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Jack Fear
12:59 / 16.10.01
Start from zero, and eventually a plot will reveal itself. I hope.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:01 / 16.10.01
Well. I had originally thought that I'd deliberately try not to think of any ideas before 1 November, but lots of people on the far-too-busy newsgroup seem to have started already. I have the vague brief that I want to try and get "everything" down on paper - so it will in all likelihood be stream-of-consciousness. Sort of Kerouac meets Kathy Acker meets The Invisibles meets 6th form doggerel.

In addition, it's been a long while since I indulged in any thinly-veiled autobiographical fiction, and in that time, a ridiculous number of Things in my life/head have changed/happened. I fully expect this to give me some content to work with.

Has anyone else found, incidentally, that after signing up for this they've got a rush of energy/ideas that they don't feel they can wait until Nov 1 to get down on paper? Not complaining, just think it's an interesting side effect...

[ 16-10-2001: Message edited by: Flyboy ]
Perfect Tommy
13:03 / 16.10.01
No actual plot has revealed itself. However, I have a potential character or two, some overheard dialog, and a plan-of-attack: I'm thinking each chapter will be similarly structured, so I may try to write the beginnings of all or most of my chapters first, see what kind of skeletal plot that suggests, and write around that.

Who am I kidding? That's probably 800 words, then I'll have to write "fuck" 49,198 times followed by "The End".
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:06 / 16.10.01
Plot? Ha. You make me laugh! Automatic writing and large-scale bullshittery all the way, sleaze; at least, that's assuming my wrists don't pack up on me thanks to the work-induced RSI I seem to be coming down with...
13:21 / 16.10.01
Yes, Flyboy - it's had an amazing effect, and I have loads of ideas flying round. With luck, any that don't get squashed/warped into the novel will still look useful for further writing in the New Year.

I'm going for the few-loose-ideas stream of consciousness thing, rather than any definite planning. It'll end up frighteningly autobiographical, i'm sure.

And Rothkoid - I'm going to private message you about RSI....
13:45 / 16.10.01
of course if it DOES all end up as frighteningly autobiographical as everyone fears that could be another reason to not let anyone read it... or ... um .. not
Jack The Bodiless
16:25 / 16.10.01
I'm deliberately waiting until November 1st, myself. I have other 'projects' going on that'll keep my creative spittle flying, luckily.

Rothkoid has mucho experience blathering into the void. Anyone who's read his blog can testify to that.

And Sax... Me and Parliament Of Fools wrote a little thing called 'Bullshit Central' in a few days five odd years ago. Utter toss... in a strangely Ennis kind of way. That was without even trying. We have redefined the term 'wastrel'. We shit bullets into the cold, dead corpse of prose. Yes, the novel is dead, as a form.

I killed it. With my cock.
Ethan Hawke
17:54 / 16.10.01
Unfortunately, I'm going on vacation with my girlfriend for the first week of November so I'd be severely handicapped for time.

Anyone figure out a words/day ratio yet? I'm far too lazy to do basic math today.
Perfect Tommy
19:03 / 16.10.01
1667 words a day. Peanuts!
Whisky Priestess
13:54 / 17.10.01
Or 12,500 a week. Which means 2100 a day except Saturdays (2000) and the whole of Sunday off! Treat yourself by reading the 12,500 words of crap you have just written. Aloud. To your friends. Think of the fun you can have!
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:18 / 17.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless:
Rothkoid has mucho experience blathering into the void. Anyone who's read his blog can testify to that.
God job you're bodiless, boy. Grr!

Ahem. Sorry. Embrace the blather within. All is calm. All is well. All is calm. All is well. Turn tape over! Turn tape over!
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
06:47 / 18.10.01
quote:Can I share writing duties with a partner?
No. That sort of collectivist spirit got the Soviet Empire where it is today. This is America. Write your own novel.[

I really don't like their FAQ's. But I signed up anyway.
Jack The Bodiless
14:41 / 20.10.01
They're taking the piss, Mr. K. Glad to see you joined us in our quest for Cheap Fast Prose...
15:21 / 23.10.01
Shit, I'm in too, although I paused for several seconds over the Send button...

Good luck to you all.
Whisky Priestess
13:20 / 25.10.01
Just got the latest newsletter and there's a suggestion that local Nanos should have a meet in their town - anyone interested in this before the start date? I'll stick something in the Gathering maybe.
16:15 / 31.10.01
Just a quick note to wish all you NaNoWriMo-ers good luck, and a rich seam of creativity.
Does anybody want to check in here occaisonally and give a general sorta progress report? (maybe start another thread?)
Anyway - let's to it!

Rothkoid, Pin(?), Rollo, Straylight, Jack the B, Jack Fear, Sax ona S, Jenwren, Flyboy, Doubting T, Ariadne, Sleazenation, Whisky P, Mr Karika, Lamb's PG, Peresphone, BitchieK (?), Rizla (?), betty Woo.
Jack Fear
16:33 / 31.10.01
What makes you think and of us are going to have time to post progress reports?!? We're going to be busy WRITING, damn your eyes. WRITING, writing every waking moment until our typing-fingers are beaten to calloused pulp, until our eyes bleed and our heads explode and the massive amounts of coffee and booze eat holes in our guts big enough to stand in...

..uh, I'm a little freaked out by what I've taken on, here--and am feeling very much like one poor doomed bastard.


I love you all.

See you in December, if we all live that long.
22:07 / 31.10.01
right-- i've started-- got my first 500 words under my belt and already it doesn't make sense and i'm seriously doubting my ability-- free time to finish it-- Yay!!!
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:45 / 31.10.01
I've got about 600 done. On potatoes. I have serious doubts about this thing finishing. But hey, it's only half one - the day is young.
06:55 / 01.11.01
They never even replyed to my email to register for it, so I'm thinking I'm not on their list. I might get round to doing something later anyway though.
08:32 / 01.11.01
I have five words, just so i can say i've started. The other 49,995 will have to wait till tonight.
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
08:32 / 01.11.01
10 words. no title. no time. too many ideas.

betty woo
11:45 / 01.11.01
I didn't sign up in time, mainly because I was unsure that I'd be able to tackle this on top of my mondo-overtime job, flaming disaster of a personal life and the feature-length film I'm trying to edit. Best of luck, you crezzie fools.
Jack The Bodiless
12:11 / 01.11.01
There's always time for crud, betty...
betty woo
13:12 / 01.11.01
Well, in solidarity with the NaNoWriMo folks, I've decided to set a personal goal of completing the rough edit of a 90-minute film PLUS writing a screenplay during November. That should make me nicely mental...
Rollo Kim, on location
18:28 / 01.11.01
I have lots of nice sounding titles. Oh god I can never, ever settle on an idea and I really did quit my job to write!?!?! Just kill me, please.
20:33 / 01.11.01
Yee haw! Approaching the 1000 word barrier. Verbal diarrhea is kickin in nicely, and although the plot that I so carefully worked out um, yesterday, has already gone to shit, it's shaping up anyway.

Ba, a couple hours a day and I'll have 'er.
20:34 / 01.11.01
Yee haw! Approaching the 1000 word barrier. Verbal diarrhea is kickin in nicely, and although the plot that I so carefully worked out um, yesterday, has already gone to shit, it's shaping up anyway.

Ba, a couple hours a day and I'll have 'er.
Perfect Tommy
09:30 / 02.11.01
Hate to break it to you, but I think you just have 500 words and you double-posted them. ;D
Perfect Tommy
09:30 / 02.11.01
439 words

09:30 / 02.11.01
The word counter @ NaNoWriMo is down at the moment.Have hit 2,000. Mostly, transparently autobiographical drivel, but one paragraph where it seemed to come together.

Shit, this is gunna be hard work!
09:30 / 02.11.01
2,200 words. Yee ha. But I think I've said all i have to say already so it'll be a long month.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:22 / 04.11.01
A thousand and something. Not sure of the exact number cos there's a chunk at the office at work, and then a bit here that may have to be left out because it's porn, basically. Oh fuck it, let's keep the porn. It might be all it has going for it.

Anyway, I'm a bit behind due to the first night being my flatmate's birthday do, but tomorrow is going to be the first day devoted almost entirely to it, so fingers crossed...
09:22 / 04.11.01
bad news i've just been handed four comissions for paying gigs and i'm already behind on my target.

The plan is just to plough on regardless... I have a narrative technique or two in my back pocket that just might help he finish this thing on time...
Jack The Bodiless
14:15 / 04.11.01
5,000 odd words. Very odd. But I've been cheating slightly...

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