / 17.11.01
Don't be embarrassed. First drafts are supposed to be horrible: that's what they're there for.

Anne LaMott, in her book Bird By Bird, says that drafts are like all those rockets that NASA builds for the express purpose of blowing them up. They were never meant to fly: their only real purpose is to point up the weak spots in the design.

That's hard to accept, and that's what separates real writers from wann-bes, I think--the idea that there's a tremendous amount of work and re-writing involved. We live in a perfectionist culture, and we fear that every word we write has to be For The Ages.

NaNoWriMo takes you past that. You've got to give yourself permission to write shit, every once in a while. Accept the fact that you're going to produce 50,000 words of pure garbage: the acceptance is tremendously liberating--you've taken all the pressure off yourself to produce work of any quality. All you need to worry about is quantity.

So get back to work.

23,000 and counting.
Jack The Bodiless
12:46 / 18.11.01
OK, I've run into a snag. Advice! Advice, dammit!

I've just topped 42,000 words. And they're really good. Well, I think so, anyway... the problem is that I've been blocked for the last four days about how to end the fucker, the previous half-formed ideas not having worked out...

I've got three options, as far as I can see - a) I can hash up a piece-of-shit ending and hit the 50K word minimum ten days before due, but ruin the novel - b) I can stew for the next twelve days hoping that the good ending I know is in my brain jumps out in time - c) I can say SOD YOU to this silly NaNaNiNiBaNaNaRaMa shite, and finish what's turned out to be quite a good little short horror novel in my own sweet time, with a view to actually hawking it around at some point. I'm quite proud of what I've written, and am tending towards the third option. What do you think? Am I a sellout?
14:53 / 18.11.01
I think you should do all three.

Look for the right ending within the 12 day deadline, but in the meantime just knock together enough words to get to the 50,000. Just writing that last 8,000 might give you the kick you need anyway.

And then, once you've got the whole '50,000' pressure off your back, take another read through and finish it properly.

That's pretty much what I plan to do. I'm near enough finished, word count-wise (47,000) but the ending is dumb as hell. Well, it's just a bit lame, really. So I'm going to get to 50,000 with any old crap and then try and work out how to set it right.

I need deadlines to get myself to do anything and I know if I decide 'I'll finish it when I'm ready' it'll sit there forever.

[ 18-11-2001: Message edited by: Ariadne ]
Perfect Tommy
18:45 / 18.11.01
Pretty much what Ariadne said.

#1: Write a bunch of goddamn words. Lord your early victory over people like me who intend to bust out some 4000-word days to save Christmas. Dance about. Run in a circle shouting "We're Number One!" waving one of those giant foam rubber hands.

#2: Apparently, you have something you like! Woo! I hate all my characters and my plot is crap, but whatever works. Edit it later. My "editing" will involve lighter fluid.
15:37 / 19.11.01
Back in the game, at 23,080, and rising.

The road trip section of the nov is now over and its time for my attempt at an updated "Don's Party" ( remember that play/movie about the 1969 election night, all you Aussies out there?).

Anyway, as Sir Elton John once sang, "I'm still standing."
15:52 / 19.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless:
c) I can say SOD YOU to this silly NaNaNiNiBaNaNaRaMa shite, and finish what's turned out to be quite a good little short horror novel in my own sweet time, with a view to actually hawking it around at some point. I'm quite proud of what I've written, and am tending towards the third option. What do you think? Am I a sellout?

Write more than 50,000 words.

Send in the 50,000 and then end it in your own time.

Or else, kill a secondary character, right now, with no warning. Then spend the end bit reconciling the death with everything that has gone before.

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