Um... Psst... Boy... That link leads to this thread.
[/slightly threadrotting heads up]
Gotta admit I didn't even catch those Signs/Sixth Sense tie ins in the tag line on first glance. My mind, blessed shiny little casualty of comic books and internet conspiracy theories that it is, was actually in a general vague agreement with the sentiments expressed in the text for a brief little tad of a moment; Oh, sure, the day all motorized vehicles cease functioning completely and we all trudge hopelessly toward the Ominous Postapocalypse City in search of umbrellas to stave off the Ominous Superstorm. Why, who didn't see that one coming?
That being said, what I've dug up on the web seems to coincide neatly enough with my initial impression. The first trailer can be found here. I'm on a slower connection, so I can't say for certain, but I do believe it even abstains from Trajan. |