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The Return Of Rothkoid
14:37 / 01.10.01
They want you to write a book in a month. 50,000 words. Will probably be shit. You get it done, you keep the rights, nobody gets any prizes.

It's a kickstarting exercise. Anyone in on it?

Info here.
15:57 / 01.10.01
Awesome, and I'm free in November. I'm signing up right now.
16:58 / 01.10.01
"will probably be shit..."

hell, Ive already started by posting, see? Im damn proud to say I contribute nothing else

..jumping jesus I need a hobby
Perfect Tommy
17:06 / 01.10.01
I think I am going to tell as many people as possible that I am doing this so that fear of humiliation will get me to actually do it.
19:05 / 01.10.01
Cool... yes, I'll give it a go.
00:52 / 02.10.01
quote:Originally posted by doubting thomas:
I think I am going to tell as many people as possible that I am doing this so that fear of humiliation will get me to actually do it.

You did write the funniest thing some weeks ago--remember, it was in the disaffected youth thread? I think it was that thread. I think it was you. It was about being told you were clever as a child, but then growing up to be not as clever as needed to be really distinguished in anything. I remember thinking at the time this had the sound of a narrative voice to start a novel with.
05:57 / 02.10.01
I've signed up. Now I'm scared shitless!
Whisky Priestess
05:57 / 02.10.01
Ha! Been there, done that, printed the T-shirt. I assume they don;t mind if it's A-Team fanfic?
Whisky Priestess
05:57 / 02.10.01
PS Doubting, I know exactly how you feel. Jill of all trades, me . . .
The Return Of Rothkoid
05:57 / 02.10.01
Have signed up. May lose interest/chicken out. Or just produce reams of unedited braindump. Which may not be all that bad...
rizla mission
10:27 / 02.10.01
Do they specify which month you have to write it in?

Cos it would be a good thing to do during the holidays, but in termtime, no thanks.

A while ago I decided that I'd start writing a book, one chapter a day, regardless. Wouldn't give a fuck about whether it was any good or what it was about. I'd just do it.

How long did I last? Two days.
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:33 / 02.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Rizla Year Zero:
Do they specify which month you have to write it in?
Yep. Must be November.

FAQ here.
Perfect Tommy
08:53 / 03.10.01
Thanks, Persephone! *blush, change subject*

The rigid time period and word count are, I think, extra factors to convince you to stick with it. Not the "Write a Novel in a Month" project, but NOVEMBER. If you give yourself a chapter a day but it's not holding up to the word count, you just gotta go crappier.

Also check out the Tips & Strategy page, even if you spinelessly wimp out and don't sign up, not that I am judging. My personal favorite:
quote:Use your obsessions, without shame. Nobody can tell you they are uninteresting, or not worthwhile, it's your novel. Besides, blathering on about something that interests you adds to the word count.
12:35 / 03.10.01
shit. I'd do it, but I can't write properly in English... not that it would matter in the end. In fact, it can even make it funnier... but no. Too lazy, I fear.
betty woo
13:14 / 03.10.01
After doing the Anvil Press 3-Day novel writing contest last year, a month sounds like luxury... It needs more thought, but I'm probably up for this.
08:12 / 05.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Rothkoid:
Must be November.

And they know... how?

And if I register, do I actually have to bother to get round to doing it?
The Return Of Rothkoid
08:20 / 05.10.01
'Cause your guilt will cause you to confess it ALL, tearfully!

I think it's more of a personal thing; if you offer up your carefully-honed, years-in-the-making manuscript, saying it's a 30-days effort, it'll probably stand out as something you've been working at for some time. C'mon. Write something shithouse! Quickly! I think it's meant to chuck you in at the deep-end - something that having the Great Novel kicking around in one form or another for years never really does.

I'm pretty sure, too, that if you sign up and don't get it done, nobody will come around to your house with sticks and beat you. It's just a motivational thing; because you're not paying any money to enter and because they're not offering any prizes, it's not as if they've got any muscle to flex on you about it, other than guilt-prodding emails, I guess.
Jack Fear
11:30 / 05.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Rothkoid:
I'm pretty sure, too, that if you sign up and don't get it done, nobody will come around to your house with sticks and beat you...
<hastily books a ticket to the Isle of Wight, packs cudgel in suitcase>
Whisky Priestess
14:22 / 05.10.01
I tink the guilting and prodding and sharin-moments-of-crisisness is meant to be done by someone in your local area, a sort of fiction buddy/sponsor like in AA. Which is fine if you live in London, but what if you were a bored whaler in Greenland just counting the months until you could go home? Seems a bit mean not to give you a fwend.
Jack Fear
14:48 / 05.10.01
Christ, not Greenland... anywhere but Greenland....
The Strobe
16:08 / 05.10.01
Well, I'm not doing a novel, but I swear I'll get my screenplay finished by the end of November, the first draft at least. But the screenplay needs to be _good_... thankfully, it's shorter than a novel too, so I can concentrate on quality more.
Perfect Tommy
17:53 / 05.10.01
ewwwwwwwwwwwww quality

"Less than 2k per day
Keeps the quality away"
Rollo Kim, on location
00:05 / 06.10.01
Yay and woo etc! I signed up - loads of ideas but no deadline so why not?! And I already quit my job!
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:09 / 06.10.01
Me also signed up. Have not quite job though.

One of the things I like about this is the rule that you can't try to finish a work-in-progress - I'm expanding that to include not being allowed to use any ideas I've previously used in stuff I've written at all, as far as I can help it...
Jack Fear
14:15 / 06.10.01
I'm in. There's a preponderance of frustrated creative types in my office, so I'm trying to organize a local chapter, as it were, so we can help each other out.
05:17 / 07.10.01
Haven't quit job, haven't quit school, haven't quit on "going through shit" girlfriend. Still doing it.
Rollo Kim, on location
11:12 / 08.10.01
Yeah me sign up too. Me tell you so I HAVE to doo eeeet. Me no gonna cheat either!
15:41 / 12.10.01
I'm astonished at how many other going-to-attempt-the-novel'ers there are 'round here. I'm signed up, too. Now the really interesting thing would be putting together the sign-up names with the names we use in this location...
18:41 / 12.10.01
I think its a great idea.

not sure if i want to do anything as organised as join up though.
19:04 / 12.10.01
Everyone could always just write a novel, you know.
Jack The Bodiless
11:35 / 13.10.01
That's what we're doing. <innocent> haven't you read the thread? </innocent>

I've signed up. Crappy novel in a month. Psshawww. I write crappy novels before breakfast. And I bet mine's a better crappy novel than yours.
11:56 / 13.10.01
% Bullshit! I live on the fucking edge man and my crappy novel's gonna be better than you're crappy novel, fascist! And if no-one publishes it that'll be because every fascist bastard in the world will be on my back because I'm so much more on the edge than anyone else! Why don't you answer the question, dude? What's the matter, sold out to your mo-fo fascist state what's not on the edge, what like I am? Dude? %


"I'm on the edge, me. And no-one else is." - A mountaineer, yesterday (p44 of his autobiography, On The Edge)
08:49 / 14.10.01
Shit. I just signed up for it.
(Cue panic overdrive)

I'm already getting visions of trying to fit 48,000 words into the last few days of November.

Should be a laugh though.
The Return Of Rothkoid
10:43 / 14.10.01
Sorry, Jack, but I am the CrapMaster. I'll see your bibliophilic bilge and raise it a whole Barbara Cartland.
12:47 / 16.10.01
so has anyone decided on a plot for thier 50,000 words yet or is automatic writing and stream of consciousness going to in the day?

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