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US Republican line up for '08 McCain/Palin


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03:29 / 14.09.08
The bloom may well be off.
DailyKos says, "We have our meme!"
And reproduces a Google News page that is *all* McCain/Palin being called out.
04:46 / 14.09.08
And if this conversion is propaganda, it's pretty good propaganda.
Poke it with a stick
19:34 / 14.09.08
Tina Fey does Sarah Palin (and no, it's not photoshopped. Or what you're thinking right now, you dirty, dirty people).
museum in time, tiger in space
03:34 / 15.09.08
And now even Karl Rove has decided that the McCain campaign is lying too much. The mind boggles.
08:34 / 15.09.08
My day trip to Calais in 1984 may have turned me into a sophisticated and cosmopolitan champion of international governance, but actually I just got a flick knife.

Shame on you, Haus, you knifecrime-glorifier, you. I bet you have 'Education for Lesiure' on a big poster on your wall, don't you?

Back on-topic, sort of, I just did a quick check of to see what Barbelith's favourite WWF champ turned neo-con fruitbat had to say about Palin and, disappointingly, he hasn't said anything yet. But give it time, he can only resist so long before making a 'witty' post in which he implies that Palin's daughter is of loose virtue and that Palin herself is some kind of lesbian fembot. I give it another week or so. I'll keep watch.
11:02 / 15.09.08
those Gallup polls

I'm quite interested in this perceived skew of polls toward the GOP. That link shows several polls compared, and only the AP-Ipsos poll puts Obama ahead. Are all the polls telephone based? Do they not do face to face polling, or postal or online? Seems to me a polling organisation would recognise that bias in their model and amend their techniques to allow for it, do they not notice these things then?
Closed for Business Time
12:23 / 15.09.08
This Ipsos poll has them in a dead heat. It's worth mentioning that this poll interviewed cell-phone users. Also, as there's an error margin of +/- 3%, there's no telling who's actually in the lead. How long until the first McCain/Obama debate? Perhaps more interestingly, when's the first Palin/Biden debate? I can't wait to see Palin pontificating on the geopolitics of the Arctic, or how to deal with Russia.
12:42 / 15.09.08
I've been asking pretty much everyone I can politely bring the subject up with. Even some hardcore Reps are voting for Obama because McCain/Palin are just too crazypants for them. Plus turns out many of the Rep women are disgusted with the Palin pick. YAY!

I tried with my Dad I really did. I even invoked a pro Science pro Women Heinleinian bit of propaganda. No luck. His xenophobia is just too massive. The only treatment may be an emergency relocation program to New Zealand.
13:17 / 15.09.08
Keep trying XK, maybe test the waters with a reverse xenophobia tactic, pointing out the dangers of McCain causing more overseas wars and thus increasing refugee immigration? Or maybe some Heinleinian sleep tape hypnosis?

Polls- I regard the Gallup as most accurate as it has the lowest margin of error (2%) but they all have the two horses pretty much neck and neck and converging, largely due to Palin AFAICT.
The last time it was really close the Reps cheated and won and we got eight years of Bush, so I'm just concerned we'll see the same again and all die in a nuclear armageddon.
13:31 / 15.09.08
Yeah I'm still shocked that my dad thinks it is ok for Christian fundies to have the launch codes. Buh?

I'm spreading the 'McCain is a liar' meme as much as I can though. It's hard not to go on a late night redecoration spree in my town. So many giant McCain signs...
13:41 / 15.09.08
Alaskan protest against Palin (via
14:26 / 15.09.08
McCain might be a liar* but at least his chips are only 5% fat. Or is it that he is 5% fat?

*=is a liar
14:58 / 15.09.08
Perhaps more interestingly, when's the first Palin/Biden debate? I can't wait to see Palin pontificating on the geopolitics of the Arctic, or how to deal with Russia.

They'll never let that happen. The Republicans will claim that it's unfair to let Palin take part in a debate, because there's no way her tiny woman's brain can take it, and anyway, expecting a woman to be able to debate on the same level as a man is SEXIST. Somehow.
Closed for Business Time
15:12 / 15.09.08
They'll have to let it happen, no? Oh, found it: Fox News sez: "The Biden/Palin debate takes place on October 2nd at Washington University in St Louis."

Oh man oh man.
15:14 / 15.09.08
Biden is the King of the verbal slip up though.
Closed for Business Time
15:17 / 15.09.08
Found this comment and started nodding in agreement: Palin will “win” (in the sense of coming out of the debate with more people on her side) the televised debates with Biden. This is because nothing Biden’s advisers do beforehand is going to be able to stop him from highhandedly and condescendingly lecturing her throughout the debate. He simply won’t be able to resist, and when he gives in to the sweet temptations of condescension he’ll inevitably hand the other side a real gift.

From here

I dunno Biden that well really. But it does seem plausible that he would succumb to the temptation to do a bit of lecturing.
electric monk
16:31 / 15.09.08
Add this to the McCain Lie List, peeps. I'm surprised it's not brought up more often. From early 2007:

Faced With Facts, McCain Denies His Own Straight Talk

Yesterday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told CNN that that President Bush’s escalation in Iraq is going so well, “General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed humvee.” On Monday, he told radio host Bill Bennett that there “are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today.”

This morning, during an interview with McCain, CNN’s John Roberts rebutted McCain’s assertions, stating, “I checked with General Petraeus’s people overnight and they said he never goes out in anything less than an up-armored humvee.” He added that a new report by retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey “said no Iraqi government official, coalition soldier, diplomat reporter could walk the streets of Baghdad without heavily armed protection.”

Faced with overwhelming evidence that he was wrong, McCain denied he’d ever said it: “Well, I’m not saying they could go without protection. The President goes around America with protection. So, certainly I didn’t say that.”

CNN’s Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware, who has lived in Iraq for four years, said military sources greeted McCain’s comments yesterday with “laughter down the line.”*

This is from McCain's should-be-infamous stroll through a Baghdad market guarded by 100 troops, 3 Blackhawks and 2 Apache gunships. IIRC, as soon as McCain left the area, the market was attacked by insurgents.

*Emphasis mine.
Mr Tricks
23:37 / 15.09.08
more for the meme:

Governor Sarah Palin Did Not Tell the Truth to ABC
    "She's not telling the truth when she told ABC neither she nor her husband pressured me to fire Trooper Wooten," said Walt Monegan, the Alaskan official whose dismissal by Sarah Palin is the focus of a state investigation known as "Troopergate". "And she's not telling the truth to the media about her reasons for firing me."

on ABC news no less . . .
03:01 / 16.09.08
Whoah whoah whoah...are you telling me that politicians are liars? Shocking!

That meme is not going to work.
museum in time, tiger in space
03:58 / 16.09.08

I wouldn't be so sure - even Fox News seem to be joining in now, which has fairly heavy implications.
06:16 / 16.09.08
Also, there's a slightly odd tendency people seem to have to be much more suspicious of politicians in the abstract than specific politicians. I think congress has an approval of, what, something like 20%? Yet most of the individual congresspeeps in it have 50%+ approval ratings.

So generally, if you take a poll asking whether politicians are liars you end up getting a much higher "yes" response than if you take a similar poll asking whether x politician, unless they happen to be known as Lying Liar McLieLie, is a liar. (And yeah, I do recall a poll that did precisely this with the presidential contenders.)
18:47 / 17.09.08
I've been arguing with some neocons who don't think the fundie ticket is a big deal. They hold that the fundies will not fuck with our freedoms.

So I was stuck this link direct from the GOP platform in their faces.

The GOP on health care providers right to refusal.

So if I'm a rape/incest/medical emergency victim and the only hospital
within my means of travel is Catholic or staffed by pro lifers they
can refuse to perform the abortion procedure. Or refuse to refer me to a safe
provider of the service! Lovely for their religious beliefs, not so
great for me and mine. Also a problem if I have a living will and
requested to have life support turned off. Or if I were an unmarried
woman and I needed birth control as proscribed by my doctor not only
for the possibility of preventing pregnancy but as in many cases if it
is to help regulate problems resulting from hormonal imbalance. Nope,
now the pharmacist, not my doctor, suddenly can refuse my purchase
based on religious beliefs because they may not be comfortable selling
birth control pills to unmarried women. Shall I provide links on how
many times this has happened already?

Please keep in mind there are hundreds of thousands of people in the
US, many of them women, too poor to travel to find service care
providers outside of the areas they live. By allowing medical service
providers to refuse legal practices we do these people a great
injustice. I will not stand by when a rape victim is refused the
morning after pill to prevent conception because a health care
professional is uncomfortable about the morality of the act.
I call bullshit on saying the victim could travel or find another
provider when clearly the people in most need of compassionate care
are often those with the least resources available.

I've known mothers juggling jobs and the care of small children who
have been refused post rape conception in their areas let alone any
form of abortion option. These were good women who were not only
victimized by the rapist but again by the legal system and once again
by a self righteous judgmental medical system. It's horrific.
19:08 / 17.09.08
Anonymous just hacked Palin's yahoo mail.


Currently, the screengrabs up there and the mirror on wikileaks are down.

And I'm not checking the 4chan discussions at work.


Eek! A Freek!
19:09 / 17.09.08
I'm going to play the conspiracy nut again...

A little while back Haliburton was quietly awarded a no-bid contract to build several Detention Centres across the U.S....

With McCain being the logical extention of Bush/Chaney/Rumsfeld/Rove, I'm sure he's in on the Idea of how to put them to use. They say that it's for detaining illegal immigrants, or for use as shelters in case of natural disasters, but seriously: Have you ever heard of prisons being built "just in case"? Really?

With all the economic problems going on around the world, it's funny that the top 5% or so of the richest of the rich are still managing to post profits. An awful lot of people are going to start becomming really upset in the near future...

Lucky the facilities are in place to take care of these people.

I'm just saying. Maybe I'm paranoid, maybe I'm full of shit, but elections have been fixed before, Diebold still holds the contract for voting booths, and McCain is still pushing the Fundamentalist Neocon Agenda.

America has my prayers and best wishes, and I hope to fuck that I'm reading waaaaaay too much stuff into things.
19:16 / 17.09.08
Oh, it's on Gawker.

Which links to this Pastebin timeline, which includes:

Sarah Palin was likely notified of the breach by morning, as she had then deleted both the address (the one subject to the disclosure controversy in the media) as well as the address (the one that was hacked).

- The outright deletion of the accounts can be verified by attempting to pull up the public profile on both addresses, which both existed during the incident.


- Both accounts were deleted simultaneously, thus linking the publicly-known e-mail address "gov.sarah" and the private e-mail address "gov.palin".

- This outright deletion may have the potential to be viewed as destruction of evidence, considering that the e-mails in the now-deleted accounts are the subject of several legal controversies.


20:13 / 17.09.08
web cache? WEB CACHE?
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
02:01 / 18.09.08
That is hilarious. Nerds everywhere just got a little tougher.

So: possibly deleting important, or at least sought-after, e-mails. I have no idea what the law says on that, or if there's even much of one, but I can't stop grinning.
Eek! A Freek!
11:39 / 18.09.08
I heard about this on the radio this morning.

It appears that Palin smoked pot, inhaled, got caught, and then had the charges thrown out when she was younger. In Alaska, State law allows for the possession of up to an ounce of weed. All else associated with it is still illegal (Sale, consumption, etc...)

Palin also supports the toughening of laws on pot and thinks that if you get caught then all the baggage it carries - being a felony, permanant record, banned from taking the Bar exam, becoming a cop, polititian, etc... should apply. (Not retroactively, well, certainly not in her case, of course.)

She admits she made a "mistake". She believes that it's a good idea to use her new powers to make sure that people will be severely punished for making the same mistake.

Fucking hypocrite. There most certainly is a special circle of hell reserved for her.
12:29 / 18.09.08
I come to rest in the care of my fellow soft hearted bleeding liberals. Arguing with neocons makes me feel like crap especially when they say the poor are slovenly/stupid and abortion should be shameful. Plus they send pictures of Sarah Palin in a star spangled bikini toting a hunting rifle and ones making fun of Michelle Obama. Then they send propaganda about why Obama is a Muslim.

Can you tell them to kindly fuck off for a bit so I can recoup? You're a dear!
13:20 / 18.09.08
Haven't you heard? There's no arguing with conservatives, no, really.
13:41 / 18.09.08

Epic win, my /b/rothers!
14:11 / 18.09.08
From the sistahs:

Here is a interesting suggestion for dealing with one's Palin-rage:

We may have thought we wanted a woman on a national political ticket, but the joke has really been on us, hasn't it? Are you as sick in your stomach as I am at the thought of Sarah Palin as Vice President of the United States?

Since Palin gave her speech accepting the Republican nomination for the Vice Presidency, Barack Obama's campaign has raised over $10 million dollars. Some of youmay already be supporting the Obama campaign financially; others of you may still be recovering from the primaries. None of you, however, can be happy with Palin'sselection, especially on her positions on women's issues. So, if you feel you can't support the Obama campaign financially, may I suggest the following fiendishly brilliant alternative? And best of all, do both – Donate to Planned Parenthood AND to the Obama campaign.

Make a donation to Planned Parenthood. In Sarah Palin's name. A Planned Parenthood donation is tax deductible, while a political donation isn't.
And here's the good part: when you make a donation to PP in her name, they'll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor.
Here's the link to the Planned Parenthood website: go to donate, then honorary gifts under the donate menu

You'll need to fill in the address to let PP know where to send the "in Sarah Palin's honor" card. I suggest you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters:

McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington , VA 22202
Keith, like a scientist
20:35 / 18.09.08
And now for some levity courtesy of Senator Obama:

Old Boys Network

Someone hired a real comedy writer to punch up those speeches.
Mr Tricks
22:55 / 18.09.08
Quoting that very line . . .

Obama Appears to Benefit From Campaign Focus on Economy
    The turmoil in the U.S. financial markets is dominating the debate in the presidential election campaign, and Democrat Barack Obama appears to be gaining because of it. VOA National Correspondent Jim Malone has more on the political impact of the crisis on Wall Street.

    The news headlines are hard to ignore. The Wall Street Journal newspaper describes the financial upheaval as the worst crisis since the 1930s, with no end in sight.

    Voters tend to prefer Democrats during tough economic times. And Democratic nominee Barack Obama has taken every opportunity to link the country's economic woes to President Bush and the Republican candidate who wants to succeed him, John McCain.
13:47 / 19.09.08
McCain's advisers maybe in part responsible in part for creating this mess: (comment to the editor from here)

The articles on the financial crisis on Wall Street left out the cause of the problem. The investment banks cannot borrow money to do their deals because the collateral they have consists mostly of derivative securities based on subprime mortgages. The unregulated market in these securities is due largely to former Sen. Phil Gramm.

This multimillionaire vice president of a Swiss-owned bank, the one who thinks we are whining when we complain about the economy, is largely responsible for today's mess because he inserted an amendment into a must-pass bill that removed all regulations pertaining to these kinds of securities.

This is the man John McCain thinks would be a good secretary of the Treasury. I wonder how much damage he could do in that job.

A earlier article on the issue.

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