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Page: 123(4)

Jack Fear
15:59 / 19.11.01
Nah. Keep the ending you've got: go back and insert 8,000 words somewhere in the middle. If the characters travel anywhere, or wait for a long time for something, have 'em tell stories to pass the time. Acceptable padding, can allow you to approach the main themes of the story from different angles, and will be discrete enough from the main narrative to be easily excised later, if need be.

26.6k and counting.

Some of the things I will need to research if this novel ever goes to a second draft:
  • History of the Jesuit order in Spain
  • Thomas More, Francis Bacon, and the Utopian literature of the 16th and 17th centuries
  • Elias Lenrot and the Kalevala
  • bipolar disorder
  • reproductive health issues
  • geography of the upper Midwest
  • idiomatic Spanish
  • the going rate for a half-ounce of marijuana

[ 19-11-2001: Message edited by: Jack Fear ]
19:14 / 19.11.01
I've done it! Really and truly - 50,033 words and it comes to a relatively satisfactory end. I'm a bit hyper here.

Now I just need to edit it harshly and, like JF, do some research - I need to look more deeply into the spiritual theory behind tantric sex and the medical specifics of breast implants. Should be fun.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:23 / 20.11.01
Bah. A measly 12, 170. I reckon if I can join the dots this week I can finish part one, and have about 20,000-25,000... but I have no idea whatsoever what happens in part two, which I'm taking almost a week off work to finish.

Still, well done Ariadne.
09:23 / 20.11.01
Congrats Ariadne! Although, unlike your novel, I had the vague impression that tantric sex was about prolonging the climax!
Perfect Tommy
09:23 / 20.11.01
Flyboy: We can do it. Went from about 12k to about 16k today. It was relatively painless once I realized that I would just brainstorm "possible scenes to write about" until I had the tiniest fragment of something pop into my head, and GO GO GO. All we need is a daily miracle!

Um, anyone want to share their magical insights and tips for us far-behinders? Mine are:

1) If you want a scene to occur, but you also can't stomach the thought of writing it, write it from a different character's perspective. S/he will notice different things and emphasize/de-emphasize different elements, giving you something that is more interesting and wordy.

2) Have that person be really drunk or stoned.

3) If all this writing gives you an idea for some story you'd like to write for real, cram it in any way you can and rip it out later. I thought up the sentence, "All of my problems could be traced to the invention of fire," and decided that I would throw the routine into the middle for some backstory for a minor character. He hasn't burned his house down yet, but oh, he will. I'm starting to believe you can cram anything in by making a minor character have a conspiracy theory, by creating a new alien race in your sci-fi epic, by having someone daydream.

Oh, and something I have tried doing with the local writers is to have a "Mano a Nano" day--pick a nemesis, pick a ludicrously high word quota, and see who gets closest.
09:23 / 20.11.01
I've been using 'everything as material' - whenever anything happened during the day that I thought "Wow - I must tell so-and-so about that" I'd turn it into a scene or work it into a character - and sometimes it worked really well.

Sometimes it's really clumsy too, but hey. I haven't dared to sit down and read it through from the beginning yet - I think I'll put it away for a few days so that I can look at it more dispassionately and see what's really wrong.

[ 20-11-2001: Message edited by: Ariadne ]
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
09:23 / 20.11.01
SOrry. I gave up a couple of days ago at 2443 words. Just didn't work.
Jack The Bodiless
09:23 / 20.11.01
Problem is I'm a first draft kind of guy... I've got a horrible feeling that I'll lose all interest in the fucker once it's complete, bearing in mind that I have no ending at all at present. The lazy bastard in me will, I'm sure, ignore the thing once it's done, even if the ending's shitty... Nevertheless, y'all are right. I'll see what I can do about 'doing a Shaun Hutson'...
Ethan Hawke
11:44 / 20.11.01
You guys are my heroes. Not as much as Mark Borcahrdt from "American Movie" is my hero, but still my heroes.

I will write again, someday.
13:40 / 20.11.01
Jack Fear: THis sounds like The Most Interesting NOvel Ever Written

I plan to spend a looong time reading this thread (it's just what I need as incentive to write my own novel - when it's done I'll share), so what I'm going to ask may have happened already:
If it's not a big secret thingy, could some of you show us some excerpts of your works? Please?

[ 20-11-2001: Message edited by: Imperador de Jade ]
14:39 / 20.11.01
Heh! Just passed 42000 words. I cannot believe I've got this far. It's total self-indulgent bilge but who cares!
(And there is no way this monster is going to be finished at 50000 words.)

quote:Um, anyone want to share their magical insights and tips for us far-behinders?

Music. Either put the same cd on continuous play until you get totally tranced out and go into automatic mode. (Which is great fun to see what comes out!)
Or if you get stuck, stick a few lines from a favourite song up the top of a chapter and let it set the tone for a while. (And keep repeating 'NOT a song fic... NOT a song fic...)

Anybody else getting close to the 50k mark?
(And I'm not jealous of Ariadne for finishing first ..... oh no....
15:21 / 20.11.01
how big a 50.000 page book is considered, aniway? visually, I mean, is it impressive??
Jack Fear
15:24 / 20.11.01
50,000 words = about 200-250 pages. As novels go, it's pretty short.
15:41 / 20.11.01
shit. gonna have to beef mine up a lil bit...
Perfect Tommy
01:20 / 25.11.01
30,000 mark:

Personal Best Day:
Today--4271, not ready for bed yet. We will hope for 5000.

Current Daily Quota to Just Sneak By:
3980.2 words per day, and falling.

Armed and ready for insertion in 10 paragraphs, 9, 8...

Is It On?
Like Donkey Kong.

[ 25-11-2001: Message edited by: doubting thomas ]
Perfect Tommy
06:44 / 25.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Flyboy:
Bah. A measly 12, 170. I reckon if I can join the dots this week I can finish part one, and have about 20,000-25,000...

Oi, Flyboy--update? You best not have wussed out on us... Drop and give me 400 words!

New tip: If you are like me and you stare at a blank screen for a couple of useless hours before anything happens, there is a magic word that you can start with:


But, why "A", Tom? Well, type in the "A" and look at it. By writing down that "A", you have eliminated thousands of possible second words:
  • Your second word will not start with a vowel.
  • You have eliminated proper nouns, for the most part. (I guess you could write something like "A Joss Whedon script typically began blah blah blah", if you want to use a proper noun sort of like an adjective.)
  • You have eliminated plural nouns.
  • You have eliminated unique objects. (There is no, "A guitarist for Van Halen etc."--there is only Eddie Van Halen, "The guitarist for Van Halen etc.)
  • You've knocked out lots of prepositions from the running for Word #2. ("A for", "A there," "A beside")
  • All sorts of other types of words I'm forgetting.
And what's the very worst that can happen? You suddenly want to write one of those things you've eliminated. You have a proper name you want to start with, or the next word suddenly needs to start with a vowel, or you want the definite article.

Well if you want one of those words so badly all of a sudden, you apparently have something to write. All you wrote was "A" and maybe a space; you're two backspaces away from beginning.

And you thought you were stuck...
Perfect Tommy
06:50 / 25.11.01
Sorry, last thing:

quote:Originally posted by: Jack The Bodiless
I've got a horrible feeling that I'll lose all interest in the fucker once it's complete, bearing in mind that I have no ending at all at present. The lazy bastard in me will, I'm sure, ignore the thing once it's done, even if the ending's shitty...

Today I wrote 5010 words. Most of those words were a character reading a comic book that I had an idea for and immediately discarded. 700 of them are in the form of the worst, WORST, heroic blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter, unless I'm confusing my terms) that you could ever possibly imagine.

You think I'm going to edit this drivel when it's done? Sure--with a can of lighter fluid... =D
12:55 / 26.11.01
is it ok to brag?
brecause if it's not, it's ok, I can cope with.. oh, can I? Really? Why, thanx...
6.435 words yesterday (sunday)... 10 pages baby
*does little dance*

my wrists hurt, though...
Perfect Tommy
13:42 / 26.11.01

My best days have been a 5010 day (Saturday) and a 4011 day (Sunday). In a few hours, I'm going to meet my archnemesis for coffee and typing. I think she may destroy me, but I intend to give her what-for, and perhaps eat a defenseless kitten to prove my evillity. I'm not going out that easy.
14:05 / 26.11.01
you go get her! try to roar. usually helps.

actually the only day I'm productive is Sunday, cos in weekdays I work... however I try to write at least two pages every night...

already got used to sleeping upon the keyboard, have all those nice letters imprinted in my forehead already.
12:41 / 30.11.01
50,000 words no problem! I did it!
The deadline made me do extract the digit, I'm starting to halicinate from sleep deprivation.
Its a meandering mess, full of ballast and has half the plotline still to be completed , but what else can be expected from an exercise in non-edited word generation.
I'm off to end the intoxicant (apart from fags and caffiene) strike.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:54 / 30.11.01

Big cheers to the whole Barbelith crew who completed the task, or came anywhere close. Y'done good.

I, on the other hand, self-sabotaged my way through the month, and produced fuck-all. So well done, me.


But yes - cheers!
13:06 / 30.11.01
And do we get to read these things? Are they posted online?
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:10 / 30.11.01
Well. I have not succeeded in hitting the 50, 000 mark, by any means. However, this has been an extremely productive exercise in many ways, and I intend to keep working on mine, with the aim of finishing it by the end of the year...

Well done one and all!
Perfect Tommy
00:17 / 01.12.01

50025--and five whole hours early to boot!

My thanks to Rothkoid for posting the link in the first place, or I doubt I'd have heard of it.

I'm going to go find a good place to shout, "Woooo!" now.

(Anyone else crossing the finish line?)

[ 01-12-2001: Message edited by: doubting thomas ]
00:56 / 01.12.01
I haven't started yet but I have 4 hours left until midnight so you never know.
Jack The Bodiless
12:39 / 01.12.01
quote:Originally posted by Flyboy:
Well. I have not succeeded in hitting the 50, 000 mark, by any means. However, this has been an extremely productive exercise in many ways, and I intend to keep working on mine, with the aim of finishing it by the end of the year...

Yeah. What he said.

Mine never progressed beyond the earlier point. But it will. By some slightly ironic freak of happenstance, at precisely midnight last night, while blissed and dancing my poor redraw feet off at my local, I came up with a decent way toend it, which I'm working on right now. It's good, it's gonna get finished by the end of the year, and then I'll begin work on the next one. Cheers to Rothkoid - nice one, dude.

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