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Dead Megatron
13:29 / 17.03.08
That reminds me of my college years
12:18 / 18.03.08
You can remember your college years?
Dead Megatron
13:50 / 18.03.08
not in chronological order...
Poke it with a stick
12:09 / 04.04.08
New full length Hellboy II trailer here, along with one for Tropic Thunder (imdb page here), which I hadn't heard of before, but am reasonably amused by - Steve Coogan directing an Apocalypse Now-style film with Ben Stiller, Jack Black and a blacked-up Robert Downey Jr.
13:52 / 05.04.08
Robert Downey Jr's going to steal every scene of that movie he's in.
16:40 / 05.04.08
The Tropic Thunder synopsis makes it sound like a reworked Galaxy Quest. They've been screening Tropic Thunder to try and build buzz, apparently, and I've heard that RDjr really does steal the show, what show there is. But I think we all could do without any more thin, runny, stews of Ben Stiller Owen Wilson Vince Vaughn Will Farrell.
Aha! I am Klarion
20:24 / 05.04.08
Disgusting scatological imagery aside, you are being a little too harsh on the Owens, Ferrells, and Stillers of the world. Yeah, I hate it when they do lesser projects for a quick pay check or an easy set romance, but all three have done some truly wonderful stuff in different genres. And at least they are usually entertain, which can't be said of many the Hollywood type. If guilty of anything, then they are guilty of some poor work choices and some over-exposure.

Just look up "Cape Munster" on Youtube, for the best Ben Stiller thing ever. "I'm just saying: I found your dog's collar. I'm not saying that I did anything..."

But yes, Tony Stark will indeed rein over them like the awesome goateed drug lord mecha-koala that he is.
16:27 / 06.04.08
How much do I want to see Surfwise?

Very much. On the Road meets Endless Summer, with a little Mosquito Coast meets Sound of Music on the side....
H3ct0r L1m4
04:30 / 29.04.08

[bootlegged in Brazil - enough quality to see this will be great]

be fast before it's taken down. in any case, i've saved it for a reupload later if need be.

and if you don't like bootlegs, go to the movies to watch IRON MAN, SPEED RACER [it'll be shown before those, they say] or wait until next Sunday when it'll appear here.
Axel Lambert
10:48 / 29.04.08
good design:

crap design:
Image Hosted by
15:38 / 29.04.08
Alright, I caved and watched that Batman trailer. Was good even in blurryvision.
H3ct0r L1m4
11:58 / 30.04.08
are you nervous?
H3ct0r L1m4
15:40 / 01.05.08
one film reel of the latest batman trailer was given at the promo screening.

the lucky winner is in for a surprise upon finding a projector...
Mug Chum
16:05 / 01.05.08
I'm really looking foward to War Inc. New trailer came out on Apple's website recently, but I think this one sells it better. Seems like a somewhat vague sequel (but not really) to Grosse Pointe Blank (with John Cusack as a hired assassin -- now more into Blackwater's camp then a Leon-type -- Joan Cusack as his assistant-that's-actually-the-boss-between-the-two and Dan Akroyd). It's about a war in a fictional middle-east country in the near-future, the first war 100% privatized. Looks like a comedy by people who read Naomi Klein a lot.

And The Fall. I'd imagine that a mildly proper League of Extraordinary Gentlemen film would have this tone of grandiosity and adventure (and some mild reflections on meaning of stories and the act of storytelling). Even if it's from Tarsem Singh ("The Cell"), it sounds good from what one can hear around the internets. And it looks gorgeous.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:07 / 01.05.08
I saw the trailer for this the other day and did some research on it. Apparently it was made in 2006 and was shelved for some such reason or another. It does look fab--and I am quite fond of Lee Pace--so I hope it's well worth it when it does arrive in theaters.
Mug Chum
17:14 / 01.05.08
Yeah, I saw the 2006 on imdb and went searching like a maniac for a torrent. But apparently the date is for the first festival it was showed. Wider opening is this year, it seems.

But the ("limited") release date for the US is set for next week, May 9.
16:35 / 04.05.08
TDK trailer
18:15 / 04.05.08
That is sexy.
18:38 / 04.05.08
There's some really lovely cinematography in there, ain't there?
H3ct0r L1m4
23:00 / 04.05.08
H3ct0r L1m4
23:59 / 04.05.08
anybody noticed this first glimpse of Two Face in the TDK trailer?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
08:36 / 05.05.08
Dang, that totally escaped my attention when I watched it yesterday. I did see Eckhart whimpering when something acidic creeped towards his face.
H3ct0r L1m4
20:35 / 05.05.08
oh, my god...

Rich in today's LITG column claims to have gotten a SPOILER-Y shot of the other side of Two-Face.

it seems to fit with the above still and if it's acurate, this will be horror-movie material.

click at your own risk. the risk of having nightmares tonight.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:53 / 05.05.08
Zombie Two-Face! That would be very cool. And gross.
22:39 / 05.05.08
Mah! S'gone!

Did anyone save it to their drive, or know where else to find it?
H3ct0r L1m4
22:42 / 05.05.08
try this one then.
22:42 / 05.05.08
Never mind. Found one.

15:23 / 06.05.08
Oh. Thanks anyway, Hector. I didn't realise you'd dug that up.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
15:46 / 06.05.08
Harvey appears to have mated with Black Mask. I may indeed have nightmares.

The Fall looks gorgeous. They had me at "Charles Darwin," but the cinematography and costume design are enthralling.
18:18 / 06.05.08
Oooh, that's horrid. Much more horrid than I was expecting.
H3ct0r L1m4
22:49 / 06.05.08
you're welcome, iamus!

that image was likely photshopped, as it is more a digital concept to serve as guide for the make-up and FX crew. but it seems legit, as it was pulled from several site after WB requested.

this is a spy pic of a Two-Face toy at 2008 Toy fair, so the final line in the middle of the face may not be that symetrical and the appearance not that rotten.

yeah, i'm very gay for TDK.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
08:38 / 07.05.08
Either way, it's pretty brutal and I can appreciate that.
H3ct0r L1m4
03:35 / 10.05.08
black is the new olive green in the GI JOE movie.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
09:35 / 10.05.08
And Christopher Eccleston proves once again that to me, nothing is hotter than a man in a suit.
Mug Chum
21:34 / 12.05.08
Spots for The Dark Knight that left me way more excited than the trailers. CHILLS, I'll tell ya! CHILLS!!!

(really, Ledger's quick-cut loony screaming face before the title just goes up the spine)

Here we go.

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